XIV.—Vita Meriadoci: An Arthurian Romance Now First Edited from the Cottonian MS. Faustina B. VI., of the British Museum

PMLA ◽  
1900 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 326-414
J. Douglas Bruce

The following edition of the Vita Meriadoci is based on an exact transcript of the Cottonian ms. made for me by Mr. F. B. Bickley, of the Department of Manuscripts of the British Museum, during the months of June and July, 1899, and shortly after collated by me with the original ms. The edition is similar in character to that of the other Latin romance, De Ortu Waluuanii, contained in the same ms. which appeared in these Publications (vol. xiii, No. 3) two years ago. The only particular in which I have departed from the plan of that edition is in regard to the abstract of the story printed at the end, which in this instance can no longer be termed a paraphrase. Further experience in the comparative study of stories of this kind has convinced me that translations and paraphrases are less useful to the student than briefer summaries and I should indeed reproach myself for the length of the present abstract but for the fact that the barbarous character of the language in which it is composed renders a perusal of the Latin text rather tedious to the reader and it accordingly seemed advisable to render the original with a certain amount of detail.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 208-223
Byung Mun Lee

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the rules on the formation of contracts under Korean law and the Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) in a comparative way and introduce the relevant proposed rules under the Amendment Draft of the Korean Civil Code (KCC). In addition, it attempts to compare and evaluate them in light of the discipline of comparative law. Design/methodology/approach In order to achieve the purposes of the study, it executes a comparative study of the rules as to the formation of contracts of the CISG, Korean law and the Amendment Draft of the KCC. The basic question for this comparative study is placed on whether a solution from one jurisdiction is more logical than the others and to what extent each jurisdiction has responded to protect the reasonable expectations of the parties in the rules as to the formation of contracts. Findings The comparative study finds that most of the rules under the CISG are quite plausible and logical and they are more or less well reflected in the proposals advanced by the KCC amendment committee. On the other hand, the other rules under the CISG which have brought criticisms in terms of their complexity and inconsistent case law invite us their revision or consistent interpretation. The drawbacks of the CISG have also been well responded in the Amendment Draft of the KCC. Nevertheless, it is quite unfortunate that the Amendment Draft of the KCC still has a rule that regards any purported performance with non-material alteration of the terms of an offer as an acceptance. Originality/value This study may provide legal and practical advice to both the seller and the buyer when they enter into a contract for international sales of goods. In addition, it may render us an insight into newly developed or developing rules in this area and show us how they interact with each other. Furthermore, it may be particularly useful in Korea where there is an ongoing discussion for revision of the KCC.

Africa ◽  
1928 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 413-428 ◽  
Werner Eiselen

The several forms of preferential mating, such as cross-cousin marriage, sororate and levirate, are well known and have been reported from all the ethnographic provinces of the world. Lately Lowie and Rivers have devoted special chapters in their books on social organization to the comparative study of these important institutions. Lowie has pointed out that there is strong evidence for the correlation of sororate and levirate. The later publication of Rivers hardly serves to make these matters any clearer than Lowie's work. Although the latter scholar, with Tylor and others, recognized the close connexion existing between sororate and levirate, the evidence at his disposal did not allow him to arrive at a similar conclusion with regard to the other forms of preferential marriage. Accordingly he had to treat them, for the time being, as institutions of independent origin.

1896 ◽  
Vol 59 (353-358) ◽  
pp. 137-141 ◽  

In a paper published in the ‘Philosophical Transactions’ (Series B, 1894), the comparative study of the spore-bearing members of the Lycopodineæ, including the Psilotaceæ, has led to the conclusion that there is reasonable probability that septation of sporangia originally simple, to form synangia, has taken place; that a septate body (synangium) may be homologous with a non-septate body (simple sporangium); and that there is no essential difference between tissue which will form septa or trabeculæ, and that which will form spores, since the tissues can mutually undergo conversion one into the other. But the considerations there brought forward do not amount to an actual demonstration that septation has occurred.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-144
Erlin Novita Idje Djami

Abstract. Megalithic Of Gunung Srobu In Melanesian Cultural Context. Megalithic is one of the cultural elements that is discovered worldwide, and it is often used as evidence for cultural hyperdiffusion theory. Such a cultural element is also present in the Melanesian region. However, there is still debate among scholars as to where it comes from and when it was introduced to this area. In this context, the recently excavated megalithic site in Gunung Srobu in Youtefa Bay, Jayapura, Papua may shed light on this matter. This paper is intended to describe the megalithic findings of Gunung Srobu and then compare them with other megalithic findings in several sites in the Melanesian region. The comparative study aims to find out the similarities and differences between Gunung Srobu megalithic and the other Melanesian megalithic as well as to know the position of Gunung Srobu in the Melanesian regional. The method used includes surveys, excavations, and literature studies. The result shows that Gunung Srobu is a very complex megalithic site in the region with very varied shapes and types. The date from around the 4th Century AD put Gunung Srobu as the oldest megalithic site in the region which is likely to occupy a central position in the megalithic distribution in the Melanesian Region. Abstrak. Megalitik merupakan salah satu unsur budaya yang ditemukan sangat luas di dunia dan sering menjadi bukti bagi teori hiperdifusi. Unsur budaya megalitik juga ditemukan di kawasan Melanesia. Namun, banyak ahli masih memperdebatkan asal-usul dan waktu persebarannya. Dalam konteks ini, temuan megalitik yang baru-baru ini ditemukan dalam penggalian di situs Gunung Srobu, Teluk Youtefa, Papua, mungkin dapat menjelaskan masalah ini. Tulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk mendeskripsikan temuan megalitik di Gunung Srobu dan membandingkannya dengan temuan megalitik di beberapa situs lainnya di kawasan Melanesia. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui persamaan dan perbedaan unsur megalitik antara yang ada di Gunung Srobu dan di situs Melanesia lainnya, serta mengetahui kedudukan megalitik Gunung Srobu di kawasan Melanesia. Metode yang digunakan mencakup survei, ekskavasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa Gunung Srobu merupakan situs megalitik yang sangat kompleks di kawasan itu dengan bentuk dan jenis yang sangat bervariasi. Pertanggalan yang berasal dari sekitar abad ke-4 M menempatkannya sebagai megalitik tertua yang kemungkinan menempati posisi sentral dalam persebaran megalitik di kawasan Melanesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-232
Ali Trigiyatno

This article compares dowry regulations in Indonesia and Morocco. Bearing in mind that Indonesia and Morocco have different characteristics in dowry matter, the regulations are worth comparing for. As understood in Islamic marriages, dowry is an important obligation and must be fulfilled by the bridegroom for the bride. Normative Islamic teaching advocates for dowry that is simple and reasonable, but in practice, sometimes dowry becomes expensive and difficult to be given, and thus, causing unfavorable effects. In addition, dowry also has the potentials to be subjected to disputes between husband and wife if not regulated by legislation in details. The author uses a comparative study of law guided by a normative approach through library research. The main source is the statutes of two countries. Analysis technique used is content analysis. As a result, it is found that with different backgrounds of fiqh school in Indonesia and Morroco-one being strongly influenced by Shāfi‘ī school and the other is influenced by Mālikī school-have similar rules on dowry. The only significant difference is that the Mālikī School and its legislation in Morocco considers dowry as a marriage pillar. Meanwhile, the Shāfi‘ī school and its legislation in Indonesia, even though the dowry is regarded as compulsory, it does not become a condition or a marriage pillar. Other differences are the definition of dowry, regulation of wife’s luggage, lost dowry, defective dowry, introduction of mithil dowry, regulation of dowry disputes before entering the household, and regulation of furniture disputes other than the wife’s luggage.


Статья посвящена анализу христианских интерференций в самобытной этноре- лигиозной системе осетин. В «Осетинских этюдах» Миллер со ссылкой на работу Б. Га- тиева привел легенду о Барастыре. Этот правитель загробного мира по ходатайству неизвестного, но «великого гостя» выпустил грешников из ада и ввел их в рай. Миллер, предположивший в данной легенде отражение христианского догматического предания о сошествии Иисуса Христа в ад, не стал доказывать свою гипотезу, и в некоторой сте- пени настоящее исследование является ее научной проверкой. Анализ сюжета позволяет с уверенностью констатировать его христианскую основу. Предпринятое сравнитель- ное изучение осетинской легенды и христианского догмата выявило как совпадения, так и несовпадения отдельных элементов легенды с каноническим преданием, что обусловило необходимость обращения к ветхо- и новозаветным апокрифам, касающимся данного со- бытия. Их разбор также не оставил сомнений в точности миллеровской догадки. Отсыл- ка к неканоническим текстам в ходе настоящего исследования была обусловлена также скудостью упоминаний о событии Сошествия в ад в библейском каноне. Обращение же к неканоническим евангелиям в ходе сравнительного анализа способствовало его существен- ной объективации, вследствие чего в статье особо подчеркивается проблема апокрифиче- ских заимствований, остающаяся, судя по небольшому количеству публикаций, одной из наименее изученных в осетиноведении. Кроме того, материалы сравнительного изучения способствовали выявлению третьего, неожиданного объекта анализа — иудейских элемен- тов в предпасхальной этнорелигиозной обрядности осетин («суфæхæрæн æхсæв»), что позволило вывести исследование за рамки собственно мировоззренческой сферы в другую область религиозной системы — этнорелигиозную культовую практику. The article is devoted to the analysis of the Christian interference into the original ethnoreligious system of the Ossetians. V. Miller in his «Ossetian etudes» referred to B. Gatiev’s work where the legend about Barastyr is narrated. This ruler of the world of the dead at the request of the «great guest» released sinners from the hell and welcomed them to the paradise. V. Miller suggested that this legend reflects the Christian dogmatic tradition of the Descent of Jesus Christ into hell. He, however, did not develop this hypothesis, and, to some extent, the present study is a scientific verification of this hypothesis. The analysis of the plot allows us to state with certainty its Christian basis. The undertaken comparative study of the Ossetian legend and Christian dogma revealed both coincidences and discrepancies between the separate elements of the legend with the canonical gospel. This necessitated addressing the Old and New Testament apocrypha, which relate this event. The present analysis leaves little doubt about the accuracy of Millerʼs guess. The reference to non-canonical texts in the course of this study is also due to the meagerness of references to the Descent into hell. The analysis of the non-canonical Gospels in the course of the comparative study contributed to its significant objectification, as a result of which the article highlights the problem of apocryphal borrowings. Judging by the small number of publications, this problem is one of the least investigated in the Ossetian studies. In addition, the materials of the comparative study helped to identify the third, unexpected object of analysis — the Jewish elements in the religious pre-Easter ritual («sufæhæræn æхsæv») among Ossetians. This made it possible to extend the research beyond the actual worldview scope to the other field of the religious system — ethno-religious cult practice.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Krishna Kanta Parajuli

South Asian region has made a glorious history of mathematics. This area is considered as fer- tile land for the birth of pioneer mathematicians who developed various mathematical ideas and creations. Among them, three innovative personalities are Bhaskaracarya, Gopal Pande and Bharati Krishna Tirthaji and their specific methods to find cube root are mainly focused on this study. The article is trying to explore the comparative study among the procedures they adopt. Gopal Pande disagrees with the Bhaskaracarya's verse. He used the unitary method against that method mentioned in Bhaskaracarya's famous book Lilavati to prove his procedures. However, the Vedic method by Tirthaji was not influenced by the other two except for minor cases. In the case of practicality and simplicity, the Vedic method is more practical and simpler to understand for all mathematical learners and teachers in comparison to the other two methods.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-60 ◽  
Stéphanie Lopez

The aim of this paper is to describe the different uses of English phraseology and plain language within pilot-controller (or air-ground) communications via a comparative study between two collections of texts (corpora): one representing the prescribed norm and made up of examples of English from two phraseology manuals; the other consisting of the orthographic transcription of recordings of real air-ground communications. The comparative study is conducted at a lexical level. It focuses on the discrepancies observed in the distribution of the corpora lexicon. Our preliminary results indicate that, in real air-ground communications, pilots and controllers tend to use more “subjectivity” markers (pronouns, courtesy expressions) than prescribed by the linguistic norm. This observation reflects their needs to use the language in its social role. A description of the different markers introducing subjectivity in air-ground communication can help understand the use of a more natural language in radiotelephony. In the long run, the results from the comparative study can be used to improve English radiotelephony teaching.

Christian Leuprecht

This chapter historicizes, contextualizes, and theorizes the triangular relationship among governments, intelligence agencies, and democratic citizens in light of the observations and comparisons in this book. It posits accountability as a means to reconcile the apparent contradictions between the openness and transparency of democratic first principles on the one hand, and the power and secrecy of state intelligence on the other. Democracies constantly have to demonstrate their steadfast commitment to playing by the same rules they claim to value and defend as this practice ultimately sets them apart from authoritarianism. Intelligence accountability thus emerges as a quintessentially social process that is both integral and existential to democracy. Accountability tethers intelligence and security communities to the democratic society they serve and the rules, authorizations, and limitations it has imposed. In response to global threats and technological change, however, intelligence now coalesces as an epistemic community that cooperates across agencies, departments, and jurisdictions. Domestic, international, and supranational coordination and collaboration within intelligence communities and across the Five Eyes, other allies, partners, and beyond, vastly complicate the seemingly straightforward task of holding any one intelligence agency or community accountable. Accountability lags changing and expanded intelligence powers and capabilities, which can have deleterious consequences for public trust and support under which intelligence operates in a democratic society. Ergo, the lessons in the comparative study of intelligence are as much about reconciling intelligence and democracy as they are about innovation and adaptation in defending democracy as hostile state and non-state threat actors and vectors proliferate.

Nassima Dif ◽  
Zakaria Elberrichi

This chapter compares 4 variants of metaheuristics (RFA, EMVO, RPSO, and RBAT). The purpose is to test the impact of refinement on different types of metaheuristics (FA, MVO, PSO, and BAT). The refinement helps to enhance exploitation and to speed up the search process in multidimensional spaces. Moreover, it presents a powerful tool to solve different issues such as slow convergence. The different methods have been used for gene selection on 11 microarrays datasets to solve their various issues related to the presence of irrelevant genes. The obtained results reveal the positive impact of refinement on FA, MVO, and PSO, where all performances have been improved. On the other hand, this process harmed the BAT algorithm. The comparative study between the 4 variants highlights the efficiency of EMVO and FA in terms of precision and dimensionality reduction, respectively. Overall, this study suggests drawing attention to the choice of embedded metaheuristics in the refinement procedure, where powerful methods in exploration are recommended. Moreover, metaheuristics that risk form fast convergence are not advised.

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