scholarly journals Forest Teams as an Alternative Service of the Mennonites in the Russian Empire Until 1914

Ol’ga Erokhina

Introduction. In the Russian Empire, the Mennonites, like German colonists, had numerous privileges, including they were not drafted for military service. This privilege was abolished after the Edict of 1874 was issued. However, they could not serve in the army due to their religious views. Methods and materials. The source base of the topic under study includes mainly written materials. Therefore, to show how the “military service” of the Mennonites was organized in forest teams, we used materials from the archives of the Russian State Historical Archive (387, 1246, 1282, 1292). Based on the documentary material with the use of the historical systemic method, we restored the chronology of the negotiation process between the authorities and the Mennonites on the introduction of alternative service. The paper reveals the terms of the agreement between the Mennonites and the Russian authorities. The Mennonites were forced to agree with these conditions in order not to take up arms. Analysis and Results. Based on the archival material, we found that the reaction from the Mennonites was immediate. On the one hand, they tried to establish a dialogue with the authorities on the resolution of an alternative civilian service, and on the other hand, many began to migrate to America. As a result, the Mennonites succeeded in obtaining the right to serve in forest teams and to submit to the Ministry of State Property. It was revealed that the subordination to the civil department instead of the military one changed their position from unranked soldiers to obligated workers. Therefore, they received monetary reward for their work. It was established that the Mennonite communities built and equipped barracks at their own expense; bought clothing and food; delivered the Mennonites to the place of service; paid rent for the ground areas allocated for agricultural needs to forest teams. A working day of obligated workers was strictly regulated and did not differ from the army one in fact. In the first half of the day, they always dealt with clearing and improvement of forests, and mainly with their protection. In their spare time the Mennonites played musical instruments and read books. In addition, they were necessarily taught reading and writing in Russian. Educational supplies were purchased at the expense of the team. Despite many difficulties in organizing and maintaining forest teams, many of the Mennonites performed their duties conscientiously and were encouraged by the ministry for good service more than once.

Sergei Teleshov ◽  
Elena Teleshova

The unique material returning us to the history of a question on possible primogenitors of the Russian State Pedagogical University, the long years, was a smithy of the best teacher's staff of the Russian empire and then the USSR is offered to attention of readers. Whether it is lawful to adhere only to one version of the occurrence of the pedagogical university? The reader can find some answers to an asked question in an offered material. And all of them, probably, have the right to existence. Scientific researchers are guided first of all by the facts (the facts, as speak, a stubborn thing). However, the facts powerless before politicians who interpret history randomly. Nevertheless, we insist that the history of pedagogical university, began in 1903 with the creation of Women's teacher training college. Key words: history of pedagogy, Educational House, teacher's seminary, pedagogical college, pedagogical university.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (46) ◽  
O. V. Pertsov

In the article, the features of military educational institutions activity in Yelisavetgrad region in 1865–1917 have been studied. The purpose of the article is to study features of Yelisavetgrad cavalry junker school activity in Yelisavetgrad region in 1865–1917. The purpose of the Yelisavetgrad cavalry junker school was analysed as the one to prepare high-moral officers-practitions and as a military one that had the right to train officers in the rank of Cornets. It has been concluded that at a certain point of its activity Yelisavetgrad cavalry junker school became the second in the Russian Empire due to its the internal organization of the institution's life in accordance with the current charter of the internal service in the troops, the organization of the educational process and the regime in the school.Key words: military educational institutions, Yelisavetgrad region, military school, officer cavalry school, military education.

Bogdan Ershov ◽  
Natalia Muhina

The chapter deals with the formation and development of Russian statehood from the 10th to the 18th centuries. It was at this time that domestic statehood was formed in very peculiar conditions. The following factors greatly influenced the specifics of Russian statehood: peasant, national, geopolitical, modernization. Throughout its history, Russia has gone through five major periods of state development: the Old Russian state, Muscovy, the Russian Empire, the Soviet state, and the Russian Federation. The process of Russian statehood was birthed in the ancient Russian state, which arose in the middle of the 9th century with its center in Kiev and existed until the middle of the 15th century. This period was marked by the approval of the basic principles of statehood in Russia, the merging of its northern and southern centers, and the growth of the military-political and international influence of the state.

Diacronia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Petronel Zahariuc

After the occupation of Moldavia between the Pruth and the Dniester, the Russian Empire imposed, through the Bucharest peace, to the estate owners to choose within 18 months the country side where they would live. For a while, the Romanians believed that the Russian army would retreat, like it happened beforehand, so they postponed making a decision until the fall of 1813, when they had to “separate” themselves from the estates to the left or to the right of the Pruth. Most of the great landowners chose to stay in Moldavia under Ottoman domination. Hence, proportionally, most of the estates sold were on the side of the country occupied by the Russian Empire. The way this process unfolded was reconstructed by Alexandru Lapedatu (1916), and the current paper brings a series of additions and clarifications, as well as a list, unpublished and unused in the Romanian historiography, with 387 villages and parts of villages, from Moldavia left from the Pruth, sold or changed in the last two months of the year 1813 and in the first days of the year 1814. At the same time, this paper suggests, at a general level, the way the separation of estates and families led to the separation of Moldavia, but, at the same time, secondarily, this multitude of names of settlements and masters may be used, sometime in the future, to the elaboration of a historical and toponymic study of the localities from the left of the Pruth, following the model of the one elaborated for the localities on the right bank of the Pruth by the toponymy collective with the “A. Philippide” Romanian Philology Institute, coordinated by Prof. Dragoș Moldovanu.

E.M. Kopot

Abstract Analyses of the materials of the Foreign Policy Archives of the Russian Empire and the Russian State Military-Historical Archive allows a reconstruction of the formation of the Russian Intelligence methodology of data gathering in Syria, as a possible battleground in 18701890. The Russian Caucasus Army Intelligence officers acted under cover of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire. Despite the bureaucratic infighting between the War Ministry and the Foreign Ministry which often emerged into an open confrontation, the new philosophy of Scientism, rapidly spreading across the establishment, have helped to drive more rational political decisions both during war and peace times. The article highlights the switch of the Military Intelligence focus. The accent shifted from exclusively military issues, to the issues of social ethnology and the search for Russias potential allies in the region. In Syria, the adherents of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch were seen as such.Аннотация Анализ материалов Архива внешней политики Российской империи и Российского государственного военно-исторического архива позволяет реконструировать становление российской военной разведки на курдо-сирийском театре военных действий в 1870-1890-х гг. Деятельность разведчиков Кавказского военного округа осуществлялась под прикрытием МИД российской империи. Невидимая аппаратная борьба военного министерства и внешнедипломатического ведомства нередко переходила в открытое противостояние, однако она не могла помешать распространению среди военно-дипломатического истеблишмента новой культуры сайентизма, которая должна была способствовать выработке рациональной политики населения как в военное, так и в мирное время. Статья посвящена малоизвестному сюжету трансформации внимания военной разведки от топографических исследований, наблюдению за комплектованием вооруженных сил Османской империи к изучению населения вероятного театра военных действий и поиску социальной опоры России в регионе в лице православных арабов антиохийского патриархата.Аннотация Анализ материалов Архива внешней политики Российской империи и Российского государственного военно-исторического архива позволяет реконструировать становление российской военной разведки на курдо-сирийском театре военных действий в 1870-1890-х гг. Деятельность разведчиков Кавказского военного округа осуществлялась под прикрытием МИД российской империи. Невидимая аппаратная борьба военного министерства и внешнедипломатического ведомства нередко переходила в открытое противостояние, однако она не могла помешать распространению среди военно-дипломатического истеблишмента новой культуры сайентизма, которая должна была способствовать выработке рациональной политики населения как в военное, так и в мирное время. Статья посвящена малоизвестному сюжету трансформации внимания военной разведки от топографических исследований, наблюдению за комплектованием вооруженных сил Османской империи к изучению населения вероятного театра военных действий и поиску социальной опоры России в регионе в лице православных арабов антиохийского патриархата.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-31
A. A. Sapunkov ◽  
N. A. Sapunkov

The subject. The law of emphyteusis was studied in the Russian Empire in the middle of 19th – beginning of 20th century due to practical significance. The interest in this subject began to revive at the beginning of the 21st century, the first few publications appeared, but they were mostly replicas of Imperial period studies. The law of emphyteusis in Russia before the middle of the 19th century is not researched sufficiently. The purpose of the study is to confirm or disprove hypothesis that the law of emphyteusis was initially implemented in the system of Russian law as a legislative institution, but since the middle of the 19th century it has acquired the status of a local legal custom. The Russian state, having preserved the former system of civil law (the Lithuanian Statute) in the Western lands annexed from Lithuania and Poland, created the basis for the formation of a different system of legal awareness among a part of the population, thereby consolidating the dichotomy of the Empire and the Western provinces. Since the issue of land ownership is a key issue for feudal society, the law of emphyteusis is the most striking example of the split in the unity of the legal system of the Russian state. The methodology. The study is based on a combination of formal-legal and historical-legal methods: the methods of historicism, synchronous and diachronic comparison allow us to get an idea of the socio-political conditions in which the law of emphyteusis was formed and functioned. The main results, scope of application. The institute of emphyteusis (Latin – сensus, German – zins, Polish – czynsz) was formed on the basis of the reception of Roman and Byzantine law in the feudal law of a number of European States. Emphyteusis comes to the PolishLithuanian lands as an element of German law. The article describes the socio-political processes in the territories annexed by Russia from the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, where the right of emphyteusis was preserved in the middle of 17th - first half of the 19th century as a local civil law under the Lithuanian Statute system. After the abolition of the Statute of Lithuania (1840) an emphyteusis preserved as a regional legal custom. The analysis of legislation and law enforcement practice on the issue of emphyteusis on the borderlands of the Russian state is carried out. The ineffectiveness of the state policy on the elimination of emphyteusis is noted. Conclusions. The revealed specifics of the development of emphyteusis in the Russian Empire are extremely poorly studied, although they indicate far-reaching consequences in the system of forming the legal consciousness of Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Jewish (Ashkenazi) and other peoples.

2019 ◽  
pp. 162-168
Olga Redkinа ◽  
Tatjana Nazarova

The article considers the gradual transformation of certain aspects of the pacifist doctrine of the Mennonites under the influence of new farming conditions in the sparsely populated and inaccessible regions of the Russian Empire. Understanding of our duties to the state, which sheltered the persecuted community at the end of the 18th century, guaranteed freedom of conscience (including the preservation of pacifism, among other things), this gave rise to a new attitude towards the Russian army, a desire to contribute to protecting the interests of the Fatherland in an acceptable form. The influence of Orthodox views on just wars, on the essence of serving the Fatherland on the patriotic views of the Mennonites of the Black Sea region seems probable. Remaining lawabiding citizens, during all wars the Mennonites found opportunities to provide comprehensive support to the Russian army without violating their religious beliefs – money donations, maintaining field hospitals, caring for wounded soldiers, providing transportation, food, and fodder. Reluctance to leave Russia in the 1870s after the introduction of universal military service, it stimulated the Mennonites to seek a compromise with the Russian state, and led to the emergence of an alternative service for them in the forest teams. The widespread possession of cold steel and firearms, which was seized from them in 1914–1915, speaks about the transformation of certain aspects of the pacifist beliefs of the Mennonites living in Novorossia. The extreme conditions of the First World War and the Civil War gave an impetus to a more active revision of the pacifist beliefs by the Mennonites, to an individual decision on the form of service in the army or abandonment of it. The possession of weapons, the presence of significant arsenals in the communities will lead to the creation of self-defense units during the Сivil war in Ukraine and the Crimea, to the combat participation of individual Mennonites on the side of the White and Red Armies. The majority of Mennonites will use the right not to serve in the army for religious reasons, enshrined in a decree of the SNK of the RSFSR in 1919.

2016 ◽  
Vol 61 (S24) ◽  
pp. 49-70
Dmitry Khitrov

AbstractThis article addresses the system of state-organized and state-controlled tributary labour in the Russian Empire in the eighteenth century. On the basis of the taxpayers’ registry of 1795, it focuses on the social groups obliged to perform military service or labour directly for the polity. They included the numerous “service class” of the southern and eastern frontier regions, including Russian, Ukrainian (mainly Cossack), and indigenous (Bashkir and Kalmyk) communities, and the group of pripisnye, peasants “bound” to industries and shipyards to work for their taxes. The rationale behind the use of this type of labour relation was, on the one hand, the need of the state to secure the support of labour in distant and poorly populated regions, and, on the other, that the communes of labourers saw performing work for the state as a strong guarantee of their landowning privileges.

Rafael Komiljonov

The article examines the Genesis of the institution of jury trial in the Russian Empire from the moment of its introduction to the end of the Provisional government. It is noted that the emergence of a trial with the participation of jurors was influenced by Western models of the judicial process, and the forms of participation of citizens in the administration of justice that previously existed on the territory of the Russian state were taken into account. The role that the jury system has played with some success in the search for truth, justice, and the implementation of effective and independent justice in the past centuries is particularly highlighted.

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