scholarly journals Amino acid composition of pig meat in relation to live weight and sex

2011 ◽  
Vol 51 (No. 12) ◽  
pp. 529-534 ◽  
M. Okrouhlá ◽  
R. Stupka ◽  
J. Čítek ◽  
M. Šprysl ◽  
E. Kluzáková ◽  

The objective of this study was to find out the amino acid composition of pig meat in relation to live weight and sex. In total 80 (40 barrows/40 gilts) finishing pigs of the final hybrid kept in the Czech Republic [(CL × CLW) × (D × PN)] = [(Czech Landrace × Czech Large White) × (Duroc × Pietrain)] were used in this experiment. The pigs were slaughtered at the average age of 168–171 days after birth, at the average live weight of 112.2 kg. The samples of meat were taken from the musculus longissimus lumborum et thoracis (MLLT) 24 hours post mortem and subsequently subjected to the chemical analysis. As for the essential and semi-essential amino acids (EAA/SEAA), the highest content was found out in lysine, leucine and arginine. Among the nonessential amino acids (NEAA) glutamic and aspartic acid were present. The highest values of threonine (6.81%), isoleucine (6.13%), leucine (9.21%), lysine (10.54%), arginine (7.88%), serine (6.13%), glutamic acid (15.65%), glycine (6.04%) and alanine (6.25%) were found out in gilts, of valine (6.36%) and proline (5.56%) in the group of barrows with the highest live weight, i.e. 115.1 kg and more. The highest value of phenylalanine (1.34%) was measured in the group with the lowest live weight. The indirect dependence between the content of amino acids and live weight was determined only for valine in gilts. The influence of live weight was found in proline and the influence of sex as statistically significant on the probability level P  0.05 was found in lysine. The highest/lowest values of water content in barrows as well as in gilts were measured in the group of 115.1 kg and more/105.1–115 kg live weight. A decreasing tendency of the content of intramuscular fat (IMF) was recorded with the increasing live weight. The values of water content, IMF and ash content were found to be significant on the probability level P  0.05 and P  0.01. In barrows with the growth of live weight the content of crude proteins also increased. In gilts the content of crude proteins reached the point of inflexion already in the group of 105.1–115 kg live weight. In the values of crude protein content the influence of live weight was not significant. With the growth of live weight the content of ash also slightly increased.  

F.I. Vasilevich ◽  
V.M. Bachinskaya ◽  
Yu.V. Petrova

Экспериментальные исследования кормовых добавок Абиотоник и Чиктоник проводили на базе вивария кафедры эпизоотологии и организации ветеринарного дела, а ветеринарносанитарную экспертизу продуктов убоя цыплятбройлеров проводили на кафедре паразитологии и ветеринарносанитарной экспертизы ФГБОУ ВО МГАВМиБ МВА имени К.И. Скрябина и ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВИЭВ РАН, аминокислотный состав мяса перепелов в Государственном бюджетном учреждении Краснодарского края Кропоткинская краевая ветеринарная лаборатория . Из цыплят в суточном возрасте кросса Кобб500 было сформировано три группы по 10 голов в каждой две опытные и контрольная опытным группам выпаивали кормовые добавки из расчета 1 мл/кг живой массы птицы до 50 суток выращивания, убой птицы проводили на 56 сутки. Тушки птицы после 24х часов созревания в холодильной камере при температуре 4 С подвергали исследованиям по общепринятым методикам: ГОСТ Р 519442002. Мясо птицы. Методы органолептических показателей, температуры и массы ГОСТ 314702012. Мясо птицы, субпродукты и полуфабрикаты из мяса птицы. Методы органолептических и физикохимических исследований аминокислотный состав мяса исследовали согласно М 0438 2009. Корма, комбикорма и сырье для их производства. Методика измерений массовой доли аминокислот методом капиллярного электрофореза с использованием системы капиллярного электрофореза Капель. Применение кормовых добавок в дозе 1 мл/кг живой массы способствовало увеличению живой массы птицы при применении Абиотоника на 54,23, а при применении Чиктоника на 37,70 по отношению к контролю. Во всех исследуемых пробах количество ЛЖК находится в пределах нормы и составило: в 1й опытной 1,390,03 мг КОН, во 2й опытной 1,420,04 мг КОН и в контрольной группе 1,810,06 мг КОН, что говорит о свежести и доброкачественности мяса. Значение рН мяса цыплятбройлеров находилось в трех группах в пределах нормы и не превышало 6,0. По результатам проведенных исследований аминокислотного состава красной и белой мышечной ткани цыплятбройлеров было установлено, что применение кормовой добавки Абиотоник способствовало увеличению незаменимых аминокислот на 12,14 и на 22,84 соответственно, а заменимых на 8,11 и на 22,51 по отношению к контрольной группеExperimental studies of feed additives Abiotonik and Chiktonik were conducted on the basis of the vivarium of the Department of Epizootology and Organization of Veterinary, and the veterinarysanitary examination of the products of slaughter broiler chickens was carried out at the Department of Parasitology and VeterinarySanitary Expertise of FSBEI HE MGAVMiB MBA named after KI Scriabin and the FSBI of the Federal Research Center of the VIEW RAS, the amino acid composition of quail meat in the State budget institution of the Krasnodar Territory Kropotkinskaya regional veterinary laboratory. Three groups of 10 animals each were formed from chickens at the daily age of the Cobb500 crosscountry, the experimental groups were fed feed additives at the rate of 1 ml / kg of live weight of poultry for up to 50 days of cultivation, and poultry were slaughtered for 56 days. Poultry carcasses after 24 hours of maturation in a refrigerating chamber at a temperature of 4 C were subjected to research according to generally accepted methods: GOST R 519442002. Poultry meat Methods of organoleptic characteristics, temperature and mass GOST 314702012 Poultry meat, offal and semifinished products from poultry meat. Methods of organoleptic and physicochemical studies) Amino acid composition of meat was carried out according to M 04382009. Feed, feed and raw materials for their production. Methods of measuring the mass fraction of amino acids by capillary electrophoresis using the Cappel capillary electrophoresis system. The use of feed additives in a dose of 1 ml / kg of live weight contributed to an increase in live weight of the bird when using Abiotonics by 54.23, and when using Chictonics by 37.70 relative to the control. In all studied samples, the number of VFAs is within the normal range and amounted to 1.39 0.03 mg KOH in 1 experimental group, 1.42 0.04 mg KOH in 2 experimental groups and 1.81 0.06 in the control group. mg KOH, which speaks of the freshness and goodness of meat. The pH of broiler chicken meat was in three groups within the normal range and did not exceed 6.0. According to the results of studies of the amino acid composition of red and white muscle tissue of broiler chickens, it was found that the use of the feed additive Abiotonik contributed to an increase in essential amino acids by 12.14 and by 22.84, and by replaceable ones by 8.11 and by 22.51 relative to the control group.Экспериментальные исследования кормовых добавок Абиотоник и Чиктоник проводили на базе вивария кафедры эпизоотологии и организации ветеринарного дела, а ветеринарносанитарную экспертизу продуктов убоя цыплятбройлеров проводили на кафедре паразитологии и ветеринарносанитарной экспертизы ФГБОУ ВО МГАВМиБ МВА имени К.И. Скрябина и ФГБНУ ФНЦ ВИЭВ РАН, аминокислотный состав мяса перепелов в Государственном бюджетном учреждении Краснодарского края Кропоткинская краевая ветеринарная лаборатория . Из цыплят в суточном возрасте кросса Кобб500 было сформировано три группы по 10 голов в каждой две опытные и контрольная опытным группам выпаивали кормовые добавки из расчета 1 мл/кг живой массы птицы до 50 суток выращивания, убой птицы проводили на 56 сутки. Тушки птицы после 24х часов созревания в холодильной камере при температуре 4 С подвергали исследованиям по общепринятым методикам: ГОСТ Р 519442002. Мясо птицы. Методы органолептических показателей, температуры и массы ГОСТ 314702012. Мясо птицы, субпродукты и полуфабрикаты из мяса птицы. Методы органолептических и физикохимических исследований аминокислотный состав мяса исследовали согласно М 0438 2009. Корма, комбикорма и сырье для их производства. Методика измерений массовой доли аминокислот методом капиллярного электрофореза с использованием системы капиллярного электрофореза Капель. Применение кормовых добавок в дозе 1 мл/кг живой массы способствовало увеличению живой массы птицы при применении Абиотоника на 54,23, а при применении Чиктоника на 37,70 по отношению к контролю. Во всех исследуемых пробах количество ЛЖК находится в пределах нормы и составило: в 1й опытной 1,390,03 мг КОН, во 2й опытной 1,420,04 мг КОН и в контрольной группе 1,810,06 мг КОН, что говорит о свежести и доброкачественности мяса. Значение рН мяса цыплятбройлеров находилось в трех группах в пределах нормы и не превышало 6,0. По результатам проведенных исследований аминокислотного состава красной и белой мышечной ткани цыплятбройлеров было установлено, что применение кормовой добавки Абиотоник способствовало увеличению незаменимых

InterConf ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 363-369
Nadira Turganbaeva ◽  
Dinara Isakova

The objective of this paper was to study the amino acid composition of donkey milk inhabiting the Kegety gorge of the Chui region. As well as human milk, donkey and mare’s milk is albumin; the amount of casein is 35-45%, while cow’s milk is casein milk with casein content over 75%. The peculiarity of albumin milk is a higher biological and nutritional value, due to better amino acid balance, high sugar content and the ability to form small, delicate flakes when souring. In terms of its properties, albumin milk is closest to human milk and is the best substitute for it. The obtained results showed that the quantitative content of 7 essential amino acids out of 8, such as lysine, phenylalanine, leucine, isoleucine, methionine, valine, threonine is relatively high compared to other amino acids. Despite the absence of tryptophan in donkey milk, the percentage of 8 essential amino acids in donkey milk protein exceeds that in mare and cow’s milk.

1958 ◽  
Vol 50 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-242 ◽  
R. E. Evans

The addition of essential amino acids to all-vegetable diets, so as to raise the biological value of their proteins to the level of animal-protein concentrates, has often been advocated in the past by animal nutritionists. This aim was frustrated in practice since it was impossible, until recently, to secure the necessary supplies at prices that would make such additions economical. Feeding stuffs with added amino acids are now being sold commercially. This is possible following the manufacture of synthetic DL-methionine and crude L-lysine monochloride.It seemed desirable, therefore, to carry out investigations into the potential value of these amino acids to the pig feeder. This paper deals with the effect on growth, food utilization and retention of nitrogen of adding small amounts of lysine and methionine to the diet. An attempt is made to correlate the amino acid composition of the pig's diet with its rate of growth, the energy supply being adequate.

1984 ◽  
Vol 103 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-80 ◽  
A. Iqtidar ◽  
S. F. Rehman

SummaryField experiments were conducted for 2 years in Peshawar, North West Frontier Province of Pakistan, to study the effect of three levels of boron (1, 2 and 3 kg/ha) on the amino acid composition of wheat protein. The soil was clay loam, alluvial in nature, with a pH value of 7·8, and hot-water-soluble boron content of 0·58 mg/kg.Positive linear and negative quadratic effects of boron were observed on the protein and ash contents of wheat grain. Most of the essential amino acids were linearly increased with increasing supply of boron. There was a negative linear relationship of boron with all non-essential amino acids, except histidine and tyrosine.Lysine was the most deficient amino acid in wheat protein. Chemical score based on this amino acid was positively affected by boron. There was also an improvement in the amino acid profile due to boron.

2000 ◽  
Vol 80 (4) ◽  
pp. 745-747
A. F. Mustafa ◽  
D. A. Christensen ◽  
J. J. McKinnon

A study was conducted to determine amino acid composition and ruminal degradability of linseed meal (LSM) relative to canola meal (CM). Linseed meal had higher (P < 0.05) arginine, isoleucine, and phenylalanine and less (P < 0.05) lysine than CM. Except for histidine, methionine, and threonine, ruminal escape values of essential amino acids were higher (P < 0.05) for LSM than CM. Key words: Linseed meal, amino acids, ruminal degradability

1950 ◽  
Vol 7d (10) ◽  
pp. 563-566 ◽  
Phyllis W. Ney ◽  
Catherine P. Deas ◽  
H. L. A. Tarr

The essential amino acids arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, tryptophane and tyrosine were determined in the following fishery products using microbiological assay technique: fish meals, stickwaters (fish solubles), condensed fish solubles, liver, commercial liver hydrolysate, frozen pink salmon viscera, chum salmon fingerlings and herring scales.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 637-643
T.L. Holubenko

<p><span lang="EN-US">The aim of the research is to assess the amino acid composition of veal from different genotype bull-calves concerning the usage in baby food production. A comparative analysis of the essential amino acids content in meat of calves of <span>black-and-white motley breed,</span> Aberdeen Angus breed and black and white crossbreeds grown according to the traditional technology of dairy cattle breeding hasn’t showed any significant differences. However, some differences were observed for each separate amino acid. Although the difference in amino acids was 2. 9% in favor of <span>black-and-white motley breed</span>. According to the amino acid composition, the calves meat of Charolais breed is biologically more complete than the Aberdeen Angus calves meat of the first generation in the valine content by 7.4%, isoleucine by 45.3% (P &lt;0.001), leucine by 15.2% (P &lt;0.001), lysine by 7.8%, threonine and phenylalanine + tyrosine by 6.5% (P &lt;0.05) and 7.5% (P &lt;0.01), respectively. Amino acid content was limited by the sum of amino acids phenylalanine + tyrosine (80.2%) in purebreds and methionine + cystine (83.4%) in <span>crossbreeds</span>. The other amino acids content was more than 100%; it indicates a high biological and nutritional value of veal. In the first experiment, the degree of compliance with the norms of a balanced diet is 37.4-38.2%. The human body's need for such essential amino acids as valine, isoleucine, phenylalanine + tyrosine is satisfied for more than 20%; the human body's need for leucine, lysine, and threoni9ne is satisfied for more than 30%. Veal of the Charolaise young is distinguished by higher indicators. The degree of its compliance with the norms of a balanced diet is 43.8% against 37.6% in hybrid calves. It is proved that veal obtained from young animals of different breeds in ecologically clean zones has a high biological and nutritional value, it corresponds to the indices for meat raw materials for baby food in accordance with Sanitary Norms 11-63 RB98.</span></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
O. Fursik ◽  
I. Strashynskiy ◽  
V. Pasichny ◽  
О. Kochubei-Lytvynenko

. In the article, the data are given of research carried out in vitro to determine the amino acid composition and the degree of digestibility of the reference and experimental samples of cooked sausage, with the use of the protein-containing composition developed. The protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) has been calculated to clarify the assimilation of amino acids that enter the body as part of proteins in experimental cooked sausage samples.It has been established that replacing a part of the meat raw material with the protein-containing composition in the formula of cooked sausages does not affect significantly the amino acid composition of the finished product. The addition of mechanically deboned poultry meat reduces the amount of such essential amino acids as isoleucine by 68 %, compared with the control formula, leucine by 38 %, and valine by 48 %. At the same time, the content of lysine significantly increases by 1.5 times.  The in vitro index of digestibility for an experimental sample of cooked sausages with protein-containing composition at the pepsinolysis stage is slightly reduced compared with the reference sample (by an average of 7 %). At the second stage of hydrolysis (trypsin enzyme), this parameter does not differ from the reference one. During the two stages of hydrolysis, this parameter, with mechanically deboned poultry meat introduced, decreased by an average of 20 %, compared with the reference sample.Calculated PDCAAS has allowed establishing that the true efficiency of proteins in cooked sausages is different from the in vitro index of digestibility, which is due to the presence of limiting values of the essential amino acids content in the product.

1999 ◽  
Vol 202 (19) ◽  
pp. 2639-2652 ◽  
G. Febvay ◽  
Y. Rahbe ◽  
M. Rynkiewicz ◽  
J. Guillaud ◽  
G. Bonnot

The fate of sucrose, the major nutrient of an aphid's natural food, was explored by radiolabeling in the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum. To investigate the influence of nitrogen quality of food on amino acid neosynthesis, pea aphids were reared on two artificial diets differing in their amino acid composition. The first (diet A) had an equilibrated amino acid balance, similar to that derived from analysis of aphid carcass, and the other (diet B) had an unbalanced amino acid composition similar to that of legume phloem sap. Aphids grown on either diet expired the same quantity of sucrose carbon as CO(2), amounting to 25–30 % of the ingested sucrose catabolized in oxidation pathways. On diet A, the aphids excreted through honeydew about twice as much sucrose carbon as on diet B (amounting to 12.6 % of the ingested sucrose for diet A and 8.4 % for diet B), while amounts of sucrose carbons incorporated into exuviae were almost identical (1.9 % of the ingested sucrose on diet A and 2.7 % on diet B). There was also no difference in the amounts of sucrose carbon incorporated into the aphid tissues, which represented close to 50 % of the ingested sucrose. Sucrose carbons in the aphid tissues were mainly incorporated into lipids and the quantities involved were the same in aphids reared on either diet. On diet B, we observed neosynthesis of all protein amino acids from sucrose carbons and, for the first time in an aphid, we directly demonstrated the synthesis of the essential amino acids leucine, valine and phenylalanine. Amino acid neosynthesis from sucrose was significantly higher on diet B (11.5 % of ingested sucrose carbons) than on diet A (5.4 %). On diet A, neosynthesis of most of the amino acids was significantly diminished, and synthesis of two of them (histidine and arginine) was completely suppressed. The origin of amino acids egested through honeydew was determined from the specific activity of the free amino acid pool in the aphid. Aphids are able to adjust to variation in dietary amino acids by independent egestion of each amino acid. While more than 80 % of excreted nitrogen was from food amino acids, different amino acids were excreted in honeydew of aphids reared on the two diets. The conversion yields of dietary sucrose into aphid amino acids determined in this study were combined with those obtained previously by studying the fate of amino acids in pea aphids reared on diet A. The origin of all the amino acid carbons in aphid tissues was thus computed, and the metabolic abilities of aphid are discussed from an adaptive point of view, with respect to their symbiotic status.

U. Ch. Сhomanov ◽  
G. E. Zhumalieva ◽  
M. Ch Tultabayev ◽  
G. S. Aktokalova ◽  
R. K. Kassimbek ◽  

In this paper, the amino acid composition of protein filling for extruded grain products is studied. According to research, essential amino acids make up more than 1/3 of all amino acids, which means that the protein filling is of high quality. The article considers covering the daily requirement of amino acids of the body with protein filling. It was found that the protein filling contains a rich amino acid composition, and allows you to get extruded grain products with a long shelf life.

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