scholarly journals Social Reality and Cultural Propagation in Funke Akindele-Bello’s Jenifa’s Diary

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Stephen Ogheneruro Okpadah

Apart from originating contemporary norms and cultures among its viewers, Nigerian television series portray new and emerging constructions and practices that the populace is able to identify with. Recently, one television series that has become popular in Nigeria is Jenifa’s Diary. Its popularity stems from its incorporation of the Nigerian English, the British English and the indigenous Yoruba language, as well as the antics and codification(s) of the eponymous character, Jennifer. Her utility of a distinctive English language which deviates from the Nigerian Pidgin and the British English, has made this series popular among viewers. This has created a new linguistic culture and also appropriated what I term the Jenifanlingua franca. It is not a rarity to see children, teenagers and adults communicate in the same manner as Jennifer. Against this backdrop, this paper examines Funke Akindele-Bello’s television series Jenifa’s Diary as Nigerian social reality and a medium for cultural propagation. This study examines socio-cultural nuances in Jenifas Diary. The research is qualitative as it utilises the literary and content analysis methods. The study reveals that Jenifa’s Diary captures the plight of the African been to in the Western world and that the television serial is rich with its incorporation of the Nigerian Pidgin English, the British English and some indigenous Nigerian languages such as the Yoruba language, as well as the antics and codification(s) of the eponymous character, Jennifer. While Jenifa’s Diary and other Nigerian television series are products of social realities, they also create spaces for new socio-cultural landscapes. The study has been able to explain the imperative of television series on the Nigerian socio-cultural space. Cineastes should produce television serials that will educate and stimulate the populace towards becoming better people in the society.

А. Д. Петренко ◽  
Д. А. Петренко ◽  
Н. А. Вовк

Статья представлена в русле социолингвистических исследований. Актуальность научной темы связана с выявлением роли английского языка в нигерийском социуме. Основная цель работы — установить корреляцию фонетических характеристик родного языка (йоруба) и британского английского, что позволит определить специфику произношения и формирования системы консонантизма нигерийского варианта английского языка. Статус ряда элементов системы согласных языка йоруба вызывает споры среди исследователей. Источники указывают на варьирование количества согласных фонем. Если сравнивать нигерийский вариант английского языка с системой консонантизма британского английского, можно отметить, что первый содержит 22 согласные фонемы, аналогичные фонемам британского английского, за исключением двух. Сопоставляя системы консонантизма языка йоруба и британского английского, констатируем, что в обоих языках присутствует ряд похожих фонем, при этом имеются такие фонемы, которые характерны лишь для одного из языков. Можно предположить, что носители языка йоруба как родного испытывают сложности в освоении нехарактерных для этого языка фонем британского английского в ходе его усвоения и использования в процессе общения. Следует также подчеркнуть, что при анализе речи информантов из Федеративной Республики Нигерия, записанной на аудионосители, обнаружены явления фонетической интерференции в ходе реализации согласных фонологических переменных английского языка. The article is presented in the wake of sociolinguistic research. The topicality of the issue is connected with defining the role of the English language (further — EL) in the Nigerian society. The main purpose of the work is to reveal the correlation of the phonetic characteristics of the mother tongue (Yoruba) and British English (further — BrE), what will allow to define the specifics of pronunciation and formation of the consonant system of Nigerian English (further — NigE). The observations brought us to the following conclusions. The consonant system of the Yoruba language (further — YL) provokes dispute among the researchers. According to the sources, the number of the consonant vowels in YL varies from seventeen to nineteen. If we compare NigE with the consonant system of BrE, then it is possible to say that the former contains twenty two consonant phonemes which coincide with the phonemes of British English except two cases. Collating the consonant systems of the YL and BrE, it can be noted that both languages have similar phonemes. There are also such phonemes which are typical of only one language from the pair. It is possible to suppose that the YL native speakers have difficulties studying BrE phonemes which are not typical of the YL during learning and using the EL in communication. Also it should be said that the analysis of the speech of informants from the Federative Republic of Nigeria recorded on the audio media showed the presence of the phonetic interference in the production of the EL consonant phonological variables.

Crisis ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 1-8
Christian Ulrich Eriksen ◽  
Flemming Konradsen ◽  
Thilde Vildekilde

Abstract. Background: Information on methods of suicide is available online, and access to information on methods of suicide appears to contribute to a small but significant proportion of suicides. There is limited documentation of how methods of suicide are being profiled, as well as what content exists in other languages than English. Aim: We aimed to analyze and compare how methods of suicide are profiled on Danish and English-language websites. Method: We applied a categorization and content analysis of websites describing methods of suicide. Sites were retrieved by applying widely used Danish and English-language search terms. Results: A total of 136 English-language websites and 106 Danish-language websites were included for analysis. Websites were more often categorized as prevention or support sites, academic or policy sites, and against suicide sites than dedicated suicide sites (i.e., pro-suicide sites), or information sites. However, information on methods of suicide was available, and 20.1% and 8.9% of the English and Danish-language sites, respectively, suggested that a particular method of suicide was quick, easy, painless, or certain to result in death. Limitations: Only one author coded and analyzed all websites. A further operationalization of the content analysis checklist is warranted to increase reliability. Conclusion: The websites primarily had a prevention or anti-suicide focus, but information on methods of suicide was available, requiring an increased focus on how to diminish the negative effects of harmful online content.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 48-64
Umi Baroroh

Abstract: This research was conducted to find out how reward and punishment according to Irawati certainly does not conflict with the value of Islamic education. This is a library research the data of which were taken from several works of Irawati Istadi and direct interviews with her. The researcher also took some data from several researchers who discussed Irawati Istadi's thoughts and from Islamic education figures whose thoughts had relevance to the research theme. Content analysis methods is applied to draw conclusions. From this research, it can be concluded that the concept of reward and punishment according to Irawati Istadi turns out to be compatible with the Islamic education. However, in Irawati's thought, there are also some differences shows the development of thoughts from previous figures of Islamic education and certainly did not conflict with the values of Islamic education. Keywords: reward, punishment, Islamic education, Irawati Istadi, educator.

2008 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 49
Ramesh Nair

Children's literature serves as a powerful medium through which children construct messages about their roles In society and gender Identity is often central to this construction. Although possessing mental schemas about gender differences is helpful when children organize their ideas of the world around them, problems occur when children are exposed to a constant barrage of uncompromising, gender-schematic sources that lead to stereotyping which in turn represses the full development of the child. This paper focuses on how gender is represented in a selection of Malaysian children's books published in the English language. Relying on the type of content analysis employed by previous feminist social science researchers, I explore this selection of Malaysian children's books for young children and highlight some areas of concern with regard to the construction of maleness and femaleness in these texts. The results reveal Imbalances at various levels Including the distribution of main, supporting and minor characters along gendered lines and the positioning of male and female characters In the visual Illustrations. The stereotyping of these characters In terms of their behavioural traits will be discussed with the aim of drawing attention to the need for us to take concerted measures to provide our children with books that will help them realize their potential to the fullest.

2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Puspalata C A/P Suppiah ◽  
Ramesh Nair

There is evidence to suggest that young children more readily absorb the subtle messages that are encoded in any type of text and talk, and what they take away from these texts contributes in helping them develop their own identity in relation to their role in society. In this paper, we examine the construction of ethnic identity in a selection of English language textbooks targeted at young Malaysian children in primary schools. Based on a content analysis of visual and verbal language in two Primary Three English language textbooks, we report on the encoded messages that are transmitted to young Malaysian children about their place in society. The findings reveal significant imbalances in the way characters of different ethnic backgrounds are represented. This imbalance is a cause for concern as the message conveyed to young Malaysian children could be potentially damaging. Keywords: textbook, ethnicity, identity construction

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 162
Muhammad Iqbal

<strong>Abstrak: </strong>Studi ini membahas perspektif Syiah Imamiyah tentang dimensi tauhid. Dengan pendekatan tafsir al-Qur’an, tulisan ini mengungkapkan temuan bahwa Al-Qur’an sebagai pedoman bagi umat manusia memuat ayat-ayat tauhid yang merupakan asas dan dasar kajian Islam. Ayat-ayat ini diklasifikasi oleh ulama Syiah ke dalam dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama, ayat-ayat yang memuat tentang tauhid teoretis; pemikiran konsep serta pemahaman yang mentauhidkan Allah swt. baik dalam hal zat, sifat maupun perbuatan-Nya. Kelompok kedua adalah ayat-ayat yang mengulas tentang tauhid praktis atau yang disebut dengan tindakan atau amal yang berlandaskan tauhid teoretis. Pada gilirannya baik tauhid teoretis maupun tauhid praktis memiliki cabang dan variannya masing-masing.<br /><br /><strong>Kata Kunci</strong><strong>:</strong><strong> </strong>Syiah Imamiyah, tauhid, al-Qur’an<br /> <br /><strong>Abstract: Shia Imamiyah Perspective on Theology</strong>. This study examines the Shiite Imamiyah school of thought on the dimension of monotheism in the Qur’an. This study is a literature study where the works of Shiite scholars are analyzed by content analysis methods. This study is hoped to become as sufficient information about monotheism according to the Shiah school as explained by scholars of Shi’ism. This study proposes that there are two dimensions of monotheism in the Shia school, namely theoretical monotheism and practical dimensions. The theoretical dimension of monotheism constitutes three categories which include first, substance monotheism, second monotheism of character, and third, monotheism of action. In addition, the practical dimension in monotheism is divided into three namely monotheism in worship (<em>taw<span style="text-decoration: underline;">h</span>îd</em> ‘<em>ibâdah</em>), monotheism in obedience and observance, and monotheism in acquiring comfort and assistance.<br /> <br /><strong>Keywords:</strong> Shia Imamiyah, theology, Qur’an<strong></strong>

2018 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  

Damian Trilling & Jelle Boumans Automated analysis of Dutch language-based texts. An overview and research agenda While automated methods of content analysis are increasingly popular in today’s communication research, these methods have hardly been adopted by communication scholars studying texts in Dutch. This essay offers an overview of the possibilities and current limitations of automated text analysis approaches in the context of the Dutch language. Particularly in dictionary-based approaches, research is far less prolific as research on the English language. We divide the most common types of content-analytical research questions into three categories: 1) research problems for which automated methods ought to be used, 2) research problems for which automated methods could be used, and 3) research problems for which automated methods (currently) cannot be used. Finally, we give suggestions for the advancement of automated text analysis approaches for Dutch texts. Keywords: automated content analysis, Dutch, dictionaries, supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning

2009 ◽  
Vol 111 (11) ◽  
pp. 2560-2588 ◽  
Joelle Sano

Background/Context Although much research has evaluated children's books for depictions of gender, little has centered on the portrayal of immigrants and social class. This investigation utilizes Bourdieu's theory of capital reproduction in education, Durkheim's conception of collective conscience and morals, and Bowles and Gintis's critique of schooling to evaluate these depictions and to investigate the functions of English language learner (ELL) education. Focus of Study This analysis investigates the representation of immigrants and class in children's books read aloud in ELL classrooms. Research Design Using lists provided by a leading school of education, the investigation uses a content analysis of 50 books often read aloud to ELL students based on five economic and cultural capital indicators. Additionally, the research included a content analysis of the morals presented by these books and by the past 20 Caldecott Medal-winning books. Findings Findings suggest strong differences in class portrayals and morals between ELL classroom and Caldecott Medal-winning books. Additionally, the evidence shows that the ELL books portray various ethnic immigrant groups differently, often supporting popular stereotypes about these ethnicities. Conclusions and Recommendations The study provides possible implications of the findings on the educational and career aspirations of ELL students and suggests that future researchers focus on participant-observation to expand these findings.

2019 ◽  

The paper, in its first part, outlines the Slovak research into audiovisual translation (AVT) from the 1950s up to the present, paying attention to the most important scholars as well as publications that helped to shape and establish the discipline within Slovak translation studies. It is based on the ongoing bibliographical research and the historical explanation mapping the development of AVT research in Slovakia by I. Tyšš – e.g. his publication Myslenie o audiovizuálnom preklade na Slovensku: 1952 – 2017 (Thinking on Audiovisual Translation in Slovakia: 1952 – 2017, 2018) – as well as on own findings covering the last two years. In more detail, the first part of the paper highlights that it was primarily thanks to a younger generation of translation studies scholars – especially E. Perez (née Janecová), L. Paulínyová (née Kozáková) and J. Želonka – that in 2012 the Slovak research into AVT finally became systematic. The second part of the paper is devoted to the phenomenon of the so-called second-hand translation of originally Russian audiovisual works that may be observed in Slovakia in recent years. The questionable nature of this phenomenon is stressed since the Russian language is not a language of limited diffusion and definitely not remote in relation to the Slovak cultural space. On the example of two documentary films – Под властью мусора (Held Captive by Rubbish, 2013) and Дух в движении (Spirit in Motion, 2015), the author discusses and analyses the problems that occur when translating originally Russian AV works into Slovak through the English language, i.e. the negative shifts resulting from mis-/overinterpretation of the source text, translation by omission, wrong order of dialogues, cultural specifics and incorrect transcription.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (5) ◽  
pp. 245-255
Diana Kartika

Purpose: In everyday life, humans when interacting with others often misunderstands and make apologies. Apologies in Japanese and English have different ways of delivering. Like the expression of apology "sumimasen" in Japanese and "Sorry" in English. This study uses a corpus-based approach to check the variation of apology strategies used in Japanese and English and then analyzed. This study aims to analyze and compare apologies in Japanese and English also study their contextual use.     Methodology: The method used in this study is a qualitative method with content analysis techniques consisting of the form of Japanese and English language apologies. Sources of research data are qualitative data sources from examples of Japanese and Bahasa sentences. Main Findings: it can be concluded that the expression of apology in Japanese and English is very diverse. Judging from the origin he said some phrases of apology in Japanese are more likely to be a misconception or misconduct (sumimasen, gomennasai, shitsureishimashita, mooshiwakearimasen, warui). Apologies in Japanese may vary depending on how severe the mistakes have been made and how well a person relates to the person who is the object of the error. Implications/Applications: The findings of this research can help individuals in communication and social interactions. Also, it provides an overview of apology in different settings and social situations.

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