2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 521-529
Asuncion Fresnoza-Flot

The Philippines is one of only two states in the world in which absolute divorce remains largely impossible. Through its family laws, it regulates the marriage, family life and conjugal separation of its citizens, including its migrants abroad. To find out how these family laws interact with those in the receiving country of Filipino migrants and shape their lives, the present paper examines the case of Filipino women who experienced or are undergoing divorce in the Netherlands. Drawing from semi-structured interviews and an analysis of selected divorce stories, it unveils the intertwined institutions of marriage and of divorce, the constraints but also possibilities that interacting legal norms bring in the life of Filipino women, and the way these migrants navigate such norms within their transnational social spaces. These findings contribute interesting insights into cross-border divorces in the present age of global migration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-329 ◽  
Yusnidah Ibrahim ◽  
Jimoh Olajide Raji

Purpose This paper aims to examine the influence of key macroeconomic factors on the inward and outward acquisition activities of six ASEAN (ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries, namely, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam, over the 1996-2015 period. Design/methodology/approach The study uses alternative panel data methods, including pooled mean group, mean group and dynamic fixed-effect estimators. Findings The results indicate that gross domestic product (GDP), interest rate, exchange rate, money supply and inflation rate are the most important macroeconomic factors explaining the trends of cross-border mergers and acquisition outflows of the ASEAN-6 countries. Specifically, GDP, money supply and inflation rate have significant positive relationships with acquisition outflows, while interest rate and exchange rate exert significant negative influence. On the other hand, the authors find four significant macroeconomic factors explaining the trends of the inward acquisitions. Essentially, GDP, money supply and inflation rate have significant positive impacts on inward acquisitions, while the impact of exchange rate is negatively significant. Research limitations/implications Unavailability of data limits this study to pool six sample countries from ASEAN, instead of ten representative member countries. Practical implications The results of this study can signal to firms or investors, involving in cross-border mergers and acquisitions, where to direct foreign resources flows. Moreover, having the knowledge about the relative levels of market size and other macroeconomic factors in both home and host countries can be of great importance for investment decision. Therefore, policymakers of ASEAN countries should make appropriate macroeconomic policies that can stimulate inward and outward acquisitions. Originality/value The main contribution of this paper is that it is the first to present the analysis of macroeconomic influences on the trends of inward and outward merger and acquisition activities in six ASEAN countries.

2012 ◽  
Vol 7 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 209-236
Sharon Advincula Caringal

This article gives a summation of the Filipino experience in handling the secessionist movement in Muslim Mindanao and the key role played by the international, regional and national solidarity organizations in facilitating a peaceful resolution to this long standing Muslim problem. It discusses the nature of the Muslims’ struggle, their aspirations and their real condition with the end in view of identifying the lessons that can be drawn from it. I factor in the differences between the two groups (the majority- the colonized and the minority- the Muslims in southern Philippines) and use the perspective of a social science practitioner not only in my analysis and interpretation but also in coming up with a “Model for Third Party Intervention” (please refer to the Framework). In view of this model, this article proceeds with an evaluation of the effectiveness of cross border solutions to a national problem. In the end, a clearer picture of how the countries in the Middle East and Asia interact with each other and with the other countries of the world in responding to the Muslim problem in Mindanao should have been provided.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Sandy Nur Ikfal Raharjo ◽  
Ganewati Wuryandari

Indonesia’s border region to Phillippines,  especially to the Sangihe Islands which borders to southern, is mostly a less developed area. To accelerate development of this border region, Indonesia and the Philippines need to exercise a strategy  which optimize social connectivity which has been existed  since centuries by the Indonesian Sangihe people known as Sangir-Philippines (“Sapi”) or the Philippines-Sangir (“Pisang”). Although they are sovereign states now with their sovereign territorial rights, these facts  do not prevent these peoples to continue their traditional cross border for the purpose of social, culture and economic activities. This paper examines how their social connectivity could be utilized to develop border area between Indonesia and the Philippine. By using qualitative methods, the data for this paper is collected  from interviews, focus group discussions, field research and literature reviews.This paper concludes that social connectivity among Sapi/Pisang people on the Indonesian and the Philippines respective side raises some challenges such as problems of stateless people, illegal cross-border activities, and terrorism-related activities. However, this paper also found out some positive impacts from their social connectivities, such as  the establishment of traditional cross-border cooperation and trade, the opening of the Davao-Bitung ferry line, and cooperation between regional governments. As a step forward, this research emphasizes the importance of strong political will and active participation from both countries in utilizing social connectivity to build a shared border region.Keywords: “Sapi”, “Pisang”, Border, Social Connectivity, Development, Indonesia, Philippine AbstrakKawasan Perbatasan Indonesia di Kepulauan Sangihe yang berbatasan dengan Filipina bagian selatan, tergolong sebagai daerah tertinggal. Untuk mempercepat pembangunan kawasan tersebut, Indonesia dan Filipina dapat melaksanakan strategi yang memanfaatkan konektivitas sosial yang sudah dibangun oleh masyarakat perbatasan yang dikenal dengan istilah Sangir-Philipina (Sapi) atau Philipina-Sangir (Pisang). Berdirinya Indonesia dan Filipina sebagai dua negara yang berdaulat sejak berakhirnya Perang Dunia II ternyata tidak menghentikan orang Sapi/Pisang untuk melakukan kegiatan lintas batas tradisional untuk tujuan sosial, budaya, dan ekonomi. Tulisan ini menganalisis bagaimana dampak negatif dan dampak positif dari konektivitas sosial di atas dalam membangun kawasan perbatasan Indonesia-Filipina. Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara, diskusi kelompok terpimpin, penelitian lapangan dan studi pustaka. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa konektivitas sosial antar orang-orang Sapi/Pisang di sisi Indonesia dan di sisi Filipina menimbulkan masalah berupa orang-orang tanpa kewarganegaraan, kegiatan lintas batas ilegal, dan aktivitas terkait terorisme. Namun demikian, Tulisan ini juga menemukan dampak positif dari konektivitas sosial di atas berupa terjalinnya kerja sama lintas batas tradisional dan perdagangan, pembukaan jalur kapal feri Davao-Bitung, dan kerja sama antar pemerintah daerah. Sebagai langkah ke depan, penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya kehendak politik yang kuat dan partisipasi aktif dari kedua negara dalam memanfaatkan konektivitas sosial untuk membangun kawasan perbatasan bersama. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 019791832095204
Yasmin Y. Ortiga ◽  
Romeo Luis A. Macabasag

Migration scholars have tended to portray internal mobility as a step toward broader cross-border movement, reinforcing the notion of ongoing progress toward international migration. This article argues for a need to recognize how internal mobility can also explain international immobility, or why people do not move across national borders. Using the case of Filipino nurses, we argue that while internal migration does allow aspiring migrants to build the potential ability to emigrate, individual trajectories are much more diverse and multi-directional, often prolonging or reinforcing their international immobility. As a result, and in our case study, the costs and burdens of constant internal movement can also alter nurses’ migration aspirations, prompting them to either alter their original goals or acquiesce to their inability to leave their origin countries. This article calls for migration scholarship to address not only a “mobility bias” within the field but also the over-focus on international migration, rather than internal mobility, as a subject of study.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  

AbstractSince the first Asian Law and Society Conference (ALSA) was held at the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2016, a number of special sessions have been organized to focus on the deconstruction of the Westphalian transnational order based on the concept of the “nation-state.”1 This dominant hegemony was predicated on the congruence of the geo-territorial boundaries of both the state and the nation, as well as the “assumed integration” of state-defined “citizenship” and another distinctly layered “membership” based on culture, ethnic, religious, and indigenous affiliations. The “nation-state” ideology has thus masked a history of tensions and conflicts, often manifested in the form of oppression, persecution, and genocide directed at the nation and its peoples by the state and its predatory institutions. Our studies have shown that such conflicts between the nation and the state have been observed in multiple regions in Asia, including Kashmir in India; Moro and Islamic communities of Mindanao in the Philippines; Karen, Kachin, and other autonomous nations in Myanmar; West Papua, Aceh, Kalimantan, South Moluccas, Minahasa, and Riau in Indonesia; Kurds in multiple state systems of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran; and Palestine in Israel, among many other culturally autonomous nucleated communities in Asia and across the world.2 The phrase “the nation and the state” was specifically chosen to distinguish and highlight the unique conflictual histories of two geo-political entities and to provide a fundamentally differing interpretation of history, geography, the role of law, and global affairs from the perspectives of nation peoples, rather than from that of the state or international organizations, as traditional analyses do. The Westphalian “nation-state” hegemony led to the inviolability of the state’s sovereign control over the nation and peoples within a state-delimited territory. The state then began to engage in another predatory project: to strengthen and extend its international influence over other states and, thus, the nations within these states, by adopting new constitutional provisions to offer cross-border “citizenship” to diasporic “ethnic-nationals” and descendants of “ex-migrants” who now inhabit foreign states. The nations have similarly capitalized on constitutional activism by erecting their own Constitutions to explore collaboration with other nations, as well as diasporic populations of their own, in order to carve out a path toward the nations’ independence within, and even beyond, the respective state systems. The “constitutional” activism sought by the state and the nation has become an important political vehicle with which to engage in possible collaboration with diasporic “ethno-nationals” and ex-migrant communities, in order to further assert political influence and strengthen trans-border politics of the state and the nation. Three articles included in this issue investigate such constitutional activism of cross-border politics and transnational collaborations in Asia, the Americas, Europe, and other regions across the globe.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 619
Avin TIWARI ◽  
Gaurav SHUKLA ◽  
Suesh Kumar PANDEY

Cross-border merger and acquisitions (hereinafter, M&A’s) have increased exponentially in Asia since the mid-1990s due to the liberalization of the economy, the deregulation of the service sector, privatization of state-owned public enterprises, and the relaxation of regulatory controls over cross-border M&A's. ASEAN economies and India are significant players in the global arena for cross-border M&A's, and thus, their importance cannot be undermined. Cross-border M&A's have distinctive implications on the socio-economic scenario of a Nation, and most importantly, it impacts substantial change in legal dimensions, involving compliance requirements, acquisition procedures, and tax liabilities. The present study is a doctrinal one; the primary objective being, a legislative frame analysis of select ASEAN countries and India with regards to cross-border M&A’s. The top five ASEAN countries, viz., Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand were selected on account of the cross-border trade volume over the past decade. The authors applied comparative and analytical methods to pursue the research inquiry. The second objective was to ascertain the vital macro-economic factors playing a decisive role in the outcome of cross-border M&A’s in the select region. Here the authors highlighted the relationship between certain macro-economic factors like trade openness, financial integration, increased inflation, increased GDP, etc. which positively impact M&As. The third and final objective was to analyze the trends of cross border M&A’s in the select region for the past decade, i.e. 2008 to 2018, as this period perfectly encapsulates a complete economic cycle from depression to boom alongside major legal developments in the field of cross-border M&A’s around the world. Furthermore, while undergoing the study, the authors highlighted certain risk factors in terms of competition, transaction, and people with regards to cross border M&A’s in the select region. Findings from the study indicated that ASEAN economies have little experience in framing and enforcing competition policies, hence, a suitable policy to reduce risk is the immediate need of the hour.

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