scholarly journals To the 100th anniversary of the Russian medical dictionary M. Galin

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2b) ◽  
pp. 135-138
S. Nechaiv ◽  

Martyr Halyn is a military surgeon, from 1888 is a doctor of medicine in the Emperor’s university of Saint Volodymyr (now the Kyiv National University named after T.Shevchenko), from 1901 is a knight of the order of Saint Stanislav and other battle rewards of the Rossian empire. In 1903 appointed by the performer of duties of the Main doctor of the Kyiv combat hospital. Halyn, together with М.Hrushevskyj et al, participated in founding of 1907 of Ukrainian Scientific Society in Kyiv, from 1908 chairman of its naturally-medical section, and from 1911 – chairman of medical section, chairman of terminological commission on medicine. In 1917-1921 Halyn participated in organization of sanitary corps of UNR Army, cornet general, at hetmanate in 1918 managed the Terminological commission of Ministry of People’s Health and Guardianship, compiler of the first Ukrainian medical dictionaries. In 1920 at soviet power went out separate edition him the «Rosijsko-ukrajinskyj medychnyj slovnyk». To editing of dictionary of Halyn the known Ukrainian figures were attracted, that gave to its high scientific level, as professional so language, and confession of all Ukraine. One hundred years ago the Ukrainian linguists were oriented in term formation to national character of term system: all scientists agreed, that it is necessary to involve internal language resources, terminate new concepts with the use of both existent facilities and by scientific creation from own sources. Terminological principles of М. Halyn there were base on most lexicographic medical labours of 1920 years, among that there is the «Shkilnyj medychnyj slovnyk (za Halynym)» of B. Aleksandrovskyj (Poltava, 1924); «Nomenklatura khorob (latynsko-ukrajinski nazvy khorob ta rosijskyj pokazhchyk do nykh)» of O. Korchak-Chepurkivskyj (Kyiv, 1927) and most ukrainian medical dictionary of time of the shot up renaissance, final edition that time – «Medychnyj rosijsko-ukrajinskyj slovnyk» of Dr. V.Kysiljov (Odesa, 1928), that was accepted to printing of the medical section of the natural department of the Institute of scientific ukrainian language of the Allukrainian academy of sciences. Most given out then medical dictionaries often are not even in the large libraries of Ukraine. They were destroyed or hidden in the special storehouses, and about their existence presently it knows only to the very narrow circle. Only the Ukrainian diaspore did not forget Martyr Halyn. In 1969 Ukrainian Medical Association of North America reprinted in Detroit the Prague «Medychnyj latynsko-ukrajinskyj slovnyk» of М. Halyn in 1926. On occasion of 100 years of edition of him the «Rosijsko-ukrajinskyj medychnyj slovnyk» we must honour Martyr Halyn and to rehabilitate his approach in relation to creation of the ukrainian medical terms, his vision of «ukrainian medical terminology of the future» that was reflected in his dictionaries. М. Halyn had pride enough of place in the Rossian empire, but he chose the Ukrainian state. He was far unindifferent to the fate of his nation and native word, whatever will say about majority of modern ruler of Ukraine.

1998 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-157
E. S. Valishin ◽  
N. M. Vanov

The conference was dedicated to the 190th anniversary of the Department of Human Anatomy of Kazan State Medical University, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Corr. USSR Academy of Sciences, prof. N.G. Kolosov, and was also timed to coincide with the opening of the unique building of the Department of Anatomy after reconstructive capital repairs.

2021 ◽  
pp. 102-107

The article presents a fact-based study of the verbalization of medical knowledge, verbal nomination as one of the ways to create a Russian medical dictionary. The linguistic materials collected during the research indicate the ability of the verb to terminate concepts. Verb-terms, in contrast to noun-terms, nominate specific processes, phenomena. Verb terms are included in word-formation nests along with noun terms. Verb terms fall into two groups: 1) branch verbs and 2) common verbs. The first group unites verbs characteristic of the medical field of knowledge, the second group includes verbs, the terminological nature of which is manifested in the composition of a phrase with a dependent noun-term. In such verb-nominal phrases, the verb either expands the meaning, or concretizes the existing one. Verb terms are used mainly in those branches of medicine that are associated with a specif- ic action (for example, surgery). Verb terms have the same grammatical categories as verbs of the general literary language. The results obtained can be used for further research on the cognitive properties of verbs-terms based on new sources.

G. N. Yakovleva ◽  
B. F. Bogatikov ◽  
E. I. Khabarova

The article is devoted to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Prokofyevich Fedorenko, a graduate of M.V. Lomonosov MITHT, a participant of the Great Patriotic War, the head of MITHT department for chemical industry economy (1951-1962), since 1953 to 1958 - the deputy director of MITHT for studies. N.P. Fedorenko is Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, member of the presidium of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, academician-secretary of the Economy department of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, one of the main founders and the first director of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1963-1985). N.P. Fedorenko was the most talented organizer of the economic science. He made a large contribution to the chemicalization of the national economy, to the application of modern mathematical methods and computing hardware for economic research, to the planning, management and studying of the theoretical and methodological bases of optimum performance of economy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 322 (3) ◽  
pp. 205-214
V.S. Baygusheva ◽  
I.V. Foronova ◽  
S.V. Semenova

The article contains a biography of the famous Russian paleontologist V.E. Garutt (1917–2002), the oldest research worker of the Zoological institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, who studied the Pleistocene elephants of Northern Eurasia. He published more than 70 scientific papers on the origin and evolution of elephants of mammoth line, the morphology, changeability and features of the development of ancient proboscides. V.E. Garutt suggested two subfamilies Primelephantinae and Loxodontinae. He is the author of several taxa of fossil elephants of the generic, specific and subspecific levels. On his initiative, the skeleton of the Taimyr mammoth was adopted as the neotype of the woolly mammoth Mammuthus primigenius. He actively defended the independence of the genus Archidiskodon. A number of famous and important for the science paleontological specimens (skulls and skeletons of southern elephants, trogontherine and woolly mammoths, woolly rhinoceroses and elasmotherium) were restored and mounted by V.E. Garutt. They adorn a number of museums and institutes in Russia (St. Petersburg, Stavropol, Pyatigorsk, Azov, Rostov-on-Don) and abroad (Tbilisi, Vilnius, Edersleben, Sangerhausen). In addition, V.E. Garutt was an active popularizer of paleontological science. He collected a scientific archive on the remains of elephants from many regions of the former Soviet Union and some countries of Western Europe, which is now stored in the Azov museum-reserve (Azov). Several grateful pupils began their way in paleontology under the leader ship of V.E. Garutt. And they continue active work nowadays.

Yehorova O.I. ◽  
Kozlova Yu.V.

The article aims at analyzing the topical English pandemic (coronavirus) vocabulary from the perspective of system-functional approach. This envisages performing following tasks: 1) to identify the pandemic (coronavirus) lexical cluster, 2) to describe the word-building peculiarities of the English coronavirus vocabulary and 3) to interpret the functioning of this vocabulary within the political, every day, and Internet discourses.Methods. The methodological framework used in the study features: 1) generalization for establishing basic theoretical principles of the research; 2) structure-semantic analysis for studying the word-building specifics of the pandemic vocabulary; 3) statistical method for defining calculate the frequency and the productivity of certain word-building models within the pandemic lexical cluster; 4) the elements of discourse analysis to highlight the functional peculiarities of coronavirus vocabulary.Results. Coronacrisis, that we have experienced till the present, has become a crucial factor catalyzing nomination processes of the novel concepts, thus influencing the lexical system of the English language. We consider pandemic lexicon (coronavirus vocabulary) the novelist group of neologisms in the English language since it comprises innovative words and phrases which have been coined since the start of COVID-19 pandemic and relate to its impact on the modern life. Among the most common for coronavirus vocabulary word-building models are derivation, compounding, shortening, loan and substitution; alongside, the statistical analysis has proved blending to be the most productive word-building model. The study of functional peculiarities of the pandemic lexicon within various types of discourses shows that its biggest part has entered the usus. The use of pandemic vocabulary within the Internet discourse is marked by the development of a number of thematic groups of language units referring to: 1) routine activities and events; 2) changes in learn and work modes; 3) excess weight; 4) alcohol and 5) verbal aggressiveness.Conclusions. The study enabled categorizing the units of the English pandemic (coronavirus) vocabulary as a separate lexical cluster, which has predominantly developed with the help of the already existing language resources. The units of this innovative cluster perform nominative function by naming new concepts and realia of life, reflect social moods, for instance, the feelings of worry, fear, anguish, and hopelessness, or facilitate the humorous effect in communication. Prospects for future research lie within the expansion of discursive analysis of pandemic innovations for revealing functional of some neological units on different stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as conducting a comparative study of pandemic innovations in distant languages.Key words: word-building, lexical innovation, pandemic vocabulary, discourse. Метою пропонованого дослідження є висвітлення актуального пандемійного (коронавірусного) вокабуляру англійської мови з позицій системно-функціонального підходу. Досягненню мети сприяє виконання таких завдань: 1) ідентифікувати пандемійний (коронавірусний) лексичний кластер; 2) охарактеризувати словотвірні особливості коронавокабуляра англійської мови та 3) проінтерпретувати особливості функціонування коронавокабуляра в політичному, повсякденному та інтернет-дискурсах.Методи. Для досягнення поставленої мети застосовувалися: 1) метод узагальнення для ідентифікації базових теоретич-них положень; 2) метод структурно-семантичного аналізу для вивчення особливостей словотвору пандемійного вокабуляра; 3) статистичний метод для вирахування частотності та продуктивності словотворення пандемійного лексичного кластера за конкретними моделями; 4) елементи дискурс-аналізу для вивчення функціональних особливостей короновокабуляра.Результати. Коронакриза, що триває нині, є центральним фактором впливу на лексикографічну систему англійської мови, оскільки актуалізувала проблему номінації нових реалій. Найактуальнішою неологічною групою англійської мови нині є пандемійна лексика (коронавірусний вокабуляр), до складу якого, зокрема, входять інноваційні слова та вирази, що виникли з початку пандемії COVID-19 та пов’язані з її впливом на сучасне життя. Елементи коронавокабуляра утворюються за низкою дериваційних моделей, до числа яких відносимо деривацію, основоскладання, скорочення, запозичення, субституцію, проте найпродуктивнішою моделлю за результатами статистичного аналізу є телескопія. Дослідження особливостей функціонуван-ня коронавірусного вокабуляра в різних типах дискурсу дає змогу констатувати превалювання узуальної лексики та тісні між-дискурсивні зв’язки, зокрема між політичним дискурсом та дискурсом повсякденності. Використання пандемійної лексики на просторах інтернет-дискурсу відзначається формуванням низки лексико-семантичних груп на позначення: 1) рутинних занять та подій; 2) змін у звичному розпорядку навчальної та робочої діяльності; 3) зайвої ваги; 4) алкоголю та 5) мовної агресії.Висновки. Проведене дослідження уможливило виокремлення англомовного пандемійного (коронавірусного) вокабуляра як окремого лексичного кластера, основу якого становить загальновживана лексика. Одиниці цього інноваційного кластера виконують номінативну функцію через іменування нових реалій та концептів життя, а також рефлектують настрої суспільства, зокрема відчуття занепокоєння, остраху, туги та безнадійності, або ж сприяють реалізації гумористичного ефекту комунікації.Ключові слова: словотворення, лексична інновація, пандемійний вокабуляр, дискурс.

Akhutin ◽  
Irina Berlyand

In 2018, the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Solomonovich Bibler (1918-2000) was celebrated. This date is celebrated in Russia (see, for example, publications in "Voprosy filosofii"), and in Ukraine, in Kiev, where gathered disciples, followers, listeners Bibler from different ends of the earth and where, in addition to the roundtable, presentation of the book by Bibler in the Ukrainian language (see the website "Bibler and around"). The materials of the round table held at the Institute of philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences were published in the online magazine Vox, whose employees care not only about Bibler's philosophical legacy, but also about His life, because his biography is, as one of Bibler's students P. D. Tishchenko said at the round table, "the experience of radical self — choice".

Zootaxa ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2809 (1) ◽  
pp. 47 ◽  

The type materials of Neopygmephoridae and Pygmephoridae deposited in the Zoological Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia and the Museum of Zoology, I. Mechnikov Odessa National University, Ukraine were examined. Two genera and several species were synonymyzed. In the family Neopygmephoridae, the genus Heteropygmephrus Kurosa, 2002 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Aegiptophorus Sevastianov and Abo-Korah, 1984 and Heteropygmephorus onthophagi Kurosa, 2002 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Aegiptophorus shibinensis Sevastianov and AboKorah, 1984; Bakerdania uniseta Khaustov and Hajiqanbar, 2004 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Bakerdania tenuispina Sevastianov, 1974; Bakerdania nouri Sevastianov and Zahida Al Douri, 1989 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Bakerdania urbanensis Sevastianov, 1974; Bakerdania ptilophora Savulkina, 1978 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Bakerdania montana (Willmann, 1956). In the family Pygmephoridae, the genus Asiapygmephorus Khaustov and Chydyrov, 2003 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Mesopotamiophorus Sevastianov and Zahida Al Douri, 1991, and Asiapygmephorus paucisetosus (Sevastianov and Chydyrov, 1991) syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Mesopotamiophorus babylonicus Sevastianov and Zahida Al Douri, 1991; Pygmephorus scrobiculatus Sevastianov, 1975 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Pygmephorus stammeri Krczal, 1959; Pediculaster petrovanikitinae Sevastianov, Chydyrov and Marroch, 1994 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Pediculaster athiasae (Wicht, 1970); Pediculaster crassipedis Sevastianov and Chydyrov, 1994 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Pediculaster amerahae Sevastianot and Abo-Korah, 1984; Pediculaster monoufiensis Sevastianov and Abo Korah, 1985 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Pediculaster kneeboni (Wicht, 1970); Siteroptes dionusii Sevastianov and Abo-Korah, 1984 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Siteroptes rosae Sevastianov and Abo-Korah, 1984; Siteroptes tameri Sevastianov and Abo-Korah, 1984 syn. nov. is a junior synonym of Siteroptes graminicola Mitrofanov, Shabanova and Sevastianov, 1984. Bakerdania urbanensis Sevastianov, 1974 and Neositeroptes rosae (Sevastianov and Abo-Korah, 1984) comb. nov. (transferred from Siteroptes) are redescribed.

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