Virgilio García Aparicio ◽  
Marta Rodríguez Jiménez

Abstract.We currently coexist with the technological revolution. Internet is considered the main between the Information and Communications technologies. The possibilities of Internet are innumerable and appears new innovations every second. Adolescent need construct their identity, differentiate themselves from others and feel socially included. Internet enables satisfy this needs and adolescent can express ideas and problems in forums, social networks and blogs. At the same time, Internet enables discover hidden aspects of the personality without social sanctions, which can improve the self esteem as they can express their true selves. There are many positive consequences of using Internet such as increase the social circle or to share experiences. Thus, computer-mediated communication contributes in the creation of higher social networks and public participation.Key words: Internet, Adolescence, New Technology, Psychology.Resumen.En la actualidad convivimos con la revolución tecnológica, Internet es considerado, en relación a las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, el fundamental. Sus posibilidades son innumerables y segundo a segundo siguen apareciendo nuevas innovaciones en torno a la Red de redes. Los adolescentes necesitan definirse, diferenciarse de los demás, sentirse incluido socialmente. Internet posibilita satisfacer esta necesidad, convirtiéndose en el principal espacio de interacción social, dando oportunidad de expresar ideas y problemas en foros, blogs o Redes sociales. Así, los sujetos se pueden sentirse sustentados emocionalmente por otros internautas generando comprensión recíproca. Al mismo tiempo, Internet ofrece la posibilidad de descubrir aspectos ocultos de la personalidad y de la identidad del individuo sin recibir sanción social del entorno habitual, lo que contribuye a mejorar la autoestima, ya que pueden manifestar su verdadero yo al mundo exterior. Conocer y aumentar el círculo social, relacionarse, intercambiar historias, experiencias, etc., son también consecuencias positivas del uso de Internet. Así, la comunicación mediada por ordenador tiende a contribuir a la creación de mayores y más diversas redes sociales, organizacionales comunitarias y participación pública. Es inadecuado calificar las relaciones online como insuficientes e incompletas en comparación con los lazos del “mundo real” ya que forman parte del mismo sistema social.Palabras clave: Internet, Adolescencia, Nuevas Tecnologías, Psicología.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 405-415
I. Darginavičienė ◽  
I. Ignotaitė

Most authors admit that code-switching is the process of switching different languages, their varieties, speaking styles, etc. Today the majority of people in the world are multilingual and often mix languages in different ways, which makes code-switching a quite common global phenomenon. Code-switching incorporates government, cultural, religious and network contexts, and the frequency of code-switching in such multilingual conversations is an indicator of the global dominance of multilingualism. Online communication fosters social communicative practices consisting of code-switching and marks the development of verbal behaviour of multilingual communities. Code-switching also affects language visuality, its images are tools for the social construction of reality. The developed verbal practices support effective communication and affect the expression of new meanings. The article aims at presenting the features of code-switching in digital communication with 8 examples of different length, topic and author, in which the native Lithuanians code-switched to English and used elements of the Internet language. These examples were taken from the social networks Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and the authors analyzed the grammar, spelling and punctuation of both Lithuanian and the English words, the type and use of the code-switched English elements, special characters, abbreviations, emoji and other features of the Internet language. The results show that online communication is not entirely textual, with various means of text composition communicators make their code-switched English elements more visible and alter the appearance of messages. Such practices correspond to the features of social networks and seem to follow the popular Internet culture trends.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 101-105
Rrahman Paçarizi

Abstract Instant messaging, texting, or even Computer Mediated Communication are the terms used to refer to communication in social networks. These terms are not the most appropriate ones because the technology and platforms of this way of communication have evolved rapidly. Since this communication is widespread, there is a need to have a much more standardized communication in terms of the language variety used for it. Having in mind various principles of socio cognitive approach in terminology, the study aimed to build a new appropriate term in this regard. Having in mind all the circumstances and the scale of standardization of this way of communication, I think that the best term that fits it is “Netlect”. This is done in order to include, using the same word, the name of the platform where this communication is being developed (net) and the paradigm for linguistic variety (lect), as in socio+lect, dia+lect etc. The case of Albanian and other languages goes in favour of this term because we are talking about “a language variety that never existed before”, as Ferrara, Brunner, and Whittemore stated earlier in 1991.

Mariyan Petrov ◽  

The report shall consider the use of а foreign graphic system in the informal communication on the online social media Facebook and the possibility for determination of the dialectical affiliation, based on the graphic differences by the spelling of the jat vowel. Conclusions for this opportunity are drawn. Keywords: computer-mediated communication, social networks, dialects, jat vowel

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 347-381
Michele Goulart Massuchin ◽  
Regilson Furtado Borges

Este artigo apresenta uma análise sobre como o jornal O Estado do Maranhão (MA) se apropria da sua página no Facebook como espaço para difundir conteúdo jornalístico. A abordagem metodológica é quantitativa e qualitativa a partir da análise do conteúdo de 608 posts extraídos da fanpage do jornal e de entrevista com a responsável pela versão digital do veículo. A pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar as características dos conteúdos distribuídos pela rede social, especialmente observando o espaço destinado para temas políticos e eleitorais. A análise trabalha com as seguintes características: temas, tema eleitoral, abrangência, valência e interação. Como resultado principal ressalta-se que O Estado do Maranhão concedeu espaço considerável para o tema político-eleitoral, com baixa presença de entretenimento.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Jornalismo; redes sociais; eleições.   ABSTRACT This article presents an analysis of how the newspaper O Estado de Maranhão (MA) appropriates the Facebook page as a space for disseminating journalistic content. The methodological approach is quantitative and qualitative from the content analysis of 608 posts extracted from the fanpage of the newspaper and interview with the responsible for digital part of the vehicle. The research aims to analyze the characteristics of the contents distributed by the social network, especially observing the space destined for electoral subjects. The analysis discuses these characteristics: themes, electoral theme, scope and engagement. As a main result, O Estado do Maranhão granted considerable space for the political-electoral theme.   KEYWORDS: journalism; social networks; elections.     RESUMEN Este artículo presenta un análisis sobre cómo el diario El Estado de Maranhão (MA) se apropia de su página en Facebook como espacio para difundir contenido periodístico. El enfoque metodológico es cuantitativo y cualitativo a partir del análisis del contenido de 608 posts extraídos de la fanpage del periódico y de entrevista con la responsable de la parte digital del vehículo. La investigación tiene por objetivo analizar las características de los contenidos distribuidos por la red social, especialmente observando el espacio destinado a temas electorales. El análisis trabaja con las siguientes características: temas, tema electoral, alcance y la relación com os lectores. Como resultado principal se resalta que el Estado de Maranhão concedió espacio considerable para el tema político-electoral.   PALABRAS CLAVE: periodismo, redes sociales, elecciones.  

Triangle ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 69
Marina Silva Alcántara

The emergence of new communicative contexts and new forms of interaction has led to changes in the ways of communicating. Some authors speak of a new communicative paradigm caused by a new level of interaction arisen in the technological context. In this article, we focus on a new technology that can be included in the so-called computer mediated communication: WhatsApp. The aim of this work is to study WhatsApp interactions understood as a particular type of computer-mediated talks. Specifically we will: 1) Characterize the language used in WhatsApp interactions at every linguistic level, from phonetics to pragmatics, through morphology, vocabulary and syntax. 2) Analyze how the absence of nonverbal communication (paralanguage and kinesics) in such interactions is managed. 3) Determine whether WhatsApp interactions are manifestations of spoken or written language, or, on the contrary, they are a new type of language that cannot be classified as oral or written. And 4) determine whether WhatsApp interactions can be qualified as conversational.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 372-380 ◽  
Andrea Stevenson Won ◽  
Ketaki Shriram ◽  
Diana I. Tamir

Proximity, or spatial closeness, can generate social closeness—the closer people are together, the more they interact, affiliate, and befriend one another. Mediated communication allows people to bridge spatial distance and can increase social closeness between conversational partners, even when they are separated by distance. However, mediated communication may not always make people feel closer together. Here, we test a hypothesis derived from construal theory, about one way in which mediated communication might increase spatial distance, by imposing social distance between two texting partners. In three studies, the social distance generated by a text conversation correlated with estimates of spatial distance. Conversations designed to generate social distance increased estimates of spatial distance. We discuss this relationship in light of the rise in computer-mediated communication.


LABURPENA: Ziberespazioak eta sare sozialek sinbolikoki ordezkatzen duten iraultza teknologikoaren ezaugarri nagusia ez da teknologia bera, baizik eta horrek gaur egungo gizartearen egoera kulturalean eta politikoan duen lekua edo eginkizuna. Azken iraultzak ekarritako berritasunen artean, teknologia politikaren, ekonomiaren, nazioarteko lehiaren, norgehiagokaren, gerraren eta gizakiak mehatxatzen dituzten arrisku masiboen erregulazio globalaren edo estatalaren muin bihurtu dela azpimarratu daiteke. Labur esanda, laugarren iraultzaren ezaugarria da teknologiak jarduera politikoa eta ekonomiko erabat menderatzen dituela. Iraultzak aurrekaririk gabeko aurrerabide globala ekarri dio gizateriari. Hala ere, ez du lortu askatasunaren hobekuntzarik, berdintasun eta gizakien berdintasun ekonomiko eta sozial handiagoa ekartzea, kontrakoa baizik. Garapen teknologikoaren eta burokratikoaren protagonistek ezin izan dute teknologia berriek gure bizitzetan benetan duten eraginari buruzko oso zalantza serioak argitu. Egia da, sare sozialen bidez, Internetek kontsumitzaileei informazioaren sortzaile izatea ahalbidetzen diela. Gainera, Internetek hainbat erabakitan parte hartzeko aukera ematen duen espazio soziala sortu du. Azkenik, partaidetza horrek ondorio positiboak eta arrakasta nabariak eragin ditu zenbait kasutan (udaberri arabiarrak, 15M, etab.). Hala ere, horrek ez du esan nahi sarea berez espazio demokratikoa denik. Interneten ez dago botere publikorik eta demokratikorik. Aitzitik, espazio sozial berria demokraziaren kontroletik kanpo dauden erakunde pribatu boteretsuek menderatzen dute. Horrenbestez, espazio horretan herritar kategoria lortzetik urrun gaude oraindik. RESUMEN: La peculiaridad de la actual revolución tecnológica, representada simbólicamente por el ciberespacio y las redes sociales, no radica en la tecnología en sí misma considerada sino el lugar o papel jugado por ella en el contexto cultural y político de la actual sociedad. Lo nuevo en esta última revolución es el hecho de que la tecnología se ha convertido en la cuestión central, el nudo gordiano de la política, de la economía, de la competencia internacional, de la rivalidad, de la guerra, o de la regulación global o estatal de los riesgos masivos que amenazan a los seres vivos. Lo específico, en definitiva, de la cuarta revolución es, precisamente, el dominio aplastante de la tecnología sobre la actividad política y económica. Esta revolución está dando lugar a un progreso global sin precedentes de la humanidad, pero, sin embargo, no ha logrado favorecer, sino todo lo contrario, una mejora de la libertad ni un aumento de la igualdad económica y social de los seres humanos. Los protagonistas del desarrollo tecnológico y burocrático no han sido capaces de ahuyentar numerosas dudas e inquietudes muy serias acerca del impacto real de las nuevas tecnologías sobre nuestras vidas. Es cierto que, a través de las redes sociales, internet permite a los consumidores convertirse en productores de información. No es menos cierto que internet ofrece un nuevo espacio social que abre unas mayores posibilidades de participación en determinadas decisiones. También es cierto, por último, que esa participación ha producido, en algunos casos, consecuencias positivas y éxitos evidentes (primaveras árabes, 15M, etc.). Pero eso no significa necesariamente que la red constituya por sí misma un espacio democrático. No existe un poder público y democrático en internet. Bien al contrario, el nuevo espacio social está controlado y dominado por entidades privadas poderosas que escapan al control democrático. No hallamos lejos, por lo tanto, de alcanzar en ese espacio la categoría de ciudadanos. ABSTRACT: The peculiarity of the current technological revolution, symbolicaly represented by the cyberspace and social networks, does not lie on the technology itself but on the place or role played by it within the cultural and political context in the present society. The novelty in this revolution is the fact that technology has become a central issue, the guardian knot of the politics, economy, international competition, rivalry, war or global and state regulation of the massive risks that threat human beings. The specific, all in all, of the fourth revolution is specifically the overwhelming power of technology over political and economic action. This revolution gives place to an unprecedented global advance for humanity but nevertheless it has not been able, but the opposite, to boost an improvement in freedom nor an upgrading of economic and social equality of human beings.The protagonist of the technological and bureaucratic development has not been able to dispel many serious doubts and concerns about the real impact of new technologies in our lifes. It is true that by means of social networks internet allows consumers to become information providers. It cannot be denied that internet offers a new social space which opens some greater possibilities for participation in some decisions. It is also true, last but not least, that in some cases that participation has produced positive consequences and obvious successes (Arab spring, 15 May, etc.). But that does not necessarily mean that the net is to be considered a democratic space. There does not exist a public and democratic power in internet. On the contrary, the new social space is controlled and dominated by powerful private entities which scape from democratic control. We are accordingly far away from reaching the category of citizens in that space.

Samantha Stinson ◽  
Debora Jeske

Computer-mediated communication offers a range of potentially appealing features, including selective self-presentation, social presence control, and simultaneous as well as asynchronous interaction tools. The study examines the influence of personality (introversion and extraversion) and personal variables (social anxiety and public self-consciousness) on online dating preferences from two competing perspectives: the “social compensation” (SC) hypothesis and the “rich-get-richer” (RGR) hypothesis. Survey results (N = 162) revealed that the SC and RGR hypotheses do not hold true within the context of online dating. The findings suggest a stronger role of social influence (e.g., peers) in the decision to online date. The SC and RGR hypotheses may be limited in terms of the extent to which these frameworks adequately explain this online behavior. This may also be due to the increasing popularity of online dating sites, which may make personality and personal traits less informative of whether individuals will opt to use such services.

Jung-ran Park

This chapter examines the way online language users enhance social interaction and group collaboration through the computer mediated communication (CMC) channel. For this, discourse analysis based on the linguistic politeness theoretical framework is applied to the transcripts of a real time online chat. Analysis of the data shows that online participants employ a variety of creative devices to signal nonverbal communication cues that serve to build interpersonal solidarity and rapport, as well as by seeking common ground and by expressing agreement online participants increase mutual understanding and harmonious social interaction. This sets the tone of positive interpersonal relationships and decreases the social distance among participants. In turn, this engenders solidarity and proximity, which enhances social interaction through the CMC channel.

Antonio Domínguez Serrano ◽  
Isabel Gutiérrez Porlán

Los museos en la actualidad tienen la capacidad de potenciar su poder de comunicación y de promoción, gracias a la proliferación de las redes sociales y de las tecnologías móviles en las que nos vemos inmersos en el siglo XXI, estableciendo, de esta manera, una interacción constante con los usuarios. No obstante, todos los museos de la Región de Murcia no han sido capaces de asumir el reto de esta revolución tecnológica. Este artículo comporta una revisión de la manera en que estos centros museísticos están aprovechando las plataformas sociales, elaborando un análisis descriptivo de una muestra de 101 museos repartidos en la Región de Murcia y el límite temporal que se ha elegido para el desarrollo de este trabajo está fijado entre el 1 de enero y el 30 de abril de 2017 en las plataformas Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube y Google+. Los resultados se caracterizan por la presencia de buenos ejemplos de éxito junto con un gran número de museos que se encuentran al principio de un uso consciente y exitoso de las redes sociales, así como casos de una ausencia de otros museos en la red. Este artículo se constituye, por lo tanto, como un ensayo que prepare posibles vías de análisis futuras, como sondeo del comportamiento de los museos de la Región de Murcia en las redes sociales, y con el objetivo de elaborar una propuesta de mejora de la calidad de la difusión de los contenidos y de promoción a través de estas herramientas, de ahí que se haya considerado fundamental el establecimiento de un análisis descriptivo y cuantitativo, cuyos resultados proporcionen datos fiables para estudios posteriores. Museums nowadays have the capacity to enhance their communication and promotion power, thanks to the proliferation of social networks and mobile technologies in which we are immersed in the 21st century, establishing, in this way, an interaction Constant with users. Nevertheless, all the museums of the Region of Murcia have not been able to take on the challenge of this technological revolution. This article involves a review of the way in which these museums are taking advantage of the social platforms, elaborating an empirical and comparative analysis of a sample of 101 museums spread in the Region of Murcia and the temporal limit that has been chosen for the development of this Work is set between January 1 and April 30, 2017 on the platforms Facebook, T witter, Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, YouTube and Google+. The results are characterized by the presence of good examples of success together with a large number of museums that are at the beginning of a conscious and successful use of social networks, as well as cases of a total absence of certain other museums in the network. This article, therefore, constitutes an essay that prepares possible ways of future analysis, such as a survey of the behavior of the museums of the Region of Murcia in social networks, and with the objective of elaborating a proposal for quality improvement The dissemination of content and promotion through these tools, which is why it has been considered essential to establish a descriptive and quantitative analysis, the results of which provide reliable data for further studies.

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