Computer system for metrological testing of location sensors used to monitor the patient's condition in magnetotherapy

S.G. Gurzhin ◽  
V.L. Nguyen ◽  
A.V. Shulyakov

Non-contact monitoring of vital signs of a person is a reliable and safe way of promptly obtaining objective diagnostic information about the current physiological state of a patient during surgical operations, physiotherapeutic procedures or during sleep. The absence of direct contact of the sensors with the patient's body makes it possible to exclude the influence of a number of interfering factors, such as a violation or weakening of contact, which can lead to a deterioration in the quality of signals from the output of the sensors, a long-term location of the sensors on the body can have a psychological effect on the patient, changing his condition and thereby distorting the treatment method, etc. In order for the results of monitoring and diagnostics to be reliable and guaranteed accurate, it is necessary to carry out periodic metrological certification of location sensors, especially since many of them are of foreign production and their characteristics are either not standardized or do not meet the requirements of their operating conditions. Therefore, the tasks of developing methods and means for carrying out metrological tests of non-contact sensors for medical purposes are becoming urgent. Purpose – to show the possibility of implementing automated metrological tests of location sensors for medical use based on a personal computer and publicly available standard hardware and software. A method has been developed and implemented for conducting metrological tests of location sensors based on a personal computer, a digital dynamic measure of linear displacement, virtual measuring instruments, laser and ultrasonic sensors, as well as determining conversion errors in the LabVIEW environment. As an exemplary measuring instrument, it is proposed to use a webcam with a virtual device for recording the law of displacement in the LabVIEW Vison Development application. Full-scale experiments have been carried out, in which, using a digital measure of linear displacement, it is possible to reproduce with high accuracy almost any law of displacement and to regulate its informative parameters. Real movement signals were received with the help of virtual devices, recorded by two location sensors and a web camera. The errors of the means of registration are determined in comparison with the given digital method and analytically the law of movement. Introduction of the developed method and hardware and software for metrological certification of sensors of diagnostic channels of the systems of complex magnetotherapy «Multimag» and «Relaxmag». Carrying out automated metrological tests of sensors will ensure prompt, reliable and objective control of their actual characteristics, which means it will increase the effectiveness of treatment due to the prompt and continuous monitoring of the patient's functional state and an objective assessment of a number of important indicators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 86 (7) ◽  
pp. 39-44
K. V. Gogolinsky ◽  
A. E. Ivkin ◽  
V. V. Alekhnovich ◽  
A. Yu. Vasiliev ◽  
A. E. Tyurnina ◽  

Thickness is one of the key indicators characterizing the quality and functional properties of coatings. Various indirect methods (electromagnetic, radiation, optical) most often used in practice to measure thickness are based on the functional dependence of a particular physical parameter of the system «base – coating» on the coating thickness. The sensitivity of these procedures to the certain properties of coatings imposes the main restriction to the accuracy of measurements. Therefore, the development and implementation of the approaches based on direct measurements of geometric parameters of the coating appears expedient. These methods often belong to the class of «destructive» and, in addition to measuring instruments, require the use of special equipment. To ensure the uniformity of measurements in the laboratory or technological control, these methods are isolated as a separate procedure (method) and must undergo metrological certification in accordance with GOST R 8.563–2009. We present implementation, metrological certification and practical application of the method for measuring thickness of coatings by crater-grinding method. The principles of technical implementation of test equipment, measurement procedure and calculation formulas are described. The results of evaluating the accuracy indicators of the proposed procedure by calculation and experimental methods are presented. In both cases, the relative error did not exceed 6%. The applicability of the developed technique is shown for a wide range of coating materials (from soft metals to superhard ceramics) of different thickness (with from units to hundreds of micrometers). Apart from the goals of process control and outgoing inspection, the method can be recommended as a reference measurement procedure for calibration of measures and adjusting samples for various types of thickness gauges.

Tossenko O.M.

The development of measuring instruments requires a specialist to know the principles of operation of advanced measuring systems. This article describes guidelines for creating a virtual appliance in LabVIEW. LabVIEW (Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench) is a graphical application programming environment used as a standard tool for measuring, analyzing their data, further ma­ naging devices and objects under study. LabVIEW language is not like other programming languages. It does not create a program, but a virtual tool, designed not only for the simulation of certain processes, but also for the management of hardware and the study of real physical objects. The article deals with the task of designing application software for a specific information-measuring device, analyzes the capabilities of the LabVIEW environment for spectral analysis of various signals, outlines the basic principles and techniques of programming within the framework of the LabVIEW graphical environment during the basic stages of development. The procedure for creating a virtual device is described, which allows to evaluate the spectral composition of the signals, presents a graphical code of execution (diagram) to the program and a graphical tool interface of the virtual device. A number of basic elements used to develop the program are described. The simplicity of the graphic designs, the ease of installation on the field of the program, the clarity and readability of the program — all of which makes LabVIEW preferred over other languages of programming. In most cases, the experiment is the only source of reliable information. And the result is achieved much faster than the methods of "pure" theory. The article substantiates the effectiveness of using a development tool that allows to obtain a software product and ensure the fulfillment of all the basic functions of an automated system. Developing a software algorithm for calculating statistical parameters will help engineering students understand the order of determining spectral characteristics and their place in the structure of experimental research.

Vestnik ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 190-195
М.С. Кулбаева ◽  
А.Н. Курал ◽  
Л.Б. Умбетьярова ◽  
Н.Т. Аблайханова ◽  
Г.К. Атанбаева ◽  

Человека давно интересует вопрос о том, как умственная нагрузка влияет на организм. Известно, что при длительной умственной работе преобразуется сила процессов возбуждения и торможения, изменяется соотношение между ними. С возникновением утомления в головном мозгу нарушаются взаимосвязи между корой больших полушарий и подкорковыми образованиями. При этом наблюдается снижение регулирующего влияния больших полушарий на все функции организма и уменьшение активизирующих воздействий подкорковых отделов мозга. Кроме того, длительное сидячие положение, состояние низкой двигательной активности ведут к значительному уменьшению центростремительных импульсов с рецепторов мышц, сухожилий, суставов. В исследовании приняли участие 17 относительно здоровые, имеющие стабильное физиологическое состояние девушек-студенток в возрасте от 21 до 25 лет. Для исследования были взяты 16 биологически активных точек на стандартных меридианах, связаных с определенным органом. Для оценки физиологического состояния органов до и после умственной нагрузки были исследованы показатели ЭП БАТ на коже. Выявлено снижение показателей каждого органа после умственной нагрузки по сравнению с показателями до ее выполнения со статистической достоверностью во всех исследуемых органах (р<0,05). Особенно низкие значения показателей ЭП БАТ после умственной нагрузки были выявлены в биоактивных точках меридиана печени F.3 Тай-Чун, меридиана толстой кишки GI.5 Ян-Си и GI.4 Хэ-Гу, меридиана сердца С.7 Шэнь-Мэнь, меридиана тонкой кишки IG.1 Шао-Цзе и IG.2 Цянь-Гу, меридиана почек R.1 Юн-Цюань и Р.2 Жань-Гу. Humans has long been interested in the question of how mental activity affects the body It is known that with prolonged mental work, the strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition is transformed, the ratio between them changes. With the onset of fatigue in the brain, the relationship between the cerebral cortex and subcortical formations is disrupted. At the same time, there is a decrease in the regulatory influence of the large hemispheres on all body functions and a decrease in the activating effects of the subcortical parts of the brain. In addition, prolonged sitting, a state of low motor activity leads to a significant decrease in centripetal impulses from the receptors of muscles, tendons, and joints. The study involved 17 relatively healthy, stable physiological condition of female students aged 21 to 25 years. For the study, 16 biologically active points were taken from standard meridians associated with a specific organ. To assess the physiological state of the organs before and after the load of mental labor, the indicators of EC BAP on the skin. A decrease in the indicators of each organ after mental labor was revealed in comparison with the indicators before mental labor with statistical reliability in all the studied organs (p˂0.05). Especially low values of the EC BAP values after a load of mental labor were found in the bioactive points of the liver meridian F. 3 Tai-Chun, the colon meridian GI.5 Yang-Si and GI. 4 He-Gu, the heart meridian C. 7 Shen-Men, the small intestine meridian IG.1 Shao-tse and IG.2 Qian-Gu, the meridian of the kidneys R. 1 Yun-Chuan and R. 2 Zhan-Gu.

2021 ◽  
pp. 8-14
Светлана Тарасовна Быкова ◽  
Тамара Григорьевна Калинина ◽  
Ирина Макаровна Московская

Полноценное, сбалансированное питание - основной фактор в формировании здоровья детей, когда в организме наиболее интенсивно протекают процессы роста и развития, формируются и созревают многие органы и системы, совершенствуются их функции. В статье приведены основные направления исследований зарубежных и отечественных ученых по лечению генетических заболеваний, таких как фенилкетонурия. Одним из приоритетных направлений в области здорового питания населения России в соответствии со Стратегией научно-технологического развития РФ до 2030 г. является развитие производства пищевых продуктов, обогащенных незаменимыми ингредиентами, специализированных продуктов детского питания, продуктов функционального назначения, диетических пищевых продуктов и биологически активных добавок. По данным ВОЗ от структуры питания на 70 % зависят здоровье и физическое развитие детей и подростков. Фенилкетонурия (ФКУ) - наследственное заболевание, вызывающее нарушение метаболизма аминокислоты фенилаланина у ребенка, одно из первых, рекомендованных ВОЗ для ранней диагностики у новорожденных. Отсутствие лечения вызывают серьезное поражение центральной нервной системы, отставание в умственном и физическом развитии. Особенностью современного этапа развития диетотерапии для детей, страдающих различными заболеваниями, в том числе наследственными, является разработка качественных функциональных продуктов питания, способствующих сохранению и улучшению здоровья ребенка за счет регулирующего и нормализующего воздействия на организм с учетом его физиологического состояния и возраста. Данные продукты можно широко использовать в практике лечебного питания не только в составе гипофенилаланиновой диеты, но и при любых заболеваниях, требующих ее соблюдения. В настоящее время единственным методом лечения ФКУ является диетотерапия, организованная с первых дней жизни с использованием специализированных смесей без фенилаланина. Из питания исключаются высокобелковые продукты растительного и животного происхождения. Целью лечебного воздействия диеты на ребенка является поддержка концентрации фенилаланина (ФА) в крови в пределах 2-12 мг на 100 мл в зависимости от возраста ребенка. Full-fledged balanced nutrition is the main factor in the formation of children's health, when the processes of growth and development are most intense in the body, many organs and systems are formed and mature, and their functions are improved. The article presents the main research areas of foreign and domestic scientists on the treatment of genetic diseases, such as phenylketonuria. One of the priority areas in the field of healthy nutrition of the Russian population in accordance with the Strategy for Scientific and Technological Development of the Russian Federation until 2030 is the development of the production of food products enriched with essential ingredients, specialized children's food products, functional products, dietary food products and biologically active additives. According to WHO, the health and physical development of children and adolescents depends on the nutritional structure by 70%. Phenylketonuria (PKN) - an inherited disease that causes impaired metabolism of the amino acid phenylalanine in a child - is one of the first recommended by WHO for early diagnosis in newborns. Lack of treatment causes serious damage to the central nervous system, a lag in mental and physical development. A feature of the modern stage of development of dietary therapy for children suffering from various diseases, including hereditary ones, is the development of quality functional food products that contribute to the preservation and improvement of the health of the child, due to the regulatory and normalizing effect on the body, taking into account its physiological state and age. These products can be widely used in the practice of therapeutic nutrition not only in the sastava of the hypophenylalanine diet, but also for any diseases requiring its observance. Currently, the only method of treating PKN is diet therapy, organized from the first days of life using specialized mixtures without phenylalanine. High-protein products of vegetable and animal origin are excluded from nutrition. The goal of the therapeutic effect of the diet on the child is to maintain the concentration of phenylalanine (FA) in the blood in the range of 2-12 mg per 100 ml, depending on the age of the child.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (6) ◽  
pp. 68-73
M. S. Tsarkova ◽  
I. V. Milaeva ◽  
S. Yu. Zaytsev ◽  

The blood test allows you to give an objective assessment of the state of health of animals and timely identify changes occurring in the body. To assess the content of albumins in the blood serum, the method of measuring the dynamic surface tension on the VRA-1P device, which works according to the method of maximum pressure in the bubble, was used. Based on the results of the measurements, a mathematical model was proposed, and using the regression analysis method, formulas for determining the concentration of albumins were developed, which showed good convergence with other measurement methods.


The article presents the results of analysis and theoretical research in the direction of improving equipment for internal threading of parts in a flexible automated production. Methods for assessing the flexibility and readjustability of equipment are considered, which can be used as the basis for the developed methodology for the synthesis of technological elements of modules in conditions of computer-aided design. It is proposed to consider the technological system of the flexible manufacturing module (FMM) of threading, as a system in which transitions from state to state occur under the action of the simplest flows with the parameters of the transition probabilities of a continuous Markov chain. The developed mathematical model, which describes the states of a FMM, taking into account the readjustment of its technological elements, makes it possible to reflect the influence on the operation of the module of the parameters of applications for the changeover of processing modes, a tool, a power threading head, basic elements of a machine tool, a device, a loading device. The structure of the model and the labeled graph of the states of the system can be improved as the number of parameters and characteristics is refined. The solution of the resulting system of equations of final probabilities using the normalization condition allows for given (or experimentally obtained) intensities of arrival and service of changeover requests for FMM of threading, to obtain the values of the probability of non-changeover operation, as well as the probabilities of finding the system in an inoperative state due to the corresponding changeovers. For complete information and an objective assessment of the preferred option for use in FMS conditions, it is also necessary to take into account the stochastic processes occurring in the system under real operating conditions.

Pólemos ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Matteo Nicolini

Abstract This essay addresses different patterns of the visualisation of the law. It examines how scholars attempt to depict, represent, and perform the law and its founding authority. It also focuses on the pragmatics of legal language: written and spoken standard legal English are pragmatically enriched within contexts where the law is interpreted, uttered, or performed. The linguistic notion of “context” discloses the interrelations between the agendas of law and power and reveals how the law conveys its content to the body politic as its ultimate addressee. It then proposes a renewed concept of legal linguistics. In order to determine the different ideologies underpinning the evolution of English legal language, as well as its prototypical forms of the visualisation of the law, three stages in the history of the English language will be examined: Late Middle English, Early Modern English, and Contemporary English. Each of these stages will be likened to the different parts of judicial proceedings. This will allow us to examine how English legal language has been used in a specific context, the trial, where the law is both uttered and performed.

1856 ◽  
Vol 2 (18) ◽  
pp. 479-494
C. Lockhart Robertson

“The knowledge concerning the sympathies and concordances between the mind and the body” saith the founder† of modern science, in discoursing of human philosophy, or the knowledge of ourselves, as he terms it, is “fit to be emancipate and made a knowledge by itself. The consideration is double: either how and how far the humours and effects of the body do alter or work upon the mind; or again, how and how far the passions and apprehensions of the mind do alter or work upon the body. The former of these,” (the influence of the body on the mental state,) continues Bacon, “hath been enquired and considered as a part and appendix of medicine, but much more as a part of religion or superstition. For the physician prescribeth cures of the mind in phrensies and melancholy passions; and pretendeth also to exhibit medicines to exhilarate the mind, to confirm the courage, to clarify the wits, to corroborate the memory and the like: but the scruples and superstitions of diet and other regimen of the body in the sect of Pythagoreans, in the heresy of the Manicheans, and in the law of Mahomet do exceed. … The root and life of all which prescripts is besides the ceremony, the consideration of that dependency, which the affections of the mind are submitted unto, upon the state and disposition of the body.”

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