Novi Andari ◽  
Sudarwati Sudarwati

Banyak pendidik mulai percaya bahwa proses belajar yang berpusat pada peserta didik akan membawa hasil yang lebih baik dan menghasilkan kesuksesan pada peserta didik tersebut. Inspirasi seorang pendidik dalam menentukan dan menciptakan metode dan model pembelajaran dapat diperoleh dari berbagai sumber. Novel adalah salah satu karya sastra yang berfungsi sebagai alat untuk mewakili kehidupan manusia sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam karya fiksi. Karena pesan yang disampaikan oleh penulis melalui novel bersumber dari permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat, salah satu masalahnya adalah pendidikan. Penjelasannya menjelaskan bahwa ada hubungan khusus antara novel dan pendidikan. Untuk membuktikan pernyataan di atas, dilakukan sebuah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh data atau informasi bentuk pembelajaran dalam karya sastra. Ditemukan dalam novel Madogiwa no Totto-chan dan novel Nijuushi no Hitomi tentang bentuk pembelajaran untuk anak-anak sekolah dasar. Dalam tulisan ini dipaparkan temuan metode pembelajaran kontekstual pada dua novel tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif.  Many educators are beginning to believe that the learning process centered on learners will bring better results and result in success in those learners. Inspiration of an educator in determining and creating methods and models of learning can be obtained from various sources. Novel is one of the literary works that serve as a tool to represent human life as stated in the work of fiction. Because the message conveyed by the author through the novel sourced from the problems that exist in the community, one of the problems is education. The explanation explains that there is a special connection between novel and education. To prove the above statement, conducted a study that aims to obtain data or information of the forms of learning in a literary work. Found in the novel Madogiwa no Totto-chan and novel Nijuushi no Hitomi about the forms of learning for elementary school children. In this paper that presented the findings of a method of contextual learning in the two novels. Research method used is descriptive qualitative method.   

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-22
Halimatus Sakdiyah

The Islamiceducation character of elementary school children is very important, as an effort to cultivate the students’ intelligence in thinking, acting and behaving in accordance with the noble values ​​that its’ become the identity, and can be realized in interaction with God, themselves, others and the environment as a manifestation. Schools are a strategic place for appear education character because the children of some circles will be educated at school. In addition, children spend most of their time at school, something they have been gotten in school will be affected the formation of their character. To realize a generation that has a strong character and strong faith and Islam, it is necessary to instill the values ​​of personality to the child. In this case, the role of educator is very important, especially when they were applying the teaching learning process to the students.To instill Islamic character education of elementary school, children need some methods that must be mastered by educators, such as exemplary, habituation, advice, attention (supervision), rewards and punishment. The educators can be given knowledge improvement, and can be internalized the spiritual values ​​to their students by using some methods.

1974 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30 ◽  
Joel R. Levin ◽  
Patricia Divine-Hawkins

The viability of visual imagery as a prose-learning process was evaluated in two experiments with elementary school children. In the first experiment, it was found that when a passage was presented at a normal rate, the effect of imagery instructions on substance recall was relatively greater under listening than under reading conditions. This finding was replicated in the second experiment, in which it was also found that reported imagery generation was more frequent in listening than in reading conditions when a faster presentation rate was employed. Possible interpretations of the results with respect to a “compatibility” hypothesis are offered.

Academia Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Ayu Retno Duwi Prima Yanti ◽  
Feri Tirtoni

This study aims to determine the parenting pattern of working parents at home and working parents outside the home in the formation of children's character during the Covid-19 pandemic and to determine the effect of parenting patterns of working parents at home and working parents outside the home in character building. children during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive-qualitative research. The subjects of this study were the parents of 5th grade elementary school children. The object of this research is parenting style. The method used in collecting data is observation and interviews. The results of the study indicate that there are differences in parenting patterns that cause differences in the character of children. From the results of the study, it is known that many parents educate their children with their different parenting patterns which causes the formation of character in children is also different. In educating, guiding children, appropriate parenting patterns are needed so that the formation of children's character can be in accordance with what parents want.

Muhamad Chamdani

<p><em>The purpose of this study is to : (1) the existence of children with special needs in elementary schools that organize inclusive education in Kebumen District, (2) inclusion index achieved in elementary schools that organize inclusive education in Kebumen District, and (3) Implementation of school inclusive education Basic in Kebumen Regency. Inclusion index is obtained through observation in the learning process in class based on 18 indicators. The study was conducted on 10 classes from 4 elementary schools in Kebumen District which organized inclusive education. Inclusive school implementation data were analyzed using an ideal instrument index.The results of the study show that ((1) the number of inclusive elementary school children varies from 1 to 3 children). ((2) The average inclusion index is 31.46 with the ideal inclusion index 54). ((3) Implementation of inclusive education is 227 with an ideal total score of 381).The conclusion of this study is the profile of the implementation of inclusive education in the Kebumen District Primary School shows an average of 59.6% in the medium category.</em></p>

1983 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 477-496 ◽  
Klaus Schneider ◽  
Matthias Moch ◽  
Rita Sandfort ◽  
Monika Auerswald ◽  
Karin Walther-Weckman

Two studies of the exploratory behaviour of preschool children and first grade elementary school children using Hutt's novel object are reported. The novel object was a box with a movable level. Manipulating the lever released sound and light effects from the box. The task was such that manipulatory behaviour dominated other forms of exploration, like perceptual investigation and asking questions. Children were observed in one encounter with the novel object in which the box was offered together with three familiar toys in a familiar surrounding. Observation time was 10 minutes in the first and 15 minutes in the second study. For the observation of the behaviour a checklist was used with 12 categories. The results confirmed the assumption of a typical sequence of exploratory behaviour and play behaviour with the new object, suggested by Hutt, and Nunnally and Lemond. In addition, boys manipulated the object more than girls (study 2) and children generally dealt more with the new object the older they were however, the oldest group of first grade elementary school children in study 2 again showed less interest in the novel object. The younger girls also asked more social-emotional but not information questions than boys of the same age. In contrast to a strong sequential hypothesis, however, subjects shifted back and forth between neighbouring categories of exploratory behaviour and also between exploratory behaviour and playing with the new object. Thus, there is no clear sequential order between exploration and play.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Dea Kiki Yestiani ◽  
Nabila Zahwa

Lack of understanding of children's learning can be caused by several factors. One of them is the lack of teacher's role in the learning process at school can cause children's understanding to decrease, especially in elementary school children. The role of teachers in primary schools is still very much needed because elementary school children still lack the comprehension of what they see and hear. With this phenomenon, research is conducted to find out how the role of teachers in learning in schools among elementary school students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 314-318
Rika Widya ◽  
Salma Rozana ◽  
Munisa .

This paper discussed strategies and solutions that are carried out related to technology equality, namely technology, must be used by all students and potentially supervised by parents, appropriate assessments, preparing enrichment modules, and other things that can enrich literacy. Before learning, some teachers negotiate with students regarding the agreement on using the platform used in learning. Many platforms can be used in online learning, so it can be unclear if they do not focus on a particular platform. In addition to negotiations, it also aims to ensure that all students can access the same technology to support distance learning. Self-regulation is also an effort if it turns out that parental involvement is very weak in the learning process. However, parental involvement in the child's learning process is a must. This study describes how gadgets (positive and negative impacts) impact the mental development of children of developing age in kindergarten and elementary school at the Prof Kadirun Yahya foundation. A qualitative approach research method in this research and be used to examine a condition of a natural object, the researcher as a key instrument, data collection techniques are carried out by triangulation (observation, interviews, documentation), and the results of qualitative research are to understand the meaning, uniqueness, construct phenomena, and find hypotheses. The results of this study are that the use of gadgets has an impact on the psychological development of elementary school children. In this study, five kindergarten children and five elementary school children who used gadgets with a duration of more than 2 hours per day experienced behavioral changes. The impact is positive; children; children are easy to find information about learning and make it easier to communicate with friends. However, the negative impact of gadgets affects psychological development, especially aspects of emotional growth and moral development. In emotional growth, children who use gadgets become irritable, rebellious, imitate behavior in gadgets, and talk to themselves on gadgets. While the effect on moral development impacts discipline, children become lazy to do anything, leave their obligations to worship, and reduce learning time due to playing games and watching YouTube too often. Keywords: Effect Technologies, Children, Impact Positive and Negative.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Desma Lina ◽  
Dwi Budi Setiawan

This article will explore about west and east cultures in the sixteenth century and some issues which occurred when both cultures encounters. The issue that appears when both cultures encounter is that of culture shock. The purpose of this research is to disclose how culture shock happens when both culture, west and east meet. In this research, the writers use concept of culture as the foundation of the research. Further, the analysis is done by implementing Oberg’s culture shock theory. To arrange this research, the writers apply library study and descriptive-qualitative method. The data that collected by the writers are in the form of narration and quotation. The source of the data coming from a novel entitled The Tournament by Mathew Reilly. The result of the analysis shows that there are two types of culture that are found inside the novel, visible and invisible cultures. Visible culture consists of cultural artifacts that can be noticed easily. Meanwhile the invisible part of culture is a culture that cannot be noticed easily but it does exist and holds important role in human life. Further, the phenomenon of culture shock proven by the character of Elizabeth who experience all stages of culture shock which are Honeymoon stage (Excitement), Crisis stage (Depression), Development stage (Learning process) and Adjustment stage (Accepting).

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Hendriana Monalisa ◽  
Ratih Dwi Yulianti Rahayu

The study aimed to improve the friendly education of elementary school children using the cooperative learning model, one of Numbered Head Together (NHT). This research method uses a qualitative approach to describe and outlines a friendly education for elementary school-aged children using the cooperative learning model numbered head together (NHT). What will be described is the ability of teachers to be fair to children, not discriminating children, showing affection to all children, and giving more attention to children who do not understand about learning, so that children feel safe, comfortable, not anxious and feel confident during the learning process. This research method uses two variables, namely the independent variable and the dependent variable. The independent variable of this study is that one type of cooperative learning model is the numbered head together (NHT) type, while the dependent variable is child-friendly education. Implementation of the friendly education of elementary school-aged children is an inseparable part of a learning model, one of which is the Numbered Head Together (NHT), a learning model. Constraints in implementing child-friendly education using this type of Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model, namely environmental influences. Advice to be demonstrated to the school that should consider the condition of class, and be able to be fair, always give love, and feels safe and comfortable to the child.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-40
Ricky Mallisa'

The purpose of this writing is to analyze the role of teachers in tackling the impact of digital learning towards the character building of students at elementary school. Digital learning gives positive and negative effects towards elementary school children. Therefore, the teacher becomes an upbuilding and directs the child to use the digital tools wisely. Through the good character management towards the digital use, it will also build the good character of elementary school students. As to this matter, the research method used is a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The qualitative method is a method in the field of human science with an activity to collect facts and relationships with the human nature, society, behavior and spiritual nature of man. Some findings from this research consist of the use digital learning, the impact of digital learning for the character building of elementary school children, and the role of teachers in building the character of the students in the digital age. Digital learning, basically, gives good impact towards students, however it also creates bad impact towards the character related to the morality of children. Therefore, teachers are responsible to fortify students in facing the impact of digital learning.   Tujuan penulisan ini ialah untuk menganalisis peran guru dalam mengatasi dampak digital learning terhadap pembentukan karakter Anak SD. Digital learning memberikan dampak positif dan negatif bagi anak SD. Maka guru menjadi sosok yang dapat membina dan mengarahkan anak untuk menggunakan alat digital dengan baik. Agar melalui pengelolaan sikap terhadap digital dengan baik akan membentuk karakter yang baik pula bagi anak SD. Terkait hal tersebut, maka metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan secara deskriptif. Metode kualitatif merupakan metode dalam bidang ilmu kemanusiaan dengan aktivitas untuk mengumpulkan fakta serta hubungan dengan alam, masyarakat, kelakuan serta rohani manusia yang kemudian dijabarkan secara deskriptif. Adapun temuan-temuan dalam penulisan yakni, pengaplikasian digital learning khususnya bagi anak SD, dampak digital learning bagi pembentukan karakter anak SD, serta bagaimana peran guru terhadap pembentukan karakter anak di era digital. Digital learning pada dasarnya berdampak baik khususnya kepada siswa, namun juga dapat berdampak buruk terhadap karakter yang menyangkut moral dan akhlak anak. Dengan demikian, guru bertanggung jawab untuk membentengi siswa dalam menghadapi dampak dari digital learning.

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