scholarly journals Small Claim Court as the Alternative of Bad Credit Settlement for Legal Certainty of the Economic Actors

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-154
Pujiyono Pujiyono ◽  
Umi Khaerah Pati ◽  
Pranoto Pranoto ◽  
Kukuh Tejomurti

This article aimed to analyze the problem of legal cases accumulation, especially default on credit contracts in court. It also analyzes the effectiveness of implementing a small claim court in contract default and the independence of a single judge in handling cases through the small claim court mechanism. Small claim court also to offer a breakthrough in the settlement of bad loans related to contract defaults to reduce the burden on courts in Indonesia and provide legal certainty to business actors. The sole judge also  examine, resolve and decide on inheritance cases in a fast and efficient process to issue a fair decision for all parties. This normative study was carried out using statutory, case, comparative law, and analysis content approaches. The research results showed that the filing of small claim court increased 10 times from 2015 to 2020, with the plaintiffs dominated by banks in bad credit cases. A small claim court provides benefits the bank and the customer because it speeds up the settlement of the plaintiff's money in a bad credit case with a case value of not more than 500 million, especially for microloans in a maximum period of 25 days. Furthermore, the latest regulation of 2019 concerning small claim court gives judges the authority to confiscate guarantees and conduct auctions to carry out forced executions through the Court Execution Auction process.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Nadia Astriani

This study is based by the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources by the Indonesian Constitutional Court. Over the past 10 years, the law is the basis for the water resources management in Indonesia. The cancellation of the law would provide great impact for water resources management policy, especially with regard to the provision of right to water. Hence, this study aimed to determine the legal status of Right to Water provided by the local government after the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2014 on Water Resources. The object of this normative study includes legal principles and systematic. This is due to the focus of this study is the meaning of the right principle to ruled state in the context of realizing the peoples’ prosperity and the position of Water Resources Act as the basis for the issuance of Government Regulation and Right to Water. The results of study indicate that in order to provide legal certainty for permit holder for Right to Use Water and Right to Commercialize Water, the ministry has issued various ministerial regulations, although the nature of these regulations only fills a legal vacuum. In the case of permit to Use of Water Resources, all permits for use of water resources that use surface water issued before the decision of Constitutional Court No. 85/PUU-XI/2013 are still valid. To permit referred to it, evaluation is conducted based on 6 (six) the principles of water resources management. Request new permit are in the process or for renewal of permit to use water resources that use surface water, processed as 6 (six) principles of water resources management. Although, in order to ensure legal certainty, the government should immediately issues the Act in Lieu of Water Resources Management which will be the basis for water resources management in Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-124
Dimas Pangestu ◽  
Hafrida Hafrida

ABSTRAK Artikel ini menganalisis pelaku penyalah guna narkotika anak dalam perspektif victimologi sehingga tujuan artikel ini untuk mendapatkan kejelasan, mengkaji dan menganalisis mengenai kebijakan hukum pidana mengenai viktimisasi anak penyalah guna narkotika.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian normatif yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan secara kepustakaan dengan mendeskripsikan hukum positif, mensistematisasi, menginterprestasikan, menilai, dan menganalisis hukum positif tersebut.Hasil penelitian pelaku anak sebagai penyalah guna narkotika menunjukan pemidanan berupa pidana penjara masih dominan dibandingkan sanksi untuk direhabilitasi.Hal ini menunjukan bahwa anak sebagai penyalah guna narkotika dalam perspektif hukum pidana saat ini masih dipandang senagai kriminal atau pelaku tindak pidana.Hal inilah yang menarik untuk dikaji anak sebagai penyalah guna sebaiknya tidak dikatagorikan sebgai pelaku tindak pidana tetapi lebih dipandang sebagai korban dari tindak pidana narkotika dan sebagi korban ketidakmampuan negara dalam penangguangi tindak pidana narkotika di Indonesia. ABSTRACT This article analyzes child narcotics abusers from a victimology perspective so that the purpose of this article is to get clarity, study and analyze the criminal law policy regarding the victimization of child abusers of narcotics. This research is a normative study, namely research conducted in a literature describing positive law, systematizing, interpreting, assessing, and analyzing the positive law. The research results of child offenders as narcotics abusers show that imprisonment is still dominant compared to sanctions to be rehabilitated.This is what is interesting to examine as children as abusers should not be categorized as perpetrators of criminal acts but rather as victims of narcotics crimes and as victims. the inability of the state to tackle narcotics crime in Indonesia.

In the development of material law in Indonesia, it is known both registered objects and unregistered objects that by analogy, registered objects are categorized as immovable objects. In Indonesia, aircraft are being classified as a registered object that can be guaranteed in the form of the mortgage as a debt settlement. Along with the development of law and society, the mortgage regulations are only mentioned briefly in the Indonesian Law of Fiduciary and the Law of Notary Position which state that an aircraft can be guaranteed in the form of a mortgage. However, until recently, any particular regulations regarding aircraft mortgage in Indonesia are not yet available. This research is a normative study that uses historical, statute, and comparison approaches. The problems examined in this study: firstly, how the mortgage as a material guarantee institution in Indonesia is being regulated. Secondly, does the mortgage institution have the potential as an alternative object of material guarantee for aircraft? The result of the study shows that the regulations on aircraft mortgage in Indonesia still refer to the ones in the Indonesian Civil Code. Meanwhile, the institution that has the potential as an alternative object of material guarantee for aircraft is in the form of mortgage because an airplane is a registered object which is analogous to an immovable object. It can be concluded, therefore, that there is a weakness in aircraft mortgage stipulation in Indonesia which may create legal uncertainty and weaken the position of the creditor. Therefore, along with the development of the community and the existence of legal certainty, it is necessary to make an aircraft mortgage law immediately.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
FenceM Wantu

Courts’ verdicts issued by the judge ideally contain aspects of legal certainty, justice, and utility.  It is not easy though to synergize the three aspects aforementioned. Between aspects of legal certainty and justice, in particular, there are always disagreements. The research results conclude that a judge does not have to stick on one principle whenever examining and deciding a case. In terms of obstacles, the judge is facing a deadlock whenever written stipulations cannot answer the problems arose. The emphasis on justice principle means that the judge should take into consideration the law, which exists in the society, including customs and unwritten laws. The judge in his argument and legal consideration must be able to accommodate any stipulations exist in the society, both customs and unwritten law. The emphasis on utility principle tends to direct to an economic nuance circumstance. It bases its thought on the idea that law is for human beings or public.  Key words: legal certainty, justice, utility, civil justice

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Nadia Astriani

This study is based by the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources by the Indonesian Constitutional Court. Over the past 10 years, the law is the basis for the water resources management in Indonesia. The cancellation of the law would provide great impact for water resources management policy, especially with regard to the provision of right to water. Hence, this study aimed to determine the legal status of Right to Water provided by the local government after the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2014 on Water Resources. The object of this normative study includes legal principles and systematic. This is due to the focus of this study is the meaning of the right principle to ruled state in the context of realizing the peoples’ prosperity and the position of Water Resources Act as the basis for the issuance of Government Regulation and Right to Water. The results of study indicate that in order to provide legal certainty for permit holder for Right to Use Water and Right to Commercialize Water, the ministry has issued various ministerial regulations, although the nature of these regulations only fills a legal vacuum. In the case of permit to Use of Water Resources, all permits for use of water resources that use surface water issued before the decision of Constitutional Court No. 85/PUU-XI/2013 are still valid. To permit referred to it, evaluation is conducted based on 6 (six) the principles of water resources management. Request new permit are in the process or for renewal of permit to use water resources that use surface water, processed as 6 (six) principles of water resources management. Although, in order to ensure legal certainty, the government should immediately issues the Act in Lieu of Water Resources Management which will be the basis for water resources management in Indonesia.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Ni Kadek Ayu Ismadewi ◽  
Widodo.T Novianto ◽  
Hartiwiningsih ,

<p>Abstract<br />The purpose of this article  to determine the judge’s considerations using penal mediation in the settlement of Domestic Violence (KDRT) cases and its formulation in the future. This is a normative study with case approach, comparative approach and conceptual approach. The legal matterial of this research are primary legal matterial and secondary legal material with deductive analystic mind. Reffering the research above, Showed that there is a difference of judges consideration using the result of penal mediation in the form of peace between offender and victim who still have relationship of husband and wife in the settlement of case of domestic violence for offense. First, it is based on the benefit and recovering of the relationship of the offender and the victim, to the exclusion of the legalistic rules, so that the Judge arrives at the decision of the prosecution otherwise unacceptable. Second, based on expediency, but the legal process continues with the imposition of a conditional penalty. The existence of differences in consideration and judgment because the mediation of penal itself is not yet regulated in positive criminal law in Indonesia. However, with the starting point on the principle of benefit and the theory of pragmatic realism, the Judge should not worry or hesitate to use the results of peace in penal mediation as a way of resolving a domestic violence case by  stopping the proceedings, although considered to be contrary to the principle of legal certainty. This has implications for the achievement of substantial justice for offender and victim, a quicker settlement of cases and avoid the accumulation of cases in the Court. Therefore the future needs to be formulated for mediation of penal entry into inseparable part in the procedure of settling the case of domestic violence, especially for offense complaints, ranging from the level of investigation, prosecution and court.<br />Keywords: Penal Mediation; Domestic Violence; Judge’s Decision</p><p>Abstrak<br />Tujuan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui pertimbangan Hakim menggunakan mediasi penal dalam penyelesaian perkara Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga (KDRT) dan formulasinya di masa mendatang. Penelitian ini merupakan studi normatif dengan pendekatan  kasus, pendekatan komparatif dan pendekatan konseptual. Bahan hukum yang digunakan berupa bahan hukum primer <br />dan bahan hukum sekunder dengan pola analisis deduktif. Hasil penelitian, menunjukkan bahwa adanya perbedaan pertimbangan Hakim menggunakan hasil mediasi penal berupa perdamaian antara pelaku dan korban yang masih ada hubungan suami istri dalam penyelesaian perkara KDRT untuk delik aduan. Pertama, mendasarkan pada kemanfaatan dan pulihnya hubungan <br />pelaku dan korban, dengan mengenyampingkan aturan yang bersifat legalistik, sehingga Hakim sampai pada putusan berupa penuntutan dinyatakan tidak dapat diterima. Kedua, mendasarkan <br />pada kemanfaatan, namun proses hukum tetap dilanjutkan dengan penjatuhan pidana bersyarat. Adanya perbedaan pertimbangan dan penjatuhan putusan tersebut karena mediasi penal sendiri <br />memang belum diatur dalam hukum positif pidana di Indonesia. Akan tetapi dengan bertitik tolak pada asas kemanfaatan dan teori realisme pragmatis, semestinya Hakim tidak khawatir atau <br />ragu menggunakan hasil perdamaian dalam mediasi penal sebagai jalan penyelesaian perkara KDRT dengan menghentikan proses perkara, meski dianggap bertentangan dengan asas kepastian <br />hukum. Hal tersebut berimplikasi pada tercapainya keadilan substansial bagi pelaku dan korban, penyelesaian perkara yang lebih cepat dan menghindari penumpukan perkara di Pengadilan. <br />Kedepannya perlu diformulasikan agar mediasi penal masuk menjadi bagian tidak terpisahkan dalam prosedur penyelesaian perkara KDRT, khususnya untuk delik aduan, mulai dari tingkat penyidikan, penuntutan dan pengadilan.<br />Kata kunci: Mediasi Penal; Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga; Putusan Hakim.</p>


Laburpena: Lan honen abiapuntua dira zerbitzu publikoaren kudeaketan diharduten enpresa pribatuek haien langileei aplikatzen dieten erregimenean dauden ziurgabetasun juridikoak. Bereziki, artikulu honek, gaur egunean itzulketa egoeran dauden enpresei erreparatzen die. Lan honen metodologia gauzatu da Sektore Publikoaren Kontratuen Legearen ikerketa eta azterketaren gainean, enpleguaren egonkortasunaren alde, zenbait erabaki judizialen aurrean, bai nazionalak, bai Europako Justizia Epaitegiarenak,azken honek, irizpide bateratua jarraitzen ez dutenak. Enpresa-transmisioaren kontzeptua aztertu da, 2001/23/EK Arauaren arabera. Haren zailtasunak handitzen dira Administrazioaren digitalizazioaren aurrean. Ondorio nagusia da legegintzako esku-hartze bat beharrezkotzat jotzen dela. Resumen: Este trabajo parte de las importantes incertidumbres jurídicas respecto el régimen aplicable a los trabajadores contratados por las empresas privadas concesionarias de la gestión de los servicios públicos, que actualmente se encuentren incursos en un proceso de reversión. La metodología de este trabajo se ha articulado sobre el estudio normativo y el análisis de la Ley de Contratos del Sector Público ( LCP) que apuesta por la estabilidad en el empleo, frente a ciertos pronunciamientos judiciales, tanto nacionales como del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo (TJUE), que no siguen un criterio uniforme. Se ha analizado el concepto jurídico de transmisión de empresa, según la Directiva 2001/23/CE, cuyas dificultades se acrecientan ante la digitalización de la Administración. La principal conclusión es que se hace necesaria una intervención legislativa en este ámbito para restaurar la seguridad jurídica. Abstract: This work is based on important legal uncertainties regarding the regime applicable to workers hired by private companies that are concessionaires for the management of public services, which are currently undergoing a process of reversal. The methodology of this work has been articulated on the normative study and the analysis of the Law on Public Sector Contracts. This law is committed to job stability compared to certain judicial pronouncements, both national and of the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which do not follow a uniform criterion. The legal concept of business transfer has been analyzed, according to Directive 2001/23/EC, whose difficulties are increased by the digitalization of the Administration. The main conclusion is that legislative intervention in this area is necessary to restore legal certainty.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 121
Moh. Nurul Huda ◽  
Muhammad Ridwan Lubis

In recent times, it has become common among the public regarding the Ijarah Muntahiya Bittamlik (IMBT) contract. IMBT is a contract similar to a lease and purchase agreement. In practice in the community, these two contracts are carried out by means of renting first and ending with buying and selling. Although, in general they have similarities, these two agreements have differences that have different consequences. The research method used in this study is doctrinal legal research with a comparative law approach. The results of this study indicate that the IMBT contract has more legal certainty than the lease-purchase agreement. This is because the IMBT contract has provisions regulated in the Sharia Banking Law, the Sharia Economic Law Compilation, and PSAK No. 107 concerning Ijarah and IMBT accounting, while the lease purchase agreement is only based on the principle of freedom of contract. The implementation of the IMBT contract also has more legal certainty, considering that dispute resolution efforts can be carried out through the provisions of Article 283 and Article 284 of the KHES by carrying out sales of the disputed object. This is different from a lease-purchase agreement, where dispute resolution efforts are generally carried out through unilateral withdrawals and the agreement also contains standard clauses that have the potential to violate Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-114
Siti Kasiyati

Law enforcement in Indonesia still leaves various problems, especially regarding the sense of justice. Such as diffable cases dealing with the law, civil cases, especially in the land sector, which relies on property rights certificates, cases of domestic violence (nusyuz).In this case, this study discusses how law enforcement in Indonesia is, and how law enforcement is in the perspective of the transcendental justice paradigm. This research is a literary research using secondary data sources, namely primary and secondary legal materials. This study includes a normative study with a synthetic analytic approach.Based on the results of the analysis, law enforcement in Indonesia, both criminal and civil, is still fixated on legal certainty, thus ignoring substantive justice. This is where a shift is needed from the paradigm of law enforcement based on legal certainty to transcendent justice. This condition can be seen from several decisions that are very formalistic and based on laws, where legal certainty is the front line compared to substantive justice so that justice is not felt by the public. This condition is also strongly influenced by the legal paradigm adopted in Indonesia, namely positivist law or known as the systemic legal paradigm. Transcendental starts from irrational and metaphysical thinking such as emotions, feelings, instincts, moral spirituality and as part of building science. In this context, law enforcement. The perspective of the transcendental legal justice paradigm highlights how the purpose of Islamic law is useful for justice and human welfare. Where the law is based on ethics (morals) so that it can produce substantive justice, not mere formalistic justice, which summarizes the human attitude to be fair to God as the creator, fair to fellow humans and fair to the universe.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Enrique Rabell-Garcia

Under the reform of article 1 of the Federal Constitution (June 10, 2011), all government authorities have the obligation to respect human rights. The main inquiry of this essay is whether the Executive can, ex officio, revoke administrative acts for violations of human rights or stop enforcing a law it deems unconstitutional. Following this line of inquiry, for the purposes of this essay, the hypothesis is affirmative. The first part of this work analyzes several techniques and their comprehensive interpretation. Doctrine and comparative law are used to frame the issue. The second part consists of a constitutional analysis of article one under several legal interpretation theories to obtain preliminary results. The third part focuses particularly on revocation in the Administrative Procedure Act and the Mexican Federal Tax Code, in addition to relevant case law. Lastly, it is concluded that, in certain cases involving legal certainty, revocation can apply; however, refusal to enforce a law deemed unconstitutional cannot.

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