In medias res – the mediation conundrum

2020 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Samuel Mateus

AbstractIt was not until the emergence, in the 19th century, of new technical devices – such as the telegraph and the phonograph – that the term medius came to serve as a collective noun (media) for advanced communication technologies. Although mediation is extensively theorized in philosophy and sociology, and is approached by medium theory and media studies, the concept remains undertheorized in the field of communication theory.By exploring the problem of mediation and by challenging its representationalist and transmissive accounts, this paper posits mediation beyond the medium. It traces mediation as a relational principle which can be best understood as modulation involving inherent translation, inflection and movement. Mediation is not a simple transportation of meaning through a passive intermediary. It is not just something which stands or comes between things otherwise separated or opposed. Mediation is neither a middle-thing linking separate entities, nor do things get mediated: They are already forms of mediation. Mediation is, foremost, a connecting mean that generates modified experiences and relations, a modulating process that re-connects at the moment it separates.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 68
Xavier Laumain ◽  
Angela López Sabater ◽  
Jorge Ríos Alós ◽  
Carlos Huerta Gabarda

<p>In the middle of the 19th Century appears in Meliana (Valencia) a tile mosaic factory which will play a preponderant paper in the spanish Industrialization History. Over there, wrapped up by a vast group of industrial premises, we stays the Palauet Nolla, an emblematic building, decorated with the most exquisites compositions that the product which went out from the melianars hovens allowed. This palace, converted as a real scale showroom, has witnessed the visits of the most distinguished personages of the moment, as the King Amadeo I of Saboya, the Romanov Family, o illustrious intellectuals and artists. The study in course pretends providing a complete information about this historic and artistic monument, being its entire virtual restitution one of the most notable and eye-ctching element.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (1/2) ◽  
pp. 353
Bernhard Hurch

Among the founding factors for modernism in philology/linguistics, there were two important medial innovations as a consequence of industrialization: new printing technologies and the installation of a general mail system. This contribution explores their catalyzing effects on the basis of Schuchardt’s bascology, showing that the (pre-)academic network of epistolary exchange, of reviewing and other types of contact, which had been created by those innovative scholars, is at least as important for the development of the humanities as the publications in sensu stricto. Moreover, this paper illustrates modern techniques applied in the digital and open source «Hugo Schuchardt Archiv», which virtually reconstruct the network which had existed in the 19th century. The archive publishes, among other things, at the moment nearly 8,000 letters with originals, transcription and comments (from which around 1,700 with bascological interest).

Zootaxa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4861 (3) ◽  
pp. 301-337

A key for identification of the 46 genera of Acanthocinini without erect setae on the elytra and which occur in Mexico and Central America is provided. The 46 genera include 809 species of which 302 in Mexico and Central America. Diagnosis for each genus is provided, as well as type-locality and geographical distribution of the type-species. The monophyly (a non-exclusive cladistic term, already in use since the 19th century) of Acanthocinus (Acanthocinus) Dejean, 1821 is questioned, indicating the need for a complete review of the subgenus, including American and non-American species. The dubious monophyly of Eleothinus Bates, 1881, and Pseudastylopsis Dillon, 1956 is also indicated. The inclusion of Alphinellus Bates, 1881 in Acanthocinini is questioned, but its maintenance or exclusion from the tribe depends on the study of the type species, which was not possible at the moment. The possibility of the synonymy between Lepturginus Gilmour, 1959 and Urgleptes Dillon, 1956, as well as the synonymy between the two species currently included in the former, are suggested. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-271
Hanne Kloots ◽  
Steven Gillis

This contribution focuses on the spelling of single consonants after a vowel without primary stress — and therefore a short duration — in polysyllabic Dutch words, e.g. kanaal (‘canal’) and dromedaris (‘dromedary’). The single consonant can be explained on the basis of the (Dutch-oriented) standard pronunciation with tense vowels like [a] or [o], but it can also be related to the (mostly Romance) etymology of the words. Only a few textbooks on Dutch spelling go into this matter. All of them are Flemish, possibly because Flemings pronounce and perceive vowels in open syllables without primary stress more frequently as lax (e.g., [ɑ], [ɔ]). For some words, however, the etymology is ignored and the spelling may have been adapted to the pronunciation, e.g. double 〈f〉 after the first vowel of saffraan (< Fr. safran – ‘saffron’) and single 〈n〉 after 〈o〉 in stationeren (< Fr. stationner – ‘to park’). Although this explanation seems plausible, it raises new questions as well. For example, words like kaproen (= type of headwear), patroon (‘pattern’) and Afrikaan (‘African’) also have an [ɑ]-like pronunciation (similar to saffraan), but unlike saffraan these words do not have a double consonant. Interestingly, for words like stationeren — that contain 〈io〉 + [n] + full vowel — the spelling appears to have changed since the end of the 19th century. De Vries and Te Winkel (1898) still wrote stationneeren (with 〈nn〉). To get more grip on our topic, a thorough study of the Dutch vocabulary is needed, since at the moment, it is unknown for which Dutch words the etymologically motivated spelling is replaced by a more phonetic one. This additional study will, for example, show which category is the most frequent one: the saffraan-type (where the consonant has been doubled) or the stationeren-type (where a double consonant has been replaced by a single one).

2021 ◽  
pp. 117-133
T. G. Nikitina ◽  
E. I. Rogaleva ◽  
Lixiang Piao

The article deals with the problem of optimization of the dictionary description of the stereotypes of the Russian linguoculture, reflected by linguistic units, which is relevant for Russian cultural linguistics and lexicography. The possibilities of solving this problem are shown with a thematic vocabulary systematization of proverbs regulating the communicative behavior of Russians. A review of modern linguoculturological and linguoaxiological studies of paremias reflecting communicative behavior in their projection onto lexicographic practice is carried out. The development of the ideas of paremiographers of the 19th century in modern concepts of thematic dictionaries is shown, special attention is paid to the rubrication of sections and methods of commenting on proverbs of speech-behavioral topics. The author’s version of the classification of proverbial material reflecting the communicative behavior of Russians is given, the expediency of the dispersed arrangement of paremias in the headings representing speech genres and features of communication in certain socio-cultural spheres is substantiated. In accordance with this concept, the system of linguoaxiological parameterization of proverbs, developed by the authors earlier, has been modified. Samples of dictionary macrostates representing the axiologems of the speech-behavioral sphere are given; proverbial material of Internet communication that has not been reflected in dictionaries at the moment is used. The possibilities of using the proposed linguoaxiological parameterization of the material in the bilingual thematic dictionary of proverbs are shown.

S.O. Smagulova ◽  
M.K. Begimova ◽  

The works of the great poet, humanist Abay is known not only in his country, but throughout the world. His works are connected with the realities of life. The poet’s heritage created at the end of the 19th century has reached subsequent generations in the form of manuscripts collected by children and relatives who are interested in his work. The manuscripts played a significant role in the propaganda of the poet Abay’s works. This article has analyzed the versions of the manuscripts of Abay’s heritage from the collection of Zeinelgabiden ibn Amre, Murseit Bikeuly, Nugerbek Kudabayuly, etc. stored in the rare fund of the Central Scientific Library, and also some differences and similarities had been reveald. The moment of appearance and storage conditions of the manuscripts of Abay’s poems in the library is being specified. The conclusions of scientists regarding the use of Abay’s manuscripts are considered.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 9-27
Agata Łysakowska

Martin Wehrmann uważany jest za przedstawiciela najważniejszych historyków zajmujących się dziejami Pomorza Zachodniego. Był członkiem towarzystw regionalnych, w tym Towarzystwa Historii i Starożytności Pomorza oraz Pomorskiej Komisji Historycznej. Pozostawił po sobie wiele prac, w tym dwutomowe Geschichte von Pommern i Geschichte der Stadt Stettin. W drugim z wymienionych dzieł Wehrmann w trzech rozdziałach (Stettins Franzosenzeit, Stettin im 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Aufgebung der Festung, Die neueste Zeit seit 1873) opisał rozwój Szczecina w XIX w. Jest to charakterystyka o tyle interesująca, iż autor pisze o mieście sobie współczesnym, zwracając uwagę na procesy, które ukształtowały Szczecin jako miasto nowoczesne, takie jak: odbudowa miasta po okupacji francuskiej, działalność Korporacji Kupieckiej, funkcjonowanie portu i żeglugi, rozwój przemysłu i komunikacji, modernizację ulic, działalność i aktywność kulturalną konkretnych osób czy wreszcie: zniesienie twierdzy. W artykule wykorzystano definicje miasta nowoczesnego zaproponowane przez Krzysztofa K. Pawłowskiego, Marię Nietykszę oraz Bohdana Jałowieckiego. The development of 19th-century Szczecin in Geschichte der Stadt Stettin by Martin Wehrmann Martin Wehrmann is considered one of the most prominent experts on the history of Western Pomerania. He was a member of various regional societies, including the Society of Pomeranian History and Antiquity, and the Pomeranian Historic Committee. He is the author of many works, including the two-volume Geschichte von Pommern and Geschichte der Stadt Stettin. In three chapters of the latter work (Stettins Franzosenzeit, Stettin im 19. Jahrhundert bis zur Aufgebung der Festung, Die neueste Zeit seit 1873), Wehrmann described the development of Szczecin in the 19th century. This description is quite exceptional, as the author writes about the city as it was at the moment of writing, pointing to the processes which shaped Szczecin and made it a modern town, such as the reconstruction of the city following the French occupation, the activity of the Trade Corporation, the functioning of the port and maritime transport, the development of industry and transport, modernization of streets, the activity of specific people, including cultural activity, and the disassembly of the fortifications. The article used a definition of a modern town by Krzysztof K. Pawłowski, Maria Nietyksza, and Bohdan Jałowiecki.

Humanities ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 37
Olga Kuminova

The relationship between Harriet Beecher Stowe and George Eliot, widely recognized as one of the most significant literary friendships in the 19th century, yet rarely focused on in scholarship beyond mutual literary influence, took place entirely through the communicative media available then: mass print, the Victorian post, and the social network of parlor literature and transatlantic literary community. The article analyzes the beginning of the correspondence, both similar to and different from fan mail exchange, with extensive quotes from Stowe’s unpublished second letter, to demonstrate an innovative theoretical point that novels can function as part of a communicative continuum between a writer and an individual reader, becoming instruments of what may be seen as a proto-virtual relationship.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Anna Marszałek ◽  
Tadeusz Kasperczyk ◽  
Robert Walaszek

The history of orthopedically-oriented manual therapy goes back to the earliest times; those who dealt with this issue, although under different names, were: Hippocrates, Galen and many others. However, osteopathy is considered as the moment of birth of the field. Itoriginated in the USA in the second half of the 19th century, and its founder is A.T. Still. Chiropractics are, apart from osteopathy, the main trend in modern manual therapy. The aim of the article was to show the biography of the creator of chiropractics - Daniel David Palmer (1845-1913), taking into account his concept of manual therapy, referring to both theoretical and diagnostic issues as well as means of treatment (mobilisation). In this article, the following issues are also discussed: 1) characteristics of blocking, its causes and symptoms, with particular emphasis on subluxation; 2) trends in chiropractics: conservative and liberal; 3) diagnostics illustrated by the example of the sacroiliac joint with an indication for recommended functional tests; 4) the most important methods of manual therapy currently used; 5) a survey among specialists of manual therapy concerning selected aspects of teaching in the course of study and the use of mobilisation and manipulation by physiotherapists during their everyday practice with patients. The paper was written on the basis of a literature search using databases, i.e. Web of Science, New PubMed and Google Scholar.

2019 ◽  
pp. 261-279
Gorgana Garić Petrović

The paper discusses the adoption and spread of maize cultivation in the territory of present-day Serbia. A hundred years had passed from the first mention of maize growing to the moment when maize became the second most important cereal grain, and in some parts of the country the most important. The adoption of maize production was profound and lasting. It changed the basic nutrition of the majority of the population. By the end of the 19th century, maize fields represented 31 percent of cultivated land in Serbia. Increased production of maize resulted in surpluses and export.

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