Communicatus: Jurnal Ilmu komunikasi
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Published By Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Of Bandung


2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-146
Febri Nurrahmi ◽  
Hamdani M. Syam

The rise of hoaxes circulating on social media makes students as active social media users vulnerable to distribute hoaxes. The study used the model of information behavior by Wilson (1996) to examine information behaviors of university students in combating hoaxes on social media. Using a qualitative method, data collection was conducted through focus groups discussions with 14 students of Syiah Kuala University. The results showed that the information behaviors performed by the university students were not adequate to combat hoaxes. The critical attitude by not easily trusting information on social media was not accompanied by sufficient will and abilities to verify information they received from social media. Information dissemination behavior without verification was also found in this study. The results of this study also indicated that passive attention and search were the most dominant information behaviors among students. The results also showed that low self-efficacy encourage students to be reluctant and difficult to conduct information searches for verification. This study suggested that the model of information behaviour by Wilson (1996) was relevant to discuss students’ information behavior to combat hoaxes on social media. These findings are important to develop a social media literacy model for university students to fight against hoaxes on social media. Maraknya hoaks yang beredar di media sosial menjadikan mahasiswa sebagai pengguna media sosial aktif rentan menjadi penyebar hoaks. Penelitian menggunakan model perilaku informasi oleh Wilson (1996) untuk melihat perilaku informasi mahasiswa dalam menghadapi hoaks di media sosial. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan focus groups discussion terhadap 14 orang mahasiswa Universitas Syiah Kuala. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan perilaku informasi mahasiswa dalam menghadapi hoaks belum mumpuni. Sikap kritis dengan tidak mudah mempercayai informasi di media sosial, ternyata tidak disertai kemauan dan kemampuan verifikasi informasi yang memadai. Perilaku penyebaran informasi tanpa verifikasi juga masih ditemukan. Hasil studi ini juga mengindikasikan bahwa perilaku perhatian dan pencarian pasif adalah perilaku yang paling dominan di kalangan mahasiswa. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa self-efficacy yang rendah menyebabkan mahasiswa enggan dan sulit melakukan pencarian informasi untuk verifikasi. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa model perilaku informasi oleh Wilson (1996) relevan untuk membahas perilaku informasi mahasiswa dalam menghadapi hoaks di media sosial. Hasil studi ini penting untuk mengembangkan model literasi media sosial di kalangan mahasiswa untuk menangkal hoaks.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-164
Martha Tri Lestari ◽  
Lisa Aji Sasmita

Ada beragam media yang seringkali digunakan pemerintah sebagai media penyampai informasi dari pemerintah ke publik. Pemerintah Kota Semarang yang menggunakan vlog sebagai media publikasinya. Berbeda dengan pemerintah-pemerintah lainnya yang masih menggunakan media konvensional. Dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penyampain informasi Pemerintah Kota Semrang kepada masyarakat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kota Semarang menggunakan  youtube dan vlog sebagai media penyampaian informasi pada masyarakat, dengan membuat konten vlog “Yossie-Dani” yang mengandung  aktivitas sehari-hari, hiburan, dan konten-konten yang dekat dengan kehidupan sehari-hari masyarakat Semarang. Di samping juga ada beberapa trik dalam vlog nya seperti  memanfaatkan konsep blooper, memberikan style editing berupa sound effect, text effect,  atau video yang berisi kesalahan selama proses shooting berlangsung. Meskipun banyak unsur hiburan dan terkesan santainya, tetapi Pemerintah Kota Semarang tetap mempertahankan kualitas konten atau berita-berita yang dibuatnya. Ada beberapa nilai berita di vlog Yossie-Dani, yaitu fakta dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan, terbaru, berpengaruh, relevan dengan kehidupan masyarakat, narasumber yang populer, adanya kedekatan emosi dengan masyarakat, dan kedekatan jarak. Dan menggunakan rumus 5 W+ 1 H.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-184
Arianto Arianto ◽  
Tuti - Bahfiarti

Understanding the impact of fishermen children's online games is a phenomenon because it has the potential to cause internet addiction, decreased learning achievement, and even the destruction of interpersonal relationships. The purpose of this study is to categorize the understanding of fishermen children in the use of online games in Makassar City. This type of research uses a qualitative approach referring to case studies that specifically reveal children's understanding of the impact of online games, especially fishing communities. Data was collected through non-participant observation, and in-depth interviews with children aged 7-12 years chosen by purposive sampling. The results found that fishermen children's understanding of the impact of online games is high. First, the category of high comprehension is characterized by duration and low frequency or children do not play online games, high interactivity playing with peers. Second, the category of understanding being children tends to divide the time playing online games and learning with minimal duration and frequency of time. Third, the category of understanding is low in characteristics, children are very intensive to have the duration and frequency of playing online games very high, the level of interactivity with peers is low.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-248
Betty Tresnawaty

Public Relations of the Bandung Regency Government realizes that its area has a lot of potential for various local wisdom and has a heterogeneous society. This study aims to explore and analyze the values of local knowledge in developing public relations strategies in the government of Bandung Regency, West Java province. This study uses a constructivist interpretive (subjective) paradigm through a case study approach. The results showed that the Bandung Regency Government runs its government based on local wisdom. Bandung Regency Public Relations utilizes local insight and the region's potential to develop a public relations strategy to build and maintain a positive image of Bandung Regency. The impact of this research is expected to become a source of new scientific references in the development of public relations strategies in every region of Indonesia, which is very rich with various philosophies.Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung menyadari wilayahnya memiliki banyak potensi kearifan lokal yang beragam, serta memiliki masyarakatnya yang heterogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali dan menganalisis nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di pemerintahan Kabupaten Bandung provinsi Jawa Barat.  Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif (subjektif) konstruktivis melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bandung menjalankan pemerintahannya berlandaskan pada kearifal lokal. Humas Pemkab Bandung memanfaatkan kearifan lokal dan potensi wilayahnya untuk mengembangkan strategi humas dalam membangun dan mempertahankan citra positif Kabupaten Bandung.Dampak penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi sumber rujukan ilmiah baru dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di setiap daerah Indonesia yang sangat kaya dengan beragam filosofi. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-206
Darajat Wibawa

This study is Journalists and Media Reality (Qualitative Research in Bandung City) aims to determine the definition of journalists in Bandung City towards media reality, the trigger factors for media neutrality adoption, and how the effect of implementing media neutrality on journalists. In order to provide an overview and experience of media neutrality experienced by journalists in the city of Bandung, this study is more suitable to use a descriptive qualitative approach. Based on unstructured interviews and role observations with five journalists, the results showed that the informants gave a very diverse and complex definition of media neutrality, but in principle it led to the word impartial. The informants also admitted that the triggering factor for them to understand and implement media neutrality was the awareness to carry out their obligations as journalists. Meanwhile, the effect of implementing media neutrality is focused on two poles, namely positive and negative. In order to minimize negative camps, informants work in accordance with the code of ethics and stay away from and eliminate potentials that could interfere with the enforcement of neutrality.Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui pengertian wartawan di Kota Bandung terhadap realitas media, faktor pemicu pengiplementasian netralitas media, dan bagaimana efek pengiimplementasian netralitas media terhadap wartawan. Guna memberikan gambaran dan pengalaman mengenai netralitas media yang dialami oleh para wartawan di Kota Bandung, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengmpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur dan pengamatan berperan kepada lima wartawan, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa, para informan memberikan pengertian netralitas media yang sangat beragam dan kompleks namun pada prinsipnya mengarah pada kata tidak berpihak. Para informan juga mengakui faktor pemicu mereka mengerti dan mengimplementasikan netralitas media adalah karena kesadaran untuk melaksanakan kewajiban sebagai wartawan. Sedangkan efek pengimplementasian netralitas media tertuju pada dua kutub, yaitu positf dan  negatif. Guna meminimalisir kubu negatif  informan bekerja dengan menaati kode etik dan menjauhi serta menghilangkan potensi-potensi yang bisa mengganggu penegakkan sikap netralitas

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-228
Indri Julianti ◽  
Santi Delliana

The appearance of virus COVID-19 pandemic has made businesses change their marketing communication strategic ways to survive in this pandemic, including makeup companies like Madformakeup. One of the strategies used by Madfromakeup is planning a fair and effective digital marketing communication strategy and implementing customer engagement through the Rebel Together program. This study aims to determine the digital marketing communication strategy adopted by Madformakeup in increasing sales during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method that the researcher used is a qualitative method with the type of descriptive research. The results of this study are that Madformakeup implemented a digital marketing communication strategy during the COVID-19 pandemic so well and effectively through the STP and IMC concepts. To produce a digital marketing communication strategy that can be accepted by the public, especially customers from Madformakeup. Researchers collected data through interviews, observation, and documentation in the form of photos.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-84
Sitti Murni Kaddi ◽  
Enjang Muhaemin

This research is motivated by the increasing use of the veil among female students. Although basically wearing the hijab is a dress code that is required by Islam for Muslim women, but it is proven that only some of them wear the hijab. This reality shows, besides the syar'i provisions that are obeyed, there seems to be something else that makes some Muslim women feel confident to wear the hijab. This research-based paper aims to find out the motives and meanings of wearing headscarves by the students of Communication Studies at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Tadulako University, Palu. The study uses qualitative research methods, with in-depth interview techniques, and observation, with the aim of exploring the motives and veiled meanings of the female students. Research uses a phenomenological approach. The results of the study concluded two things. First, the motives of female students wearing headscarves are divided into two, namely the motives of the past and the motives of the future. Motives of the past are encouraged because of encouragement and advice from parents and family, as well as shar'i motifs based on obligations established by Islam. The future motives underlying the female students using veil are divided into the motive of wanting to avoid bad things, wanting to control their behavior, and wanting to be appreciated. Second, related to self-meaning, the students who wear the hijab interpret it as proof of love for God, and as a service to both parents. Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi semakin meningkatnya penggunaan jilbab di kalangan mahasiswi. Kendati pada dasarnya menggunakan jilbab merupakan aturan berpakaian yang disyariatkan Islam bagi perempuan muslim, namun terbukti hanya sebagian yang menggunakan jilbab. Realitas ini menunjukkan, selain ketentuan syar’i yang ditaati, sepertinya ada hal lain yang membuat sebagian perempuan muslimah merasa yakin untuk menggunakan jilbab. Tulisan berbasis penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motif dan makna pemakaian jilbab yang dilakukan para mahasiswi Ilmu Komunikasi FISIP Universitas Tadulako Palu. Penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, dan observasi,  dengan tujuan menggali motif, dan makna berjilbab para mahasiswi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan dua hal. Pertama, motif mahasiswi memakai jilbab  terbagi menjadi dua, yaitu motif masa lalu dan motif masa depan. Motif masa lalu didorong karena dorongan dan nasehat dari orang tua dan keluarga, serta motif syar’i yang didasarkan pada kewajiban yang ditetapkan Islam. Adapun motif masa depan yang mendasari mahasiswi menggunakan jilbab terpilah pada motif ingin menghindari hal-hal buruk, ingin mengontrol tingkah laku, dan ingin dihargai. Kedua, berkaitan dengan makna diri,  para mahasiswi pemakai jilbab memaknainya sebagai bukti sayang kepada Allah, dan sebagai bakti kepada kedua orang tua.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-104
Kheyene Molekandella Boer ◽  
Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi ◽  
Nalal Muna

This study aims to identify the coverage of the Covid-19 Task Force in the three online editions of March 20-23, 2020. The four stages of Framing Entmant include: Define Problem, Diagnose Cause, Make moral judgment, and Treatment recommendations. This research uses Robert N. Entman's framing analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that Define Problem in reporting related to government policy in cooperating with influencers was considered not the right choice, the diagnosis cause was shown in the form of indifference to millennials in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Make a moral judgment in the form of an assertion that influencers were not paid in this program as a form of their contribution to the country, and the treatment recommendations offered are that the government equip influencers with a strong understanding of COVID-19 before becoming a mediator in delivering messages to millennials. Online media is a public space that is considered important as a reference in increasing general information literacy so that the news is expected to be more objective and educational.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemberitaan mengenai Gugus Tugas penanganan Covid-19 di ketiga media online tersebut edisi 20-23 Maret 2020. Empat tahap Framing Entmant mencakup: Define Problem, Diagnose Cause, Make moral judgment dan Treatment recommendation. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis framing Robert N. Entman dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Define Problem dalam pemberitaan berkaitan dengan kebijakan pemerintah dalam menggandeng para influencer dinilai bukan pilihan yang tepat, Diagnose cause ditunjukkan dalam bentuk sikap acuh para generasi milenial dalam menanggapi pandemi Covid-19, Make moral judgment dalam bentuk penegasan bahwa para influencer tidak dibayar dalam program ini sebagai bentuk kontribusi mereka kepada negara, dan treatment recommendation yang ditawarkan adalah pemerintah membekali influencer pemahaman yang kuat terkait covid-19 sebelum menjadi mediator penyampai pesan bagi milenial. Media online merupakan ruang publik yang dianggap penting sebagai rujukan dalam meningkatkan literasi informasi masyarakat, sehingga pemberitaannya diharapkan agar lebih objektif dan mendidik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-24
Rivi Handayani ◽  
Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra ◽  
Christian Budiman

This article argues that the emergence of contents related to the Rambu Solo ritual on social media is a manifestation of the hegemonic ideology that was digitalized by the new generation of Toraja. Using the theoretical framework of mediatization, this article aims to explore how the hegemony of Rambu solo ritual operates in social media context, especially Instagram. By using virtual ethnography method, especially at the level of media documents and user experience, it can be explained that the mediatization of the hegemony of Rambu Solo rituals on social media are basically implying three things; firstly, the narrative about the Rambu Solo ritual on social media has given birth to a new form of interaction and communication in a broader scope; secondly, the narrative of Rambu Solo ritual on social media has made the media as a new domain to find meanings about the Rambu Solo ritual; and third, the narrative of Rambu Solo ritual indicates the accommodation efforts of the Torajanese new generation towards the rules that apply in the context of social media with the general characteristics of user-generated content. Realized it or not, the Torajanes new generation has voluntarily "continued" this ritual hegemony.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-130
Hamzah Turmudi

Islamic unity (Persatuan Islam) as an organization of Islamic society is seen as having its patterns and models of political communication that cannot be separated from the doctrine of understanding Islamic teachings with a vision of returning to the Qur'an and Sunnah. In some political momentum, Islamic Unity has the characteristics and mechanisms of political aspiration and participation as an effort to internalize fiqhiyyah puritanism. This refers to the nidzam jamiyyah (organizational rules) that have been agreed upon by the members of the Islamic Unity from the level of the Central Leadership, Regional Leaders, Regional Leaders, Branch Managers, and Jamaat Leaders. This article aims to explore the roots of political communication in the organization of Islamic Unity from the perspective of symbolic interactionism. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach through the study of phenomenology. Phenomenology is used to explore the tradition of the roots of political communication involving twelve members of the Bandung Islamic Association as the main informant. The results showed that the siyasi ijtihad was seen as the root of the political communication of Islamic Unity. Where ijtihad siyasi covers three main political communication strategies, namely idaratu da'wah as the Persian congregation's self-concept, idaratu quwwah as a Persis political communication framework and idaratu ummah as a Persis political communication society framework. The research implications show how ijtihad siyasi is interpreted as a fiqhiyyah reference in the framework of constructing the concept of proselytizing in the national field.Persatuan Islam sebagai sebuah organisasi masyarakat Islam dipandang memiliki pola dan model komunikasi politik tersendiri yang tidak bisa dilepaskan dari doktrin pemahaman ajaran Islam dengan visi kembali pada al-qur’an dan Sunnah. Dalam beberapa momentum politik, Persatuan Islam memiliki karakteristik dan mekanisme aspirasi dan partisipasi politik sebagai upaya internalisasi puritanisme fiqhiyyah. Hal ini merujuk kepada nidzam jamiyyah (aturan organisasi) yang telah disepakati oleh jamaah Persatuan Islam dari level Pimpinan Pusat, Pimpinan Wilayah, Pimpinan Daerah, Pimpinan Cabang dan Pimpinan Jamaah. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menggali akar komunikasi politik pada organisasi Persatuan Islam dalam perspektif interaksionisme simbolik. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui studi fenomenologi. Fenomenologi digunakan untuk menggali tradisi akar komunikasi politik yang melibatkan dua belas jamaah Persatuan Islam Kota Bandung sebagai informan utama. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ijtihad siyasi dipandang sebagai akar komunikasi politik Persatuan Islam. Dimana ijtihad siyasi meliputi tiga strategi komunikasi politik utama, yakni idaratu da’wah sebagai konsep diri jamaah Persis, idaratu quwwah sebagai kerangka pikir komunikasi politik Persis dan idaratu ummah sebagai kerangka society komunikasi politik Persis. Implikasi penelitian menunjukkan bagaimana ijtihad siyasi dimaknai sebagai rujukan fiqhiyyah dalam kerangka membangun konsep dakwah Persis dalam medan kebangsaan.

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