Endogami: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Antropologi
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Published By Institute Of Research And Community Services Diponegoro University (LPPM UNDIP)


2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Eko Punto Hendro

The country of Indonesia, which has multi-ethnic and multi-religious communities, indeed requires the care of their customs and culture. The main treatment is aimed at building wisdom, togetherness and preventing potential social conflicts. The village is the smallest government institution in Indonesia, through the revitalization of LKD and LAD, the customs and culture of the community can be preserved, despite the great challenges in this modernization era.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Siti Nur Asiyah ◽  
Mudjahirin Thohir ◽  
Af'idatul Lathifah

Along with the development of modern times, society maintains its tradition as a unique cultural identity, including the phenomenon of rituals that take place under a large tamarind tree which is believed to be the firing of a sacred figure named Mbah Gosang, located in the middle of an urban area, precisely at Peterongan Semarang Market. The focus of the discussion which is the main objective of this research is to interpret the ritual meanings express in the ritual implementation. This research uses the theory of symbolic interactionism in explaining ritual phenomena, which in implication refers to social actions carried out by individuals in representing cultural meanings and symbols around them. The method used in this study is in the form of ethnographic methods, while the source of research data is obtained from participatory observation, in-depth interviews, and literature review. The informants consisted of the caretaker and Mbah Gosang pilgrim who had been directly involved in the implementation of ritual traditions. Based on the results of the study, the phenomenon of rituals carried out under the Mbah Gosang tamarind tree has two forms of cultural traditions in the form of a pilgrimage ritual and suronan ritual which in essence involves Mbah Gosang as an intermediary for prayer or tawassul to God. The series of ritual processions has their own symbolic meaning. Generally, people who carry out these rituals have the motivation to improve the economy, look for prosperity in life, and look for clues in dealing with life problems. The function of the ritual itself is as a form of respect for ancestors, cultural inheritance, forms of effort, reminders of death, and means of social integration, while the purpose of the ritual is to draw closer to God Almighty.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 53 ◽  
Slamet Subekti

Environmental tragedy overshadows efforts to seize coastal space (Coastal and Ocean Grabbing) in part from 1,373 ha. for the Benoa Bay reclamation project in South Bali. So far, Benoa Bay has become a livelihood for fishermen and marine tourism practitioners. This water area with intertidal tides allows flushing to maintain sea water quality, in addition to the 100 ha of “Ngurah Rai” mangrove forest. which regulates hydro-orology around Denpasar. Public reasoning was disturbed when the investors of PT TWBI facilitated by the State through the Presidential Regulation, the Ministerial Decree KP and the Bali Governor's Decree planned to build 12 islands by sinking over 700 ha of water. for established hotels, villas, offices, educational facilities, sports complexes, trade, botanical gardens, apartments and floating villas. The controversy took place when the results of an AMDAL study from LPPM Udayana University stated that the Benoa Bay area was not socio-culturally suitable for reclamation, but investors sought to continue the reclamation by cooperating with a number of universities from outside Bali to conduct a comparative AMDAL study. Responding to the plan, the indigenous people through Paruman Pakraman stated their attitude to reject the reclamation of Benoa Bay by considering environmental sustainability and the preservation of customary-cultural areas. The reclamation issue of Benoa Bay in its development has not only been an environmental issue, but has penetrated into the realm of local politics. When the Bali Pilgub, Denpasar Pilwakot and Badung Pilbup and even the election of Bandesa (traditional village officials) conditioned all candidates to make an integrity pact rejecting the reclamation of Benoa Bay, including candidates who had been known to be pro-reclamation. After twice (2014-2018) the location permit was declared not meeting the AMDAL study, now investors have obtained a new permit (2018-2020) from the KKP to continue the struggle over the Benoa Bay living space. The ForBALI movement, which is the mandate of Pasubayan Pakraman, is preparing a new round of struggle for environmental justice in Benoa Bay. ForBALI's agenda going forward, first: push the results of the AMDAL study to be socio-culturally inappropriate. Second, submit a review of Perpres No. 51/2014 which is the "culprit" of the Benoa Bay reclamation discourse. Third, encourage the cancellation of Perpres No. 51/2014 to end the Benoa Bay reclamation polemic.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Sri Sudarsih

A global era whose existence cannot be denied brings logical consequences on every line of human life. Therefore, Javanese culture which has fundamental values is very relevant to study its relation to this global era. This research is a study in the field of philosophy related to Javanese cultural values. The method used by researchers is description and interpretation. One of the Javanese culture is the attitude of the Javanese people, namely the attitude of rila (sincere), temen (keep promises), watak (patience), and budi luhur  (noble virtue) has a fundamental value meaning. These values becomes a parameter of one’s quality. The quality of one’s goodness can be measured by his practice of these values. These fundamental values are important to be realized in family life in this global era.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Silfa Amalia ◽  
Suyanto Suyanto ◽  
Eko Punto Hendro

 AbstrakPartisipasi perempuan dalam pembangunan sangat diperlukan, baik dalam rumah tangga maupun dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara. Keterlibatan wanita dalam kerja produktif akan menimbulkan perubahan sosial, karena salah satu wujud perubahan sosial adalah perubahan dalam kerja, khususnya untuk wanita di Jawa. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor pendorong perempuan menjadi pengusaha batik, mengetahui peranan sosial ekonomi perempuan pengusaha batik, baik dalam kegiatan rumah tangga, masyarakat maupun kegiatan usaha batik, serta mengetahui proses pengambilan keputusan dan pengalokasian waktu para perempuan pengusaha batik. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori kebutuhan dan prestasi dari David McClelland dan teori peran perempuan oleh Caroline O.N. Moser. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi partisipan dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan observasi (pengamatan), wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi, studi literatur dan triangulasi. Informan berjumlah tiga orang yang diperoleh dengan kriteria perempuan yang memiliki home industry/ usaha batik. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa perempuan tidak hanya memainkan peranannya sebagai ibu rumah tangga, mereka juga banyak terlibat dalam kegiatan usaha dan aktif dalam kegiatan sosial kemasyarakatan. Dalam pengalokasian waktu diketahui beban kerja perempuan lebih panjang. Bahkan perempuan pengusaha batik memegang peranan sentral dalam hal pengambilan keputusan dalam perekonomian rumah tangga.Abstract Women's participation in the development of household, social life, and country life is most needed. Women's involvement in productive work will lead to social change due to a kind of social change is change in the work, especially for women in Java. The aims of this study are to find out the supporting factors of women being Batik businesswomen, a socio-economic role of batik businesswomen in household, society, or business activity of Batik, the decision making process, and time allocation of Batik businesswomen. The theories of this study are needs and achievements theory of David Mc Clelland and role theory of Caroline O.N Moser. This study was conducted by using participant observation method and qualitative approach. The data collection techniques are observation, in-depth interview, documentation, literature study, and triangulation. The Informants are three women obtained by the criteria of women who have home industry or Batik industry. Based on this study can be concluded thatwomen are not only having a role in housewives but also they have involvement in a business activity or social. In allocating time it is known that women’s workload is longer. Even women batik entrepreneurs hold a central role in terms of decision making in the household economy.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Rifka Pratama

Whether it is on a limited or a mass scale, coffee has long been an industrial commodity. In the social context, it can be even a social glue of interaction between individuals or communities. The claims have, indeed, implied the value of the beans. Certain elements take part in the making of the so-called coffee popularity. From a cultural perspective, the existence of material and non-material aspects of culture can be the keys. This study aims to identify and to inventory the aspects of material and non-material culture of one of world-famous coffeehouses, Starbucks. The data were obtained through library study. The main data as well as the objects of the study are information contained on the official Starbucks’ website. Other supporting data were taken from other relevant sources. Based on the study, the two aspects of culture, material and non-material, can be found in the American coffee company. The classifications of both were also made to fulfill the need of the further study.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Dewi Yuliati ◽  
Endang Susilowati ◽  
Titiek Suliyati

This article contains the discussion on Semarang community based management to endorse the development of the Site of Semarang Old City which has been already proposed to UNESCO to obtain the world heritage status. One of the UNESCO requirements for obtaining the world heritage status is community involvement in conservation and developing the cultural heritage, so this study is focusing on the involvement of the Old City communities in the developing of Semarang Old City cultural heritages toward the world heritage status. The communities involved are namely: AMBO (Asosiasi Masyarakat Bangun Oudestad), Oen Semarang Foundation, Monod Diephuis, dan KPS (Komunitas Pegiat Sejarah). The result of this research shows that these communities have the great involvements in developing Semarang Old City to welcome its status as a world heritage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Vania P Hanjani ◽  
Amirudin Amirudin ◽  
Eko Punto Purnomo

The popularity of Korean Pop culture can be used as a reference for adolescents to become a spear of maturity which ends in the formation of a subculture. We will discuss about how young people who gradually follow the development of iKON, a boygroup. They are willing to set aside most of the money they get, in order to fulfill their desire for satisfaction for iKON. iKON is a famous South Korean boy group that is currently very admired. This group has even won many awards and managed to become one of the closing guest stars of the well-known sports festival named ASIAN GAMES 2018 with their song Rhythm Ta and Love Scenario. With this phenomenon, more and more teenagers have decided to become iKONIC, an iKON fan community.This ethnographic and qualitative research will address the symbolic theory of interpretivism by Clifford Geertz which explains that culture is a system of regularity of meanings and symbols. With this meaning, each individual will communicate, establish, and develop knowledge about life as well as addressing life. Like teenagers who are members of the iKONIC community, they learn, receive and share the symbols from iKON. iKONIC will make iKON as a reference in doing everything in their lives. iKONIC is willing to buy many items related to iKON such as albums, merchandise, streaming passes, and even concert tickets that are very expensive. The more they are fond of the presence of iKON, the more they cling to the principles instilled by iKON. Their daily habits in imitating, accessing information continuously, result in their own dependence on them. The occurrence of many processes such as social contact, cultural understanding, the cognition system which became a symbol system, then shared, this is the reason existence of habits that continue to occur to become a culture for the iKONIC. So that a subculture is formed in the midst of a culture that has become widespread and entrenched.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Sukarjo Waluyo

The problem of locality and local wisdom in Indonesia became a problem that received a lot of attention after the 1998 reform. Government in the New Order era which was previously centralized and centralized in Jakarta turned into decentralized with the concept of regional autonomy. Some districts and cities in Central Java began to identify the rich history, local arts and culture to be appointed as regional icons. Magelang regency made the Soreng dance from Ngablak District a typical dance of a cultural icon. Soreng Dance tells the story of one of the historical figures in Java, namely Arya Penangsang. Characterization of the Arya Penangsang in the Soreng dance which take the source of the story from the Babad Tanah Djawi represent a form of representation of the Javanese ruler of Mataraman, namely the Sultanate of Pajang which was passed on by the Sultanate of Mataram and its heirs (Surakarta Palace, Yogyakarta Palace, Mangkunegaran, and Pakualaman) for the benefit of hegemony. The results of this study reveal that representation is used by several parties concerned with the figure of Arya Penangsang, namely: 1) Babad Tanah Djawi / Javanese Mataraman culture manifested in Soreng dance art; 2) Soreng dance depicts Arya Penangsang as a rude and power-hungry figure, defeated by a very young child, and his territory (Jipang) is despised by the Pajang Sultanate because it is seen as a rebel; 3) Soreng dance strengthens the representation of hegemony-style Babad Tanah Djawi/Javanese Mataraman culture.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Elsa Fitrianita ◽  
Nurdien Harry Kistanto ◽  
Af'idatul Lathifah

This research was conducted to find out and describe the resistance of Menganti Kisik fihermen in the construction of the PLTU Cilacap in Menganti Village, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency, analyzing the sources and forms that caused the resistance of Menganti fihermen to the construction of the PLTU Cilacap  and how the strategies to survive and efforts to resolve the conflict. The research method used is the ethnographic method. This research was conducted in March to May in the coastal area of Menganti Village, Menganti Kisik. The data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, ethnographic interviews, and documentation. The data analysis techniques were carried out in an ethnographic manner with qualitative descriptions. The results of the study showed that the resistance of the Menganti Kisik fishermen occurred due to the perceived loss in the social, economic and physical sectors due to the construction of the PLTU Cilacap. Fishermen choose the hidden transcript resistance and collective resistance. The fishermen do the resistance is because of  the imbalance of the work space sector and damage to the coastal and marine areas which cause coastal abrasion in Menganti Village. The kind of resistance are include the differences in perceptions between fishermen in responding to the construction of the PLTU Cilacap, compensation polemics, and expressions of resistance. The strategy of surviving fishermen in the midst of losses due to the construction of the PLTU Cilacap is to establish a social organization KUPM Menganti Kisik which is used as a medium of collective resistance. 

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