Repeated Selective Cutting Controls Neotropical Bracken (Pteridium arachnoideum) and Restores Abandoned Pastures

2014 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 580-589 ◽  
Karla Aguilar-Dorantes ◽  
Klaus Mehltreter ◽  
Heike Vibrans ◽  
Martin Mata-Rosas ◽  
Valentín A. Esqueda-Esquivel

AbstractNeotropical bracken fern invades disturbed forests and burned and abandoned pastures in Latin America, inhibiting the growth of associated vegetation and altering community structure. Cutting of all aboveground vegetation every 6 to 12 mo has proven to be inefficient as a control method. We studied the impact of selective cutting of bracken every 2 mo, shading, and a combination of cutting + shading during 14 mo in a bracken-dominated, abandoned pasture in Veracruz, Mexico. At the end of the experiment, cutting with or without shading drastically reduced bracken cover from >90% to less than 1%, decreased leaf number from 18 to fewer than two leaves per m2, and depleted bracken leaf biomass. The significant reduction of bracken was correlated with a significant 3.9- to 5.7-fold increase in richness of other plant species. Cutting without shading was the only treatment that significantly reduced rhizome biomass to less than 62% of control plots, whereas cutting + shading was the only treatment to promote a significant increase in both cover and shoot biomass of successional plant species. Selective cutting of P. arachnoideum repeated every 2 mo was more successful than nonselective cuttings repeated at longer intervals, because it removed newly emerging leaves before their complete expansion and supported the recovery and reestablishment of other plant species, which may help to control bracken. Although costs for the first year of selective cutting were twice as much as for nonselective cutting, it may prove less expensive and more efficient than nonselective cutting in the long term.

2021 ◽  
Leïla Simon ◽  
Valérie Gros ◽  
Jean-Eudes Petit ◽  
François Truong ◽  
Roland Sarda-Esteve ◽  

<p>Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) have direct influences on air quality and climate. They also play a key role in atmospheric chemistry, as they are precursors of secondary pollutants, such as ozone (O<sub>3</sub>) and secondary organic aerosols (SOA).</p><p>Long-term datasets of in-situ atmospheric measurements are crucial to characterize the variability of atmospheric chemical composition. Online and continuous measurements of O<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub> and aerosols have been achieved at the SIRTA-ACTRIS facility (Paris region, France), since 2012. Regarding VOCs, they have been measured there for several years thanks to bi-weekly samplings followed by offline Gas Chromatography analysis. However, this method doesn’t provide a good representation of the temporal variability of VOC concentrations. To tackle this issue, online VOC measurements using a Proton-Transfer-Reaction Quadrupole Mass-Spectrometer (PTR-Q-MS) have been started in January 2020.</p><p>The dataset acquired during the first year of online VOC measurements is analyzed, which gives insights on VOC seasonal variability. The additional long-term datasets obtained from co-located measurements (O<sub>3</sub>, NO<sub>x</sub>, aerosol physical and chemical properties, meteorological parameters) are also used for the sake of this study.</p><p>Due to Covid-19 pandemic, the year 2020 notably comprised a total lockdown in France in Spring, and a lighter one in Autumn. Therefore, a focus can be made on the impact of these lockdowns on the VOC variability and sources. To this end, the diurnal cycles of VOCs considered markers for anthropogenic sources are carefully investigated. Results notably indicate that markers for traffic and wood burning sources behave quite differently during the Spring lockdown in comparison to the other periods. A source apportionment analysis using positive matrix factorization allows to further document the seasonal variability of VOC sources and the impacts on air quality associated with the lockdown measures.</p>

Agronomy ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 300 ◽  
Pradeep Wagle ◽  
Prasanna Gowda

Adoption of better management practices is crucial to lessen the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on tallgrass prairie systems that contribute heavily for livestock production in several states of the United States. This article reviews the impacts of different common management practices and disturbances (e.g., fertilization, grazing, burning) and tallgrass prairie restoration on plant growth and development, plant species composition, water and nutrient cycles, and microbial activities in tallgrass prairie. Although nitrogen (N) fertilization increases aboveground productivity of prairie systems, several factors greatly influence the range of stimulation across sites. For example, response to N fertilization was more evident on frequently or annually burnt sites (N limiting) than infrequently burnt and unburnt sites (light limiting). Frequent burning increased density of C4 grasses and decreased plant species richness and diversity, while plant diversity was maximized under infrequent burning and grazing. Grazing increased diversity and richness of native plant species by reducing aboveground biomass of dominant grasses and increasing light availability for other species. Restored prairies showed lower levels of species richness and soil quality compared to native remnants. Infrequent burning, regular grazing, and additional inputs can promote species richness and soil quality in restored prairies. However, this literature review indicated that all prairie systems might not show similar responses to treatments as the response might be influenced by another treatment, timing of treatments, and duration of treatments (i.e., short-term vs. long-term). Thus, it is necessary to examine the long-term responses of tallgrass prairie systems to main and interacting effects of combination of management practices under diverse plant community and climatic conditions for a holistic assessment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 2828 ◽  
Sławomir Dresler ◽  
Maciej Strzemski ◽  
Jozef Kováčik ◽  
Jan Sawicki ◽  
Michał Staniak ◽  

The impact of long-term chronic cadmium stress (ChS, 0.1 µM Cd, 85 days) or short-term acute cadmium stress (AS, 10 µM Cd, 4 days) on Carlina acaulis (Asteraceae) metabolites was compared to identify specific traits. The content of Cd was higher under AS in all organs in comparison with ChS (130 vs. 16 µg·g−1 DW, 7.9 vs. 3.2 µg·g−1 DW, and 11.5 vs. 2.4 µg·g−1 DW in roots, leaves, and trichomes, respectively) while shoot bioaccumulation factor under ChS (ca. 280) indicates efficient Cd accumulation. High content of Cd in the trichomes from the AS treatment may be an anatomical adaptation mechanism. ChS evoked an increase in root biomass (hormesis), while the impact on shoot biomass was not significant in any treatment. The amounts of ascorbic acid and sum of phytochelatins were higher in the shoots but organic (malic and citric) acids dominated in the roots of plants from the ChS treatment. Chlorogenic acid, but not ursolic and oleanolic acids, was elevated by ChS. These data indicate that both chelation and enhancement of antioxidative power contribute to protection of plants exposed to long-term (chronic) Cd presence with subsequent hormetic effect.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-220 ◽  
David C. Kang

What has been the impact of Donald J. Trump’s presidency on the place of the United States in East Asia? Trump already has shown a proclivity for upending the mainstream American consensus about grand strategy to East Asia, with the real possibility of a trade war with China or a shooting war with North Korea on the horizon. However, this article will place President Trump’s first year in office into a larger context of long-term decline of U.S. leadership and influence in East Asia, arguing that this trend has been underway for quite some time, and that Trump has not altered fundamentally this trajectory. Some of Trump’s actions may accelerate a decline in U.S. leadership, but by no means was Trump the first nor will he be the last U.S. president to deal with a swiftly changing East Asia. The region has been changing rapidly for decades, and there are no indications that this will stop anytime soon. However, continuing and gradual U.S. withdrawal from leadership does not mean less American-East Asia interaction. East Asia will remain the most important trading and investment region for the U.S. for the foreseeable future.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 459-473 ◽  
Stefan Hergarten ◽  
Thomas Kenkmann

Abstract. Worldwide erosion rates seem to have increased strongly since the beginning of the Quaternary, but there is still discussion about the role of glaciation as a potential driver and even whether the increase is real at all or an artifact due to losses in the long-term sedimentary record. In this study we derive estimates of average erosion rates on the timescale of some tens of millions of years from the terrestrial impact crater inventory. This approach is completely independent from all other methods to infer erosion rates such as river loads, preserved sediments, cosmogenic nuclides, and thermochronometry. Our approach yields average erosion rates as a function of present-day topography and climate. The results confirm that topography accounts for the main part of the huge variation in erosion on Earth, but also identifies a significant systematic dependence on climate in contrast to several previous studies. We found a 5-fold increase in erosional efficacy from the cold regimes to the tropical zone and that temperate and arid climates are very similar in this context. Combining our results into a worldwide mean erosion rate, we found that erosion rates on the timescale of some tens of millions of years are at least as high as present-day rates and suggest that glaciation has a rather regional effect with a limited impact at the continental scale.

1992 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 238-245 ◽  
Ian R. H. Falloon ◽  
Charles Brooker ◽  
Victor Graham-Hole

During the past decade there has been a major advance in clinical management of schizophrenic disorders (Falloon & Shanahan, 1990; Lam, 1991; Schooler & Hogarty, 1987). This has resulted from application of strategies based upon a vulnerability-stress model of mental disorders. This considers mental disorders to result from interactions between specific biological vulnerability and non-specific environmental stresses (Falloon & Fadden, 1993).Therapeutic interventions derived from this model combine biomedical strategies, predominantly optimal pharmacotherapy, with psychosocial strategies that aim to enhance the capacity of the index patient and his/her social network to cope with the impact of environmental stresses on the course of the disorder. Ten controlled studies have been published since 1980 that meet minimal standards of research design, with follow-up for at least 1 year (Bellack, Turner, Hersen, & Luber, 1985; Falloon, 1985; Gunderson et al., 1984; Hogarty et al., 1986; Leff, Kuipers, Berkowitz, Eberlein-Fries, & Sturgeon, 1982; Leff et al., 1989; Malm, 1982; McFarlane, 1990; Tarrier et al., 1988; Wallace & Liberman, 1985). Nine also provided 2-year results. Overall, these studies show that the addition of psychosocial strategies to optimal case management and long-term drug prophylaxis halves the rate of major clinical exacerbations in people suffering from schizophrenia. This benefit is most notable during the first year after a major schizophrenic episode, particularly when the psychosocial interventions encompass patients' immediate social support systems, usually the family or marital household (Falloon, 1985; Hogarty et al., 1986; Leff et al., 1982; Leff et al., 1989; McFarlane, 1990; Tarrier et al., 1988).

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 302 ◽  
Josh Dorrough ◽  
Julian Ash

The presence of perennial plant species in grazed habitats may be an imperfect predictor of their long-term ability to persist under grazing by livestock. This is particularly the case in landscapes where grazing by livestock is a relatively recent occurrence or where management practices are leading to intensification of grazing. This paper investigates the impacts of grazing on the native perennial inter-tussock forb Leptorhynchos elongatus (Asteraceae) in grasslands on the Monaro Tablelands of New South Wales. Although the species persists in grazed habitats, exclosures indicate that current grazing management can lead to severe depletion of seed, largely due to selective removal of flowers and seed heads by livestock. A population model suggests that under current grazing management, population growth rates may be negative. Removal of livestock during flowering and seed set may assist long-term persistence of this species in grazed habitats. Despite almost 200 years of livestock grazing on the Monaro Tablelands, recent intensification of grazing management could result in the future loss of some plant species in grazed habitats.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 2455-2468 ◽  
D. Zak ◽  
H. Reuter ◽  
J. Augustin ◽  
T. Shatwell ◽  
M. Barth ◽  

Abstract. Rewetting of long-term drained fens often results in the formation of eutrophic shallow lakes with an average water depth of less than 1 m. This is accompanied by a fast vegetation shift from cultivated grasses via submerged hydrophytes to helophytes. As a result of rapid plant dying and decomposition, these systems are highly dynamic wetlands characterised by a high mobilisation of nutrients and elevated emissions of CO2 and CH4. However, the impact of specific plant species on these phenomena is not clear. Therefore we investigated the CO2 and CH4 production due to the subaqueous decomposition of shoot biomass of five selected plant species which represent different rewetting stages (Phalaris arundinacea, Ceratophyllum demersum, Typha latifolia, Phragmites australis and Carex riparia) during a 154 day mesocosm study. Beside continuous gas flux measurements, we performed bulk chemical analysis of plant tissue, including carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and plant polymer dynamics. Plant-specific mass losses after 154 days ranged from 25% (P. australis) to 64% (C. demersum). Substantial differences were found for the CH4 production with highest values from decomposing C. demersum (0.4 g CH4 kg−1 dry mass day) that were about 70 times higher than CH4 production from C. riparia. Thus, we found a strong divergence between mass loss of the litter and methane production during decomposition. If C. demersum as a hydrophyte is included in the statistical analysis solely nutrient contents (nitrogen and phosphorus) explain varying greenhouse gas production of the different plant species while lignin and polyphenols demonstrate no significant impact at all. Taking data of annual biomass production as important carbon source for methanogens into account, high CH4 emissions can be expected to last several decades as long as inundated and nutrient-rich conditions prevail. Different restoration measures like water level control, biomass extraction and top soil removal are discussed in the context of mitigation of CH4 emissions from rewetted fens.

2000 ◽  
Vol 125 (3) ◽  
pp. 651-669 ◽  
N. J. GAY ◽  
B. LAW ◽  

The objective of this study was to develop and apply a dynamic mathematical model of VZV transmission to predict the effect of different vaccination strategies on the age-specific incidence and outcome of infection. To do so a deterministic realistic age-structured model (RAS) was used which takes account of the increased potential for transmission within school aged groups. Various vaccine efficacy scenarios, vaccine coverages and vaccination strategies were investigated and a sensitivity analysis of varicella incidence predictions to important parameters was performed. The model predicts that the overall (natural and breakthrough) incidence and morbidity of varicella would likely be reduced by mass vaccination of 12-month-old children. Furthermore, adding a catch-up campaign in the first year for 1–11 year olds seems to be the most effective strategy to reduce both varicella incidence and morbidity (in the short and long term), though with the possible detrimental effect of increasing the incidence of zoster.

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