2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Armen Zulham ◽  
Subhechanis Saptanto

Program minapolitan merupakan salah satu program pembangunan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan pada kawasan berbasis kelautan dan perikanan. Pada perikanan tangkap laut, pelabuhan perikanan dijadikan zona inti dari program minapolitan dengan tujuan untuk merevitalisasi dan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan seluruh infrastruktur yang terdapat pada kawasan tersebut. Pemanfaatan infrastruktur itu diharapkan dapat menstimulasi tumbuhnya berbagai kegiatan ekonomi disekitar kawasan pelabuhan perikanan. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada hasil mail survey dari 67 pelabuhan perikanan dan studi mendalam pada 9 (sembilan) pelabuhan perikanan. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk menilai kesiapan pelabuhan perikanan dalam melaksanakan program minapolitan dari aspek sosial ekonomi dan menganalisis strategi pelaksanaan program pembangunan pada kawasan minapolitan. Tujuan pertama diperoleh dengan teknik pembobotan berdasarkan 6 (enam) pilar minapolitan, tujuan kedua diperoleh dengan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan: 5 (lima) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori mandiri, 20 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori maju, 22 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori pemula dan 8 (delapan) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori perintis. Pelaksanaan program minapolitan harus dikonsentrasikan pada pelabuhan perikanan mandiri dan pelabuhan perikanan maju. Strategi pengembangan minapolitan pada pelabuhan perikanan katagori mandiri adalah strategiST (Strengths-Threats). Strategi ini dilakukan dengan memobilisasi infrastruktur yang ada, diikuti dengan berbagai inovasi kebijakan untuk mengendalikan ancaman agar tujuan program minapolitan dapat terwujud. Pada pelabuhan perikanan maju didorong dengan strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities). Strategi SO dilakukan melalui peningkatan kerjasama dengan Pemda untuk memperbaiki kualitas infrastruktur pelabuhan perikanan. Pengembangan program minapolitan kedepan harus dilakukan dengan konsep klasterisasi pelabuhan perikanan, untuk menghindari persaingan tidak sehat antara pelabuhan perikanan. Title: The Development Strategy of Marine Fisheries in “Minapolitan” Areas Minapolitan known as one of the marine and fisheries development program in order to stimulate the economic growth in the fisheries areas. In the marine fisheries, the fishing port were chozen as the main location to the implementation of minapolitan program. The aims are to revitalisation and to optimize the infrastructure in fisheries fishing ports. This research was used the data from 67 fishing port in all part of Indonesia. Indept studies were conducted in 9 (nine) fishing ports. The main findings of the research revealed the readiness of fishing port to implementing the minapolitan program classified into for categories; 5 (five) fishing port classified as self developed, 20 fishing port classified as developped, 22 fishing ports remain developing and 8 (eight) fishing ports classified as under developing. Based on SWOT analysis, recommendation for the implementation of minapolitan program should be focused on the fishing ports which were classified as self developed and developed. The development strategy to carry out the minapolitan program in the fishing port under self developed categories was ST (Strengths-Threats) strategy. Main while, the strategies to implement minapolitan program in the fishing ports under developed category was SO (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy. This research also recommended that implementation of minapolitan program among fishing ports should be conduct under cluster policy to avoid the unfair competition among fishing ports.

2012 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Armen Zulham ◽  
Subhechanis Saptanto

Program minapolitan merupakan salah satu program pembangunan yang bertujuan untuk mendorong pertumbuhan pada kawasan berbasis kelautan dan perikanan. Pada perikanan tangkap laut, pelabuhan perikanan dijadikan zona inti dari program minapolitan dengan tujuan untuk merevitalisasi dan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan seluruh infrastruktur yang terdapat pada kawasan tersebut. Pemanfaatan infrastruktur itu diharapkan dapat menstimulasi tumbuhnya berbagai kegiatan ekonomi disekitar kawasan pelabuhan perikanan. Tulisan ini didasarkan pada hasil mail survey dari 67 pelabuhan perikanan dan studi mendalam pada 9 (sembilan) pelabuhan perikanan. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah untuk menilai kesiapan pelabuhan perikanan dalam melaksanakan program minapolitan dari aspek sosial ekonomi dan menganalisis strategi pelaksanaan program pembangunan pada kawasan minapolitan. Tujuan pertama diperoleh dengan teknik pembobotan berdasarkan 6 (enam) pilar minapolitan, tujuan kedua diperolehdengan analisis SWOT. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan: 5 (lima) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori mandiri, 20 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori maju, 22 pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori pemula dan 8 (delapan) pelabuhan perikanan masuk dalam kategori perintis. Pelaksanaan program minapolitan harus dikonsentrasikan pada pelabuhan perikanan mandiri dan pelabuhan perikanan maju. Strategi pengembangan minapolitan pada pelabuhan perikanan katagori mandiri adalah strategi ST (Strengths-Threats). Strategi ini dilakukan dengan memobilisasi infrastruktur yang ada, diikuti dengan berbagai inovasi kebijakan untuk mengendalikan ancaman agar tujuan program minapolitan dapat terwujud. Pada pelabuhan perikanan maju didorong dengan strategi SO (Strengths-Opportunities). Strategi SO dilakukan melalui peningkatan kerjasama dengan Pemda untuk memperbaiki kualitas infrastruktur pelabuhan perikanan. Pengembangan program minapolitan kedepan harus dilakukan dengan konsep klasterisasi pelabuhan perikanan, untuk menghindari persaingan tidak sehat antara pelabuhan perikanan.Title: The Development Strategy of Marine Fisheries in “Minapolitan” Areas.Minapolitan known as one of the marine and fisheries development program in order to stimulate the economic growth in the fisheries areas. In the marine fisheries, the fishing port were chozen as the main location to the implementation of minapolitan program. The aims are to revitalisation and to optimize the infrastructure in fisheries fishing ports. This research was used the data from 67 fishing port in all part of Indonesia. Indept studies were conducted in 9 (nine) fishing ports. The main findings of the research revealed the readiness of fishing port to implementing the minapolitan program classified into for categories; 5 (five) fishing port classified as self developed, 20 fishing port classified as developped, 22 fishing ports remain developing and 8 (eight) fishing ports classified as under developing. Based on SWOT analysis, recommendation for the implementation of minapolitan program should be focused on the fishing ports which were classified as self developed and developed. The development strategy to carry out the minapolitan program in the fishing port under self developed categories was ST (Strengths-Threats) strategy. Main while, the strategies to implement minapolitan program in the fishing ports under developed category was SO (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy. This research also recommended that implementation of minapolitan program among fishing ports should be conduct under cluster policy to avoid the unfair competition among fishing ports.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Muhadjir Muhadjir ◽  
Zahri Nasution

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesiapan per aspek maupun secara keseluruhan aspek serta strategi yang dapat dikembangkan dalam mendukung sentra perikanan perairan umum daratan (PUD) sebagai kawasan minapolitan. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada 9 (Sembilan) kabupaten yang berpotensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai kawasan minapolitan. Teknik pengumpulan data yaitu melalui studi pustaka, wawancara, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) dan mail survey. Kajian ini menggunakan metode analisis SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan. Hasil penelitian ini adalah berupa rumusan strategi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan pada 4 (empat) ekosistem PUD yaitu waduk, sungai/rawa, sungai dan danau. Strategi pengembangan kawasan minapolitan untuk pada ekosistem waduk (Jatiluhur, Kabupaten Purwakarta, Jawa Barat) terkait dengan pengelolaan keberlanjutan sumber daya waduk (pengawasan danpembatasan KJA). Pada ekosistem sungai/rawa (Kabupaten Ogan Ilir, Kabupaten Sumatera Selatan) strategi pengembangannya terkait dengan pemanfaatan sumber daya air sebagai saran transportasi maupun kegiatan perikanan. Pada ekosistem sungai (Kabupaten Barito Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah) strategi pengembangan minapolitan yang perlu dilakukan terkait dengan pembangunan infrastruktur pendukung baik dari sisi transportasi dan pemasaran hasil produksi perikanan. Pada ekosistem danau (Toba, Kabupaten Simalungun, Sumatera Utara) strategi yang perlu dilakukan terkait dengan perumusan kebijakan-kebijakan mengenai pengelolaan danau seperti pengawasan dan pengendalian penggunaan alat tangkap.Title: Economic and Social Characteristics and Development Strategy Inland Fisheries as Minapolitan Development Area This study aims to determine the readiness per aspect and overall aspects and strategies that can be developed in support the inland waters fisheries centers (PUD) as minapolitan area. The research approach was using a case study on a 9 (nine) districts that have the potential to be developed as the minapolitan. The data collection techniques were through literature study, interviews, Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) and mail surveys.The research was using the method of SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat) to formulate development strategies of minapolitan area. The results of this study were the development strategy formulation of minapolitan area in 4 (four) PUD ecosystems, namely reservoirs, rivers / swamps, rivers and lakes. Development strategy of Minapolitan area for the reservoir ecosystem (Jatiluhur, Purwakarta Regency, West Java) related to sustainable management of reservoir resources (supervision and restriction KJA). On the river ecosystem / swamp (Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra Regency) the development strategy related to the use of water resources for transportation and fisheries activities. On the river ecosystem (South Barito Regency, Central Kalimantan) Minapolitan development strategy needs to be done related to the development of supporting infrastructure in terms of transportation and marketing of fishery products. In the ecosystem of the lake (Toba, Simalungun District, North Sumatra) strategies need to be linked to the formulation of policies concerning the management of the lake such as monitoring and controlling of fishing gears.

GIS Business ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 241-245
Khamrakulova O.D. ◽  
Bektemirov A.B.

The deepening of economic reforms in Uzbekistan is closely linked to the strengthening of macroeconomic stability and the maintenance of high rates of economic growth and competitiveness, the continuation of institutional and structural reforms to reduce the presence of the State in the economy, and the further strengthening of the protection of rights and the priority role of private property, as reflected in the Development Strategy for 2017-2021.

2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Yitzhak Koloba ◽  
Hengky J Sinjal ◽  
Ockstan Kalesaran

This research intended  to evaluate the development strategy of Marine Fish Hatchery Unit at Gumilamo Island, North Halmahera. Analysis SWOT was used to determine the development strategy. Data were collected by questionnaire, interview and literature relevant to the research. SWOT analysis showed the internal and external factors that affected the development of Marine Fish Hatchery at Gumilamo island. The strenght were location, water quality , local government support, and availability of seeds and feed. Weakness were lack of public interest, lack of extension and human resources. Opportunity were the high value of the sale, business opportunities and  local government regulation. Treat were  dependence on fishing effort and safety.   Keywords : hatchery, gumilamo, north halmahera, SWOT analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Willem Thobias Fofid ◽  
Anggoro Sutrisno ◽  
Wisnu Handoko

This article aims to analyze the policy strategies implemented for the commercial shipping development of the Apo Dock in Jayapura port to improve port performance towards strengthening the sea highway program. Apo Dock as a shipping commercial in Jayapura port has weaknesses as identified by the observation and the study of primary data. These weaknesses have resulted in price disparities for the Papua province as port functions well as a logistical hub. Based on the Strengthen-Weakness-Opportunity-Threats (SWOT) analysis results, it was concluded that the Apo Dock performance as the Jayapura Port Commercial Route was in quota I with a position (0.83; 1.44). The strategy used by Jayapura port to develop commercial shipping to be more efficient in accordance with its function as the strength-opportunity (SO) strategy. The SO strategy strengthens the commercial shipping function as a support base for the economic development centers and a government supporter in MP3EI, the commercial port facilities and infrastructure development were established in order to support all port activities and efficiency, and develop hinterland areas to maximize the busy and crowded commercial shipping hub.

2021 ◽  
pp. 59-66
Khrystyna Danylkiv ◽  
Oksana Sadura

Purpose. The aim of the article is strategic analysis of the state of development of LLC “GALYCHMED”, identification of positive and negative trends and changes, identification, and awareness of the factors that cause inhibition of its development, search for priority ways and directions of development of the analysed enterprise. Methodology of research. To achieve this goal, a toolkit of research methods was used, namely: economic-statistical and calculation-analytical – to study the opportunities and threats to the external environment of the operation of LLC “GALYCHMED”, the strengths and weaknesses of the studied enterprise; matrix method of strategic analysis (SWOT-analysis) – to comprehensively reflect the results of the analysis of the external and internal environment of LLC “GALYCHMED”; problem-oriented – to substantiate the strategic directions and the potential scenario of solving the issues of development of the analysed enterprise; tabular – for visual display and effective perception of statistical data; induction and deduction – for concluding; logical – for the consistent generalization of theoretical and practical provisions of scientific research. Findings. SWOT analysis was performed according to the stages of filling in the SWOT matrix, processing (summarizing) results, and analysis of results. It is noted that the main purpose of SWOT analysis as a matrix method is to obtain reliable data on the company’s capabilities and threats to its promotion in the market of goods and services, so before SWOT analysis are the following tasks: identifying marketing opportunities that meet the company’s resources; identification of marketing threats and development of measures to neutralize their impact; identifying the strengths of the enterprise and comparing them with market opportunities; identification of enterprise weaknesses and development of strategic directions for overcoming them; identification of competitive advantages of the enterprise and formation of its strategic priorities. It is established that the influence of the macroenvironment is negative and the mesoenvironment is positive. The most important factors of positive influence are the attitude of the buyer to the product, the population, the attitude of people to work, and so on. Among the most negative factors are inflation, the social situation in the country and the world (COVID-19), financial crisis, slowing economic growth, the purchasing power of the population, industry competitors, potential competitors, and more. The following advantages of the analysed enterprise are determined: the goods sold by the enterprise; quality of services; state of the sales system; market share; availability of credit; enterprise assets; net profit. It is proved that the unstable financial market due to the pandemic, the devaluation of the national currency, the situation in the banking sector, losses in the area of environmental protection in eastern Ukraine, as well as other factors negatively affected the trading activities of LLC “GALYCHMED”. In most retailers, costs have risen and profits have fallen, prompting more conservative pricing and spending cuts. Originality. The application of SWOT analysis has been further developed, which allows to selection measures to ensure the economic growth of the enterprise, systematize problem situations, identify and use new potentials faster than competitors, avoid dangers, make informed decisions about small business development, and prevent irrational use of financial assets. This technique is an effective, affordable, cheap way to assess the state of the problem and management situation in small businesses. Practical value. The results of the SWOT analysis are recommended for use by the researched enterprise (LLC “GALYCHMED”) and other retail enterprises to determine the development strategy, for market analysis and study of competitiveness, but each time it must be adapted to the specifics of the enterprise. Key words: SWOT analysis, strengths, and weaknesses of the enterprise, opportunities and threats, external environment, economic environment, financial and economic situation, retail trade, strategic planning, demography, political environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Nurul Farida ◽  
Hery Suprayitno

The purpose of this study is to describe the market transaction model "candak kulak" in the empowerment of women in restricted village in Panggungduwet especially those who live in rural areas. The research method uses interview, participant observation and documentation studies. Next is determination of location, building access to informants, and its implementation by collecting data, recording information, breaking content, and storing data again at the initial step. The subject of this research is the market transaction model in the form of "candak kulak" in the Panggungduwet village of Blitar Regency. Analysis that arises in restricted and underdeveloped areas, the development strategy of restricted villages in Blitar District is development in the agribusiness-based agricultural sector, because most of the population are farmers. The output of this study can provide an overview related to the market transaction model "candak kulak" in the restricted village in Panggungduwet Blitar Regency. In this effort to spur development in terms of economic and social aspects in restricted areas, the development program must prioritize three main aspects, namely alleviating poverty, improving the quality of human resources, and building infrastructure.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 227
Railia Karneta ◽  
Nurlaili Fitri Gultom

The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that play a role in the development of pempek quality favored by consumers and to study internal and external factors that influence the development of pempek processing industry and its implications for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats as well as formulate alternative development strategies for Pempek industry.The sampling technique used in this study is simple random sampling with a sample area of 95 respondents consisting of 10 pempek processors (producers) and 85 consumers. Data processing is done by using factor analysis to know the dominant factor of pempek industry development. SWOT analysis is used to determine the development strategy of the pempek industry.The results showed that the factors that play an important role in the development of pempek industry are organoleptic factors consisting of taste, color, softness and aroma; Consumer prices, food hygiene and safety with regard to physical quality, chemical quality, shelf life and strategic location. Pempek industrial development strategy that must be done is by the application of practical and efficient technology, excellent products, hygiene and security, extension of marketing network through cooperation with marketing agents both at homeland and foreign countries, cooperation, restaurant, retail and supermarket, promotional strategy improved through Advertising, leaflets, radio, television, internet and publicity.

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