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Ирина Станиславовна Бочарникова

В современном научном дискурсе появляется много интересных тем, рассматривающих самые острые проблемы социума, и одна из них - табуированная тема - эвтаназия. Эта проблема носит междисциплинарный характер. Философы, в рамках биоэтики, осмысливают нравственные аспекты, психологи «решают» дилемму «хорошо/плохо», «убийство/самоубийство/гуманный акт помощи», юристы прорабатывают нормативно-правовые акты по защите, зачастую трудносовместимых, прав пациентов/врачей/выгодополучателей, медики, сталкиваясь с «невыносимой физической и психологической болью» пациентов и близких родственников, предлагают свои варианты решения проблемы, физики, химики, генетики не остаются в стороне, развивая нейротехнологии, регенеративную медицину, фармакологию, био- и генные технологии. Политики, разворачивая широкие дискуссии о морально-этической стороне этого вопроса, российском традиционализме, либеральных ценностях, устраивая политические дебаты, разрабатывают дивиденды. Социологи, рассматривая эту социальную проблему, замеряют «градус общественного мнения». Общество, как живой сложносоставной организм, опираясь на свои ментальные программы, реагирует по-разному: от полного неприятия («человеческая жизнь - божественный дар») до однозначной легализации процедуры «достойной смерти, качественной смерти». Одна из важных проблем медицинского профессионального сообщества - проблема обеспечения «достойной смерти» неизлечимо больных пациентов и связанная с ней проблема эвтаназии. Мнение полярно. На понимание медиками проблем легализации эвтаназии оказывают влияние разновекторные факторы: во-первых, ценностные установки, во-вторых, опыт и место работы (врачи паллиативных отделений, хосписов, онкологи, имеющие большой стаж работы, более склоны к легализации эвтаназии), в-третьих, техническое, технологическое, фармакологическое обеспечение медицинского учреждения, в-четвертых, нормативно-правовая составляющая. Many interesting topics appear in the modern scientific discourse. They consider the most acute problems of society and one of them is a taboo topic - euthanasia. This problem is of an interdisciplinary nature. Philosophers within the framework of bioethics comprehend the moral aspects. Psychologists "solve" the dilemma of "good/bad", "murder/suicide/humane act of assistance". Lawyers are working on regulatory legal acts to protect the rights of patients/doctors/beneficiaries, which are often difficult to replace. Doctors, facing the "unbearable physical and psychological pain" of patients and close relatives, offer their own solutions to the problem, physicists, chemists, geneticists do not stay away, developing neurotechnologies, regenerative medicine, pharmacology, bio and gene technologies. Politicians also do not stand aside, unfolding broad discussions, arranging political debates, developing dividends. Sociologists considering this social problem measure the "degree of public opinion". Society as a living complex organism relying on its mental programs reacts in different ways: from complete rejection to legalization of this procedure. One of the important problems of the medical professional community is the problem of ensuring a “dignified death” of terminally ill patients and the related problem of euthanasia. The opinion of doctors is polar. Doctor`s understanding of the problems of legalizing euthanasia is influenced by various factors: firstly, values, secondly, experience and place of work (doctors of palliative departments, hospices, oncologists with long work experience are more inclined to legalize euthanasia), thirdly, technical, technological, pharmacological support of a medical institution, and fourthly, the regulatory component

2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-67
A. M. Ablazhey

The main task of the article was to identify the dynamics of changing social characteristics of graduate students from research institutes of Novosibirsk Academgorodok. For the comparative analysis we used the data of polls conducted in 2005 and 2018. We compared such variables as the reasons for admission to graduate school, assessments of the current state of the main elements of scientific activity, the expectations of graduate students about their future profession, primarily a scientific career, criteria and factors of its success. Based on these results we planned to identify the main trends inherent in graduate studies as the main method of training personnel for Russian science. It is concluded that at present the system of training highly qualified scientific personnel in the country is in an unstable state. As a result, there is an active discussion in the professional community about ways of further reforming graduate school.

Liudmyla M. Hanushchak-Yefimenko ◽  
Svitlana I. Arabuli ◽  
Rafał Rębilas

This article is an attempt to explore the opportunities of using the Hackathon ecosystem tools to perform a quality forecasting of a wide range of youth employment issues. It is observed that despite vast experience of psychological training in higher education institutions based on the transformation of self-awareness, shaping professional perceptions related to changes in professional knowledge of professional occupation as it is, its object, professional community, etc., modern University realia lack targeted management efforts towards developing job-related skills as well as comprehensive assessment of their changing trends in the process of professional enhancement of students’ self-consciousness. At best, specific good practice of individual specialists is used, often without its interpretation by teachers and psychologists and beyond the scope of systemic analysis of the research issues. All this challenges an impetus to further studies on developing professional self-awareness of future specialists and encourages active implementation of the Hackathon ecosystem tools to render a foresight on youth secondary employment and self-employment at the level of University as well as in a regional setting. To attain the research agenda, the study employed the following general and special research methods: a system analysis method, an analytical grouping technique, comparative analysis, and dynamic and graph series construction. To summarise the research outcomes and to prepare a proposal draft on the opportunities to use the Hackathon ecosystem for offering a foresight on youth secondary employment and self-employment, the methods of abstract logical analysis and content analysis were used. Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design was chosen as the basis for this study. A questionnaire was chosen as a method of sociological research on student secondary employment. As a research toolkit, two questionnaires were developed: for students and for graduates. The study suggests using the Hackathon ecosystem to perform a foresight on student secondary employment and self-employment as a model to promote professional socialization of Ukrainian youth. According to the research findings, it is argued that there are three trajectories of student secondary employment: spontaneously formed (a good high paying job offered by chance), planned (targeted search for secondary employment according to the study major to gain professional competencies and work experience) and forced (employment to improve or maintain financial and economic well-being, usually beyond the education profile). An emphasis is put that secondary employment for Ukrainian students is not only the way to gain work experience and an extra pay opportunity but also an instrument of student professionalization. It is concluded that the terms and nature of secondary employment affect the professionalization effectiveness where gaining work experience, building professional contacts and employment prospects after graduation are viewed as a benefit for a wider student youth involvement in secondary employment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 985-994
A. A. Pfettser

Self-identity is a structural and dynamic system that develops as one’s living environment expands. During vocational training, professional identity acquires an integrating role in this system. Professional identity develops in the academic environment, which is expanding due to digitalization. The research objective was to identify the features of professional identity development in students in the conditions of academic digitalization and to determine the ways of psychological and pedagogical optimization of this process. The theoretical analysis is based on the general provisions of cultural and historical psychology, as well as on the methodology of the environmental approach in education. The contemporary academic environment demonstrated a lack of interpersonal interaction, which makes it difficult to enter the professional community and identify with it. However, the interactive character of the digital academic environment makes it possible to optimize the process of professional identity development. It comprises various information and communication platforms into a single media environment. Psychological and pedagogical technologies develop awareness and acceptance of professional values in the process of indirect interaction between students, teaching staff, and professionals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-163
Ranisa Sagita ◽  
Nazar Ikhwan ◽  
Rohanis Luthfiyyah Rahma ◽  
Luthfi Hakim

Social competence is the ability of teachers to communicate and interact effectively and efficiently with students, fellow teachers, parents/guardians of students and the surrounding community. A teacher must try to develop communication both in the school environment and in the community. This research uses naturalistic qualitative research, which aims to make jokes in a systematic, accurate and accurate way about the facts or encountered in the field. The result of this research is that science teachers have not fully implemented social competence indicators. The indicators that have not been fully implemented are building effective communication with parents of students, and science teachers have not communicated with their own professional community and other professions orally and in writing or in other forms

Tatyana Tretyakova

The aim of the article is to disclose some general trends in scientific discourse studies that have emerged by the second decade of the 21 st century, to characterize scientific discourse as a means of promoting knowledge, and to consider its contribution to public communication. The notion of scientific discourse incorporates both conventional (scientific articles, reviews, theses, dissertation abstracts) and modern forms of discourse (online academic conferences, symposia, colloquiums, seminars). The research is viewed in the article as a result of scientists' social activity targeted at new knowledge discovery and broadcasting, whilst the scientific text is defined in terms of verbal representation of the research results in a par with new knowledge transmission. Two types of determinants are introduced to regulate the model of scientific text composition – internal and external. The internal determinant is represented by discursive structures, which promote knowledge in scientific text as the element of scientific communication, while the external dominant is represented by extralinguistic factors, which provide the promotion of scientific discourse outside the professional community (socializing). Воth kinds of determinants provide the interpretation of the scientific discourse as open systems. An assumption is made on the increasing role of external determinant in discursive extension of modern scientific text by means of the Internet; the addressee factor wider representation and scientific knowledge inclusion into cross-cultural communication.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 649-655
Anna A. Kostikova ◽  
Sergey A. Spartak

The paper presents the current transformations of media culture in the conditions of crucial digitalization of society. Everyday life is fundamentally mediatized and this process is beyond the control and understanding, both by an individual, and by the professional community and society as a whole. Rather, we observe a general disturbing sense of violation of the usual boundaries of definitions and norms. In response to the crisis of comprehension and understanding, philosophy of language and communication turns back to the idea of discursivity of human civilization and proposes to adapt and rethink the concept of possible worlds and its descriptions in the aim to renew social strategies and communications. The increasing demand for methodological support of communication activities indicates the growing significance of cabinet philosophy, in particular philosophy of language and communication. This strategy of the scientific approach will allow us to build a research relevant to the subject-transdisciplinary. Based on an analysis of history of ideas and modern Russian methodology of transdisciplinarity, the authors put forward a hypothesis in terms of the philosophy of language on the development of digital mediated discourse in a transdimensional unity and the generation of different discourses.

L.V. Akat’eva ◽  
E.R. Rogozina

The article presents the results of a study conducted on the basis of the INCD "Udmurt State University" in the "Tourism" course. The purpose of this research was to study key general and professional competencies presented in the Federal State Educational Standard SPO 43.02.10 in the "Tourism" course. The research is based on the Tuning methodology, which orients educational organizations to coordinate the results of education with three target groups: representatives of the academic community (teachers), the professional community (employers) and graduate students. Social partnership allows you to take into account the specifics of the regional labor market and the demands of employers, which is a regulatory requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard. The main research method is online survey. On the results of the online survey, the authors carry out the analysis of the severity of indicators of the importance of competencies for the professional activity of a graduate on a 4-point scale; competencies are ranked according to the degree of importance for each target group. In general, the graduate's competencies in the Federal State Educational Standard SPO 43.02.10 are highly appreciated by representatives of all target groups. Average assessment of the importance of general competencies - 3.33 points; professional competencies - 3.22 points. The opinions of representatives of the academic and professional communities are more consistent, their assessments of the composition of the GEF competencies are higher than those of students. The study also showed that certain competencies are either overestimated or underestimated by groups of respondents.

Ю.А. Меркулов ◽  
А.Е. Гореликов ◽  
А.А. Пятков ◽  
Д.М. Меркулова

Цель обзора - анализ результатов исследований эффективности ритмической транскраниальной и трансспинальной магнитной стимуляции (рТМС и рТсМС) в лечении боли в пояснице. Хроническая боль в нижней части спины (ХБНЧС) преобладает над другими видами боли и, выходя за нозологические рамки болезней опорно-двигательного аппарата, поражает около 80-84% населения в течение жизни. Нейропластичность, лежащая в основе патогенеза ХБНЧС, управляется стимулами, которые могут быть опосредованы процессами, происходящими как «сверху вниз», от вышележащих к нижерасположенным иерархическим структурам нервной системы, так и «снизу вверх», - от периферических к центральным. Это находит отражение в повышенном интересе профессионального сообщества регенеративной медицины к применению высокотехнологических методов нейромодуляции ритмическими электромагнитными импульсами при ХБНЧС. Во второй части обзора представлен метаанализ накопленных к моменту его публикации литературных данных. Он дополняет опубликованную ранее информацию о том, что и рТМС, и рТсМС относятся к перспективным патогенетическим терапевтическим методам для пациентов с ХБНЧС, основываясь на экспериментальных и клинических эффектах положительного влияния на искаженную сенсорную передачу, изменение проприоцепции, управление движением и психологическую модуляцию. Обе методики зарекомендовали себя в кратковременном облегчении хронической дорсалгии, в то время как долгосрочные последствия рТсМС (>1 месяца) должны быть исследованы далее. Различные факторы, связанные с унификацией пока еще разнородных протоколов стимуляции, включая форму подачи импульсов, частоту, место приложения, регулярность и продолжительность лечения, могут улучшить дальнейшую надлежащую трактовку ее результатов. Очевидная по мнению авторов настоящего обзора, но до настоящего времени не описанная в литературе комбинация рТМС и рТсМС при ХБНЧС, могла бы повлиять на процессы управления болью при изучаемой патологии в большей степени, чем каждая из них по отдельности. The aim of this review was to analyze results of studies on the effectiveness of repetitive transcranial and transspinal magnetic stimulation (rTMS and rTsMS) in the treatment of low back pain. Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is prevalent over other types of pain and, beyond the nosological scope of musculoskeletal diseases, affects about 80-84% of the population in a lifetime. Neuroplasticity underlying the pathogenesis of CLBP is driven by stimuli, and stimuli can be mediated by processes from «top to bottom», i.e. from the overlying to the underlying hierarchical structures of the nervous system, and vice versa, i.e. from peripheral to the central. This is reflected in the increased interest of the professional community of regenerative medicine in implementing high-tech methods of neuromodulation by repetitive electromagnetic pulses in CLBP. In this second part of the review, we present a meta-analysis of the literature data accumulated by the time of its publication. It completes our previously published information stating that both rTMS and rTsMS are viable pathogenetic therapeutic modalities for patients with CLBP, based on experimental and clinical positive effects on impaired sensory transmission, changes in proprioception, motor control, and psychological modulation. Both methods have proven successful in providing short-term relief for chronic dorsalgia, while the long-term effects of rTsMS (>1 month) require further investigation. Various factors associated with the unification of the still heterogeneous stimulation protocols, including pulse delivery form, frequency, application location, periodicity and treatment duration, may further improve proper result interpretation. The combination of rTMS and rTsMS in CLBP, which is evident to the authors of this review but has not been described in the literature yet, could have more impact on the pain management processes of the investigated pathology than each of them separately.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Federico Schimperna ◽  
Fabio Nappo ◽  
Bruno Marsigalia

The purpose of this paper is to understand how universities develop and support student entrepreneurship. We did a preliminary Systematic Literature Review (SRL) on scientific articles regarding student entrepreneurship published during the last twenty years. Our findings emphasize three main research areas, emerging from a cluster analysis: (i) student entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial intention; (ii) university support for entrepreneurship; (iii) entrepreneurship education and learning. Particularly, our study points out that the new paradigm of the entrepreneurial university overcame the classical university model through the introduction of many innovations to foster student entrepreneurship. This paper provides an SLR on university role in fostering student entrepreneurship and it is useful for the academic and professional community. Additionally, it is original because it highlights the future directions of entrepreneurship and the main innovations adopted by universities to help students in the development of entrepreneurial initiatives.

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