Opera in linguistica ukrainiana
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Published By Odesa I.I. Mechnikov National University

2415-7562, 2414-0627

N. V. Kutuza

The article is devoted to the phenomenon of communicative influence, where the main attention is paid to its theoretical consideration in linguistics. The purpose of our article is to consider the linguistic foundations of communicative influence in the theoretical aspect. The aim is to solve the following tasks: to find out the linguistic nature of the impact; outline the influential potential of language; identify the main factors that laid the foundation of the linguistic doctrine of communicative influence, consider the suggestions of language levels. The object of research was the phenomenon of communicative influence, and the subject was the linguistic component of communicative influence.The theoretical value of our intelligence lies in the deepening of knowledge about the features of communicative influence as a complex phenomenon, in particular the systematization of knowledge about the linguistic component. The practical significance lies in the fact that the obtained results can be used in teaching Vyshiv courses in modern Ukrainian (lexicology, morphology, syntax), stylistics, communicative and psycholinguistics, suggestive linguistics, theory of language communication and others. The close connection of all warehouse communicative influences is outlined ‒ physiological, psychological and linguistic, where the latter is the main, leading. Suggestions / suggestogens of language levels are considered and it is proposed to analyze them according to the degree of intensity of actualization of marked saturation. This word has been proven to be a powerful weapon of conscious / unconscious processes, as it has the ability to reflect and shape mental experience. Penetrating to the level of deep structures with the help of certain words, the addressee can detect the hidden mental processes reflected in the speech patterns of the addressee, and influence them. We see the prospects of the research in further in-depth study of the suggestions of each language level in influential discourses. 

I. I. Braha

The aim of the article is to model the situation of oral communication of UkrainianRussian bilinguals within a family by its parameters: topic, place, time, participants. For the purpose of the analysis, the descriptive method and the method of discourse analysis are employed. The paper studied audio recordings of oral interfamily communication among Ukrainian-Russian bilinguals and surzhyk speakers from town and village in the Sumy region. By interfamily communicative interaction we understand a type of everyday communication in which members of different families are involved, who are related by blood (provided they live separately), by marriage or by being godparents. Communication within a family circle is predominately cooperative. However, compared to communication within a wider circle of friends it is more prone to conflict; the interlocutors are, therefore, more likely to follow formal rules for polite conversation. Interfamily speech interaction can be both phatic and informative; it manifests itself through oral (dialogues and polylogues) and written (letters, including emails) communication. However, both forms are characterized by non-codified speech. We have identified the main features of communicative behavior of members of different families taking into account such extralinguistic factors as social role, status, age and gender of interlocutors. We have singled out the specific features of interfamily communication in the context of Ukrainian-Russian bilingualism. We have established, in particular, that both the choice of the language means and the code switching are determined by the following: changes in the topic of conversation, its duration, the birthplace of speakers and the region where they live as well as their respective status and role. In their speech behavior, men employ the tactics of assertiveness, seek to conform to the stereotypes of masculinity. Women, especially the older ones, employ the tactics of transferring their life experience and family values and seek to maintain communicative balance. The older generation is more communicatively active than the young. Further research will test the obtained results against a larger body of empirical data. 

O. I. Chernenko

The article is devoted to the study of the concept of FAITH in the idiostyle of V.S. Boyko, as a famous master of the poetic word. The structure of the concept is analyzed. The nuclear, near-nuclear and peripheral zones are highlighted. The artistic and semantic content of micro- concepts is described. The author's position on the existence of a person in the world, as well as individual author's interpretations of the concept of FAITH in the idiostyle of the artist of the poetic word are determined. Whatever paths humanity has taken, this path has always been accompanied by faith. No matter what historical epoch we are talking about, no matter what country we talk about, it is difficult to disagree with the fact that faith has greatly influenced and is influencing the lives of millions of people. And it is not only about faith in higher powers, but also faith in a happy future, faith in yourself, in your people, in the triumph of moral values and the victory of good over evil. Faith is an important spiritual existential value that encourages a person to move on. Accordingly, the study of the linguistic expression of the concept of FAITH will allow to penetrate deeper into the peculiarities of individual language thinking, to determine the author's priority guidelines. Linguistic expression of the concept of FAITH in the poetic linguistics of V.S. Boyko finds in the words faith, to believe, prayer, icon, angel, orthodox, catholic, pagan, saint, temple, church, resurrection, apostle, paradise, cross, mantis, as well as in names of Оrthodox holidays and biblical names, because for the poet is close to the Christian, Orthodox worldview. The poetic picture of the artist's world is broader than dictionary interpretations, so the concept of FAITH acquires a broader artistic and semantic content. 

I. D. Farion

Purpose and tasks. The purpose is to actualize the linguistic heritage of S. Karavanskyi as a basis for further prescriptive linguistic research. Among the tasks is the analysis of spelling and lexicographic codification in the works of a linguist. The object of our study is the linguistic heritage of Sviatoslav Karavanskyi, who after more than 30 years of Moscow-Stalin concentration camps and 37 years of American emigration carried, preserved and motivated the specific linguistic norm of the constantly destroyed Ukrainian language and its native speakers. The subject of our research is spelling and lexicographic codification of the first third of the XX-XXI century in the works of S. Karavanskyi. When processing the material, we use the analytical and descriptive method. Conclusions and prospects of the study. Spelling issues in the works of S. Karavanskyi have a substantiated ideological basis, which is to reflect the spelling of specific rather than assimilative (“destructive”) features caused by the occupation and totalitarian regime of the 30-80s of the XX century. Spelling assimilation and the necessity to remove it is to change the phonetic-morphological and syntactic structure of the Ukrainian language, in particular phonetic, morphological, word-formation and syntactic changes. The lexicographic codification of the linguist is evidenced by his two fundamental works: “Practical Dictionary of Synonyms of the Ukrainian Language” and “RussianUkrainian Dictionary of Complex Vocabulary”. The main methodological basis for compiling these dictionaries is the specificity of Ukrainian vocabulary in its resistance to codification in dictionaries of “pseudo-language” imposed on Ukrainians during the ethnocide policy and exposing Soviet lexicography as the main “tool of Ukrainian linguicide”. Among the prospects of our study is a holistic linguistic and political portrait of a linguist and socio-political figure.

T. V. Gremalіuk

The article presents a multifaceted analysis of the dynamics of spelling and pronunciation of words of foreign origin in the Ukrainian literary language. The research expanded the range of knowledge about the phases of formation of the Ukrainian orthography, in particular, the part devoted to the orthography of foreign tokens and made it possible to explain the changes in the rules of spelling and pronunciation in diachrony. Linguistic and extralinguistic factors that influenced linguistic evolution are identified and the processes of normalization of borrowed vocabulary taking into account the historical context are highlighted. The views of Ukrainian linguists on the norms of spelling and pronunciation of words of foreign origin are generalized. It was stated that although there are few foreign words (approximately 10 percent), compared to other Ukrainian lexical collections, foreign words have provoked and are causing many discussions among linguists about their mastery of the Ukrainian literary language. After all, the legalization of the language norm, its written reflection and its organization in Ukraine is very difficult, which causes heterogeneity of spelling and pronunciation of words of foreign origin. Transformations in borrowed tokens over a long historical period are traced. A chronological description of all editions of the Ukrainian orthography is made and the most typical changes and establishments in the spelling and pronunciation of foreign words are systematized. It is proved that the lack of clearly formulated and formed rules for spelling borrowed words has led to variable spelling and pronunciation. After all, the phonetic system of the Ukrainian language can not fully reflect the peculiarities of the sound system of a foreign language, which indicates a complex process of stabilization of pronunciation and spelling norms of words of foreign origin in the Ukrainian literary language.

M. M. Olkhovych-Novosadiuk

JOY is considered to be one of the basic human emotions and key concepts in culture. The study of emotional concepts is complex as it combines psychological, cognitive, linguistic and ethnocultural fields. The study of concepts is valuable because it enables us not only to identify the culturally specific worldview of a certain lingual-cultural community and single out its national and cultural peculiarities, but also understand the word as a lexical unit in the context of culture, cognition, and communication. The article is dedicated to the research of the emotional concept JOY, its structure and means of verbalization in the Ukrainian worldview. The research is a part of a more complex study which is being conducted by applying the method of cognitive definition suggested by Jerzy Bartmiński ‒ a famous Polish linguist and ethnologist. The source of the material for the research ‒ the electronic corpus of texts "Mova Info", in particular its subcorpus – fictional prose of the Ukrainian literature from the second half of the XX century to the beginning of the XXI century (300 examples). The research showed that the concept JOY in the Ukrainian linguaculture has the following meanings: Joy is a positive feeling, emotion, psychological state, mood, character trait, and can denote a person who causes joy. Joy has different qualities such as duration, sincerity, reality, expectation, frequency, order, degree of control, intensity, depth and volume. Joy is expressed through facial expressions, physiological, behavioral and vocal reactions. The common reasons for Ukrainians to feel joy are universal concepts and values (life, freedom), faith in God, psychological state (love, desire), people (family, friends), humor, jokes, home, objects and phenomena of nature, seasons, material goods, money, gifts, food, drinks, news, important events in life (marriage, child birth), having sex, celebrations, meeting people, mental activities (thinking, learning), entertaining, having a rest, going for walks, travelling, adventures, achievements, success, victory, discovery. 

K. P. Liubetskaya

This article examines interaction specifics of the Belarusian and Polish languages in scientific texts at the beginning of the 20th century. On the basis of scientific and educational, popular science texts and lexicographic materials, the characteristics of polonisms, their subject and thematic affiliation, as well as the peculiarities of their formal adaptation on the Belarusian linguistic basis are carried out. The work uses descriptive, contrastive and comparative historical methods, which were useful during the examination of polonisms in Belarusian language. The author establishes the dependence of the interacting nature of contacting languages on various intralingual and external factors, which predetermined the nature of the interlanguage relations of the Belarusian and Polish languages at the beginning of the 20th century. For all the lexical inequality of scientific texts, their linguistic unity was formed due to a common goal – the transmission of scientific information. In general, the analysis showed that when borrowings from the Polish language are used in the texts of Belarusian science, there is no consistency. Accordingly, it can be stated that the influence of the Polish language on the Belarusian scientific language is not characterized by depth, and the language of Belarusian science at the beginning of the 20th century was not oversaturated with polonisms. This was probably facilitated by the tendencies of the Belarusian linguistic and cultural revival, the dominant of which was primarily the orientation towards national identity and, accordingly, the limitation of foreign linguistic influences.

A. P. Romanchenko ◽  
V. А. Kanazirska

The study of the dialectal vocabulary of the southern regions of the Dniester and the Danube is still relevant for modern dialectology. This territory is an area of late formation with complex multidirectional and different-time interdialectal and interlingual interactions. The purpose of this article is to compare the names of clothes in the dialect of the village Plakhtiivka (Odessa region) and the nationwide Ukrainian language. The object of research is dialectal names of clothes, and the subject is phonetic and semantic aspects of the specified vocabulary. A descriptive method (to characterize the names of clothes), component analysis (to establish the semantics of the studied vocabulary) and comparative method (to identify common and different in dialect and modern Ukrainian language) were used in the process of studying colloquial vocabulary. The source base of the study contains field recordings of colloquial speech, made on a special questionnaire. The theoretical value of the obtained results lies in the systematization of common and different in phonetic and semantic aspects, and the practical value - in the potential use of the results in classes on dialectology and lexicology and in lexicographic practice. The study describes lexical items of four lexical and semantic groups: "Names of men's clothing", "Names of women's clothing", "Names of men's accessories" and "Names of women's accessories". In a comparative aspect 18 lexical items are considered. At the phonetic and lexical levels a significant number of lexical items different from the modern Ukrainian language have been found. Most of the meanings of the analyzed lexical items coincide with those recorded in the nationwide language. However, there are some differences that constitute the specifics of the dialect. The considered colloquial vocabulary is valuable for enriching the empirical base of Ukrainian dialectology and preserving dialect names in the annals of the Ukrainian language.

O. A. Popkova

The proposed article focuses on the emergence and renewal of the lexical composition of the modern Ukrainian language during the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, considers the process of emergence of new complex units, the dynamics of their semantics and their acquisition of new meanings; the appearance of new complex words related to the spread of coronavirus disease and its impact on the linguistic situation in modern newspaper discourse identified trends in their activation. The widespread spread of the disease is reflected not only in medicine and all social spheres, but also in the lexical structure of many languages, including Ukrainian. The purpose of our article is to consider the current changes in complex innovations in the Ukrainian newspaper discourse caused by the new social conditions of existence during the pandemic; to study the origin and functioning of the tokens Covid and coronavirus, to analyze the thematic range and the corresponding communicative and pragmatic potential of complex innovations related to the coverage of Covid-19. The object of the study is complex words represented in the texts of modern newspaper discourse during the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19. The subject of the study is the communicative and pragmatic features of complex words (based on Ukrainian newspaper texts), the spread of which is associated with the pandemic of the coronavirus COVID-19. It is established that the most common among the complex innovations in the newspaper discourse of this period are the tokens COVID-19, coronavirus, which became a source of widespread creation of new complex words from them. Chronologically, the article covers the period from early 2020 to the first half of 2021. 

O. V. Shcherbak

The article is devoted to the problem of neurolinguosemiotic qualification of the language organization of trailers as autonomous components of film discourse. The author of this article draws the following conclusions: 1) the trailer belongs to the external components of film discourse, which is due to the presence of semantic and functional correlations with the concept of «advertising»; 2) between the concepts of «trailer text» and «advertising text» the relationship of the so-called approximate identity, because they have identical structural elements, primarily of a reference nature; 3) the text of the trailer is more complex compared to the advertising text, because the linguosemiotic structure of the first introduced a larger number of typological types of signs; 4) the linguosemiotic structure of the advertising text, in which there are dialogic and monologue signs, has the form of meaningfully and formally interconnected remarks of actors who can perform different roles (average consumers of goods / services, professionals, celebrities, etc.), with the final thesis announcer (rarely – titrated on the screen graphically); 5) the linguosemiotic structure of the trailer text is a combination of autonomous multifunctional monologue signs, nonlinearly related to each other by subject (signs of actor, expert, witness and announcer); 6) the vectors of influence of linguosemiotic units of advertising texts and trailer texts do not coincide, because in the former the metaprograms of centrifugal / centripetal motivation, activity, desired modality, comparison focus are actualized, and in the latter – metaprograms of time orientation, breakdown size, way of thinking. 

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