scholarly journals Aspek Islam dalam Turisme Kolonial di Jawa

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Achmad Sunjayadi

Despite some vital and interwoven cultural elements of the colonial Dutch East-Indies, the existence of Islam has never been brought up as part of the local culture. Since Islam in the colony was perceived with prejudice, the colonial government considered that it was not important to mark the contribution of Islam in the culture of the Indies. The paper reveals that there has been little information published by the colonial travel bureau on the Islamic spiritual aspects, despite the fact that there were some records written by foreign tourists who were interested in the practice of Islam. The tourist bureau favored Islamic architecture and featured the Hindu influence on Islam

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-234 ◽  
Kirsten Kamphuis

Abstract This article compares two Protestant schools for elite indigenous girls in the Dutch East Indies. While both schools were financially supported by the colonial government, they emerged from Christian organizations and were partly dependent on voluntary gifts from the Netherlands and the colony. The article proposes to look at such philanthropic initiatives as integral parts of a larger colonial civilizing mission which was not limited to the colonial state. On the contrary, discourses about the implementation of “civilized” gender roles within indigenous families through girls’ education first emerged among philanthropists, and eventually influenced state-driven educational policies for girls. It is argued that philanthropical initiatives for girls’ education such as the two schools presented here are best understood as attempts to gain control over, and ultimately reform, the domestic lives of the indigenous population in the Dutch East Indies

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-157
Dong-Yu Lin ◽  
Ping Lin

Abstract During the early twentieth century, strong nationalistic ideas sprang up in Indonesia. Some Chinese elites in professional positions under the Dutch colonial government tended to side with the Dutch with the pro-Dutch attitude; some working for Chinese newspapers or agencies developed the pro-China stance; some supported and cooperated with the indigenous people with the pro-independence tendency; and others had their inclinations transformed over the course of time. After examining the life history of a few prominent Chinese figures, this article shows that three levels of factors—international politics in East Asia, local politics in the Dutch East Indies, and their life histories under Dutch rule (together with travel experience to China)—were critical for each Chinese person in establishing or transforming their often hybrid political orientations. The Chinese preference was neither monolithic nor settled, so the general assumption that “Chinese people are loyal to China” in Indonesian politics of the colonial era should be revised.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-147
Muhammad Fakhriansyah ◽  
Intan Ranti Permatasari Patoni

This article examines the dynamics of the indigenous people of the Dutch East Indies' access to education during the Dutch Etichal Policy period. Considering that, the Netherlands was the longest-running country exploiting the Indies, the country was obliged to bear the burden of reciprocation on their colony. The burden of reciprocity was realised through an Ethical Policy that has three programs. They are irrigation, transmigration, and education. Of the three, Education was the program that had major impacts on the Indonesian national movement. This research used historical method. The result of this research showed us that although education had succeeded in undermining the Dutch colonial domination, the education during the Dutch Etichal Policy period was not fully given as a whole by the colonial government. Instead, it was very limited. The Dutch colonial policies, especially the one concerning education were driven by their interest of economic benefits for themselves over the improvement of the indigenous people of the Dutch East Indies' welfare.   Artikel ini membahas mengenai dinamika akses pendidikan bagi pribumi saat berlangsungya Politik Etis. Seperti yang diketahui, Belanda sebagai negara yang terlama mengeksploitasi Hindia Belanda membuat negara tersebut menanggung beban balas budi terhadap koloninya. Beban balas budi tersebut terwujud melalui program Politik Etis yang memiliki tiga program, yakni irigasi, transmigrasi, dan edukasi. Dari ketiga itu, pendidikan merupakan salah satu program Politik Etis dan salah satu program yang memiliki dampak besar bagi pergerakan nasional. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode historis dengan analisis studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan meskipun pendidikan berhasil meruntuhkan dominasi kolonial, pendidikan saat periode Etis pun tidak serta merta langsung diberikan begitu saja oleh pemerintah kolonial meskipun tujuan Politik Etis adalah balas budi, pemberian pendidikan diberikan secara serba terbatas. Kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah kolonial, khususnya di bidang pendidikan didorong oleh kepentingan keuntungan ekonomi bagi mereka sendiri alih-alih oleh motif untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan rakyat setempat.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. p1
Iswahyudi Iswahyudi

At first the Dutch East Indies government policy towards Islam was wrong, because Islam in the Dutch East Indies was considered a strict religion like the hierarchical priesthood and the pope in Christianity where there was a high relationship of loyalty to the Turkish caliph, so that Islam was considered a formidable enemy. Starting with the implementation of a massive policy by the Dutch East Indies government to suppress Muslims, for example, one of them was in terms of limiting and heavier the regulations for the implementation of the pilgrimage, but in reality, regardless of the obstacles, the frequency of going on hajj was still high. Awareness of the mistakes in political policy towards Islam, the figure of Cristian Snouck Hurgronje, one of the supporters of ethical currents in the Netherlands, appeared, submitting a letter to the minister of the colonies on June 2, 1889 to participate in solving problems in the Dutch East Indies. In this case Snouk Hurgronje was the main advisor and was assisted by advisers consisting of one for Arab affairs and two experts in regional languages ​​in the Dutch East Indies. Based on Snouck Hurgronje's advice, the Dutch colonial government distinguished between Islam in the meaning of worship and Islam as a social, social and political force. This policy towards Islam is divided into three categories, namely the socio-religious field, the socio-cultural sector, and the socio-political sector.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Alamsyah Alamsyah

Wonosobo Batik historically could be traced in Hindu period with the discovery of Syiva wore Parang motif. At the end of the 19th century Wonosobo batik motif was seen in clothes worn by traditional Dutch East Indies officers. In the post-independence period Wonosobo batik was also seen to be worn by the community. Motif used was dominated by Parang motif (machete) Lereng motif (slope) with dark and darkish color. The existence of batik was reappeared at the beginning of 21st century dominated by Carica and purwaceng motifs. These motifs were considered to have local peculiarities of Wonosobo. From these motifs carica combination motif had developed. The motifs which were combined with carica such as Sulur, Sekar Jagat, Kawung, Wayang, Lereng, Lubang Sewu, Kopi, Cabe, Teh, Rejeng, Sidomukti, Topeng, and etc. It meant that Wonosobo batik motifs were varies by adopting potential and local culture

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-134
Alfa Tirza Aprilia ◽  
Hendi Irawan ◽  
Yusuf Budi

This research discusses the practice of forced cultivation in the Dutch East Indies in the period 1830 to 1870. The method used in this research is the historicalmethod and its presentation in the form of a narrative description. The results ofthis study explain that the practice of forced cultivation in the Dutch East Indieshad a very large influence on the Netherlands and the people of the NetherlandsIndies. The system of forced cultivation changed the role of the colonialgovernment and native rulers, changed the social conditions of rural communitiesby giving birth to the concept of communal land and the introduction of the moneyeconomy system in the countryside. The forced cultivation system also succeededin filling the empty treasury of the Netherlands, but on the one hand it causedsuffering for the people of the Dutch East Indies. The famine caused byexploitation of land and human resources is a consequence of the implementationof the forced cultivation policy. The other side of the implementation of the forcedcultivation policy was the entry and introduction of export commodity crops to thepeople of the Dutch East Indies. Keyword: forced cultivation, colonial government, people, farmersAbstrak

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Hary Sulistyo ◽  
Endang Sartika

The ideological and aesthetic contestation of Balai Pustaka, forcing writer‟s resistance particularly Bumiputra writers. The ideological contestation occurs because Balai Pustaka as the apparatus of the Colonial government suppress the resistance attitudes of the indigenous authors. The authors, who ideologically contradicted with the government, resisted the politics of literature through their works. This research is intended to reveal the canonization of Balai Pustaka which governs the aesthetic and ideological standards of literary works and the resistance of Bumiputra authors toward the hegemony of the Dutch East Indies. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach by seeing the text as the representation of hegemony and resistance as well as linking textual and contextual issues to describe literary politics and the reflection of general politics. The objects of this research are the text and historical context represented in the novel Hikayat Kadiroen and Student Hidjo. The results show that Hikayat Kadiroen presents exemplary attitudes of fair leaders in solving peoples‟ problems and representing the identity of Indonesian literature. Whereas Student Hidjo portrayed concern for the Indigenous people by criticisizing the political hegemony on racial basic. The resistance of Bumiputra authors was shown by raising resistance theme toward colonialism in the Dutch East Indies, as a form of resistance toward political hegemony and canonization of Balai Pustaka.Keywords: hegemony and resistance, Dutch East Indies, cultural identity.RESISTENSI PENGARANG BUMIPUTERA TERHADAP HEGEMONI POLITIK DAN KANONISASI BALAI PUSTAKA DALAM NOVEL HIKAYAT KADIROEN DAN STUDENT HIDJOAbstrakKontestasi ideologis dan estetis Balai Pustaka, menghadirkan sikap-sikap perlawanan khususnya para penulis Bumiputra. Pertarungan ideologis terjadi karena Balai Pustaka sebagai apparatus pemerintah Kolonial, menekan sikap-sikap perlawanan pengarang Pribumi. Para pengarang yang secara ideologi berseberangan dengan pemerintah, melakukan resistensi atas politik kesusastraan melalui karya-karyanya. Tujuan penelitian ini mengungkapkan kanonisasi Balai Pustaka yang mengatur standar estetis dan idelogis karya sastra dan perlawanan kelompok Bumiputra terhadap hegemoni yang diterapkan di Hindia Belanda. Metode penelitian ini diawali dengan melihat teks sebagai representasi hegemoni dan resistensi dalam novel Hikayat Kadiroen dan Student Hidjo. Menghubungkan persoalan tekstual dan kontekstual untuk menjabarkan politik sastra dan cerminan politik general. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Hikayat Kadiroen menghadirkan sikap keteladanan pemimpin yang adil terhadap rakyat dalam menyeselaikan persoalan dan merepresentasikan identitas kultural kesusastraan Indonesia. Sedangkan Student Hidjo, menunjukkan sikap kepedulian terhadap Pribumi dengan kritik terhadap hegemoni politik atas dasar rasialis. Resistensi pengarang Bumiputra terhadap Balai Pustaka, ditunjukkan dengan mengangkat tema perlawanan terhadap kolonialisme di Hindia Belanda, sebagai bentuk resistensi terhadap hegemoni dan kanonisasi Balai Pustaka.Kata kunci: hegemoni dan resistensi, Hindia Belanda, identitas kultural.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Haryono Rinardi ◽  
Yety Rochwulaningsih

As a capital-intensive transport technology linked to industrialized economies, ports become more essential economic infrastructure for developing periphery. Using the historical method, this article examines the relations between ports construction and the development of the voyages of the Indonesian archipelago, which was before called the Dutch East Indies. Based on the results, the port's construction caused by several factors. First, the colonial government wanted to reduce Singapore's role as an entre-port for the Dutch East Indies shipping activities, so that several ports been developed in the outer islands of Java. Second, ports development in outer islands became one of the Dutch economic expansions. Third, to relinquish reliance on foreign shipping companies, the colonial government then developed KPM and gave a monopoly right of shipping across the islands. Fourth, the utilization of modern ship engines in shipping led the growing up international voyages and had prompted the government to develop ports. Another interesting finding from this article is the relation between shipping and trade, the port constructions in various parts of the Dutch East Indies has encouraged trading networks developed in the area.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Jajang A Rohmana

<span>This study focuses on a controversial issue about Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje’s family that was left in the Dutch East Indies in the early twentieth century. The issue sparked a debate among scholars in the 1980s. The debate was concerned with the Dutch government's denial of Hurgronje’s marriage to an Indigenous woman as it was intended to maintain his good reputation. As a matter of fact, the colonial government forbids the marriage of European people with Indigenous women because it would tarnish their status and make it difficult in their careers. This study is meant as a follow-up of van Koningsveld's findings about Hurgronje’s wife and children in Priangan. Here the writer uses a historical analysis of the letters written by Hasan Mustapa to Hurgronje (Cod. Or. 8952). He argues that Hurgronje's history needs to be read in his position as a colonial official who may be worried about rules set by the colonial government. This study shows that Hurgronje cannot be considered completely irresponsible to his Indo-European family in the Dutch East Indies. In fact, he continued to monitor the condition of his family through regular correspondence with Hasan Mustapa, his close friend in the Dutch East Indies. This study is important in a sense that it is expected to be able to rectify the confusion over the issue of Hurgronje's morality towards his family. It offers another perspective of the history of colonialism dealing with interracial relation between Indigenous women, and their offspring, and European men amid the rise of the issue of <em>Nyai</em> and concubinage in the Dutch East Indies.</span>

Layla Nurina Kartika Iskandar ◽  
Cama Juli Rianingrum ◽  
Ahadiat Joedawinata

<p>Abstract</p><p><br />Baitul Muttaqien Mosque is one of the mosques in Indonesia, precisely in Samarinda, East Kalimantan<br />with a variety of facilities and infrastructure in its interior, so it is dubbed the Islamic Center Mosque. The<br />application of architectural and interior elements applied reflects two different cultures namely Middle<br />Eastern culture and local culture, East Kalimantan. This is not just to beautify the mosque building, but<br />there is a philosophical content contained in the two different cultural elements.<br /><strong>Keywords: culture, architecture and interior of the mosque, Islamic architecture, Baitul Muttaqien mosque Samarinda.</strong></p><p><strong></strong><br />Abstrak</p><p><br />Masjid Baitul Muttaqien merupakan salah satu Masjid di Indonesia tepatnya di Samarinda,<br />Kalimantan Timur dengan berbagai sarana dan prasarana yang ada didalamnya sehingga<br />dijuluki Masjid Islamic Center. Penerapan elemen arsitektur dan interior yang diaplikasikan<br />mencerminkan dua kebudayaan yang berbeda yaitu budaya Timur Tengah dan budaya lokal<br />yakni Kalimantan Timur. Hal ini bukan sekedar untuk memperindah bangunan masjid itu<br />saja, akan tetapi ada muatan filosofis yang dikandung dari kedua unsur budaya yang berbeda<br />tersebut.<br /><strong>Kata kunci: Kebudayaan, Arsitektur dan interior masjid, arsitektur Islam, masjid Baitul Muttaqien Samarinda.</strong></p>

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