scholarly journals The Potential for Development of Russian Youth Social Activity

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Nataliya Savotina

Abstract The article deals with scientific and applied topicality of studying the problem of children and youth social activity. Spheres of social activity display in European tradition, in particular, the European Charter, Great Britain, have been revealed. Comparative analysis of understanding the essence of such a phenomenon in Western theories and scientific pedagogical thought in Russia has been given. The changes occurred in the context of the analysis of the notion during last decades and connected with the development of volunteering, motivation and forms of youth services have been emphasized. The most important tasks in developing social activity of Russian youth have been stated. Different scientific approaches to studying the notion of “social activity” enriching its characteristics have been analyzed. Based on the analysis of results on the organized events the drawbacks, neglects and causes of poor quality of working on the development of youth social activity have been shown. The experience in choosing activities and technologies demonstrated by teachers and pupils from different regions of Russia has been presented. Theoretical analysis of foreign and domestic experience in education has enabled to offer suggestions for the expansion of pupils and students’ social activity in the frame of different models presenting a wide scope for mastering and developing social competency of children and youth. These models have become the foundation for creating a general algorithm for the expansion of children and youth social activity. Pedagogical conditions and perspective directions for solving the problem of social activity development have been outlined in the article.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-122
Shannon L. Stewart ◽  
Ashley Toohey ◽  
Natalia Lapshina

Objectives: Research has shown that children who experience abuse and neglect are at much higher risk of experiencing negative outcomes such as physical and mental health problems, social skill deficits, and poor quality of life. The goal of this paper was to examine the relationship between polyvictimization and risk of harm to self and others, taking into account both age and sex differences. Methods: A total of 8980 participants (4156 with maltreatment history) were recruited from over 50 mental health facilities in Ontario, Canada. Group comparisons were completed to examine types of trauma experienced, and risk of harm to self and others. Results: Among our sample, we found that 29% of children and youth had experienced multiple types of interpersonal trauma. We also found that while female children and youth who had experienced trauma were at greater risk of harm to themselves, males were at greater risk of harming others. Further, our results highlight that children and youth who had experienced multiple types of maltreatment, regardless of age or sex, were at the greatest risk of harm to self and others. Implications: Findings from this research highlight that interpersonal trauma is multifaceted and add to existing evidence that there is a cumulative relationship between experiencing multiple types of maltreatment and risk in relation to harming oneself or others. Our findings underscore the importance of a background assessment that takes into account all forms of maltreatment in order to properly understand risk of harm and inform intervention.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (11) ◽  
pp. 43
Ajibola Ibrahim Quadri ◽  
Lawrence Irobekhian Ijesoh

The current wave of the collapse of building structure all over Nigeria necessitates the need to carry out research on the mechanical properties of sandcrete hollow blocks. This study looks into the quality of blocks produced by block industries in Kogi state, Nigeria to ascertain its water absorption ratio, compressive strength and sieve analysis. In order to clarify these problems, the study is directed towards testing the strength properties of commercially produced sandcrete blocks; to verify whether the sandcrete block can be improved to achieve good quality in the building industries.  A Total of five block industries were visited and twenty samples were picked at random from each of the selected block industry and also, soil samples obtained for soil tests in the laboratory. The analysis of results obtained was compared with the Nigerian Industrial Standard (NIS). The average water absorption rate of the sandcrete blocks for block industry D was found to be 12.5% higher than the 12% maximum requirement of the [9]. The average compressive strength values of the sandcrete blocks range between 0.64N/mm2 and 0.87N/mm2 which when compared with standard, was found to be below the minimum requirement of the [9]. Inadequate mix ratio was observed to be one of the factors of poor quality sandcrete block production in this area. The study recommends compliance monitoring by the various regulatory body to ensure good quality of sandcrete block production.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 296-309
Aisyah Nur Atika ◽  
Khutobah ◽  
Misno ◽  
Haidor ◽  
Lutfi Ariefianto ◽  

The challenge for rural communities to provide quality education for early childhood in Indonesia is difficult. National politics, policies, and economic and cultural conditions affect the Early Childhood Education system, and Indonesia is a large multicultural country, so, even the quality of education is difficult. This study aims to look at the quality of children's education in Pandalungan. Using qualitative methods with ethnographic design, data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results showed that educational institutions for children in urban areas can be categorized quite high. However, for early childhood education services in Desa Sukorambi Pandalungan, the quality is quite poor. Research suggestions are the need for follow-up related to social, economic, cultural and environmental factors at the level of Pandalungan community awareness of early childhood education. Keywords: Early Childhood, Learning Quality, Pandalungan Community References: Bernal, R., & Ramírez, S. M. (2019). Improving the quality of early childhood care at scale: The effects of “From Zero to Forever.” World Development, 118, 91–105. Bers, M. U., González-González, C., & Armas-Torres, M. B. (2019). Coding as a playground: Promoting positive learning experiences in childhood classrooms. Computers and Education, 138, 130–145. Biersteker, L., Dawes, A., Hendricks, L., & Tredoux, C. (2016). Center-based early childhood care and education program quality: A South African study. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 36, 334–344. Burchinal, M. (2018). Measuring Early Care and Education Quality. Child Development Perspectives, 12(1), 3–9. Church, A., & Bateman, A. (2019). Methodology and professional development: Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM) for early childhood education. Journal of Pragmatics, 143(xxxx), 242–254. Ciolan, L. E. (2013). Play to Learn, Learn to Play. 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I. M. Zakharov ◽  
V. A. Smirnov ◽  
D. V. Sushnikov ◽  
A. G. Lyzhin ◽  
E. A. Lavrova ◽  

A technology of continuous casting of steel has a large effect on its contamination. In particular, proper organization of metal flows in tundish and mold is very important. After completion a series of casting through a tundish and drop of metal level in it, it possible, that the slag flows from the surface layers of the tundish to capture the metal. An analysis of results of ultrasonic control of finished strip showed, that the basic number of the revealed defects was obtained during strip rolling out of the last slabs of the last heat in a series for a tundish. Metallographic studies determined, that the defects were located in the slab axis zone and filled by macro-inclusions of complex composition. To determine the actual distribution of metal flows, a water simulation of them was accomplished for the existing design of the EVRAZ NTMK tundish. It was determined, that at the drop of metal level in a tundish, a capture of slag from the metal reservoir and its transfer into the main bath of the tundish takes place due to whirligig flows. Following the weight metal consumption, the zone of slag inclusions distribution enlarges. Besides, denudation of the metal mirror in the metal reservoir takes place, resulted in metal secondary oxidation. Based on the results of the simulation, it was proposed to modify the design of the “turbostop”, which is installed in the metal reservoir of the tundish. Besides, it was proposed to remove the dividers installation in the tundish. It was noted, that the proposed steps enable to ensure a minimal level of rejections.

2020 ◽  
pp. 34-36
M. A. Pokhaznikova ◽  
E. A. Andreeva ◽  
O. Yu. Kuznetsova

The article discusses the experience of teaching and conducting spirometry of general practitioners as part of the RESPECT study (RESearch on the PrEvalence and the diagnosis of COPD and its Tobacco-related aetiology). A total of 33 trained in spirometry general practitioners performed a study of 3119 patients. Quality criteria met 84.1% of spirometric studies. The analysis of the most common mistakes made by doctors during the forced expiratory maneuver is included. The most frequent errors were expiration exhalation of less than 6s (54%), non-maximal effort throughout the test and lack of reproducibility (11.3%). Independent predictors of poor spirogram quality were male gender, obstruction (FEV1 /FVC<0.7), and the center where the study was performed. The number of good-quality spirograms ranged from 96.1% (95% CI 83.2–110.4) to 59.8% (95% CI 49.6–71.4) depending on the center. Subsequently, an analysis of the reasons behind the poor quality of research in individual centers was conducted and the identified shortcomings were eliminated. The poor quality of the spirograms was associated either with the errors of the doctors who undertook the study or with the technical malfunctions of the spirometer.

Е.А. Калашникова ◽  
Е.Н. Андреева ◽  
П.А. Голошубов ◽  
Н.О. Одегова ◽  
Е.В. Юдина ◽  

В ходе анализа результатов раннего пренатального скрининга (РПС) в России за 2018 г. (Аудит-2019) дана оценка качества мероприятий, общей эффективности и тенденций развития системы РПС в субъектах РФ посредством сравнения рассчитанных основных организационных, методологических и интегральных показателей с международными референтными значениями. In the course of analyzing the results of early prenatal combined first-trimester screening (FTS) in Russia for 2018 (Audit-2019) the assessment of the quality of measures, the overall effectiveness and trends in the development of the FTS system in the regions of Russia. They are presented by comparing the calculated main organizational, methodological and integral indicators with international reference values.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 232-237
Hana Larasati ◽  
Theresia Titin Marlina

Background: stroke is a disorder of nervous system function that occurs suddenly and is caused by brain bleeding disorders that can affect the quality of life physical dimensions, social dimensions, psychological dimensions, environmental dimensions. Based on the result of Lumbu study (2015) the number of samples were 71 people collected data using the (WHOQOL-BREF). There were 56 people (78,9%) had the poor quality of life of post stroke. The mean of post-stroke quality of life domain was physical domain (45,27%), psychological domain (49,87%), social relations domain (48,15%) and environmental domain (50.01%). Objective: the purpose of the study was know the quality of life of the stroke patients in Outpatient Polyclinic of Private Hospital in Yogyakarta. Methods: used descriptive quantitative by using questionnaire test of purposive sampling system based on patients who have been affected of ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke before, number 30 respondents. Result: quality of life of stroke patient of medium physical dimension (67%), psychological dimension (71%), social dimension (67%), dimension good environment (63%). Conclusion: the quality of life of stroke patients of physical dimension, psychological dimension, and moderate social dimension, while the quality of life of stroke patients were good environmental dimension.   Keywords: Hemorrhagic stroke, ischemic stroke, quality of life

2020 ◽  
pp. 3-53
Yu.B. Vinslav

The article analyzes the main indicators of the evolution of the domestic economy and its industrial complex in the past year (in January — November 2019). It Identifies trends in this evolution, including negative trends that determine the preservation of reproductive threats in 2020: sluggishness, instability and low quality of economic growth. The main reasons for the fact that the objective resource capabilities of the macro level were clearly not used enough to effectively solve the urgent problems of technological modernization of the economy and increase people’s welfare are established. The main reason is the poor quality of public administration, including imperfect strategic planning and industrial policy; there is still no modern national innovation system in the country. Accordingly, recommendations for improving the quality of state regulation in its specified components are justified. The recommended measures, according to the author, will help the economy to move to a trajectory of rapid, sustainable and high-quality growth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-120 ◽  
L. A. Rodionova ◽  
E. D. Kopnova

The relevance of the chosen topic is closely related to the development of a system for monitoring the implementation of the May Presidential Decree (2018) to increase life expectancy and improve the quality of life of the population. It has been stated that despite the positive dynamics of life expectancy over the past decade, Russia still has a huge regional differentiation (16,6 years for women, 18,2 years for men in 2016) and an average gender gap - 10,6 years. The choice of factors affecting the gender gap in life expectancy in Russian regions is supported by a conclusion most common in foreign studies that climatic conditions, living conditions, the quality of food and drinking water, alcohol consumption are essential components of public health and life expectancy.The article provides an overview of studies on assessment factors of life expectancy, presents the authors’ approach to identifying gender gaps in life expectancy, living conditions, and lifestyle affecting the indicator of life expectancy. The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of gender gap in life expectancy in Russia and foreign countries. The paper studies the correlation between living conditions and lifestyle, and life expectancy.Classification of the regions by the life expectancy at birth for men and women is an important component of this study. The authors used Rosstat data for 2016 and the k-means method to select three clusters of Russian regions taking into account gender, living conditions and lifestyle. The paper identifies similar health problems of the regions that are associated with alcohol consumption, poor nutrition and poor quality of drinking water, poor housing and living conditions. The lowest life expectancy rates for men and women are recorded in regions of the 1st cluster (Jewish Autonomous Region, Republic of Tuva, Chukotka Autonomous Area). High mortality rates are a result of external causes. There is a poor quality of drinking water and poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, and inadequate housing conditions.Based on the obtained results were determined possible reserves for reducing the gender and regional differentiation of life expectancy.

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