scholarly journals Implementasi Permendagri N0 113 Tahun 2014 dalam APBDesa

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-190
Athar Yaniar Pratama ◽  
Lesta Lesta Karolina Br. Sebayang

This study aims to  examine and find out the implementation of Permendagri No. 113 of 2014 in Ngesrepbalong Village, Limbangan, Kendal Regency and  analyze the obstacles faced by village officials in its implementation.This study uses a qualitative approach with a case study research strategy. Data obtained through interviews and documentation studies.The results of the study show the Implementation of Permendagri No. 113 of 2014 in Ngesrepbalong Village can generally be seen from the following findings: Fund allocation is not appropriate in accordance with the provisions;  There is a discrepancy between the list of program activities that have been agreed upon in the village meeting with the details of the activities contained in the RKP table; There is an RKP that does not include a discussion on the evaluation of the previous year's financial use;  in the aspect of transparency, the Village Government has implemented it by informing the allocation of funds and the development of their use on information boards in the village office. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan mengetahui implementasi Permendagri No 113 tahun 2014 di Desa Ngesrepbalong Kecamatan Limbangan Kabupaten Kendal dan menganalisis kendala yang dihadapi aparatur desa dalam pelaksanaannya.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan strategi penelitian studi kasus. Data yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Implementasi Permendagri No 113 tahun 2014 di Desa Ngesrepbalong dapat dilihat dari temuan berikut ini:  Pengalokasian dana tidak tepat sesuai dengan ketentuan; Adanya ketidaksesuaian antara daftar program kegiatan yang telah disepakai dalam musyawarah desa dengan rincian kegiatan yang ada dalam tabel RKP; Terdapat RKP yang tidak mencantumkan pembahasan mengenai evaluasi penggunaan keuangan tahun sebelumnya; pada aspek trasnparansi, Pemerintah Desa telah melaksanakannya dengan menginformasikan pengalokasian dana dan perkembangan penggunaannya pada papan informasi di kantor desa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-79
Daniel Umbu Sunga ◽  
M. Irwan Tahir ◽  

This research aimed to analyze and evaluate the organizational effectiveness of Community and Village Empowerment office in West Sumba District, NTT Province. It involved 43 informants (17 from the PMD office, 2 from the inspectorate, 2 from Bappeda, 3 from the organization, 4 from the sub-district, 13 from the village, 1 from the District PKK, and 1 from the P3MD Professional Companion Staff). Data were collected using qualitative methods (qualitative interviews and qualitative document collection), with a case study research strategy. The collected data were analyzed using an interactive model. The implementation of the duties and functions of the PMD Office of West Sumba District, NTT Province has not been effective, of the 5 effectiveness criteria analyzed and evaluated, it was found that 4 criteria (production, satisfaction, adaptability and development) were still low, and 1 other criteria, namely efficiency was quite high, but did not have a positive correlation with the achievement of its performance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Mellani Yuliastina ◽  
Muhammad Hudaya ◽  
Wahyudin Nor

<p class="JurnalASSETSABSTRAK"><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p>The purpose of this study is to map the pattern of the village fund supervision system and detect the possibility of loopholes in the system. So that it can provide recommendations for strategy formulations that are able to prevent fraud in village fund management. This research uses qualitative methods with a case study research strategy. The results showed that there was no fraud found in the three research objects, but the potential for fraud still exists and can change to be fraud due to lack coordination of supervision between related institutions and unsolid whistleblowing system. This paper offers strengthening internal control and whistleblowing system to address issues concerning the village fund supervision system.</p><p class="JurnalASSETSABSTRAK"><strong><em>ABSTRAK</em></strong><em></em></p><p><em>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memetakan pola sistem pengawasan dana desa dan mendeteksi kemungkinan adanya celah (loopholes) fraud dari sistem tersebut sehingga dapat memberikan rekomendasi strategi yang mampu mencegah tindakan fraud pada pengelolaan dana desa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada fraud yang ditemukan pada tiga objek penelitian, tetapi potensi fraud eksis dan bisa mengubah pada kondisi yang yang menyebabkan terjadinya fraud akibat belum optimalnya koordinasi pengawasan antar lembaga dan belum solidnya sistem whistleblowing yang dimplementasikan. Paper ini menawarkan penguatan pengendalian internal dan whistleblowing system yang terintegrasi agar permasalahan sistem pengawasan dana desa bisa diselesaikan dengan baik.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 954-969

AbstractAccreditation is one of the governments to improve the quality of education. Likewise, to ensure the quality of education at the PAUD and PNF levels, the government held an accreditation program. However, it still has issues that need to be resolved. This study aims to identify and describe the problems of accreditation and quality mapping in the Education Office of Kulonprogo Regency. This research uses a qualitative approach and type of case study research. Based on the results of this research, in mapping the quality of accreditation in PAUD and PNF in Kulonprogo Regency, the first activity carried out was to conduct a quality mapping analysis of each institution. And the results show that the average standard kindergarten, KB, Pos PAUD, LPK and PKBM institutions that must be supervised strictly is the standard of financing. After conducting the analysis, a workshop was conducted with the Dikpora and all PAUD and PNF heads. Keywords: Quality mapping, accreditation, PAUD, PNF.

Yogi Nugraha

ABSTRACT This study aims to describe the implementation of civic education courses in an effort to foster a sense of nationalism student at the Buana Perjuangan Karawang University. This study used a qualitative approach with the method used is the case study. Research conducted at the Buana Perjuangan Karawang University, with an estimated study time for start of the date October 28, 2017 until August 28, 2018. The target population in this study were students who follow courses of civic education, and sampling using techniques purposive sampling. The results obtained show that nationalism formed through civic education in college can be formed. It is based on a statement cited by respondents stated that the Civic Education is very important to learn in college, it's based on the erosion of a sense of nationalism began to be immediately addressed by studying Civics. Civic education is also learned to go back to the students will be taught by the teacher candidates Pancasila and Civic Education. Increased sense of nationalism in studying Civics is proof that Civic Education is so important to learn. Keywords: Civic Education, Nationalism, Students. ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan mata kuliah pendidikan kewarganegaraan dalam upaya memupuk rasa nasionalisme mahasiswa di Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode yang digunakan yaitu metode studi kasus. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang, dengan estimasi waktu penelitian selama mulai dari tanggal 28 Oktober 2017 sampai dengan tanggal 28 Agustus 2018. Populasi target dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang mengikuti mata kuliah pendidikan kewarganegaraan, dan pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa nasionalisme yang terbentuk melalui pembelajaran pendidikan kewarganegaraan di perguruan tinggi dapat terbentuk. Hal ini berdasarkan pernyataan yang diutarakan oleh para responden yang menyatakan bahwa Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan sangat penting untuk dipelajari di Perguruan Tinggi, hal ini didasarkan pada mulai lunturnya rasa nasionalisme haruslah segera diatasi dengan mempelajari Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan. Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan juga dipelajari untuk kembali dibelajarkan kepada peserta didik nantinya oleh para calon guru Pendidikan Pacasila dan Kewarganegaraan. Meningkatnya rasa nasionalisme dalam mempelajari Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan merupakan bukti bahwasanya Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan begitu penting untuk dipelajari. Kata kunci: Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan, Nasionalisme, Mahasiswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-194
Uni Mardhotillah ◽  
Diska Arliena Hafni

This research aim to analyze effectiviness of internal control of Covid-19 medicine management avalibility at pharmaceutical installation of Jambi Health Departement. This research is case study research with qualitative approach. The results showed that the pharmaceutical installation of the Jambi Health Office had carried out internal controls well to protect its assets and efforts to increase its managerial activities. The Jambi Health Office Pharmacy Installation has implemented internal control based on COSO standards in managing supplies of special medicines for Covid-19 prevention properly and effectively. This can be proven by the fulfillment of the implementation of 13 indicators (87%) of the 15 COSO indicators that have been carried out by the Pharmaceutical Installation of the Jambi Health Office.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 77
Anita Tri Widiyawati

Abstract The Village Library has full responsibility in terms of empowering knowledge for the community. This is because the village library has a strategic position in rural communities. The empowerment of this knowledge is very closely related to the achievement of prosperity both materially and nonmaterial. In the empowerment of knowledge refers to the existing conditions of the village library, potential maps, and problems that exist in the Paseban Village community. This research uses a case study with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, documentation, audio-visual material (Creswell). Analysis of the data used is Creswell data analysis. The researcher chooses to use qualitative validity and reliability to demonstrate the validity of the data as well as the accuracy of the research results. The results of this study are that the Paseban Village Government has carried out empowerment related to tourism development, BumDes, and through the provision of the internet. However, it is not under the auspices of the village library. The empowerment carried out is partial, not centered on the village library. Paseban Village Government has not fulfilled the three aspects of empowerment, namely a) enabling, b) empowering, and c) protecting. So that there is a need to develop a model of knowledge empowerment in the Paseban Village Library, including: a) enabling (village library as a center of knowledge, village library creates an atmosphere that allows the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library; b) empowering (strengthening the village library as a center of knowledge , strengthening the village library in creating an atmosphere that enables the potential of the community to develop by maximizing the function of the library with concrete steps, the concept that is in enabling is practiced with concrete steps and the availability of infrastructure that can support the creation of community empowerment; c) protecting ( the village library as a knowledge center establishes an information center that can protect and defend the community in terms of knowledge and information related to the distribution of the results of community innovation, the village library covers everything needed community in developing welfare literacy. Keywords: village library, knowledge empowerment, welfare literacy. Abstrak Perpustakaan Desa mempunyai tanggung jawab penuh dalam hal pemberdayaan pengetahuan bagi masyarakat. Hal ini dikarenakan perpustakaan desa mempunyai posisi yang strategis dalam masyarakat pedesaan. Pemberdayaan pengetahuan ini sangat erat kaitannya dengan pencapaian kesejahteraan baik secara materi maupun nonmateri. Dalam pemberdayaan pengetahuan mengacu pada kondisi eksisting perpustakaan desa, peta potensi, dan permasalahan yang ada pada masyarakat Desa Paseban. Penelitian ini menggunakan studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, materi audio-visual (Creswell). Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data Creswell. Peneliti memilih menggunakan validitas dan realibilitas kualitatif untuk menunjukkan keabsahan data sekaligus keakuratan hasil penelitian. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Pemerintah Desa Paseban sudah pernah melaksanakan pemberdayaan terkait pembangunan wisata, BumDes, dan melalui penyediaan internet. Akan tetapi, tidak di bawah naungan perpustakaan desa. Pemberdayaan yang dilakukan bersifat parsial, tidak terpusat pada perpustakaan desa. Pemerintah Desa Paseban belum memenuhi tiga aspek pemberdayaan, yakni a) enabling, b) empowering, dan c) protecting. Sehinggan perlu adanya pengembangan model pemberdayaan pengetahuan pada Perpustakaan Desa Paseban, antara lain: a) enabling (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, perpustakaan desa menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan; b) empowering (memperkuat perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan, memperkuat perpustakaan desa dalam menciptakan suasana yang memungkinkan potensi masyarakat dapat berkembang dengan memaksimalkan fungsi perpustakaan dengan langkah-langkah nyata, konsep yang ada pada enabling dipraktikkan dengan langkah-langkah nyata dan tersedianya sarana prasarana yang dapat mendukung terciptanya pemberdayaan pada masyarakat; c) protecting (perpustakaan desa sebagai pusat pengetahuan mendirikan juga pusat informasi yang dapat melindungi dan membela masyarakat dalam hal pengetahuan dan informasi terkait pendistribusian hasil inovasi masyarakat, perpustakaan desa meng-cover segala hal yang dibutuhkan masyarakat dalam mengembangkan literasi kesejahteraan. Kata kunci: perpustakaan desa, pemberdayaan pengetahuan, literasi kesejahteraan.

Muh Khoirul Anam ◽  
Haris Santoso

Financial institutions are currently needed by all people because financial institutions are considered to be quicker in providing business capital loans. Previously, conventional banks were the only financial institutions operating in the financial sector or loans to the community before Islamic financial institutions, now with the development of financial institutions sharia society mostly prefers sharia finance rather than conventional, plus BMT which operates in the middle to lower class, this is what causes many people to take Islamic financial institutions because they prioritize family systems, so this study focuses on: 1). How is the application of murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam to brick businesses in the Ngreco Kandat Kediri village, 2). What is the role of murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam towards brick business in the Ngreco Kandat Kediri village, 3). How did the brick business increase in the Kandat Kediri Ngreco village after obtaining murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam. Research on the role of murabahah financing in brick business uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a type of case study research that refers to the interpretive postpositivistic thinking paradigm. The technique of collecting data is in-depth interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the application of murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam is very different where loans for business capital of bricks that should use mudharabah or musyarakah at BMT These salads use murabaha. Besides that the role of BMT As-Salam is very influential on brick business and before BMT As-Salam arrived, brick entrepreneurs still had difficulty finding capital to improve their business but after taking murabahah financing at BMT As-Salam, their efforts experienced an increase and prosperity life.

2022 ◽  
pp. 568-586
Beatrice Ngulube

The reputation of case study research has grown as a research strategy for developing theories and as a method for investigating and understanding world complex issues. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how the case study research can add value to a research project. Case study research, although becoming increasingly popular is not adequately utilised in information science research. The chapter draws on the literature on case study research in various fields and uses examples to inform research in information science. Case study research have been used across a number of disciplines, particularly, in the social sciences, education and business to address real world problems. Many researchers tend to use case study research because of the numerous advantages it offers. For instance, the employment of multiple data collection instruments maximises the depth of information, which in turn increases transferability of the findings. Additionally, the use of multiple cases and multiple data collection instruments make generalisation easy and valid. Maximising generalisability of findings is the ultimate goal of research.

Beatrice Ngulube

The reputation of case study research has grown as a research strategy for developing theories and as a method for investigating and understanding world complex issues. The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how the case study research can add value to a research project. Case study research, although becoming increasingly popular is not adequately utilised in information science research. The chapter draws on the literature on case study research in various fields and uses examples to inform research in information science. Case study research have been used across a number of disciplines, particularly, in the social sciences, education and business to address real world problems. Many researchers tend to use case study research because of the numerous advantages it offers. For instance, the employment of multiple data collection instruments maximises the depth of information, which in turn increases transferability of the findings. Additionally, the use of multiple cases and multiple data collection instruments make generalisation easy and valid. Maximising generalisability of findings is the ultimate goal of research.

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