scholarly journals Adaptation Potential of Teachers of the Third Age in the Conditions of Higher Education Transformation

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-169 ◽  
E. A. Shuklina ◽  
M. V. Pevnaya ◽  
E. A. Shirokova

Introduction. In many countries around the world, the increase in life expectancy leads to significant social transformations. Institutional structures, social protection policies and legislation on the life and employment of older citizens are being changed today. In Russian higher education, more than a third of professional community belongs to the group of teachers of the third (pre-retirement and retirement) age. The modernisation of this area and the raising of the retirement age will make it possible to study the peculiarities of this group of faculty members as a reserve of the vocational training system.The aim of the present article is to characterise the adaptive potential of social community of teachers of the third age in the context of the transformation of higher education.Methodology and research methods. The methodological framework of the article is based on the set of general scientific approaches: communal, comparative, institutional, resource. The first method provides an opportunity to consider teachers of the third age as a social community with their own specific features. The comparative approach is used to see specific features in dynamics (on the materials of official statistics) and to compare them with similar characteristics of teachers of other age groups. The institutional and resource approaches are aimed at identifying adaptive abilities of teachers of the third age against the background of current restructuring processes in higher education. The article is based on the materials of research projects conducted in 2017–2019 and on a mass survey of teachers. The general population consisted of 51 universities of the Ural Federal District. The volume of the sample of teachers is 810 people.Results and scientific novelty. The study showed that teachers of the third age are characterised by a high level of adaptation to changes in higher education. They successfully fulfill themselves in scientific and pedagogical activities. They are characterised by relatively high publication and grant activities, realisation of new educational forms and high motivation and readiness to improve their com petencies and qualifications. At the same time, teachers of the third age estimate their social security in the professional sphere as extremely low. This community is characterised by a high level of criticality in relation to the implemented institutional changes in the field of higher education, which is based on a socially mature responsibility formed within their professional activities for the consequences of decisions taken.Practical significance. The research undertaken demonstrates the stereotype inadequacy concerning non-adaptability of third-age university teachers to technological, content and organisational innovations. Moreover, teachers of the third age are a significant factor in the sustainable development of universities. Therefore, it is necessary to develop management models and create institutional conditions for maximum use of human capital of third-age teachers, whose peculiarities, needs and opportunities in the system of Russian higher education are inadequately taken into account today.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (10) ◽  
pp. 59-88 ◽  
P. A. Ambarova ◽  
G. E. Zborovsky

Introduction. According to the concept of lifelong learning, vocational education system should cover all age categories of working population, including people of the so-called “silver age” (people of the third age). However, in reality, the proportion of citizens over 45 years involved in continuing vocational training is very small, as the current system does not meet their specific needs. Meanwhile, for many representatives of this social community, the continuation of education, the renewal of knowledge, the acquisition of new qualifications or specialties are now becoming a chance to promote an individual’s employability over a lifetime in a rapidly changing labour market and an unstable “life market”. The aim of the article is to identify the opportunities and barriers to the inclusion of “silver age” people in the practice of vocational education, taking into account the positions of all key actors – the senior generation of Russians, the state, employers and educational organisations.Methodology and research methods. The work was based on the methodological framework of three theories: continuous education, third age, social community. The empirical material was collected through the following methods: the analysis of educational and demographic statistics (2015–2018); the analysis of the content of recruitment agencies’ websites and media publications devoted to the problems of the “silver” labour market; the secondary analysis of sociological data; the survey ofSverdlovsk region residents aged over 45 years old in February – March 2019.Results and scientific novelty. The structure and a number of qualitative characteristics of Russians of the elder generation are clarified. The authors give the definition of the concept of social community of “silver age” people (“third age” people), including the group of pre-pensioners. A new interpretation of this category of citizens allowed the authors to reevaluate the old options and to identify the new options for vocational training for “silver age” people. The problems and trends revealed in the course of the survey in this professional training niche of a particular Russian region were focused on the all-Russian situation. Critical differences between the requests for “silver” vocational education from older people, state, educational organisations and employers are identified. The contradictions and necessity of purposeful formation of educational needs and strategies of people of the “third age” are demonstrated. The state and prospects of development of various types and forms of “silver” professional education are described; the conditions of its transformation into a resource of active ageing are formulated.Practical significance. The urgency and relevance of adjusting the content and specific tasks of educational policy of the state aimed at the older generation of citizens have been scientifically proved. It is planned to create and improve training programmes for older people, implemented by various educational structures. Such programmes and research findings can serve as a basis for developing human resources strategies for older people both in government and commercial organisations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (6 (344)) ◽  
pp. 162-171
Anastasiia Kuzmenko ◽  

The article deals with the features of higher education of the third level in Latin America, namely Brazil and Mexico. The object of the research is the quality system of higher education in Latin America (Brazil and Mexico), and its subject is the formation and attitude to the culture of academic integrity of PhD-applicants in these countries. The goal is highlighting the implementation of the leading practices for the formation of the academic integrity culture among PhD-applicants in Latin America, in particular Brazil and Mexico. Objectives are to consider ways of forming the academic integrity culture of PhD-applicants at the international, state and institutional levels in Latin America, in particular Brazil and Mexico. It has been investigated that scientific activity is widely developed in Brazil, and the basis for the formation of academic integrity is used according to the experience of the United States of America. However, violations such as plagiarism or deception are perceived not as a manifestation of unethical behaviour, but more as a violation of ignorance or unintentional borrowing. There is also a low level of success of applicants for higher education, which is also fruitful for the generation of dishonest behaviour. Mexico is the «opposite lever» in the experience of the academic integrity culture, since the economic system of the country has its own gaps and leads to a high level of corruption, and as a result, the manifestation of academic dishonesty in all its forms. Despite this, the country understands the need to form the academic integrity culture as a factor influencing the further responsible and ethical activities of a future competitive specialist. Thus, there is a cyclical nature: the honest behaviour of the applicant for education forms the skills of the honest behaviour of a specialist, the honest behaviour of a specialist is the absence of corruption, in particular in education.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 156-175 ◽  
A. N. Dzhurinskiy

Introduction. In today’s world, numbers of people of the senior generation are steadily increasing due to longer life expectancy. In this regard, questions of maintaining seniors’ working capacity, physical and psychological wellbeing and support of high vitality are updated. In this particular situation, an institute of formation of the “third age” is in high demand. The institution is considered as an integral part of a general continuous educational process during all life giving an opportunity to elderly citizens to stay actively full members of society.  The aim of the publication was to describe socio-pedagogical research and practical experience in the education of the elderly (the “third age”) in post-Soviet Russia at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries.Methodology and research methods. The research was based on socio-cultural approach to organisation of the education system, philosophical ideas about objective positivism, concept of continuous and non-formal life-long education and theory of comparative pedagogy.Results and scientific novelty. On the basis of scientific publications and documentary sources, many of which have until been out of the research field, the initial stage of genesis of education of the “third age” in Russia was systemically analysed. Its legislative base, tasks, contents of programmes and technology were investigated; the practicability of such education was esteemed. The representatives of the “third age” were characterised as members of education – in terms of their social activity, level of the previous educational preparation, cultural and educational inquiries and differentiation on gender. Desire for world outlook generalisation, mentorship and freedom from marginalization complex after retirement were noted. The practices of the first institutions and projects of education in the “third age” were analysed: retro clubs, open universities. The structure, curriculum and the results of the education of the “third age” were characterised by the example of “third age” universities in Orel, Stavropol and Chelyabinsk. Social, pedagogical, psychological and medical and recreational tasks of such educational organisations were designated; the humanistic principles and practice-focused orientations of their activity were emphasised. In addition, the shortcomings were listed: exaggerated encyclopedism of programmes, domination of verbal material presentation, unsuitable use of forms and methods for “aged” students; lack of the funded legal base of such education, its worthy financing and shortage of special teaching personnel. However, despite shortcomings and gaps, the social advantage of the education focused on satisfaction of essential needs and interests of elderly people is obvious. The results of monitoring outcomes and surveys, in particular, recorded a marked strengthening of physical and psychological health of students, emergence of vital incentives and decrease in intergenerational conflicts in their families. The similarities and distinctions of ideas and processes within the formation and development of the system of education of the “third age” in Russia and abroad were shown. The worldwide tendency of social turn towards the changed needs of elderly people was emphasised.Practical significance. The materials of the present research will make it possible to effectively cope with new challenges and solve current problems of additional education, which is oriented on a specific social stratum – older adults, taking into account their characteristics and expectations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (11) ◽  
pp. 33-50
G. E. Zborovsky ◽  
P. A. Ambarova

The review article summarizes the processes of development of higher education sociology abroad over the past 50 years. The choice of the research object was determined by the real achievements of national higher education systems and a high level of higher school sociology development in USA, Great Britain, France, Scandinavian countries, and Spain. The review reflects the advancement of leading sociologists of higher education in these countries. The authors have applied a methodology of comparative analysis studying the Western experience of sociological research in higher education, the main ideas and trends. The article dwells on the ways of changes in the content field of Western sociology of higher education. The practical significance of the review is determined by the possibilities of using the proposed analysis for the development of Russian sociology of higher education and University development practices.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-88
Paulina Budryte ◽  
Milana V. Pakhomova ◽  
Svitlana I. Synenko ◽  
Taras Z. Garasymiev ◽  
Victoria Z. Chornopiskaya ◽  

Education of people of the “third age” is based on the fact that the ability to self-development and understanding of the surrounding world is reduced to the application of previously acquired knowledge in a certain period of time. At the same time, it is believed that a decrease in cognitive abilities and an increase in inaccuracies in motor skills leads to the fact that it is almost impossible to master new knowledge. Determining the extent to which this statement corresponds to psychological and educational attitudes shapes the relevance of the study. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that, for the first time, it is proposed to approach the topic of education for people of “third age” not only as a problem, which is determined solely for increasing the employment of the population and raising the retirement age. The authors offer to consider the topic of the research as a factor in improving the standard of living and social adaptability of "third age" citizens. Models of university and distance education are considered in the article. The practical significance of the research is determined by the need to develop the issue outlined in the face of crisis and the desire of public administration to identify priorities for the formation of a qualitatively new social model. A model of comparative analysis with foreign models is used in the research as well as and the experience of implementation is offered to be implemented.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 939-952
G. E. Zborovsky ◽  
P. A. Ambarova

The article considers the educational level, needs and activities of the third age, and the readiness of the Sverdlovsk Region to develop practices of silver education. The object of research - practices of silver education in the region and the readiness of pensioners and pre-retirees to participate in them. The research is based on the authors concept of silver education as a resource for preserving and developing the social community of the third age. The theoretical framework of the study combines the key ideas of the theories of adult education, continuing education, human capital and resource capacity. Main research methods are analysis of educational and demographic statistics, regulations and government programs, secondary analysis of sociological data, a survey in the Sverdlovsk Region (respondents older than 45 years), and an expert survey. According to the authors hypothesis, today the regional system of silver education cannot serve as a resource for its development, since neither the third age community nor the region is ready for it. The authors present the following main results of the research: interpretation of the third age social community and estimates of its educational level; educational needs and activities of the third age in the Sverdlovsk Region; the readiness of the region to develop practices of silver education. The results of the research can be useful for the public policy in the interests of the older generation and the regional development. The authors conclude that it is necessary to develop a concept of the regional silver education system and a corresponding policy for improving the quality of the third age educational capital.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (15) ◽  
pp. 293-299
Elena SHUKLİNA ◽  

Introduction Russian teachers of the third age are a social group that is currently in a difficult and ambiguous situation. On the one hand, raising the retirement age in Russia sets them the task of further professional development. On the other hand, the level of professional requirements associated with increasing the competitiveness of Russian higher education in the global educational space is sharply increasing. The purpose of the article is to answer the question - how the accumulated social potential of the third age's teachers allows them to adapt to new conditions, to increase the level of competitiveness, to act as a factor in the development of the University teaching community and higher education in general. Materials and methods The article is based on the materials of research team in the Ural Federal University (2017-2019). The article uses quantitative data of the mass survey of teachers in the Ural Federal district, implemented by the method of questioning. The population is 51 University of the Ural Federal district. Quota sampling was implemented in the study. The volume of the teachers' sample is 810 people. Social community of the third age's teachers was 38.5% of the total sample. The results of research The social potential of University teachers was considered in the context of the following structural elements: professional qualification, innovation, cultural, civil. Teachers of the third age have higher professional and qualification potential (qualification and status characteristics) than other age groups. The innovative potential realized in research activity and educational process is also high. This applies to innovation activity implemented in research projects and scientific communication. Their cultural practices are quite diverse, and the activity of cultural consumption is even higher than that of colleagues of other age groups. Civic activity of the third age's teachers is manifested in various forms of public participation, implemented through interaction with authorities of different levels and public organizations. The specificity of their civic activity is the implementation of expert functions that require high qualification, which has this group of teachers. At the same time, the teaching community of the third age notes the lack of sufficient institutional conditions for effective development, manifested primarily in the low level of social protection in the professional sphere. General conclusions University teachers of the third age have sufficient adaptive potential in the new challenges of the social environment. At the same time, the basic problem of their development is the creation of institutional conditions for professional activities and the effective realization of their social potential. Keywords Educational reforms, university teachers, teaching community, public participation, higher education, third age

Л. Семенова ◽  
L. Semenova

Digitalization is an actual issue and the main trend of Russian higher education and a widely discussed topic in the professional community. A number of government decrees and programs set a goal for universities — highquality and affordable online education using digital technologies. The article presents the study’s results of digitalization of education in Russia and abroad, indicating the initial stage of digitalization of higher education in Russia and the creation of a digital educational environment. Researches confirm the high need for digital education on the part of students and teachers, therefore, de facto, a lot of universities use digital technology in practice. However, de jure digitalization in higher education is not supported by conceptual provisions, uniform standards and management approaches. Exploring the opinions of target audiences confirms that a blended learning is the best option in the current situation. The advantages, disadvantages and conditions of digitalization in modern higher education are discussed in this article. The problems and main trends in the development of digital education in universities are pointed out too. Possibilities of micro and macro learning, popular online platforms are determined. The author concludes that the transformation of higher education in the context of digitalization is inevitable, fundamental changes are assumed in the content of education, teaching methods, technological approaches, resource support, in the system of knowledge quality control.

I.S. Pinkovetskaia ◽  
I.S. Pinkovetskaia ◽  
I.S. Pinkovetskaia

В связи с изменением пенсионного возраста в Российской Федерации значимость предпринимательства в третьем возрасте будет повышаться. Целью статьи является анализ особенностей, закономерностей и тенденций, которые характеризуют раннее предпринимательство населения в третьем возрасте. Создание своих бизнесов может использоваться гражданами для продления трудовой жизни, улучшения финансового положения по сравнению с наемным трудом, отсрочки выхода на пенсию. В статье представлен анализ литературы по проблеме ранней предпринимательской активности в экономически развитых странах.Due to the change in the retirement age in Russia, the importance of entrepreneurship in the third age will increase. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the features, patterns and trends that characterize the early entrepreneurship of the population in the third age. The creation of their enterprises can be used by citizens to extend working life, improve the financial situation compared to wage labor, delay retirement. The paper presents an analysis of the literature on the problem of early entrepreneurial activity in economically developed countries.

Maria C McNeill

The 'baby boomers' are now approaching their 'third age' with many people able to live fit, active, healthy lives well beyond that experienced by previous generations. The 'third age' supposedly a time to take up new challenges, or explore new directions, has become possible through life span gains resulting from health and technological advances. For many who are approaching or now in their 'third age', however, the opportunity to continue working appears to be a risk. While it is now possible for 'third agers' to be active in the workforce up to and well beyond the previous retirement age, many older workers experience barriers to remaining in or returning to the workforce. This   research, based on semi-structured interviews with eleven employers, identifies three main themes that are perceptual, cultural and developmental barriers to 'third age' workforce participation. Each of these themes has developed around the changes that have occurred since many 'third agers' began work. At the same time employers are experiencing skill shortages that are predicted to continue and increase in the future. If employers are to maximise their potential workforce and meet the challenges of the ageing population, diversification of their workforce to include all ages will be necessary.

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