sampling system
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2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Eléonore Roussel ◽  
Christophe Szwaj ◽  
Clément Evain ◽  
Bernd Steffen ◽  
Christopher Gerth ◽  

AbstractRecording electric field evolution in single-shot with THz bandwidth is needed in science including spectroscopy, plasmas, biology, chemistry, Free-Electron Lasers, accelerators, and material inspection. However, the potential application range depends on the possibility to achieve sub-picosecond resolution over a long time window, which is a largely open problem for single-shot techniques. To solve this problem, we present a new conceptual approach for the so-called spectral decoding technique, where a chirped laser pulse interacts with a THz signal in a Pockels crystal, and is analyzed using a grating optical spectrum analyzer. By borrowing mathematical concepts from photonic time stretch theory and radio-frequency communication, we deduce a novel dual-output electro-optic sampling system, for which the input THz signal can be numerically retrieved—with unprecedented resolution—using the so-called phase diversity technique. We show numerically and experimentally that this approach enables the recording of THz waveforms in single-shot over much longer durations and/or higher bandwidth than previous spectral decoding techniques. We present and test the proposed DEOS (Diversity Electro-Optic Sampling) design for recording 1.5 THz bandwidth THz pulses, over 20 ps duration, in single-shot. Then we demonstrate the potential of DEOS in accelerator physics by recording, in two successive shots, the shape of 200 fs RMS relativistic electron bunches at European X-FEL, over 10 ps recording windows. The designs presented here can be used directly for accelerator diagnostics, characterization of THz sources, and single-shot Time-Domain Spectroscopy.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 277-284 ◽  
Wawan Prahiawan ◽  
Mochammad Fahlevi ◽  
Juliana Juliana ◽  
John Tampil Purba ◽  
Khamaludind Khamaludind ◽  

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Role of Country of Origin and Quality Perception of Smartphones Purchase Intention. The approach in the research used is a quantitative approach using PLS-SEM SmartPLS software as a data processing tool. In this study, data collection technique was carried out using either a questionnaire or online questionnaire which was distributed to 120 respondents of Millennial Smartphone Consumers. Sampling system was a snowball sampling method. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between Country of origin and perceived quality of the product. There was also a positive and insignificant relationship between Country of origin and purchase intentions. Finally, there was a positive and significant relationship between perceived quality and consumer purchase intentions.

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012089
A M Muslih ◽  
Y H B Manalu ◽  
T Arlita ◽  
R Moulana ◽  
A Anhar

Abstract Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. is a plant that grows in the tropical rain forests of western Indonesia which is categorized as a valuable timber tree. Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn is a plant that is categorized as a valuable timber tree. Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn also known as the camphor tree, lime or Sumatran camphor, this tree can grow to a height of 60 m with an average trunk diameter of 9 m. Camphor tree is a plant species belonging to the Dipterocarpaceae family which has several advantages because its tree trunk can produce a variety of high economic value commodities such as camphor, balsamic acid, resin, essential oil, beams, poles, roof construction and boards in residential buildings. The method used for the inventory of rare plants is done by using the method of vegetation analysis, the parameters in this study were the type, number, diameter and height of the Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn. tree. Vegetation analysis was carried out by plotting 13 plots, each sample plot measuring 20 m x 20 m. The sample used is a total sample using a random sampling system method, the sampling chossen by exploring the area of the Tahura Lae Kombih area where the Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn is located. The results shows that the plant species were found starting from the seedling, sapling, pole and tree levels. The most dominant species in this area is Dryobalanops aromatica Gaertn that has Important Value Indeks of seedling 163%, Sapling 270%, Pole 283% and Tree 216%.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-192 ◽  
Citra Savitri ◽  
Ratih Hurriyati ◽  
Lili Adi Wibowo ◽  
Heny Hendrayati

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between Social Media Marketing and Brand Image, Social Media Marketing relationship and Purchase Intention, Brand Image Relationship and Purchase Intention and finally, the relationship between Social Media Marketing and Purchase Intention through Brand Image. The approach in the research used is a quantitative approach using PLS-SEM SmartPLS software as a data processing tool. In this study, the data collection technique was carried out using a questionnaire or online questionnaire which was distributed to 234 respondents of Millennial Smartphone Consumers in Banten Indonesia. Sampling system was accomplished with a snowball sampling method. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that there was a positive and significant relationship between Brand Image (BRI) and Purchase Intention. There was also a positive and significant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Brand Image. However, there was an insignificant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Brand Image while there was a significant relationship between Social Media Marketing and Purchase Intention through Brand Image as Mediator.

2021 ◽  
pp. 039156032110371
Alfonso Califano ◽  
Alessandro Caputo ◽  
Antonio D’Antonio ◽  
Vincenzo Ciccone ◽  
Marco Fabiano ◽  

Background: Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men. The diagnostic accuracy in prostate cancer can be increased by employing a preliminary multiparametric MRI followed by a fusion-targeted biopsy. Methods: To compare the diagnostic accuracy of fusion-targeted biopsy with the standard systematic biopsy in prostate cancer patients, we enrolled 139 patients on which we performed 139 prostate biopsies consisting of three targeted samples followed by 12 regular systematic samples. Based on histology, we analyzed the diagnostic performance of the two methods. Results: Both methods were equally good at detecting clinically significant cancer (83.3%, 50/60), while systematic biopsy detected more clinically insignificant cancers. However, the best diagnostic performance is obtained by combining the two methods. Conclusion: The two methods are best seen as synergistic, and the addition of fusion biopsy can be used to detect more clinically significant prostate cancers than systematic biopsy alone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 710
Fuad Thohari ◽  
Moch. Bukhori Muslim ◽  
Khamami Zada ◽  
Misbahuddin Misbahuddin

In hadith studies, many conclusions state that textual reasoning towards hadith is the main cause of intolerance and radicalism. This makes some scholars such as Yusuf al-Qardhawi and Ali Mustafa Yakub offer a more complex understanding of hadith involving asbab wurud al-hadith, al-wahdah al-maudhu'iyyah fi al-hadith, ikhtilaf al-ahadith and so on. Hadith reasoning like this is considered by some as a contextualization of hadith that will prevent someone from religious radicalism. This study wants to answer the question, to what extent does contextual reasoning in hadith prevent a person from religious radicalism? Researchers will examine the formulation of contextual hadith reasoning initiated by Ali Mustafa Yaqub in al-Thuruq al-Shahihah fi Fahm al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah and standards of religious radicalism initiated by LIPI in the Strategy for Anticipating Radicalism and Religious Intolerance in Indonesia. Each will be used as an independent variable and dependent variable. This research is mixed research with the type of field research. The data processing technique used is a simple regression test using the SPSS 20 program. The research object of this study is the Mahasantri Darus-Sunnah International Institute for Hadith Sciences with a total of 32 people. While the sampling system in this study is a random sample. The results of this study indicate that contextual hadith reasoning has a sig. 0.008 which is less than 0.05 so it is said to have a significant effect between contextual hadith reasoning on religious radicalism. The magnitude of the influence of this hadith reasoning itself is 21.2%. The direction of the effect is negative with a magnitude of -.643 at a constant of 69.792. This means that there is a negative relationship between contextual hadith reasoning and religious radicalism. The more contextual a person's understanding of hadith is, the further away he is from radicalism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-315
Syanti Herlinawati ◽  
Asep Dede Kurnia ◽  
Jalaludin Jalaludin

The banking industry is currently experiencing rapid development where the main activity of financial institutions is to collect funds and channel them back to the public in the form of credit/financing. Problems that arise from the financing process are bad funds from customers as an unavoidable risk with several indicators of causes such as customer income, disasters experienced by customers, awareness and refunds from understanding the financing contract contract. This study aims to analyze the effect of customer understanding on mudharabah products, murabahah products, and murabahah products and to examine the effect of average customer understanding on payment growth at BMT Niaga Utama Purwakarta. This research was conducted by quantitative descriptive method using a sample of 34 customers from a population of 67 customers. Determination of the research sample is through a random sampling system with a Likert scale. The results of this study indicate that the customer's understanding of the mudharabah product is stated to be significant for payment payments with a value of rcount (0.84) > rtable (0.648), while the customer's understanding of the musyarakah product is stated to have no significant effect on payment performance with a value of rcount (0.697) < rtable (0.738). As for the influence of customer understanding of the value of murabahah products, the sig. (2-tailed) number is 0.000 which is smaller than the level of significant (α) 5% and is declared significant. While the effect of the known average value of Ucount = 22 > Utable 17 shows that there is no difference between understanding the product of mudharabah, musyarakah and murabahah on installment payments.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8359
Erick O. M. Castañeda ◽  
Gustavo B. Urquiza ◽  
Laura L. G. Castro ◽  
Juan C. C. García

This study presents the design and implementation of different types of manifolds (sampling system) to measure water flow properties (velocity, pressure, and temperature) through the high- and low-pressure section of a Francis-type low head hydraulic turbine (LHT of 52 m) to calculate it is efficiency using the Thermodynamic Method (TM). The design of the proposed manifolds meets the criteria established in the “International Electrotechnical Commission—60041” Standard for the application of the TM in the turbine. The design of manifolds was coupled to the turbine and tested by the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) application, under the same experimental conditions that were carried out in a power plant, without the need for on-site measurements. CFD analyses were performed at different operating conditions of volumetric flow (between values of 89.67 m3/s and 35.68 m3/s) at the inlet of turbine. The mechanical power obtained and the efficiency calculated from the numerical simulations were compared with the experimental measurements by employing the Gibson Method (GM) on the same LTH. The design and testing of manifolds for high- and low-pressure sections in a low head turbine allows for the constant calculation of efficiency, avoiding breaks in the generation of electrical energy, as opposed to other methods, for example, the GM. However, the simulated (TM) and experimental (GM) efficiency curves are similar; therefore, it is proposed that the design of the manifolds is applied in different geometries of low-head turbines.

2021 ◽  
Xue Wang ◽  
Qian Chen ◽  
Min Jia ◽  
Xuemai Gu

Abstract As the bandwidth increases, the high-speed sampling rate becomes the bottleneck for the development of wideband spectrum sensing. Wideband spectrum sensing with sub-Nyquist sampling attracts more attention and modulated wideband converter (MWC) is an attractive sub-Nyquist sampling system. For the purpose of breaking the system structure limit, an advanced sub-Nyquist sampling framework is proposed to simplify the MWC system structure, adopting the single sampling channel structure with a frequency shifting module to acquire the sub-Nyquist sampling values. In order to recover the signal support information, the sensing matrix must be built according to the only one mixing function. Most existing support recovery methods rely on some prior knowledge about the spectrum sparsity, which is difficult to acquire in practical electromagnetic environment. To address this problem, we propose an adaptive residual energy detection algorithm (ARED), which bypasses the need for the above-mentioned prior knowledge. Simulation results show that, without requiring the aforementioned prior knowledge, the ARED algorithm, which is based on the advanced sub-Nyquist sampling framework, has the similar performance as MWC and even higher than MWC in some cases.

Bernadett NAGY ◽  
Ádám CSUVÁR ◽  
Alexander TITOV

We selected the rural region of Koppány Valley in Hungary to investigate the residents’ natural gas use practices. Natural gas can be a feasible alternative for improving the quality of life in rural areas. The study’s aims were to look at the social, economic, and environmental facets of residential gas use in order to assist regional planning decisions in our selected rural area that would encourage efficiency and energy source switchover. The variables were collected using a quota-based sampling system survey. We chose to use binomial logistic regression model to ex-amine the explanatory variables’ significance. The higher the settlement scale in our data, the more likely it is that gas will be used. Residents who do not trust their mayor have a lower chance of using gas. When compared to insulated homes, non-insulated houses are less likely to use gas. Higher education level, pensioner category, and whether the individual accepts that bio-gas has environmental benefits are not significant categories. Therefore, residential heating technology is more likely to be supply-driven, than demand-driven. We would suggest the application of subsidies for heating equipment replacement, in combination with educational campaigns, in addition to establishing a higher degree of trust in their mayors.

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