Neofilolog ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (43/1) ◽  
pp. 95-109
Małgorzata Jedynak

In the era of globalisation a command of foreign languages is regarded as a priority. For this reason, the Council of Europe and the European Commission promote language learning and linguistic diversity. A focal point in their language policy is reflection, which is recognized as a key feature of an employee’s professionalism. Therefore, the importance of reflection is stressed throughout all the years of language education. The objective of this paper is to give information about the documents, tools and actions which support a reflective approach to language learning and teaching in Europe.

O. P. Tokmenko

It is estimated that in a few years, 1.5 billion people – a quarter of the total world population – will speak English. And majority will speak a second or third language (only for 400000000 English becomes in their native language). Three quarters of world correspondence and 80 % of e-mail on the Internet are now in English. However, the study of one language does not take place at the expense of another national, regional or minority language, which are equally important in the conditions of development and enrichment. The article highlights the peculiarities of introducing language policy trends of the European Union and the Council of Europe in globalization context at maintaining and protecting European linguistic diversity, not only acquiring the English language as linguafranca in international communication. The Council of Europe and the European Union emphasize the importance of linguistic diversity and plurilingual skills at all levels of education, and the mass media should be the source of informal language learning via entertaining and educational programs and movies with subtitles. The media are important for shaping people's attitudes towards other languages and cultures. The documents of the European Union and the Council of Europe determine that the media should provide people who do not speak many languages with newtechnologies and translation. In a globalized world, cultural diversity will become even more important as means of preserving human values. Learning a language means learning how to get closer to others. Learning a foreign language means equipping oneself with intellectual means to meet the real and the unknown, personal enrichment for knowing other cultures and their worldview. Therefore, the fundamental principles of the European Union and the Council of Europe in the field of language policy are the preservation and protection of European diversity, which should lead not only to the acquisition of English, but also to other European and world languages by all the inhabitants of Europe, simultaneously studying different regional languages.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 44-50 ◽  
Larysa Movchan

Abstract The article tackles the problem of developing plurilingual competencies through vocationally oriented foreign language in Sweden. The author analyses the pedagogical conditions of realization of plurilingual education at upper-secondary schools, vocational and higher education establishments and the aspects of teacher education for this purpose. The vocational foreign language education in Sweden is determined by the country’s multilingual policy and English is given much priority in many societal domains including educational. English and other foreign languages are used as the medium of instruction while teaching the content of other subjects. At the higher educational level students are encouraged to write research papers in English. Participation of Sweden in numerous multilingual initiatives of the Council of Europe providing the opportunities for both teachers and learners of vocational and higher educational institutions with the opportunities of the cross-border cooperation in this sphere and international mobility. Still, there is a problem of teacher’s training for teaching foreign languages in professional spheres. Using skills as a framework of foreign languages for specific purposes teachers are provided with the necessary knowledge and tools to deal with their own students’ specializations.

2009 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 189-198
Manuela Derosas

Since the early ’80s the adjective "intercultural" in language learning and teaching has seemed to acquire a remarkable importance, although its meaning is strongly debated. As a matter of fact, despite the existence of a vast literature on this topic, difficulties arise when applying it in the classroom. The aim of this work is to analyze the elements we consider to be the central pillars in this methodology, i.e. a renewed language-and culture relation, the Intercultural Communicative Competence, the intercultural speaker. These factors allow us to consider this as a new paradigm in language education; furthermore, they foster the creation of new potentialities and configure the classroom as a significant learning environment towards the discovery of Otherness.

2021 ◽  
Vol X (2) ◽  
pp. 49-53
Aicha Rahal ◽  

Globalization has brought about a phenomenal spread of English. This spread has led to the emergence of the newborn varieties which has created serious challenges to language teaching pedagogy and language education policy. Bangbose (2003) has clearly pointed to this issue, stating “as researchers in world Englishes, we cannot consider our job done if we turn a blind eye to the problems of educational failure or unfavorable language policy outcomes” (as cited in the Council of Europe, 2007, p. 31). It seems that there is a mismatch between the advances that happened in the field of applied linguistics and language education policy. This paper focuses on language education policy in the context of global English because it is considered one of the influential factors in the gap between English lingua franca reality and English as a native language. First, it gives a brief overview of the recent situation with regard to English and shows the recent reality of multilingual English and its multifarious aspect (Rahal, 2018 & 2019). It also discusses the conceptual gap in language education policy. It points to the conceptual gap between the sociolinguistic reality of English and the language education policy that is still oriented towards English as a native language. Then, the paper points to the need for a language policy that includes linguistic diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-89
Astrid Schmidhofer ◽  
Enrique Cerezo Herrero ◽  
Melita Koletnik

The teaching of foreign languages to students in Translation and Interpreting (TI) programmes should be framed within the field of Language for Specific Purposes (LSP). This would make it possible to pinpoint specific curricular content and methodological traits that contribute to the enhancement of the communicative competence and initial development of TI competences. This paper analyses the students’ perspectives on L2 teaching in a TI programme and how it should be undertaken to best comply with the linguistic demands imposed by translation and interpreting. A thematic analysis of 117 open questionnaires returned by students from Austria, Slovenia and Spain identified five areas to which the students attribute particular importance, and which should be considered when developing TI-oriented curricula.

N. Zaichenko

The article deals with modern views on the concept of “nationally oriented foreign language teaching”, presented in the linguo-didactic discourse of domestic and foreign scholars of the last decades. The author reveals and characterizes its evolution as one of the basic concepts of Russian and Ukrainian language education as foreign languages. It is found that they relate to the subject matter, content, and operational components of this phenomenon. There are significant changes in the views of scholars on taking into account students’ native language in teaching these languages by speakers of languages with different systems. There is a growing interest in didactic and linguistic data processing of the analysis of Chinese and Russian (Ukrainian) languages and their practical implementation. In terms of content, priority is given to culturally oriented and ethno-psychological aspects of mastering foreign language in a monocultural and multicultural educational environment. The innovative approach to this issue is also manifested in the increasing attention of researchers to the peculiarities of cognitive, mental and educational activities of Chinese-speaking students, formed by the national linguistic and methodological tradition, which is radically different from the national communicative and active lingvodidactic paradigm and needs appropriate methodological correction. Prospects for further study of the issues raised in our investigation are related to the research of a number of “new” terms in the terminological field of the basic concept of “nationally oriented foreign language learning”, as well as from the normative and codification side.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-81
Інна Тарасюк

Оскільки навчання іноземної мови на сьогодні має абсолютно новий, сучасний підхід, оцінювання мовленнєвої компетенції повинно відповідати чітким міжнародним стандартизованим вимогам. Позаяк стаття має стислий інформативний характер, в її межах уточнено поняття оцінювання, як спонукання до відповідної мовленнєвої реакції або дії через чітко поставлені комунікативні завдання. У статті також відображено типи оцінювання, а саме формальне та неформальне, зовнішнє оцінювання та самоконтроль. Через те, що завжди важливо розуміти, з якою метою здійснюється оцінювання мовленнєвої компетенції, у статті виокремлено його функції, а саме: діагностування, сприяння, розпізнання прогресу, констатування досягнення цілей, встановлення рейтингу, виставлення оцінок, порівняння, мотивація та ін. Там, де дві особи, існують дві суб’єктивні картини об’єктивного світу: бачення ситуації тим, хто оцінює, і тим, кого оцінюють, то до уваги також взято психоемоційний аспект досліджуваного питання. Література References Ballweg, S. Drumm, S. Hufeisen, B. Klippel, J., Pilypaityte, L. (2013). Wie lernt man die Fremdsprache Deutsch? Deutsch Lehren Lernen. Band 2. München: Klett-Langenscheidt. Beurteilen im DaF-/DaZ-Unterricht Testen – Evaluieren – Prüfen Akten der Vierten Gesamtschweizerischen Tagung für Deutschlehrerinnen und Deutschlehrer 29. und 30. Juni 2012 – Universität Bern. M. Clalüna, B. Tscharner (Eds.). Impressum Käser Druck. Bolton, S., Glaboniat, M., Lorenz, H., Perlmann-Balme, M., Steiner, S. (2008). Mündlich: Mündliche Produktion und Interaktion Deutsch: Illustration der Niveaustufen des Gemeinsamen europäischen Referenzrahmens. München: Langenscheidt. Garme, B. (2005). Auf den Flügeln der Sprache: Ein diagnostisches Verfahren. In: Anforderungen an Verfahren der regelmäßigen Sprachstandsfeststellung als Grundlage für die frühe und individuelle Förderung von Kindern mit und ohne Migrationshintergrund. (pp. 241-260), K. Ehlich u.a. (Eds.). Bonn: BMBF. Grotjahn, R. (2010). Sprachtests: Formen und Funktionen. In: Handbuch Fremdsprachendidaktik. (pp. 211–215). W. Hallet, F. Königs (Eds.). Seelze-Velber: Kallmeyer. Grotjahn, R., Kleppin, K. (2015) Prüfen, Testen, Evaluieren Klett-Langenscheidt München. Kleppin, K. (2010): Fehleranalyse und Fehlerkorrektur. In: Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache: ein Internationales Handbuch (1.Halbband). (pp. 1060-1072). H.-J. Krumm (Ed.). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. Krumm, H.-J. (2001): Bildungsstandards und Kompetenzorientierung – Herausfor­derungen für das Fach Deutsch als Fremdsprache. In: Theorie und Praxis. Österreichische Beiträge zu Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Bd. 14/2010. (pp. 171–185). H.-J. Krumm, P. R. PortmannTselikas, (Eds.). Innsbruck: Studienverlag. Lengyel, D. (2010). Language Diagnostics in multilingual settings with respect to continuous procedures as accompaniment of individualized learning and teaching. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Retrieved from: Geneva/1_Diagnostic Lengyel_EN.pdf Roche, J. (2010) Fremdevaluation und Selbstevaluation. In: Handbuch Fremdsprachendidaktik. (pp. 228–231). W. Hallet, F. G. Königs. (Eds.). Seelze-Velber: Kallmeyer. Rumpf, H. (1996). Wirklichkeiten berühren. Umrisse einer neuen Lernkultur. Fragen und Versuche, 77, 8–22. Shohamy, E. (2001). The Power of Tests: A Critical Perspective on the Uses of Language Tests. Harlow: Pearson Education. Smit, R. (2008). Formative Beurteilung im kompetenz- und standardorientierten Unterricht. Beiträge zur Lehrerbildung, 26(3), 383–392. Studer, T. (2010). Kompetenzmodelle und Bildungsstandards für Deutsch als Fremd- und Deutsch als Zweitsprache. In: Deutsch als Fremd- und Zweitsprache. Ein internationales Handbuch. (pp. 1264–1271). H-J. Krumm, C. Fandrych, B. Hufeisen, C. Riemer (Eds.). Berlin: De Gruyter. Bd. 2, Art. 142. Van Avermaet, P., Gysen, S. (2008): Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment and the Integration of Adult Immigrants. The Importance of Needs Analysis. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. Retrieved from: EN.asp.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 52 ◽  
Amir H. Abdalla

The purpose of this study is to investigate the potential benefits of using the intercultural approach to teaching English as a foreign language in the preparatory –year programme (male branch), Taif University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The intercultural approach is considered a viable means of foreign language education that seeks to address issues of culture in foreign language learning and teaching and how best to address them. Hence, this study intends to explore the attitudes of first year EFL Taif university students to the potential benefits of the intercultural approach to EFL. A sample of 200 EFL students participated in the study. Participants’ views on the topic of the study are collected via a questionnaire the researcher designed and administered to the participants. In addition, the views of 50 EFL instructors teaching in the preparatory programme were gathered by a questionnaire regarding the topic researched. Descriptive statistics were used to analyse the collected data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
Siylvia Velikova ◽  

This article investigates the meanings of key terms used to describe the theory and practice of language learning and teaching as an academic discipline and as a field of enquiry. The study discusses various manifestations of terminological variability and analyses four of the most frequent terms (methodology of language teaching, language didactics, language pedagogy, language education) which reveal the nature of language learning and teaching and its conceptualisation in the current “post-method” era.

RELC Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 003368822110616
Jiao Li ◽  
Xuesong (Andy) Gao ◽  
Xuehai Cui

This report reviews studies on language teachers as materials developers in language education, particularly focusing on how language teachers act as materials users, materials analysts, and materials designers when engaging with language learning and teaching materials. We contend that the three dimensions of materials development – that is, materials use, materials analysis, and materials design – intersect with one another, and that language teachers play a critical role in all three. Therefore, this review concludes with a research agenda that centres on language teachers as materials developers to expand our understanding of their roles in materials development.

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