scholarly journals Sanksi Pidana Kerja Sosial Terhadap Tindak Pidana Ringan Sebagai Upaya Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana Nasional

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 352
Teafani Kaunang Slat

This study aims to evaluate the provisions related to social service crime in the draft criminal law (R-KUHP) in the act of national criminal law reform. The study uses a normative juridical with a statue approach. The urgency of social service as the main criminal sanction against minor offenses can be justified through a combined criminal theory. Social service appropriate in the case of minor criminal offenses because this criminal has the advantage, i.e., the criminal sanction is punitive and still maintaining that the perpetrator can reintegrate into the community. The provisions of social service in the R-KUHP are quite complete and comprehensive. But several things can be noted, i.e., the need for adjustments to several clauses in the R-KUHP related to the provisions of social service and assessment to test the defendant’s readiness to work in the community needs to be more oriented towards community safety.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Jonlar Purba

<p align="justify">The disparity by judges in decisions led to the inability of people facing criminal offenses. Laws are not grounded to small communities, the judicious use of a crime in Indonesia as well as the strength of spider webs in which only able to ensnare minor crimes, but are not able to touch the major crimes that occurred in Indonesia. This study uses normative juridical. The results of this study found that completion ordinary crime patterned petty can be reached with a restorative justice approach, so it can focus on the direct participation of the offender, victim and community.</p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Moch. Choirul Rizal

<p>This conceptual study is to review two things. First, the penal mediation concept in perspective of Islamic criminal law. By outlining penal mediation as an alternative to the settlement of a criminal case out of court through a voluntary agreement between the victim and the perpetrator, then, at least, it is in accord with the concept of qishash-diyat and its punishment. Second, the contribution of the core idea of mediation penal in perspective of Islamic criminal law is for criminal law reform in Indonesia. In a review of these studies, the core idea of mediation penal in Islamic criminal law perspective fulfills the philosophical, juridical, and sociological aspects, so that the criminal law reform led to the strengthening and optimizing the penal mediation as an alternative to the settlement of the criminal case. The core ideas are: (1) the existence of penal mediation is necessary to set up first by legislation in Indonesia; (2) not all criminal offenses can be resolved through mediation penal; (3) there is no element of coercion on the involvement of both parties in conducting penal mediation; (4) the compensation agreed upon by the perpetrator and the victim or him/her family shall be given directly to victims or their families and not to the state; and (5) the completion of the criminal case by optimizing the penal mediation can abolish punishment for the perpetrators.</p>

Puteri Hikmawati

The Criminal Code Bill which has been approved by the House of Representatives and the Government, but has been delayed on its legalization, contains provisions to eliminate imprisonment for elderly over 75 years. Protection of the elderly is a human right because it belongs to vulnerable groups, such as children. For children in conflict with the law, restorative justice has been applied with diversion, where a solution is sought by involving the offenders, victims and the community. This article is written with normative juridical research method that examines the elimination of imprisonment for elderly criminal offenders in criminal law reform; with a question on achievability of restorative justice, which is expected to enrich criminal law extensive knowledge. This issue is important because the Criminal Code has not yet regulated the protection of elderly criminal offenders. Based on the results of the study, the judge was given an alternative sentence to impose a criminal fine to the elderly as a substitute for imprisonment, with due regard to the objectives and guidelines for punishment, as well as under strict conditions. Thus, restorative justice for elderly criminal offenders can't be achieved. The application of restorative justice should be carried out with regard to the rights of victims to obtain compensation. Therefore, there is a need for readiness of laws and regulations, law enforcement officers, and the community. The community needs to be given an understanding that, children and the elderly are vulnerable groups, and their rights are guaranteed by the 1945 Constitution. With age as their major factor, elderly are exposed to social, economic and health limitations. AbstrakRUU KUHP yang telah disetujui oleh DPR dan Pemerintah, namun ditunda pengesahannya memuat ketentuan untuk sedapat mungkin tidak menjatuhkan pidana penjara bagi lansia di atas usia 75 tahun. Pelindungan terhadap lansia merupakan hak asasi manusia karena termasuk dalam kelompok rentan, seperti halnya anak. Terhadap anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum telah diterapkan keadilan restoratif dengan diversi, dimana diupayakan penyelesaian dengan melibatkan pelaku, korban, dan masyarakat. Penulisan artikel dengan metode penelitian yuridis normatif ini mengkaji peniadaan pidana penjara bagi pelaku lansia dalam pembaruan hukum pidana, dapatkah keadilan restoratif tercapai?, yang diharapkan dapat menambah khasanah ilmu pengetahuan hukum pidana. Hal ini penting, mengingat KUHP belum mengatur pelindungan terhadap pelaku tindak pidana lansia. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, hakim diberikan alternatif pemidanaan untuk menjatuhkan pidana denda bagi lansia sebagai pengganti pidana penjara, dengan memperhatikan tujuan dan pedoman pemidanaan, serta syarat-syarat yang ketat. Dengan demikian, keadilan restoratif bagi pelaku lansia, tidak dapat tercapai. Penerapan keadilan restoratif hendaknya dilakukan dengan memperhatikan hak korban untuk memperoleh ganti rugi. Oleh karena itu, perlu kesiapan peraturan perundang-undangan, aparat penegak hukum, dan masyarakat. Terhadap masyarakat perlu diberikan pemahaman bahwa, anak dan lansia merupakan kelompok rentan, yang haknya dijamin oleh UUD 1945. Seorang lansia karena faktor usianya menghadapi keterbatasan sosial, ekonomi, dan kesehatan.

Jurnal Hukum ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 1592
Hanafi Amrani

AbstrakArtikel ini membahas dua permasalahan pokok: pertama, kriteria yang digunakan oleh pembentuk undang-undang di bidang politik dalam menetapkan suatu perbuatan sebagai perbuatan pidana (kriminalisasi); dan kedua, fungsi sanksi pidana dalam undang-undang di bidang politik. Terkait dengan kriminalisasi, undang-undang di bidang politik yang termasuk ke dalam hukum administrasi, maka pertimbangan dari pembuat undang-undang tentu saja tidak sekedar kriminalisasi sebagaimana diatur dalam ketentuan hukum pidana dalam arti sebenarnya. Hal tersebut disebabkan adanya pertimbangan-pertimbangan tertentu. Pertama, perbuatan yang dilarang dalam hukum pidana administrasi lebih berorientasi pada perbuatan yang bersifat mala prohibita, sedangkan dalam ketentuan hukum pidana yang sesungguhnya berorientasi pada perbuatan yang bersifat mala in se. Kedua, sebagai konsekuensi dari adanya penggolongan dua kategori kejahatan tersebut, maka pertimbangan yang dijadikan acuan juga akan berbeda. Untuk yang pertama (mala prohibita), sanksi pidana itu dibutuhkan untuk menjamin ditegakkannya hukum administrasi tersebut. Dalam hal ini sanksi pidana berfungsi sebagai pengendali dan pengontrol tingkah laku individu untuk mencapai suatu keadaan yang diinginkan. Sedangkan untuk yang kedua (mala in se), fungsi hukum pidana dan sanksi pidana lebih berorientasi pada melindungi dan mempertahankan nilai-nilai moral yang tertanam di masyarakat tempat di mana hukum itu diberlakukan atau ditegakkan. Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Kriminalisasi, Undang-Undang PolitikThis article discusses two main problems: firstly, the criteria used by the legislators in the field of politics in determining an act as a criminal act (criminalization); secondly, the function of criminal sanctions in legislation in the field of politics. Associated with criminalization, legislation in the field of politics that is included in administrative law, the consideration of the legislators of course not just criminalization as stipulated in the provisions of criminal law in the true sense. This is due to certain considerations. Firstly, the act which is forbidden in the administration of criminal law is more oriented to act is malum prohibitum offences, whereas in actual criminal law provisions in the act are mala in se offences. Secondly, as a consequence of the existence of two categories of classification of the crime, then consideration will also vary as a reference. For the first (mala prohibita), criminal sanctions are needed to ensure the enforcement of the administrative law. In this case the criminal sanction serves as controller and controlling the behavior of individuals to achieve a desired state. As for the second (mala in se), the function of criminal law and criminal sanctions is more oriented to protect and maintain the moral values that are embedded in a society where the law was enacted or enforced.

2018 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 1939-1946
Miodrag Simović ◽  
Dragan Jovašević ◽  
Marina M. Simović

Based on international standards adopted within the framework and under the Organisation of the United Nations, all national legislations recognise several different types and forms of criminal acts regarding misuse of narcotics. It is the matter of various activities of unauthorized production, traffic and other forms of inciting or enabling others to come into possession of narcotics for immediate use, which seriously endangers the health and life.Depending on the needs of each individual state, the distinction is made between the offenses, for the perpetrators are given different types and measures of penalties and other criminal sanctions. A similar situation exists in the Republic of Serbia.The paper analyzes the system of criminal offenses in various types and forms of manifestation in the theoretical and practical sense for whose offenders that are prescribed serious criminal sanctions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 833-846
Tatjana Hörnle

AbstractThe article describes the #MeToo-movement in the United States and Germany and discusses the merits and problems of this social phenomenon. It highlights the fact that some features of #MeToo (blaming and sanctioning wrongdoers) resemble those of criminal punishment and thus require careful justification. In the final part, the author examines the impact of the #MeToo-movement on criminal law reform.

Vladimir Myslivyy ◽  
Angelina Mykyta

Problem setting. According to Art. 27 of the Constitution of Ukraine, everyone has an inalienable right to life, no one can be arbitrarily deprived of life, and the state, in turn, is obliged to protect human life. Protection of a person’s life, as a duty of the state, is manifested in the establishment of criminal liability, enshrined in Section II “Criminal offenses against life and health of a person” of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, who commit socially dangerous acts. whether there are criminal offenses and what punishments they should be committed. The distinction between crimes such as premeditated murder and negligent deprivation of another’s life is important, as criminal law theory still does not have sufficient information on this issue and does not have a complete list of features of the above crimes, but we tried to identify them in our article. Target of research. Deepening their knowledge on the caution of a person’s life due to inconsistency and drawing the line between possible offenses and conditional authority, clarifying the special characteristics of the perpetrator and the victim, outlining the essential features of the perpetrator and the victim, and researching the regulation of negligent proposal of a new version of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Analysis of resent researches and publications. The theoretical basis for the study of the problem of murder through negligence are the works of legal scholars, in particular, M. Bazhanov, V. Borisov, S. Borodin, V. Glushkov, O. Gorokhovskaya, I. Zinchenko , V. Tyutyugin, O. Us, E. Kisilyuk, V. Kuts, M. Yefimov, S. Likhova, V. Stashis, V. Shablisty and others. Article’s main body. According to Art. 3 of the Constitution of Ukraine, man, his life and health, honor and dignity, inviolability and security are recognized in Ukraine as the highest social value. Given this constitutional provision, the legislator should pay special attention to the criminal law protection of human life and health as the most important public relations. So it is no coincidence that considering such encroachments as one of the most dangerous in the criminal law dimension, the legislator established criminal liability for their commission in Section II “Criminal offenses against life and health” of the Special Part of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Due to the high public danger and the high prevalence of criminal offenses against human life and health, criminal law theory and law enforcement practice are under increasing scrutiny. Thus, the analysis of judicial practice in recent years shows that, for example, among all murders (Articles 117-119 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine) the number of persons convicted of deprivation of life due to negligence is about 15 percent annually. In our opinion, it is also advisable to analyze the concept of “murder” by comparing the common and distinctive features of the offenses referred to in Art. Art. 115 and 119 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. According to scientific results, we can conclude that these offenses have many common features. It is possible to understand the common features and preconditions for the spread of these types of offenses. Conclusions and prospects for the development. A study of issues related to the criminal law analysis of murder through negligence and its difference from other types of murder, shows that these acts encroach on the identical object, which is “human life as a set of social relations.” Unfortunately, nowadays the dynamics of offenses committed in Art. Art. 115 and 119 is intensifying, so consideration of their delimitation and characterization of their features is very important. The study examines the main features of these types of crimes, as well as analyzes some provisions of national law and proposes some adjustments to them.

De Jure ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Daniel Haman ◽  

The difference between intent (dolus) and negligence (culpa) was rarely emphasized in codified medieval laws and regulations. When compared to the legal statements related to intent, negligence was mentioned even more rarely. However, there are some laws that distinguished between the two concepts in terms of some specific crimes, such as arson. This paper draws attention to three medieval Slavic legal documents – the Zakon Sudnyj LJudem (ZSLJ), the Vinodol Law and the Statute of Senj. They are compared with reference to regulations regarding arson, with the focus being on arson as a crime committed intentionally or out of negligence. The ZSLJ as the oldest known Slavic law in the world shows some similarities with other medieval Slavic legal codes, especially in the field of criminal law, since most of the ZSLJ’s articles are related to criminal law. On the other hand, the Vinodol Law is the oldest preserved Croatian law and it is among the oldest Slavic codes in the world. It was written in 1288 in the Croatian Glagolitic script and in the Croatian Chakavian dialect. The third document – the Statute of Senj – regulated legal matters in the Croatian littoral town of Senj. It was written in 1388 – exactly a century after the Vinodol Law was proclaimed. When comparing the Vinodol Law and the Statute of Senj with the Zakon Sudnyj LJudem, there are clear differences and similarities, particularly in the field of criminal law. Within the framework of criminal offenses, the act of arson is important for making a distinction between intent and negligence. While the ZSLJ regulates different levels of guilt, the Vinodol Law makes no difference between dolus and culpa. On the other hand, the Statute of Senj strictly refers to negligence as a punishable crime. Even though the ZSLJ is almost half a millennium older than the Statute of Senj and around 400 years older than the Vinodol Law, this paper proves that the ZSLJ defines the guilt and the punishment for arson much better than the other two laws.

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