2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 201 ◽  
Irin Iriana Kusmini ◽  
Anang Hari Kristanto ◽  
Jojo Subagja ◽  
Vitas Atmadi Prakoso ◽  
Fera Permata Putri

Ikan baung (Hemibagrus nemurus) merupakan salah satu komoditas ikan air tawar ekonomis tinggi di Indonesia. Untuk meningkatkan produktivitas budidaya, maka dilakukan pembentukan generasi baru populasi terbaik agar diperoleh generasi yang lebih produktif dan cepat tumbuh. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi respons dan pola pertumbuhan benih ikan baung generasi-1 (G-1), generasi-2 (G-2), dan generasi-3 (G-3) pada wadah budidaya yang berbeda. Penelitian dilakukan di kolam semi-permanen, kolam beton dan jaring apung di Instalasi Riset Plasma Nutfah Perikanan Air Tawar, Cijeruk dengan tiga ulangan. Benih yang digunakan berukuran panjang rata-rata 1,54 ± 0,22 cm; dan bobot 0,06 ± 0,01 g; dipelihara dengan padat tebar 50 ekor/m2. Selama 15 hari pertama pemeliharaan benih diberi pakan Tubifex dan pakan komersial dengan kadar protein 41% sebanyak 5% per hari dengan frekuensi pemberian pakan dua kali sehari, untuk pemeliharaan selanjutnya pakan yang diberikan berupa pakan komersil saja. Pemeliharaan dilakukan selama 45 hari, dan pengukuran pertumbuhan dilakukan 15 hari sekali. Parameter yang diamati meliputi laju pertumbuhan spesifik, sintasan, dan pola pertumbuhan. Sebagai data pendukung dilakukan pengukuran kualitas air dan kelimpahan plankton. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan bobot dan panjang benih ikan baung G-2 lebih unggul dibanding dengan G-1 dan G-3, sedangkan wadah budidaya yang terbaik adalah pada pemeliharaan di kolam semi-permanen dengan bobot ikan 6,79 ± 4,085 g dan panjang 8,46 ± 1,967 cm. Pertumbuhan ikan baung yang dipelihara di kolam semi-permanen menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap wadah pemeliharan lainnya. Pola pertumbuhan ikan baung dari tiga wadah budidaya bersifat allometrik negatif (b<3).Asian redtail catfish (Hemibagrus nemurus) is one of the high economic value of freshwater fish commodities in Indonesia. In order to increase aquaculture productivity, production of new generation from the best population was conducted to obtain a more productive and fast-growing generation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the response and growth pattern of G-1, G-2, and G-3 fingerlings of Asian redtail catfish on different rearing media. The study was conducted in semi-permanent ponds, concrete ponds, and floating nets in Research Installation of Freshwater Fisheries Germplasm, Cijeruk with three replications. The stocking density of each treatment was 50/m2, with the fingerlings average length of 1.54 ± 0.22 cm and weight of 0.06 ± 0.01. During the first 15 days, fish were fed with Tubifex and commercial feed (41% crude protein; fed 5% per day) with twice per day of feeding frequency. Fish were reared for 45 days, and growth measurement was conducted by sampling every 15 days. Parameters observed including specific growth rates, survival, and growth patterns. As supporting data, water quality, and plankton abundance were measured. The results showed that weight and length gain on the second generation (G-2) of Asian redtail catfish was superior compared to G-1 and G-3, whilst the best rearing media was found in semi-permanent ponds with the weight of 6.79 ± 4.085 g and the length of 8.46 ± 1.967 cm. The growth pattern of Asian redtail catfish from three rearing media was negative allometric (b<3).

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. e53196
Aline da Cruz Daltro ◽  
Carla Fernandes Macedo ◽  
Moacyr Serafim-Junior ◽  
Luan Lucas Leal Brandão ◽  
Nathália Byrro Gauthier

The effect of fairy shrimp “branchoneta” as the first exogenous feed for tambaqui postlarvae was evaluated. A hundred and eighty larvae were distributed in 12 aquariums, containing 1.5L of water and the stocking density was 10 larvae per liter. The trials lasted for 20 days and postlarvae were submitted to three diets (T1: Commercial feed, T2: branchoneta, and T3: Commercial feed with branchoneta), with a completely randomized design with four replicates for each treatment. During the trials, the water quality parameters were kept within ideal conditions for the species. The tambaqui postlarvae submitted to T2 and T3 showed better survival rates respectively.  Regarding the postlarval development, larvae fed with only branchoneta had a better final weight (3.48 mg), daily weight gain (0.14 mg day-1), and the best specific growth rate (8.62%). The results also showed that the tambaqui postlarvae fed with only commercial feed developed less efficiently due to lower rates of survival and growth. The present study indicates that the branchoneta promoted greater development and survival rates of the tambaqui postlarvae and therefore, it presents good potential as a live food for the species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Nuralim Pasisingi ◽  
Abdul Hafidz Olii ◽  
Sitty Ainsyah Habibie

Nike is a terminology used by Gorontalo local community to name schooling of minuscule amphidromous goby fish that has a limited appearance in Gorontalo waters. Understanding the biological performance of Nike fish is vital for implementing management and conservation strategy. This study aims to analyze daily recruitment and to determine growth patterns of Nike fish population in nature. Sampling was conducted in the Gorontalo waters during March, April, and May 2018 using a fish net with a mesh size of 0.5 inches. The duration of the appearance of Nike schooling in waters varies every month. The number of fish samples collected each month in this study ranged from 150 to 300 individuals. This study reveals that body color diversity and morphology of Nike fish strongly alleged to depend on where and how long they appear in the waters. Based on the daily recruitment pattern, Nike fish population distributed in Gorontalo waters is predicted to consist of individuals from multi-generation with an average length range of 1.848–2.805 cm. During the sampling time, a positive allometric growth pattern indicated by the population.

2021 ◽  
Vol 322 ◽  
pp. 01015
Ignatius Tri Hargiyatno ◽  
Ria Faizahl

The grouper is one of the coral fishery commodities with high economic value. One of the members of the Serranidae family is the yellow-edged lyretail (Variola louti). In Sibolga waters, this fish was caught by traps and handline. The exploitation of yellow-edged lyretail in Sibolga waters was carried out continuously. Therefore, it was necessary to take good management measures to maintain the sustainability of this fish. This study was conducted in Sibolga from April-December 2016. This study aims to get information about population parameters, size distribution, and growth patterns of the fish in Sibolga waters. The size distribution of the yellow-edged lyretail caught was 24-41 cm, with an average length of 31.57 cm. The weight of the yellow-edged lyretail caught ranged from 200-680 g. The mean weight was 395.53 g. The growth pattern of the yellow-edged lyretail is negative allometric. The growth equation for a yellow-edged lyretail was Lt = 48.55 (1 – e-0.1 (t-0.7806)). The value of length at first captured (Lc) = 31,99 cm. Natural mortality (M) = 0.42/year, fishing mortality (F) = 0.50/year. The exploitation rate = 0.55/year, it means the exploitation rate of the yellow-edged lyretail in Sibolga waters slightly exceeds the optimum

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 275
Nyoman Dati Pertami ◽  
M.F. Rahardjo ◽  
Ario Damar ◽  
I.W. Nurjaya

Bali Sardinella, Sardinella lemuru Bleeker 1853, included in small pelagic groups which have an important economic value. The production of Bali Sardinella was the highest among the other small pelagic fish in Bali Strait waters. The morphoregression and length-weight relationship are important to be known to facilitate the conversion between a length measurement to another type of length measurement and the weight. The aims of this research were to reveal the relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL), total length and fork length (FL), fork length and standard length, and the length-weight. The research was held in Bali Strait waters from March 2017 – Mei 2018. The morphoregression was analyzed using simple linear regression, whereas the length-weight relationship using power regression. A total of 470 individuals of Bali sardinella were collected during the study period. The fish that analyzed have a length range 9.7 –20.2 cm TL. The average length of Bali sardinella was13.7 cm. The relationship between total length (TL) and standard length (SL); total length (TL) and fork length (FL); fork length (FL) and standard length (SL) for Bali sardinella respectively were TL = 1.1038SL + 0.9313; TL = 1.0861FL + 0.2967; and FL = 1.0068SL + 0.6936, respectively. The value of b which were generated from the length-weight relationship of Bali Sardinella was 3.22 with the growth patterns were positive allometric.AbstrakIkan lemuru, Sardinella lemuru Bleeker 1853, termasuk dalam kelompok ikan pelagis kecil yang bernilai ekonomis tinggi. Dibandingkan dengan jenis pelagis kecil lainnya, hasil tangkapan ikan lemuru  lebih dominan di perairan Selat Bali. Persamaan morforegresi dan hubungan panjang bobot penting untuk diketahui sehingga mudah melakukan kon-versi dari satu jenis panjang ke jenis panjang lain dan bobotnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap hubungan antara panjang total (PT) dengan panjang baku (PB), panjang total dengan panjang cagak (PC), panjang cagak dengan panjang baku, serta hubungan panjang bobot ikan lemuru. Penelitian dilaksanakan di perairan Selat Bali kurun waktu Maret 2017 – Mei 2018. Morforegresi dianalisis menggunakan regresi linear sederhana, sedangkan hubungan panjang bobot dianalisis menggunakan regresi power. Ikan lemuru (Sardinella lemuru Bleeker 1853) yang dikumpulkan selama penelitian berjumlah 470 ekor. Ikan yang dianalisis memiliki kisaran panjang antara 9,7 – 20,2 cm PT. Panjang rata-rata ikan lemuru adalah 13,7 cm. Hubungan antara panjang total (PT) dan panjang baku (PB); panjang total (PT) dan pan-jang cagak (PC); panjang cagak (PC) dan panjang baku (PB) ikan lemuru secara berturut-turut adalah PT = 1,1038 PB + 0,9313; PT = 1,0861 PC + 0,2967; and PC = 1,0068 PB + 0,6936. Nilai b yang terbentuk pada hubungan panjang bobot ikan lemuru adalah 3,22  dengan pola pertumbuhan adalah allometrik positif.

2008 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 881-887 ◽  
Krzysztof Kupren ◽  
Dariusz Kucharczyk ◽  
Maja Prusińska ◽  
Sławomir Krejszeff ◽  
Katarzyna Targońska ◽  

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (5) ◽  
pp. 969-982
Weijie Zhang ◽  
Xiaohui Chen ◽  
Huijie Jiang ◽  
Zhong Wang ◽  
Baofeng Wang ◽  

Harvey C Freetly ◽  
Robert A Cushman ◽  
Gary L Bennett

Abstract The period of heifer development is a relatively small fraction of a cow’s life; however, her pattern of growth may have permanent effects on her productivity as a cow. We hypothesized that altering the growth pattern during the peri-pubertal period would increase life-time productivity across genetic types of Bos taurus cows. The objective was to determine the stayability, calf production, and weight of calf weaned across six calf crops. Heifers (n = 685) were placed on one of two developmental programs at 256 ± 1 d of age. Control heifers received a diet that provided 228 kcal ME·(BW, kg) -0.75 daily, and Stair-Step heifers were allocated 157 kcal ME·(BW, kg) -0.75 daily for 84 or 85 d, and then the daily allocation was increased to 277 kcal ME·(BW, kg) -0.75. Stair-Step heifers (0.33 ± 0.02 kg/d) had a lower ADG than Control heifers (0.78 ± 0.02 kg/d; P &lt; 0.001) during Period 1, and Stair-Step heifers (0.93 ± 0.03 kg/d) had a greater ADG than Controls (0.70 ± 0.03 kg/d; P &lt; 0.001) during Period 2. There were no treatment (P = 0.28) or breed type differences (P = 0.42) for the proportion of cows weaning a calf; however, the proportion of cows weaning a calf decreased with cow age (P &lt; 0.001). Calves from Stair-Step dams had heavier weaning weights (193 ± 1 kg) compared to Control calves (191 ± 1 kg; P = 0.007). There was not a treatment (P = 0.25) or breed type differences in cumulative BW weaned (P = 0.59). A diverse genetic population of cattle within Bos taurus was tested and responses in calf production did not differ between Stair-Step growth pattern and a more constant non-obese growth pattern.

1994 ◽  
Vol 70 (4) ◽  
pp. 420-426 ◽  
Suzanne Wetzel ◽  
Darwin Burgess

For significant and predictable improvements in productivity of red and white pine forests, an increased understanding of the physiological processes in these species is essential. Relatively little physiological research has focused on these two species over the last two decades. However, with renewed interest in these species now for their high social, environmental and economic value this situation is changing. This paper describes past efforts at understanding red and white pine physiology, as well as discussing recent achievements. In addition, new results obtained by the authors through the use of Biotronic growth units are described in more detail to emphasize the high adaptability of white pine seedlings in response to nutrient stress through changes in carbon distribution, nutrient uptake and utilization.The ultimate practical output of much forestry research is often models predicting tree and forest growth. However, models which are based solely on empirical growth measurement data will not provide the understanding that is necessary for sustainable management; thus, increased research on physiological processes will continue to be required in future. Long-term detailed field studies that consider environmental and silvicultural influences at the organ and whole tree level are required to ensure that future models have high explanatory value. Key words: white pine, red pine, tree physiology, photosynthesis, seedling nutrition, silviculture

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-52
O.E. Afia ◽  
G.S. David

Cost-effectiveness, food utilization and proximate composition of Clarias gariepinus fingerlings fed locally formulated (sinking) and commercial (floating) diets in tarpaulin tanks were observed for 56 days. Ninety (90) C. gariepinus fingerlings with initial mean weight (72.99 g ± 3.09) per treatment were observed during the period with three replicates at a stocking density of 15 fish per m2. The fish were fed 5% body weight three times daily. Results showed that C. gariepinus fingerlings fed floating diet had significantly lower (p<0.05) feed conversion ratio (0.83 ± 0.03) than sinking diet (3.23 ± 0.40). Protein efficiency ratio was significantly (p<0.05) higher in fish fed commercial diet (2.69 ± 0.09) than locally formulated (0.80 ± 0.11). Specific growth rate was significantly (p<0.05) higher in floating (3.29 ± 0.07) than sinking diet (0.97 ± 0.20). Incidence cost was lower (₦1,989.65) in fish fed commercial diet than locally formulated (₦3,819.63). The profit index was higher in C. gariepinus fed floating diet (0.74) than sinking (0.19). From these findings, floating (commercial) feed is recommended for feeding C. gariepinus fingerlings since it showed better food utilization, better proximate composition of the carcass, higher profit index and consequently lower incidence cost.Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, cost-effectiveness, sinking feed, floating feed, incidence cost.

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