scholarly journals Gaya Hidup Hedonis Tokoh-Tokoh dalam Novel Antologi Rasa Karya Ika Natassa

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-45
Inayatul Khoiriyah

Latar belakang dari penelitian ini adalah pembuktian bahwa sastra merupakan cerminan kehidupan masyarakat di mana karya tersebut dilahirkan, tak terkecuali novel populer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan analisis gaya hidup hedonis tokoh-tokoh dalam novel Antologi Rasa karya Ika Natassa dengan menggunakan pendekatan kajian sosiologi sastra. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik pustaka, teknik simak, dan teknik dokumentasi. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata-kata, paragraf-paragraf, dan kutipan-kutipan dalam novel Antologi Rasa karya Ika Natassa yang menggambarkan perilaku hedonis tokoh-tokohnya. Hasil dari penelitin ini menunjukkan bahwa perilaku gaya hidup hedonis tokoh-tokoh dalam novel Antologi Rasa menggambarkan realita kehidupan masyarakat metropolitan yang menganggap bahwa kebahagiaan duniawi adalah segalanya. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat menambah khazanah penelitian sastra dan dapat menjadi referensi penelitian sastra berikutnya yang menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dengan memfokusan perilaku tokoh dalam novel populer.   The background of this study is proof that literature is a reflection of the communiy life of where the literature was born, including popular novels. This study aims to describe the hedonic lifestyle analysis of the figures in the novel Antologi Rasa by Ika Natassa by using the approach of the study of literary sociology. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The technique used is library techniques, reding techniques, and documentation techniques. The data in this study are in the form of words, paragraphs, and excerpts in the novel Antologi Rasa by Ika Natassa that illustrates the hedonic behavior of the characters. The results of this study show that the hedonic lifestyle behaviors of the characters in the Antologi Rasa illustrate the realities of metropolitan life which assume that worldly happiness is everything. The results of this study are expected to add to the treasury of literary research and can be a reference for the next literary research that uses a sociological approach to literature by focusing on the behavior of characters in popular novels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 62
Raden Muhammad Ali ◽  
Aria Candramukti

Nowadays, there are so many people talking and discussing what we called terrorism. However, most of us still do not have sufficient insight related to the kinds, motivations, and purposes of terror attacks. This paper is aimed to find the types of terror attack as reflected in The Secret Agent by Joseph Conrad and to show the causes of terror as reflected in the novel. The researchers apply descriptive qualitative as the method of analyzing the data. Some of the research findings are as follows. First, the terror attacks found in the novel are physical and mental. Second, the causes of terror are political and economic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-48
Nita Kartika Sari ◽  
Sumartini Sumartini ◽  
U’um Qomariyah

Karya sastra memang tidak bisa dilepaskan begitu saja dari pengarang dan keadaan sosial yang melatarbelakangi penciptaanya serta segala gejolak kemasyarakatan yang ada seperti kekuasaan dan dominasi yang dirasa merugikan.  Dari tiga rumusan masalah penulis hanya akan memfokuskan pembahasan pada bentuk hegemoni yang dilakukan pemangku adat di Minangkabau. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif kualitatif.  Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra dan teori hegemoni Antonio Gramsci. Sumber data adalah novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck karya Hamka. Data diperoleh dengan teknik membaca dan mencatat. Hasil penelitian berupa jenis hegemoni yang disadari dan tidak disadari. Terdapat empat bentuk dari hegemoni yang disadari yaitu kekeraan, penindasan, paksaan dan perampasan, sedangkan bentuk dari hegemoni yang tidak disadari berupa provokasi. There is an inseparable bond between a literary work with the background experience of its writer, and the underlying socio-cultural circumstances behind its creation, as well as all the existing disadvantageous problems in society such as hegemony and dominance. Of the three research problems, the discussion in this article will focus solely on the form of hegemony practices done by the Elders in Minangkabau culture. In conducting this research, descriptive qualitative approach is used. Literary sociological approach using the theory of Hegemony by Antonio Gramsci is used as the research approach. The data are obtained by using reading and noting technique. The data source is the novel Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck by Hamka. As the result of the research, there are two type of hegemony practices found, the conscious and unconscious hegemony. The conscious hegemony take four forms, there are: violence, oppression, coercion and deprivation. Meanwhile the unconscious hegemony realized only in form of provocation.

Maulana Ishaq ◽  
Linusia Marsih

This study aims to discuss the issue of religious conflict in Bhagat’s The Girl in Room 105. The objectives of this study are to analyze the religious conflicts and characteristics of the religious conflict reflected in the novel. This study uses descriptive qualitative method using sociological approach and several theories of religious conflict. The result, this study depicts the religious conflicts between by Muslim and Hindu as well as the characteristics of the religious conflict. The religious conflicts are presented in the sphere of belief: conflict between Muslim and Hindu, ideology: conflict between Kashmiri and Indian, organization: conflict between separatist groups of Kashmir against Indian government, family: conflict between Keshav and Zara’s family, and individual: conflict between Zara and Keshav.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-390
Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Sudarmin Harun

The purposes of this research were (1) to elaborate the kind of slavery depiction through animal treatment in Sewell’s Black Beauty and (2) to exposure how the human treatment to horses in the novel is considered as a form of slavery in England Victorian age. The data were obtained from Sewell’s Black Beauty through a descriptive qualitative method by applying Sociological Approach. The study concluded that human treatment to horses is considered slavery for violating laws on animal protection. Horses are created to work but also there are rules in using them. There were four animal Anti-Cruelty laws in 1867 existed in the novel. Those laws are penalty for overdriving cruelly treating animal, for impounding animals without giving sufficient food and water, penalty for carrying animals in a cruel manner and penalty for abandoning infirm animals in public place. This study also suggest human being that there is no rights of one creature to judge another creatures.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Erlina Zahar ◽  
Sujoko Sujoko

This study aims to describe the representation of patience value in the novel Cinta Laki-laki Biasa by Asma Nadia. This type of research is literary research, which is descriptive qualitative. The research data was taken from the novel Cinta Laki-laki Biasa by Asma Nadia, namely words, sentences, and paragraphs that express quotations representing patient attitudes. The data source of this research is the novel Cinta Laki-laki Biasa by Asma Nadia. The data collection technique in this research is to use the documentation carried out to analyze the contents of a novel, especially the representation of patience value in the novel Cinta Laki-laki Biasa by Asma Nadia. The results showed that the representation of patience in accepting various trials in the novel Cinta Laki-laki Biasa by Asma Nadia contained 26 quotes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 689
Erlina Zahar ◽  
Sujoko Sujoko

This study aims to analyze the ethical value of helping in the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye. This type of research is literary research, which is descriptive qualitative. The research data are taken from the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye, namely words, sentences, and paragraphs related to the ethical value of helping to help. The data source of this research is the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye. The data collection technique in this research is to use documentation and literature studies to analyze the contents of a novel, especially the ethical value of helping to help in the novel Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye. The results of the study show that the ethical value of helping to help contained in the Harga Sebuah Percaya by Tere Liye is 27 quotes.

Anggia Putria ◽  
Muizzu Nurhadi

The research aims to reveal how the application of dramatic elements of Dashner’s Maze Runner is transformed into its film adaptation. To achieve the purpose, the researcher analyzes seven dramatic elements by Gustav Freytag’s Pyramid which consist of exposition, inciting moment, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution, and denouement. This research uses the descriptive qualitative method. The results of this research are the differences of the dramatic elements in the novel and film adaptation are not significant because only the scenes of exposition and rising action are not similar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-43
Enggin Valufi ◽  
Retno Budi Astuti

Hedonism is a view of life in philosophy that seeks to avoid pain and make pleasure as the main goal in life. People who embrace hedonism tend to over-pursue pleasure. The hedonism lifestyle is mostly carried out by 18th century people especially the nobles who live in high culture. They are as close to hedonism as they are in the Persuasion novel by Jane Austen. Sir Walter Elliot the main character is a nobleman who did a lot of hedonism. Hedonism which is seen as too glorifying personal pleasure to ignore others. The purpose of this study was to find out the types of hedonism done by Sir Walter Elliot in Persuasion. This research uses descriptive qualitative method because all data are in the form of sentences. The researcher uses a philosophical approach and analyzes data using Weijers' theory as the main theory. The results of this study found that Sir Walter Elliot performed two types of hedonism, namely aesthetic hedonism and selfish hedonism.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-89
Arini Egi Tiarawati ◽  
Tri Wahyu Retno Ningsih

The aim of this study is to analyze the types of figurative language which found in Ugly Love novel by Colleen Hoover. This study used figurative language theory by Leech to analyze the data which the researcher found in the novel. The method of this study is descriptive qualitative method. The total of the data are 87 data to be analyzed in the types of figurative language. The data will be identify and classify into 8 types of figurative language by Leech. The result of this study found 6 types of figurative language in this Ugly Love novel. That are 33 data of personifications (33 data) , 19 data of similes, 11 data of irony, 10 data of hyperbole, 9 data of metaphors, and 5 data of metonymy. The most of dominant type of figurative language in the Ugly Love novel by Colleen Hoover is personification.

Jurnal KATA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Krisna Aji Kusuma ◽  
Herman J Waluyo ◽  
Nugraheni Eko Wardani

<p><em>This study aims to describe the intertextuality relationship between the novel Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari and Calabai by Pepi Al-Bayqunie. The type of research is descriptive qualitative approach using content analysis. Data are collected by inventorying events that are similarities and differences, specifications on the characters, settings, plots, and themes of both text. The research results indicate that there are similar themes on the two novels, the theme of self actualization in addition with the theme of family and friendship. The same characterization are also used by both author, masculine figures with feminine soul characters. The difference between the two novels lies on the plot and setting. Pasung Jiwa uses progressive plot and Calabai uses a flash-back plot.. Okky Madasari takes Java Island as the background in the novel Pasung Jiwa, while the novel Calabai, Pepi Al-Bayqunie using the setting of Sulawesi Island. The basis of the similarity of theme and characterization supported by the similirity of events in the story shows the existence of intertextual relationship between the two novels. As a previously published work, the novel Pasung Jiwa by Okky Madasari is a hipogram and novel Calabai by Pepi A-Bayqunie as a transformational text. On the theme and characterization, the transformation of Calabai forward the hypogram, while in the plot and setting deviates his hypogram, Pasung Jiwa.</em></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan intertekstualitas antara novel Pasung Jiwa karya Okky Madasari dan novel Calabai karya Pepi Al-Bayqunie. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan konten analisis. Data dikumpulkan dengan menginventariskan peristiwa yang merupakan persamaan dan perbedaan, spesifikasi pada tokoh, latar, alur, dan tema dari kedua teks. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat kesamaan tema pada kedua novel, yaitu tema aktualisasi diri, ditambah dengan tema keluarga dan persahabatan. Penokohan yang sama juga digunakan oleh kedua penulis, yaitu tokoh maskulin dengan karakter jiwa feminin. Perbedaan kedua novel terletak pada alur dan latar. Pasung Jiwa menggunakan alur maju dan Calabai menggunakan alur campuran. Latar dalam novel Pasung Jiwa, Okky Madasari mengambil latar Pulau Jawa, sedangkan novel Calabai, Pepi Al-Bayqunie menggunakan latar Pulau Sulawesi. Dasar kesamaan tema dan penokohan didukung kesamaan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam cerita menunjukkan adanya hubungan intertekstual antara kedua novel. Sebagai karya yang terbit terlebih dahulu menjadikan novel Pasung Jiwa karya Okky Madasari adalah hipogram dan novel Calabai karya Pepi Al-Bayqunie sebagai teks transformasi. Pada tema dan penokohan, transformasi Calabai meneruskan hipogram, sedangkan pada alur dan latar menyimpangi hipogramnya, Pasung Jiwa.</p>

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