scholarly journals Five Years of the EAEU Services Common Market

2021 ◽  
Vol 102 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-110
Kuanysh Yelikbayev ◽  
Inna Andronova ◽  

On January, 1 2015, after many years of attempts, single (common) market for services was created in 43 sectors within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Today this market has expanded and covers 53 sectors. The analysis of foreign and mutual services trade of the EAEU countries at the end of 2019 showed that the share of domestic exports of services had practically not increased since the creation of the EAEU, the export of many types of services between the EAEU countries had decreased, there was no trade in many types of services between some member-states. In some cases, import of services from third countries have practically replaced imports from EAEU countries. This can be explained mainly by barriers, derogations and restrictions, the lack of legislation on single market of services implemented on national levels along with the need to diversify the structure of mutual trade in services.

M. Krivogouz ◽  
D. Fesenko

The authors analyze current situation in the common market and the data on foreign trade of the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union. Also, the EAEU decisions in the sphere of establishing common financial space and the measures on boosting the cooperation in industry are being examined. The conclusion is made that further common steps towards higher pace of industrial cooperation are needed.

A.F. Razin ◽  
R.A. Meshcheryakova ◽  
M.V. Shatilov ◽  
O.A. Razin ◽  
T.N. Surikhina ◽  

Целями основания Евразийского экономического союза (ЕАЭС) было создание условий для стабильного развития экономик государств членов союза в интересах повышения жизненного уровня их населения, стремление к формированию единого рынка товаров, услуг, капитала и трудовых ресурсов, всесторонняя модернизация, кооперация и повышение конкурентоспособности национальных экономик государств членов союза в условиях глобальной экономики. Цель исследования проанализировать состояние овощеводства и обеспеченность овощами населения стран членов Евразийского экономического союза в составе Республик Армения, Беларусь, Казахстан, Кыргызской Республики и Российской Федерации. По итогам проведенного анализа установлено, что в период 20132017 годов посевные площади овощных культур в ЕАЭС выросли на 7,7 и превысили 1 млн га. В 2018 году валовой сбор овощей увеличился на 13 до 24,1 млн т. При этом более 62 овощей производится в хозяйствах населения и 22 в КФХ, что говорит о мелкотоварном характере производства и низкой товарности продукции в ЕАЭС. Лидер по производству овощей на душу населения Армения (324 кг/чел.), наименьшее значение в России 111 кг/чел., среднее по ЕАЭС 131 кг/чел. Урожай овощных культур увеличился во всех государствах членах союза, за исключением Армении, где этот показатель максимальный в рамках союза 286 кг/га. Объем импорта свежих овощей из третьих стран в период 20142017 годах снизился на 16,8 в натуральном выражении и на 33,4 до 1,8 млрд в денежном исчислении, что обусловлено введением продуктового эмбарго и снижением объема импорта в Россию практически в два раза. Взаимная торговля (по экспорту) свежими овощами увеличилась на 36,4 до 241 млн . Около 77 объема взаимной торговли приходится на поставки из Беларуси, при этом более 90 объема взаимной торговли овощами направлены на рынок России. Одной из мер по поддержке и развитию отрасли овощеводства могут стать: снижение доли посредников в потребительской цене на овощи, строительство тепличных комплексов для производства отечественных овощей в несезонный период и овощехранилищ и др.The objectives of founding the Eurasian economic Union (EAEU) was the creation of conditions for stable development of the economies of the member States of the Union to improve the living standards of their populations, the desire to create a common market of goods, services, capital and labor resources, comprehensive modernization, cooperation and competitiveness of national economies of member States of the Union in the global economy. The purpose of the study is to analyze the state of vegetable production and the availability of vegetables for the population of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union in the Republics of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. According to the results of the analysis, it was found that in the period 20132017, the acreage of vegetable crops in the EAEU increased by 7.7 and exceeded 1 million hectares. In 2018, the gross harvest of vegetables increased by 13 to 24.1 million tons. at the same time, more than 62 of vegetables are produced in households and 22 in farms, which indicates the small-scale nature of production and low marketability of products in the EAEU. The leader in the production of vegetables per capita is Armenia (324 kg/person), the lowest value in Russia is 111 kg/person, the average for the EEU is 131 kg/person. The yield of vegetable crops increased in all member States of the Union, with the exception of Armenia, where this figure is the maximum within the Union 286 kg/ha. The volume of imports of fresh vegetables from third countries in the period 20142017 decreased by 16.8 in physical terms and by 33.4 to 1.8 billion in monetary terms, due to the introduction of the food embargo and a decrease in the volume of imports to Russia almost twice. Mutual trade (by export) in fresh vegetables increased by 36.4 to 241 million. About 77 of the volume of mutual trade comes from Belarus, while more than 90 of the volume of mutual trade in vegetables is directed to the Russian market. One of the measures to support and develop the vegetable industry can be: reducing the share of intermediaries in the consumer price of vegetables, construction of greenhouse complexes for the production of domestic vegetables in the off-season period and vegetable stores, etc.

Evgenii Vladimirovich Pustovalov

The subject of this research is the process of establishment of the regime of Single Services Market of the EAEU, taking into account the approved algorithms with regards to the plans for liberalization of services marker by separate sectors, as well as prescribed by the law of the Union mechanisms of maintaining such regime that would allow removing barriers and limitations impeding its functionality. The author particularly examines the removal of barriers pertaining to trade in services via realization of the pacta sunt servanda principle; direct and indirect application of law of the Union by the national courts; work of the Court of the Eurasian Economic Union; development and implementation of the specialized mechanism of removing barriers and limitations impeding functionality of the Single Services Market. The research result consists in systematization of mechanisms that might be used to ensure compliance with the regime of Single Services Market. The author formulates recommendations on concluding the international agreement within the framework of EAEU, focused on regulation of administrative cooperation of the competent agencies of the member-states in terms of separate sectors of services, as well as regulation of the work of special commission authorized to consider requests of the services market participants, and deliver the binding for EAEU member-states decisions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 13025
Anastasiуa Vorona ◽  
Lyudmila Kopteva ◽  
Anna Trushevskaya

Currently the Eurasian Economic Union defines its main tasks as the creation of an image of the significant center for the development of international trade, enhancement of mutually beneficial partnership with member states and other countries, the creation of new formats for international cooperation. At the present days the Eurasian Economic Union is filled with real economic content. Multilateral projects are being implemented, primarily in key sectors of the economy, that are energy and transport. In the long run, the formation of a monetary union is possible. Development of currency integration, as a component of economic unity, presupposes the process of implementing a coordinated policy of the EAEU countries, as well as the creation and functioning of the organizations performing interstate currency regulation. In the article the dynamics of the main economic indicators of the Eurasian Economic Union functioning is considered. The data on the trade turnover of the EAEU member countries for 2019 is provided. The main directions of EAEU cooperation with third countries and integration associations are revealed, with particular attention being paid to the creation of free trade zones with Vietnam and Singapore. In the context of the organization and functioning of interstate unions, each of the member states of such unions, while ensuring their own security, also needs to manage both the threats to the security of other partners that have an indirect adverse effect and the threats that directly impact the whole union. The directions of digital transformation of the economies of the Eurasian Economic Union member states are considered. The problematic aspects of its functioning are highlighted.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 3-10
V. L. Abramov

The article analyzes the state and dynamics of the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry. There is given an assessment of the state and trends of exports of its products to the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as the countries of the post-Soviet economic space. Opportunities and prospects for the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry in the process of formation of the single market of the EEU, the use of regional economic integration opportunities are substantiated. Proposals have been formulated to increase the export potential and international competitiveness of the Russian pharmaceutical industry, to develop integration processes of forming a single pharmaceutical market for the member states of the EEU.

Павел Кабытов ◽  
Pavel Kabytov

The realization of the goals of the Eurasian economic Union is closely connected with the formation of common markets in various areas of economic cooperation. One of these areas are public procurement, which can have a significant impact on mutual trade between the member States in the framework of the functioning of the internal market of the Eurasian economic Union. To date, however, this effect is not significant. Prerequisites for this are the numerous “barriers”, “withdrawal” and “restrictions” that remain in the legislation of member States of the Eurasian economic Union, which requires its identify and resolve. The purpose of this study was to identify obstacles to the formation of a single public procurement market in the Eurasian economic Union. The objective of the study is the analysis of legal regulation of public procurement in member States of the Eurasian economic Union and the Eurasian economic Union with the aim of identifying the existing “barriers”, “withdrawal” and “limitations” in this field. To achieve the goals and objectives of the study are applied comparative legal, formal legal and formal logical methods, method of interpretation of law, as well as scientific methods. The results of the study identified obstacles to providing a high level of cross-border participation in public procurement. Revealed that the provision of unhindered access for potential suppliers and providers of member States to participate in public procurement is in direct proportion to ensure the regime of the single market for services in various service sectors. It is concluded that a necessary condition for the formation of a single market of public procurement is not only elimination of the existing “barriers”, “exceptions” and “limits” in the laws of the member States of the Eurasian economic Union, but also the completion of the process of building a single market for services, the further rapprochement of licensing systems, harmonization of mandatory rules and requirements in the member States of the Eurasian economic Union.

B. Urazymbetov ◽  
Б. Уразымбетов

This article analyses the main results of the impact of Eurasian integration on Kazakhstan's economy, in particular, mutual trade for the period from 2015 to 2019. A structural analysis is conducted and the main trends and dynamics factors, commodity structure of Kazakhstan's exports and imports within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union are presented. Integration effects in mutual trade of Kazakhstan with EAEU member states are assessed. Research methods: a comparative analysis of dynamic series, structural-logical, economic-statistical, comparative analysis. As a result of the analysis, preliminary conclusions can be made that in most areas of Kazakhstan's cooperation with the EAEU countries, there has been an outperformance. The comparative analysis of mutual trade between EAEU member states reveals that the coronavirus pandemic has hit the economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union states, including Kazakhstan, significantly and has revealed a trend of imbalanced mutual trade in Kazakhstan during the EAEU functioning period, which demonstrates weak diversification and low intersectoral importance and dependence of the Republic on the international market. Accordingly, this may hurt harm Kazakhstan's national economy within the EAEU. В настоящей статье анализируются основные результаты влияния евразийской интеграции на экономику Казахстана, в частности взаимная торговля за период с 2015 по 2019 годы. Проведен структурный анализ и приведены основные тенденции и факторы динамики, товарная структура экспорта и импорта Казахстана в рамках Евразийского экономического союза. Проведена оценка интеграционных эффектов во взаимной торговле Казахстана со странами-участницами ЕАЭС. Методы исследования: сравнительный анализ динамических рядов, структурно-логический, экономико-статистический, сравнительный анализ. В результате проведенного анализа можно сделать предварительные выводы о том, что в большинстве сфер сотрудничества Казахстана со странами ЕАЭС наблюдалась опережающая динамика. В ходе проведенного сравнительного анализа взаимной торговли между странами-участницами ЕАЭС выявлено, что пандемия коронавируса ощутимо ударила по экономической активности государства Евразийского экономического союза, включая Казахстан. Выявлена тенденция дисбаланса взаимной торговли Казахстана в период функционирования ЕАЭС, это демонстрирует слабую диверсификацию и низкую внутриотраслевую значимость и зависимости республики от международного рынка. Соответственно, это может иметь негативное влияние для национальной экономики Казахстана в рамках ЕАЭС.

Misak Avagyan

The purpose of this article is to identify trends in the development of integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) and present the level of trade and economic relations between the participating countries through an analysis of mutual trade between the member countries of the Union. Studying the movement and structure of trade relations between the EAEU member states, there has been identified those economic areas the development which can hence contribute to the expansion of mutual trade. To present the level of trade complementarity between member states, the author calculated the trade complementarity indexes in accordance with the commodity structure of trade of each country with other EAEU member countries and presented their estimates. Finally, some obstacles to the balanced development of mutual trade of the EAEU member countries has been laid out and a number of ways of eliminating them has been then presented.

Pravovedenie ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 63 (3) ◽  
pp. 393-411
Dmitry A. Kazantsev ◽  
Natalya А. Mikhaleva ◽  

Russian procurement regulation exists not merely by itself, but also in the framework of the formation of unified approaches to procurement regulation within the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). These approaches today are based on a common methodology, although national laws of each state demonstrate various options for implementation. The integration processes affected by the creation of the EAEU also influence public procurement. The formation of a single economic space and unified procurement market as economic bases cannot exist without bringing the national legislation of EAEU member states on public procurement to uniform standards. The trend towards unification and harmonization of procurement legislation in the EAEU member countries requires the creation of a unified market for public procurement of the EAEU to ensure unhindered access to procurements, which will make it possible to expand sales markets under economic pressure from sanctioned non-tariff barriers. This article addresses some of the issues related to public procurement in EAEU member states in light of the functioning procurement systems. The authors make an attempt to reveal some of the main features of the public procurement system based on an analysis of the main legislative acts of the EAEU member countries. The main positive trends in harmonization of the EAEU procurement legislation are described taking into account previous experience. Ways to solve problems are proposed as a result of a comparative analysis of the legislation governing the procurement process in the EAEU member countries. The study also reveals the problems of legal regulation of the supranational level of procurement legislation that impede the effective achievement of the objectives of economic integration and the formation of a unified market for public procurement. The article is an attempt to comprehensively analyze the procurement legislation of the EAEU countries, taking into account the requirements of supranational legislation that is designed to ensure uniformity of legal models for the formation of a procurement system for state customers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Valentina Dorzhieva

The main objectives of the Eurasian economic Union (EAEU), as an international economic integration, are to increase the sustainability of socio-economic development and competitiveness of industrial complexes of the member States on the basis of the formation of a new model of development and implementation of a coordinated industrial policy. The main feature of the EAEU is the clear dominance of Russia in a number of indicators, including population, GDP, industrial production, exports and imports, mutual trade, and investment. It is proved that the considered economic integration as a whole led to the change after a long-term decline in the negative dynamics of GDP to positive according to official statistics and analytical reports of international organizations for the period 2013–2018 at the expense of a coordinated industrial policy. Namely, industrial policy determines the vector of modernization of national economies and regulates the volume and sectoral structure of GDP. The features and tools of industrial policy strategies implementation are revealed. In accordance with the classification of industrial development strategies adopted by the UN conference on trade and development (UNCTAD), the article defines the types and tools of applied industrial policy strategies in the EAEU member States. The results of cross-country comparisons of the main macroeconomic indicators show that the structure of national economies and the level of socio-economic development of the EAEU member States are uneven and differ significantly. At the same time, the structure of the national economy of Russia does not meet modern challenges in comparison with such developed countries as the USA and Germany. A special role in the EAEU is played by mutual trade, demonstrating much greater resistance to crisis processes, and foreign trade with third countries. The transition to a coordinated industrial policy contributes to the strengthening of intra-sectoral nature of mutual trade in the EAEU.

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