Produktivität, syntaktische Struktur und Norm. Deskriptive Normregularitäten transparenter nominaler Wortbildungsmuster und kontrastive Wortbildungsforschung [Productivity, Syntactic Structure and Norm. Descriptive Norm Regularities of Obvious Nominal Patterns of Word Formation and Contrastive Word Formation Research]

Klaas Willems
Ольга Вячеславовна Орлова ◽  
Юаньин Ван

Введение. Изучены ксенонимы-интерпретативы в сетевом дискурсе русскоязычной диаспоры Китая как репрезентанте русской лингвокультуры, ориентированной в область китайской культуры. Ксенонимы-интерпретативы имеют полноценные лексические соответствия в языке-реципиенте, не отмечены этнокультурной маркированностью в матричном языке и служат восприятию, пониманию и интерпретации иностранной языковой и социокультурной реальности диаспоральным сообществом. Цель. На основе рассмотрения одного из наиболее распространенных в изучаемом дискурсе китаизмов – ксенонима мафань – проследить механизмы лингводискурсивной адаптации, а также особенности функционирования ксенонима-интерпретатива в публичной интернет-коммуникации русскоязычного сообщества Китая. Материал и методы. Материалом исследования послужили более 500 текстов сетевой коммуникации русскоязычной диаспоры Китая, включающие ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань. Вместе с методологическим инструментарием интерлингвокультурологии, теории заимствования и лексической семантики используются приемы контекстологического и дискурс-анализа, а также корпусной и квантитативной лингвистики. Результаты и обсуждение. Ксеноним-интерпретатив мафань при вхождении в сетевой диаспоральный дискурс и адаптации в нем, в том числе графической, претерпевает значительные семантические, деривационные, стилистические, морфолого-синтаксические трансформации, демонстрируя на всех этих уровнях крайне высокую степень подвижности и вариативности. Анализ вариантов письменной фиксации показал доминирование написания китаизма в соответствии с нормативной транскрипционной системой записи кириллицей китайских имен, наряду со значимым количеством некодифицированных и иероглифических написаний. При приспособлении ксенонима к специфике морфолого-синтаксического строя русского языка также наблюдаются его значительная грамматическая вариативность и факты включения в процесс окказионального словообразования. В ходе анализа данных словарей, а также корпусных и иных данных об употреблении лексемы в аутентичной речевой среде выявлено большое количество различных по честеречной принадлежности и семантике эквивалентов лексемы при ее переводе, а также наличие книжной и этикетной стилистической окраски в китайском языке, не сохраняющейся при вхождении в русскоязычное неформальное общение. Анализ фактов метаязыковой рефлексии по поводу ксенонима, а также совокупности контекстов его употребления в гипертексте диаспорального дискурса обнаружил наличие в русском языке семантической и стилистической лакуны, которую восполняет ксеноним мафань как универсальное понятие, обозначающее неприятную, доставляющую дискомфорт деятельность или ситуацию. Заключение. В результате проведенного анализа составлен нуждающийся в дальнейшей доработке проспект методики комплексного анализа ксенонима-интерпретатива в сетевом диаспоральном дискурсе. Introduction. This research is devoted to the study of xenonyms-interpretatives in the network discourse of the Russian-speaking diaspora of China as a representative of the Russian linguistic culture, which is focused in the area of Chinese culture. Xenonyms-interpretatives have full-fledged lexical correspondences in the recipient language, are not marked by ethno-cultural marking in the matrix language and serve the perception, understanding and interpretation of foreign language and socio-cultural reality by the diaspora community. Aim and objectives. The purpose of the study, based on the consideration of one of the most common in the analyzed discourse xenonym мафань, is to trace the mechanisms of linguistic and discursive adaptation, as well as the peculiarities of functioning of xenonym-interpretative in public Internet communication of the Russian-speaking community in China. Material and methods. The material of the research is more than 500 texts of network communication of the Russian-speaking diaspora community of China, including xenonym-interpretative мафань. Together with the methodological tools of interlinguoculturology, borrowing theory and lexical semantics, the methods of contextual and discourse analysis, corpus and quantitative linguistics are used. Results and discussion. Xenonym-interpretative мафань when entering and adapting in the network diaspora discourse, including graphic adaptation, undergoes large semantic, derivative, stylistic, morphological-syntactic transformations, demonstrating at all these levels an extremely high degree of mobility and variability. The analysis of written fixation variants showed a substantial dominance of spelling according to the normative transcription system of Chinese names written in Cyrillic alphabet, along with a significant number of and hieroglyphic writings. When the xenonym is adapted to the specifics of the morphological and syntactic structure of the Russian language, its significant grammatical variability and facts of inclusion in the process of occasional word formation are also observed. The analysis of dictionaries data, as well as corpus and other data about the use of the word in the authentic speech environment revealed a large number of different in semantics and parts of speech affiliation equivalents of translation, but also the presence of book and etiquette stylistic coloring in the Chinese language, not preserved in the Russian-speaking informal communication. Analysis of the facts of metalanguage reflection on the xenonym, as well as the totality of contexts of its use in the hypertext of diaspora discourse revealed the presence of a semantic and stylistic lacuna in the Russian language, which is filled by the xenonym мафань as a universal concept that denotes unpleasant, discomforting activity or situation. Conclusion. As a result of the research, a project of the methodology of complex analysis of the xenonyminterpretative in the network diaspora discourse has been compiled.

2003 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 621-646 ◽  

This article reviews two important recent contributions to the theory of morphology, which take significantly different approaches to the subject. Both are centrally concerned with questions of morphotactics. Rice argues that morpheme order in Athapaskan is largely the consequence of universal principles of semantic scope (coded as syntactic structure). Stump argues for a conception of inflection based on the paradigm. There is virtually no overlap between the two books, yet each raises questions that are of great significance for the other. In this review I briefly evaluate each book and then sketch the possibility of a synthesis.

T. V. Liubchenko

The relevance of the proposed study arose from the necessity to define the correlation between the morphologic and syntactic categories of the verb; disclose the functional characteristics of this part of speech that defines the structure of the sentence, the implementation of word formation intentions of the word and construction of the text as an integral unit of the communicative syntax. The article observes the major types of predicates, existing in Modern Greek. The author has coined the lexical content, morphological arrangement as well as the syntactic behavior of objective syntaxemes. At the semantic and syntactic level, the objective syntaxemes hold the position of right-sided strongly controlled member of the sentence. Prototype objective syntaxeme is the causative with a categorical seme expressing motivation of occurrence of the signs of substances. In Modern Greek, causative verbs are represented by the verbs of one lexeme; the verbs of different lexemes; the verbs created using word-formation instruments. Causatives represented by the verbs of one lexeme are interpreted by author as verbs with the variable valence. Verbs with the variable valence include those in which the morphological form itself creates the transitive and intransitive constructions without changing its voice affiliation Word-formation transformative of verbs with the variable valence is represented by the adjective-based and noun-derived verbs. This description enables the preparation of the functional grammar of Modern Greek, which is an urgent task of Modern hellinistic. In common language sense, the interpretation of the study results is important to identify the correlation between the semantic and syntactic structure of the sentence, to determine the semantic types of predicates and to classify the objective syntaxemes.

I. D. Farion

Purpose and tasks. The purpose is to actualize the linguistic heritage of S. Karavanskyi as a basis for further prescriptive linguistic research. Among the tasks is the analysis of spelling and lexicographic codification in the works of a linguist. The object of our study is the linguistic heritage of Sviatoslav Karavanskyi, who after more than 30 years of Moscow-Stalin concentration camps and 37 years of American emigration carried, preserved and motivated the specific linguistic norm of the constantly destroyed Ukrainian language and its native speakers. The subject of our research is spelling and lexicographic codification of the first third of the XX-XXI century in the works of S. Karavanskyi. When processing the material, we use the analytical and descriptive method. Conclusions and prospects of the study. Spelling issues in the works of S. Karavanskyi have a substantiated ideological basis, which is to reflect the spelling of specific rather than assimilative (“destructive”) features caused by the occupation and totalitarian regime of the 30-80s of the XX century. Spelling assimilation and the necessity to remove it is to change the phonetic-morphological and syntactic structure of the Ukrainian language, in particular phonetic, morphological, word-formation and syntactic changes. The lexicographic codification of the linguist is evidenced by his two fundamental works: “Practical Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language” and “RussianUkrainian Dictionary of Complex Vocabulary”. The main methodological basis for compiling these dictionaries is the specificity of Ukrainian vocabulary in its resistance to codification in dictionaries of “pseudo-language” imposed on Ukrainians during the ethnocide policy and exposing Soviet lexicography as the main “tool of Ukrainian linguicide”. Among the prospects of our study is a holistic linguistic and political portrait of a linguist and socio-political figure.

Revue Romane ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-125
Christian Lehmann

Abstract From among the various processes that form prepositions in the history from Latin to Castilian, the investigation concentrates on the formation of prepositional adverbs like Spanish delante (de) ‘in front (of)’. There are two mechanisms for their formation: (a) An adverb or a preposition is preceded by a superordinate simple local preposition which initially specifies a local relation, but ends up as a reinforcing expansion of its base; and (b) an adverb is converted into a preposition by a following functional preposition which serves as a relationalizer. In case #a, the syntactic structure is often destroyed by univerbation, and the resulting reinforced preposition is lexicalized. In case #b, the alternation between adverb and relationalized preposition is regular and bidirectional, so that the combination of adverb and relationalizer is normally not univerbated. The exception desde is given some attention. As a result, the formation of prepositions of this structure is, at the outset, not a matter of word formation, and such complex prepositions are therefore not compound prepositions, but instead lexicalized univerbations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 75 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-18
А. Aldash

One of the important problems put forward by the language policy and language strategy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is the modernization of the spelling rules of the Kazakh language based on the new romanized alphabet. In this regard, taking into account the internal specifics of the language, active work is being carried out to update the spelling of the native Kazakh and borrowed words. Of particular relevance is borrowing, incl. phrases formed by tracing. The need to study this layer of borrowings also lies in the fact that traced word combinations are characterized by close relationships between word formation and the syntactic structure of the Kazakh language. As a result of such relations, composite nominative units are created that are semantically integral, stylistically neutral and functionally equal to a single word. When creating such phrases, productive word-forming formants (-лық / -лік and -лы / -лі) are involved, which have common functional meanings. In connection with the synonymy of the meanings of the formants in written communication, spelling variants of compound names appear. Spelling discrepancy is also observed in the terminological corpus of the Kazakh language. This article is devoted to the study of ways and methods of unification, codification of semantically integral compound names created by tracing and adding synonymous word-formation formants to the motivating component.

2020 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 37-44

This article is devoted to the classification of substandard lexical units of medical orientation in English and Russian from the point of their semantic significance. The study is based on the materials of the most authoritative English-speaking and Russian-speaking substandard lexicographic sources. The classification and standardization of medical terminology is currently receiving close attention both from the professional medical community and from the point of linguistic science. The classification of medical vocabulary and, in particular, medical terminology is presented in domestic and foreign scientific from a position of the morphological and syntactic structure and according to the methods of word formation. The problems of medical terminology are discussed in detail in the works of B. Dennis, A.I. Rudova, M.N. Chernyavsky and others, however, the studies conducted did not affect the vocabulary of the substandard level. In this regard, it is advisable to expand and supplement the proposed classifications taking into account the extensive language layer of non-standard vocabulary.

2018 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-215
Goran Milasin

This paper analyzes different meanings of the term univerbation in the Serbian word-formation processes. The main goals were to investigate different perspectives on univerbation in Serbian derivational morphology, to compare it with the views in the Slavic, English and German papers and dictionaries, and then to offer some potential solutions. In derivational morphology, univerbation is usually defined as the process of transformation of a syntactic construction as a motivator into a new single word. However, when we consider examples of univerbation from Serbian word-formation processes, we get an impression that it is not yet completely clear what this process actually is, and what distinguishes it from the other word-formation processes. One of the problems is the term univerbation (from Latin unus - ?one? and verbum- ?word?), because it can be understood in several ways - as a name of the process of combining two or more words into a new single word: it can also include compounding, blending and syntactic word-formation, not only one type of the processes as it is often the case in Serbian derivational morphology. That is why we need to fi nd some better term to name the process in which the motivator is a syntactic structure adjective + noun, and a new word is made by adding some suffix on the base of an adjective (saobracajna nesreca ? saobracajka). We propose that this term can be deradixation, which suggests that a new word is made by eliminating some free morphemes (radices) from a motivator.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Charles Marfo

This paper discusses compound constructions in Akan, which are mostly nouns. Compounding is generally explained as a morphosyntactic word-formation process and the resulting compound word is commonly described as a “new” linguistic unit (Haspelmath, 2002; Marfo, 2009). The paper focuses on Noun-Noun (N-N) and Noun-Adjective (N-Adj) compounds in Akan and particularly contends that, for N-N and N-Adj compounds to be realized in Akan, the compound members should map into one prosodic phrase. It is also suggested that the same mapping should be the case if there could be proper or consistent realization of some phonological changes that occur in the compound. In this direction, the paper explains that the syntactic structure of the compound (i.e., the noun phrase (NP)), does not solely ensure the domain of the Akan compound nor the domain properties that trigger the rules that apply in it, but phonological information as well; thus, prosodic constraints are observed. Furthermore, the structure of the Akan compound is illuminated in terms of Attribute-Value Matrix (e.g., Butt & King, 1998). The paper reiterates in conclusion that compounds in Akan and rules that apply in them are better accounted for through dictates of the prosodic structure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 262-270
Manoj Kumar Yadav ◽  
Meenakshi Sharma Yadav

This article presents a scientific-discourse and overview systematically on the word-formation that how the impacts and strategies of morphology produce the significant enrolment in the productive-pedagogies to teach and enhance the different parameters and paradigms of vocabulary’s re-structure and lexicography. The determinations of researchers define and describe the mechanism of affix morphemes (derivational and inflectional) in the formation of new words with the complete lexical-semantic meaning and syntactic-structure, which are developed through the general morphological processes in the morphosyntax. This research attempt intends to specify the strategies, knowledge, and information employed by L2 students of tertiary level when they face new words while reading the texts. Even learners have a tendency to ignore a large amount of new vocabulary they encountered due to poor enhancement of the weak vocabulary awareness and immature and traditional pedagogical course policies at their schooling. They must beware of morphological misanalysis and false-etymology. Therefore, the article advocates instructors that L2 students to individual’s phonological awareness, knowledge of orthography (sound-symbol relationships, letter patterns and spelling regularities), knowledge of vocabulary, and visual memory skills. Learners are advised to aware of the enhancement of word theories and all kind of word formations and processes for their productive reading performances, creative writing drafts, figurative expressions and critical thinking lexicologically at the course level. 

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