scholarly journals Development Electronic Student Worksheet based on Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring (REACT) in Introduction to Chemistry and Laboratory

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-222
Yusup Maulana ◽  
Imas Eva Wijayanti ◽  
Solfarina Solfarina

This research aims to development a REACT-based e-worksheet that is feasible to use to stimulate the critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication (4C) skills and determine student response. The challenges of a dynamic era require students to have a 4C skills set critical thinking and problem-solving skills; creativity and innovation; communication; and collaboration. One of the tools that can be used in online learning to achieve this goal is to use the electronic Student Worksheet (E-Worksheet) which includes the student's 4C skill values with REACT strategies: Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, and Transferring. The research chooses one of the topics in chemistry, which is introduction to chemistry and laboratories. This REACT-based e-worksheet was developed using the ADDIE development model which consists of five stages those are analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. In addition, the study used a sample of 10 students of mathematic and natural science 12th grade MAN 4 Tangerang. Based on the results of validation and student response questionnaires, REACT-based e-worksheet to stimulate students' 4C skills was declared valid and obtained an average percentage of 91.8% with very good criteria.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-80
Sri Ayu Harani Tanjung ◽  
Yuli Amalia

Bahan ajar dikembangkan berdasarkan karakteristik siswa, sehingga kompetensi yang ditetapkan dapat dicapai. Secara umum kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa masih sangat rendah, siswa belum bisa memahami soal, sehingga terkendala dalam menentukan model penyelesaian soal matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kevalidan, keefektifan, dan respon siswa terhadap bahan ajar berbasis Problem Based Learning berkemampuan pemecahan masalah yang dikembangkan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model ADDIE yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Subjek Penelitan dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Meureubo kelas X Mia2 sebanyak 23 siswa. Instrumen penelitian berupa lembar validasi, angket respon siswa, dan tes. Dari hasil uji coba, pada uji coba I dan II diperoleh bahan ajar berbasis Problem Based Learning yang dikembangkan efektif ditinjau dari 70% siswa yang mengikuti tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah memperoleh nilai minimal 75 dan tercapainya ketuntasan belajar tes kemampuan pemecahan masalah  75% dan respon positif siswa terhadap bahan ajar berbasis Problem Based Learning untuk kemampuan pemecahan masalah yang dikembangkan. Teaching materials are developed based on the characteristics of students, so that the specified competencies can be achieved. In general, students' problem solving abilities are still very low, students have not been able to understand the problem, so it is constrained in determining the mathematical problem solving model. This study aims to describe the validity, effectiveness, and response of students to Problem Based Learning-based teaching materials that are problem-solving skills developed. This research is a development research using ADDIE models namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The research subjects in this study were 23 students of Meureubo High School 1 in class Mia2 as many as 23 students. The research instruments were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, and tests. From the results of the trials, in the first and second trials obtained teaching materials based on Problem Based Learning that were developed effectively in terms of 70% of students taking the test of problem solving skills obtained a minimum score of 75 and achievement of learning completeness 75% problem solving ability tests and positive responses for Problem Based Learning based teaching materials for problem solving abilities developed.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Puji Astuti ◽  
Ashari Ashari ◽  
Eko Setyadi Kurniawan

Abstract – Research has been carried out on the development of team assisted individualization-based physics handouts to determine the feasibility of team-assisted individualization-based physics handouts developed, student responses after using the team-assisted individualization-based physics handouts that have been developed, and improvement in students' critical thinking skills. This type of research is a development that refers to the ADDIE development model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 4 Purworejo with 32 research subjects. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, learning achievement sheets, and learning achievement tests. Based on the research, the data obtained from the team-assisted individualization-based physics handout validation from three validators, namely two expert lecturers and physics teachers, received an overall score of 3.35, included in the good enough category and feasible to be used in the learning process. Students' responses to the physics-based handout team assisted individualization implementation phase obtained a percentage of 77.7% with a good category. Increased critical thinking skills of the application stage obtained an N-gain of 0.581 and included in the category of moderate improvement. Thus, a team assisted individualization-based physics handout developed in this study is categorized as good and suitable for use in learning and can improve students' critical thinking skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (9) ◽  
Octavita Cahyaningtyas ◽  
Santi Irawati

The purpose of the development carried out is to produce student activity sheet based on discovery learning on algebra for grade VII students of Miftahul Huda Middle School in Blitar Regency that is valid, practical, and effective. The development model refers to the ADDIE development model which consists of: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results showed that LKS was declared valid with a validity score of 3.43. Student’s activity sheet also fulfills practical criteria based on student response questionnaires with a practicality score of 3.5, based on the observation sheet of teacher activity with a practicality score of 3.8, and based on the observation sheet of student activity with a practicality score of 3.66. The developed student worksheets also fulfills the effective criteria with a percentage of 90 percent of students getting a score above the minimum pass criteria Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menghasilkan LKS berbasis discovery learning pada materi bentuk aljabar bagi siswa kelas VII SMP Miftahul Huda Kabupaten Blitar yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Model pengembangan merujuk pada model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu: analisis, desain/perancangan, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Hasil validasi menunjukkan bahwa LKS dinyatakan valid dengan skor kevalidan 3,43. LKS juga memenuhi kriteria praktis berdasarkan angket respon siswa dengan skor kepraktisan 3,5, berdasarkan lembar observasi aktivitas guru dengan skor kepraktisan 3,8, dan berdasarkan lembar observasi aktivitas siswa dengan skor kepraktisan 3,66. LKS yang dikembangkan juga memenuhi kriteria efektif dengan persentase 90 persen siswa mendapat nilai di atas KKM.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-264
Maryani Maryani ◽  
Yasmin Yuliana ◽  
Firdha Kusuma Ayu Anggraeni

This research aimed to determine the validity of the Physics Event Photo Analysis (AFKF) module based on the STEM approach and improve students' critical thinking skillsat SMA Negeri 1 Rogojampi. The researchers implemented the ADDIE development model to achieve these goals, which consisted of five stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The data collecting techniques used in this research were interviews, product validation, and tests. The validation results indicated that the product was feasible to use with a validity percentage of 93%. The percentages can be categorized as very valid and can be used without revision. Furthermore, the percentage of the product's effectiveness in improving students' critical thinking abilitywas 66.58% which was included in the medium category. The PhysBased on the STEM approach, the Event Photo Analysis Module (AFKF) based ed positive responses from students with a percentage of 76%.TThis development research concluded that the STEM approach-based Physics Event Photo Analysis (AFKF) module is very valid and effective in improving students' critical thinking skills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 90-98
Diah Syafitri ◽  
Fury Styo Siskawati

The aim of the research is to develope PROBZI as an innovative learning media in disruptive era. This research was done in MTs Ma’arif Ambulu with the data colleting methode are interview, observation, documentation, test and questioner. And than the development model that used is ADDIE which cover analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation. Based on the research that was done can be explained that PROBZI has been successfully developed as an alternative learning media in the disruptive era. PROBZI that has been developed can be said to be very feasible with an average percentage given a value of 90.40%. As for the more detailed value is given at 86.43% by the validator which includes material experts and media experts, then a value of 94.37% is given based on user responses that include teachers and students. Keywords: PROBZI, innovative learning media, disruptive

Tita Elisya Wibowo ◽  
Siti Faizah

Problem-solving ability became a learned process as well as a goal that must be achieved in learned mathematics so it is important for students to have these abilities, especially in algebraic form material. But in fact, in the material of algebraic forms, the ability was still minimally mastered by students. Based on the results of the interview, it shows that the lack of ability was due to the questions given by the teacher only in the form of routine questions taken from LKS or textbooks that did not require the use of problem-solving skills but only require the used of procedural formulas. Therefore, it was necessary to develop test questions that contain question items that could measure students' problem-solving abilities in the algebraic form of material. This type of research was developed researched using the ADDIE model which stands for analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques used in this study were validation questionnaires and tests. Meanwhile, the data collection instruments were validation questionnaire sheets and test sheets. The test subjects in this study were class VII C students of MTs Salafiyah Syafi'iyah Seblak Jombang. The results showed that the product developed in the form of a test was declared valid by the expert with an average validity of 3.75 and was in very valid criteria. Meanwhile, the results of the empirical validity test showed that only four of the five items on the test developed were declared valid and of the four items that were valid, the reliability value of 0.786 with high criteria was obtained. The research findings prove that the developed test contains only four items that were valid both theoretically and empirically and reliably so that they could be used to measure students' problem-solving abilities on the algebraic form of material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 231-235
Irma Manda Negara ◽  
Nurul Hidayati

This study aimed to analyze the influence of internship as a form of the WBL model to LIS students, in terms of the assessment theory of work-based learning and framework of 21st-century skills. The method used is descriptive quantitative, with respondents students who have done internships. The results showed that there are significant WBL (X) on critical thinking and problem-solving skills (Y1), indicated by the results of the significance value 0.000 <0.050 probability and the value of t, the obtained value of tcount 6.177 > ttable 2.024. Next, there is the influence of WBL (X) on communication skills (Y2), seen from the significance value of 0.000 <0.050 probability. Then, for a value of t, obtained the value of tcount 5,039> ttable 2,024. There is the influence of WBL (X) on collaboration skills (Y3), seen at a significance value of 0.000 <0.050 probability. Then, for a value of t, the obtained value of tcount 5,405 > ttable 2,024. There is no significant and positive relationship between the implementation of WBL and students' Creativity and Innovation skills (Y4). This can be seen when the linearity test is carried out. The implementation of an internship can contribute to the development of skills covered in LIS, except for creativity and innovation skills.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Aisyiyah Hidayah Ngurahrai ◽  
Siska Desy Farmaryanti ◽  
Nurhidayati Nurhidayati

Abstrak: Telah dilakukan penelitian pengembangan media pembelajaran pada materi momentum dan impuls berbasis mobile learning, dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning yang dikembangkan, peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa, dan efektivitas media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan ialah pengembangan yang mengacu pada model pengembangan ADDIE yaitu Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Negeri 5 Purworejo dengan subyek uji coba berjumlah 29 siswa. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah lembar validasi, angket respon siswa, tes hasil belajar, dan lembar keterlaksanaan pembelajaran. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh data hasil validasi media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning dari empat validator mendapatkan nilai secara keseluruhan sebesar 3,56, termasuk dalam kategori baik dan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kritis tahap penerapan diperoleh N-gain 0,61 dan termasuk kategori peningkatan sedang. Efektivitas media yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran ditunjukkan dengan angket tanggapan siswa mendapatkan persentase keseluruhan 84% dan termasuk kategori baik, serta ditunjukkan dengan lembar keterlaksanaan pembelajaran dengan persentase keseluruhan adalah 95,8% dan termasuk kategori sangat baik. Sehingga media pembelajaran berbasis mobile learning dapat digunakan sebagai media alternatif dalam pembelajaran untuk membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Abstract: Research on the development of learning media has been carried out on momentum material and impulse based on mobile learning to determine the feasibility of mobile learning-based learning media developed, improvement of students' critical thinking skills, and the effectiveness of the media used in learning. The type of research used is a development that refers to the ADDIE development model, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 5 Purworejo with the subject of the trial amounting to 29 students. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, learning outcomes tests, and learning implementation sheets. Based on the research, data obtained from the validation of mobile learning-based learning media from the four validators obtained an overall score of 3.56, included in the category of good and appropriate for use in learning. The increase in critical thinking skills in the application stage was obtained by N-gain of 0.61 and included in the medium improvement category. The effectiveness of the media used in learning is shown by questionnaires. Students' responses get an overall percentage of 84% and are included in the good category, and are indicated by the learning implementation sheet with an overall percentage of 95.8% and including very good categories. So that learning media based on mobile learning can be used as alternative media in learning to help improve students' critical thinking skills.

Febriana Kristanti ◽  
Chusnal Ainy ◽  
Shoffan Shoffa ◽  
Siti Khabibah ◽  
Siti Maghfirotun Amin

<p class="ABS-C">Students’ reasoning ability in understanding the concepts in the Transformation Geometry course is still low. One of the causes is that there are no teaching materials, namely Student Worksheets that provide opportunities for students to be actively involved in creative learning processes; as a result, their reasoning skills are not well crafted. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a Student Worksheet that can strengthen students’ creative techniques and reasoning. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility of Student Worksheet products in terms of validity, practicality, and effectiveness. This research is an ADDIE development research whose stages comprise analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instruments used in this study were validation sheets, student response questionnaires, learning outcomes, and learning implementation observation sheets. The results of this study were Creative Problem Solving (CPS) based Student Worksheet products in Geometry Transformation courses, and Student Worksheet eligibility, declared feasible in terms of (a) Validity; the worksheet validation results were in the <em>very good</em> category (4.36) (b) Practicality; the results of student response questionnaires to Student Worksheets were in a <em>good</em> category (31.16), and (c) effectiveness; the results of the test of student learning outcomes were in a <em>good</em> category (72%).</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Ageng Sandiyanti ◽  
Rosida Rakhmawati M

This study aims to produce products in the form of bilingual module based on quantum learning on the material opportunities. This research includes the type of research and development (Research and Development) refers to a model consisting of five steps of activities namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The result of the research shows that the module that obtained the average percentage value from the material expert is 83,33% with the very good criterion, the average percentage value from media expert is 85% with very good criteria and the average percentage value from the linguist ie 78.67% with very good criteria. The bilingual module based on quantum learning on the opportunity meters also obtained a percentage value of 80% student response with very good criteria and obtained the percentage value of educator equal to 84% with very good criteria.

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