scholarly journals Ideologi Surat Kabar dalam Pemberitaan Terorisme

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Fajar Syuderajat

This paper this study was to determine the ideology of Newspaper Coverage Off Execution Amrozy Cs. on Newspaper Kompas and Republika. The method used in this research is the analysis method semiotics model of Ferdinand de Saussure with a qualitative approach. The results showed that: (a) Option speech text, as well as the news angle images of photographs or illustrations that reproduce the graph becomes a news event is strongly influenced by the ideology of the media is concerned. (B) Compass showing partiality to the international agenda by using the term "terrorists" in its message. This is also strengthened by the news in the form of photo illustrations which only includes figures or portraits of security officers. (C) Republika has a distinctive news angle in reporting the death penalty  convicted Bali Bombing Case. They appear at the peculiarities of the text selection, angle coverage, as well as news illustrations are photographs which contains many figures or portraits Amrozi.

Koneksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 209
Neldy Maria Lesilolo ◽  
Rustono Farady Marta ◽  
Rewindinar Rewindinar

The Garnier green beauty campaign conveys a message to the public through advertising media. The message is conveyed to the public regarding environmental activities that have a sustainable meaning. The green beauty campaign through advertising media shows Garnier's environmental friendly actions. Cause consumer behavior that turns into a form of responsible attitude. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of the sustainability of the green beauty campaign through Garnier's cosmetic advertising media. Researchers used a qualitative approach with Ferdinand de Saussure's semiotic analysis method which was signifier and signified. Methods of data collection with the method of documentation. The object of research was through the green beauty campaign advertisement and the subject of Garnier. The one-minute green beauty campaign ad is divided into seven scenes. The results of this study found the meaning of sustainability, by taking real action to become green beauty. Being green beauty is explained through verbal and non-verbal signs. Marked by each scene of the Garnier green beauty campaign advertisement, the meaning of sustainability is found. The real action starts from the production process to processing Garnier cosmetic waste.Kampanye Garnier green beauty menyampaikan pesan kepada masyarakat melalui media iklan. Pesan yang disampaikan kepada khalayak mengenai kegiatan peduli lingkungan yang memiliki makna berkesinambungan. Kampanye green beauty melalui media iklan menunjukan aksi nyata Garnier yang ramah lingkungan. Menyebabkan perilaku konsumen yang berubah menjadi wujud sikap yang bertanggung jawab. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui makna kesinambungan dari kampanye green beauty melalui media iklan kosmetik Garnier. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis semiotika Ferdinand de Saussure secara signifier dan signified. Metode pengumpulan data dengan metode dokumentasi. Objek penelitian melalui iklan kampanye green beauty dan subjek Garnier. Iklan kampanye green beauty yang berdurasi satu menit dibagi menjadi tujuh scene. Hasil Penelitian ini menemukan makna kesinambungan, dengan melakukan aksi nyata menjadi green beauty. Menjadi green beauty dijelaskan melalui tanda secara verbal dan non verbal. Ditandai melalui setiap scene iklan kampanye Garnier green beauty memiliki makna kesinambungan yang ditemukan. Aksi nyata dimulai dari proses produksi sampai pengolahan limbah kosmetik Garnier.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Lukman Al Farisi, Zidni Ilman Nafia, Moh Muslimin

This study aims to describe the representation of the magical da'wah of Kang Ujang Busthomi Cirebon associated with the use of social media Youtube. The diversity of media used by da'i has also become a concern for researchers to re-examine the value of the effectiveness of the media as a medium of preaching. This study uses a qualitative approach using the semiotic analysis method of Roland Barthes. This method is used to read various signs and signs marking the magical da'wah of Ustad Ujang Busthomi which contains messages that are conveyed to viewers and subscribers. The results show that the representation of magical da'wah in various symbols refers to the battle of religious symbols and symbols of polytheism. This is shown through display symbols such as the use of magical objects, irrational and non-physical magical readings that are collaborated with religious rituals as seen in Islamic teachings.Keywords: Representation, Da'wah, Magis, Youtube. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Ayub Dwi Anggoro ◽  
Eli Purwati ◽  
Yusuf Adam Hilman

Donald Trump’s policy on immigrants has been a controversy. The controversy culminated when the policy was reported by the media, such as and This study aims to compare news framing in both media, especially the application of ideology and political economic of media, as an effort to get objective and neutral reporting. This research uses qualitative approach with framing analysis method of Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki. The results show that framing by and is in favor of the interests of media owners, namely Rupert Murdoch and the government of Qatar.

Imaji ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Noval Talani Sufriyanto

Illustration is a visual language which is used by mass media for commenting news or hot issues which develop in society. Editorial illustration, for example, not only plays a role as an esthetic element at the rubric but also can describe its attitude and the media politic line in which it was published. During 2011 period, Kompas has been lightened up many corruption cases that still happen this day, not only through editorial illustration but also through an opinion article illustration. Both of those illustrations put out the opinion rubric in Monday-Saturday edition. This paper discusses the illustration meaning and its relation within the article, the ways in which the corruption’s information was shown through illustration and the publics’ interpretation to the corruption’s illustration which was put on the opinion rubric at Kompas during 2011 period. To discover the answer of the problems that are investigated and to obtain the purpose which has been settled, this research uses qualitative approach with discourse analysis method. Through this research, a process model of visual discourse construction is also found.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 212-222
Muhammad Guruh Achmad Teguh ◽  
Rini Riyantini ◽  
Intan Putri Cahyani

The arrangement of the Komodo National Park which will turn this national park into a premium tourist destination has caused controversy between the people who disagree with the arrangement and the government. The existing arrangement is feared to disturb the habitat and the original ecosystem of the Komodo dragon and will complicate conservation activities. This controversy has increasingly attracted public attention with the appearance of photos of Komodo blocking trucks that go viral on social media. The mass media in this case also reported on this. This research was conducted to prove the alignment of the news on the arrangement of the Komodo National Park on and Which is carried out using the critical discourse analysis method on news texts in both media. This study uses a qualitative approach so that it can see more deeply the meaning behind the discourse. The research proves that the media tend to choose one party in constructing an event. proved to be in favor of the government by displaying statements submitted by the government and positive things from the arrangement. On the other hand, shows siding with the people who voice their rejection and view the existing arrangement negatively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 141
Iis Yeni Sugiarti

Abstrak. Desa Trusmi merupakan sentra batik sekaligus kuliner di Kabupaten Cirebon. Banyaknya pemegang usaha di bidang produksi batik mengakibatkan persaingan dagang diwilayah tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats)  di salah satu usaha batik milik H. Edi Baredi atau sering dikenal dengan EB Batik Tradisional melalui inkuri terbimbing. Analisis meliputi profil usaha, aspek produksi, aspek tenaga kerja, aspek pemasaran dan aspek keuangan. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskripstif analisis. Berdasarkan analisis internal dan eksternal analisis SWOT, strategi yang  dilakukan oleh EB Batik Tradisional yaitu menghindari kehilangan penjualan dan profit yang disebabkan banyaknya persaingan dagang di kawasan sentra batik Trusmi dengan munculnya inovasi baru. Penguatan karakter pada produksi batiknya dapat mengatasi pesaingan dagang dan menambah daya tarik pembeli. Kata Kunci: SWOT, Inkuiri Terbimbing, dan Kegiatan Ekonomi Abstract. Trusmi village is a center of batik as well as culinary in Cirebon Regency. A large number of business holders in the field of batik production has resulted in trade competition in the region. This study aims to analyze SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats) in one of the batik business owned by H. Edi Baredi or often known as EB Traditional Batik through guided injury. The analysis includes the business profile, production aspects, labor aspects, marketing aspects, and financial aspects. This type of research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. Based on internal and external analysis of the SWOT analysis, the strategy carried out by EB Traditional Batik is to avoid losing sales and profits due to the high level of trade competition in the Trusmi batik center area with the emergence of innovations. Strengthening the character of batik production can overcome trade competition and increase the attractiveness of buyers. Keywords: SWOT, Guided Inquiry, and Economic Activities

Erwin Erwin ◽  
Nasarudin Nasarudin ◽  
Husnan Husnan

The purpose of this research is to explain the importance of the student organizations and describe their efforts to improve the speaking skills of students at the Mahad Khalid Bin Al Waleed at the University of Muhammadiyah Mataram. This research uses the qualitative approach with the descriptive type. The result shows the student organizations play an important role based on their objectives and functions. The objectives are to help the foundation and all parties in the Ma'had develop the students’ potential and qualification, and to be the place for the students to share their problems and complaints, while the functions are as one of the media to develop students’ quality, both the members of the non-member, and as the good examples and pioneers of any good deeds. The efforts done by student organizations in improving speaking skills are such as by making activities that lead to improving students' speaking skills like sticking vocabularies in each class and Friday activities such as language game, Arabic debate and short lecture.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 368
Gilang Januarsyah

ABSTRAKUntuk menghasilkan sebuah karangan berbahasa Perancis yang dapat dipahamioleh khalayak umum, mahasiswa harus menguasai kemampuan berbahasa Perancis ragamtulis yang baik dan benar sesuai dengan kaidah yang berlaku. Penelitian ini bertujuanuntuk menjelaskan kesalahan sintaksis yang dilakukan oleh mahasiswa Program StudiSastra Perancis Universitas Padjadjaran. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambildari sepuluh karangan mahasiwa yang duduk di semester lima dan tujuh dan dianalisisdengan menggunakan metode simak dan metode analisis padan referensial translasionaldengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kesalahantertinggi yang dilakukan mahasiswa adalah kesalahan dalam penggunaan passé composédan imparfait sebesar 50%, kemudian diikuti oleh kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronomrelatif simple et composé ‘pronomina penghubung bebas dan turunan’ sebesar 30%, danterakhir kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronom COD et COI ‘pronomina COD dan COI’ sebesar20%. Faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kesalahan tersebut adalah faktor linguistikyang disebabkan oleh perbedaan kaidah tatabahasa bahasa Indonesia dan Perancis.Selain itu terdapat pula faktor sosiolinguistik yang disebabkan oleh jarangnya mahasiswamembiasakan diri mereka untuk mengaplikasikan bahasa Perancis di luar kelas.Kata kunci: kesalahan, sintaksis, bahasa Perancis, tulis, pengajaranABST RACTTo produce a French-language essay that can be understood by the general public,the students should master the ability of French language in good and true writing skill inaccordance with the applicable rules. The aim of this research is to explain the syntactic errorsmade by students of French literature’s program at University Padjadjaran. The sources ofdata are taken from the ten student essays who sit in the fifth and seventh semesters, and themethods used in this research are Observation Method ‘Metode Simak’ and the analyticalreference translational analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results of thisresearch indicate that the highest errors that students make are the use of passé composéand imparfait as much as fifty percent, followed by errors in the use of pronom relatifsimple et composé ‘the free and derivative pronouns’ thirty percent, and the last error is inthe use of pronom CO D et CO I ‘‘The COD and COI pronouns’ twenty percent. The factors thatcause those errors are a linguistic caused by the difference rules of Indonesian and Frenchgrammar. In addition there are also sociolinguistic factors caused by the rarity of studentsfamiliarize themselves to apply the French language outside the classroom.Keywords: Error, syntax, French language, writing, teaching

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 285
Yeni Maulina ◽  
Khairul Azmi

Pengkalan Kuras, Langgam, Kuala Kampar, and Bunut Subdistrict, Pelalawan Regency. Petalangan tribe has various cultures in the traditions of life. A good introduction to cultural heritage by the next generation can strengthen the nation's tradition in responding to the increasingly severe challenges of the future in this era of globalization. Cultural heritage in the form of moral-spiritual inheritance, one of which is obtained and known through the tradition of belief in the traditional proverb that exists in the community. The traditional adage in the Petalangan community, among others, explains the perspective on community life. This study aims to describe the style of language in the customary proverb that is related to the perspective of life in society. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The data source used was the book entitled Pepatah Adat, Istilah, dan Kosa kata Masyarakat Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau. There are 16 traditional proverbs used as data in this study, which then obtained 3 language styles based on sentence structure and 2 language styles based on meaning. By knowing and learning the style of language in this traditional proverb, the philosophy of life and aesthetic tastes of the people of Riau can be understood. Petalangan merupakan salah satu puak asli di Provinsi Riau yang bermukim di Kecamatan Pengkalan Kuras, Langgam, Kuala Kampar, dan Bunut, Kabupaten Pelalawan. Suku Petalangan ini memiliki beraneka kebudayaan dalam kehidupan. Pengenalan yang baik terhadap warisan kebudayaan oleh generasi penerus dapat memperteguh tradisi bangsa dalam menjawab tantangan masa depan yang semakin berat dalam era globalisasi ini. Warisan kebudayaan yang berupa warisan moral-spiritual, satu di antaranya didapatkan dan diketahui keyakinan terhadap pepatah adat yang ada pada masyarakat. Pepatah adat dalam masyarakat Petalangan antara lain menjelaskan cara pandang mengenai hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa di dalam pepatah adat yang berhubungan dengan cara pandang dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah buku Pepatah Adat, Istilah, dan Kosa kata Masyarakat Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau. Terdapat 16 pepatah adat yang dijadikan data dalam penelitian ini, yang kemudian diperoleh 3 gaya bahasa berdasarkan struktur kalimat dan 2 gaya bahasa berdasarkan makna. Dengan mengetahui dan mempelajari gaya bahasa dalam pepatah adat ini dapat dipahami filsafat hidup dan cita rasa estetika masyarakat Riau.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-102
Ramasela Semang L. Mathobela ◽  
Shepherd Mpofu ◽  
Samukezi Mrubula-Ngwenya

An emerging global trend of brands advertising their products through LGBTIQ+ individuals and couples indicates growth of gender awareness across the globe. The media, through advertising, deconstructs homophobia and associated cultures through the use of LGBTIQ+s in commercials. This qualitative research paper centres the advancement of debates on human rights and social media as critical in the interaction between corporates and consumers. The Gillette, Chicken Licken‘s Soul Sisters and We the Brave advertisements were used to critically analyse how audiences react to the use of LGBTIQ+ characters and casts through comments posted on the brands‘ social media platforms. Further, the paper explored the role of social media in the mediation of significant gender issues such as homosexuality that are considered taboo to engage in. The paper used a qualitative approach. Using the digital ethnography method to observe comments and interactions from the chosen advertisement‘s online platforms, the paper employed queer and constructionist theories to deconstruct discourses around same-sex relations as used in commercials, especially in quasiconservative. The data used in the paper included thirty comments of the brands customers and audiences obtained from Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. The paper concludes there are positive development in human rights awareness as seen through advertisements and campaigns that use LGBTIQ+ communities in a positive light across the world.

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