scholarly journals The issue of digitizing of historical heritage on the example of selected historical clocks

2021 ◽  
Klára Rybenská

The digitization of cultural heritage is a topic that is currently being addressed by a large number of institutions around the world. Issues related to the digitization of historical objects and monuments focus not only on their protection, but also on the presentation of cultural heritage. These are addressed in memorial institutions, but also in universities, schools and, last but not least, in the public and the private sector. However, digitizing objects can present a number of problems. These range from the selection of objects for digitization, through to the selection of a suitable method or scanner. And then there’s the 3D digitization itself to the final modification of the model and its storage. All of this is even before consideration of the possibility of its publication, so it is understandable that it is a long and difficult path. The whole process often does not go without interfering with the digitization in a specific program designed for 3D modelling and hence the need to re-scan objects or their parts or indeed having to try more digitization methods on the object. Sometimes we can find out that 3D scanning for a given object is not a suitable method and try to solve the situation differently – from a mere photograph to photogrammetry or the use of a special RTI method of digitization. The aim therefore of the article is to describe the basic issues and possibilities of 3D digitization of selected smaller artefacts using the example of the digitization of historical clocks. It will also describe the possibilities of 3D digitization, which can serve not only to protect and save but also promote cultural heritage. Last but not least, the aim is to describe and evaluate the methods, procedures and the directly selected 3D tools intended for 3D digitization, which have proven themselves in scanning a selected collection of clocks, borrowed with the kind permission of the Náchod Museum.

Mirena Todorova-Ekmekci ◽  

Making the cultural and historical heritage of countries available and attractive to a broad public, including in a digital way, is a key to making it survive and be acknowledged and well-maintained in time. Researches and practices show that cultural objects, which are digitalized and promoted, are much more known, visited and attract better investments. Digital tools are more and more used – tools like video presentation, 3D models, interactive photos and video with objects, interactive presentations and games, online tours and life events in social media. Especially, after COVID-19 anti-epidemic measures were imposed, such digital and marketing methods of presentation and promotion became a necessity for museums, cultural institutions, events, festivals and other forms of cultural heritage, in order to continue their existence, work and reach to the public. The paper explores good practices and examples and a variety of media and marketing approaches and methods, which can be used for digital presenting and promotion of cultural heritage, historical objects, places and intangible cultural heritage. Keywords: Digital Marketing; Media; Cultural and Historical Heritage; Presentation; Promotion; Dissemination; Good Practices; Good Examples; Methods; Approaches; Digitalization

2005 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-109 ◽  
Michelle Beyeler ◽  
Hanspeter Kriesi

This article explores the impact of protests against economic globalization in the public sphere. The focus is on two periodical events targeted by transnational protests: the ministerial conferences of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the annual meetings of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Based on a selection of seven quality newspapers published in different parts of the world, we trace media attention, support of the activists, as well as the broader public debate on economic globalization. We find that starting with Seattle, protest events received extensive media coverage. Media support of the street activists, especially in the case of the anti-WEF protests, is however rather low. Nevertheless, despite the low levels of support that street protesters received, many of their issues obtain wide public support.

Fernanda Cardoso Romão Freitas ◽  
Fabiane Domingues de Magalhães de Almeida ◽  
Alcides Garcia Junior

The worldwide concern regarding sustainable urban development has been increasing as the populations of countries increase and demand more consumption of the already scarce natural resources. According to the United Nations, it is estimated that 55% of the world population lives in urban centers, with the perspective of surpassing 68% in 2050. In Brazil, 84% of the population today live in the cities. One of the goals of sustainable development is to make cities more sustainable and inclusive and, to accomplish such goal, many variables need to be accomplished, among which is the strengthening of efforts to protect and safeguard cities’ cultural heritage, for the present and future generations. Seeing as São Paulo is the 10th urban city in the world, and its historical heritage preservation policies are recent and in the process of being outlined, this research strives to answer: What are the main challenges identified by owners/managers of listed historical buildings in São Paulo, which stand in the way of conserving/preserving their properties? Results revealed that the main challenges are a lack of knowledge about what interventions can be done to the property, lack of knowledge on incentive laws and more feasible ways for the conservation of historical sites and dealing with excessive bureaucracy. Such results contribute to the implementation of urban development policies focused on the sustainable goal of safeguarding the city’s cultural heritage, in order to propitiate advancements in preserving the memory and identity of the city through the conservation of properties listed as historical heritage.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 72 ◽  
pp. 03009
Saassylana Sivtseva ◽  
Olga Parfenova

The historical and cultural heritage, expressed in monuments, architectural structures, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, today is significant. The purpose of the article is to determine the role of society in perpetuating the memory of the Great Patriotic War. The authors conclude that the events of World War II find a lively response from the public. At the same time, new tendencies in commemorative practices are traced - tragic pages of history that until recently were “uncomfortable” (and in Soviet times banned for research), such as human losses, extremely high mortality of the civilian population from hunger, forcibly transferred to special settlements, - began to be reflected in the construction of monuments, memorable places. The location of these monuments is specific - they were erected at a certain distance from public places, at the territories of churches (victims of famine, victims of political repressions), which is associated with the predicted ambiguity of their perception.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 803
Liudmila Vladimirovna GORYAINOVA ◽  
Igor Semenovich KRISHTAL ◽  
Olga Dmitrievna KUZNETSOVA ◽  
Ekaterina Gennadievna LISOVSKAYA

The article substantiates the importance of the synthesis of new spiritual values and traditional cultural and historical objects for increasing human capital asset in knowledge-based economy conditions, which necessitates an increase in their funding. The role of the cultural capital as a theoretical basis of heritage research is revealed. It is demonstrated that the concept of the cultural capital, linking the economic and cultural spheres, leads to an understanding of the regularity of expectations of return on investment in cultural heritage objects and thus develops integration processes: objects are involved in economic activity, becoming attractive to investors. The hypothesis of convergence of cultural and historical heritage objects financing models was put forward and confirmed, the results of which are: the formation of a new financing model and heritage ecosystem, including actors in the process, technology, funding and institutional environment. The features of a new model of cultural heritage financing are revealed: the use by the state, along with budgetary allocations, of indirect support measures through tax preferences and social technologies, as well as the attraction of private investment through public-private partnerships, charity, grants, endowment funds.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Festo Wachawaseme Gabriel

Communicating cultural heritage to the public has gained popularity in many African countries and the world at large. However,little efforts have been done to promote the practice of public archaeology in Tanzania. The main reason is the dominance of conventional archaeology which is mainly meant for academic consumption. In this kind of practice, the participation of local communities has been passive. This paper explores local communities’ understanding of cultural heritage resources focusing on local communities in the Mtwara Region of Tanzania. The results of this study reveal that little effort has been made by archaeologists and cultural heritage professionals to create awareness among local communities on matters related to archaeology and cultural heritage resources. Apart from discussing the state of local communities’ awareness on archaeology and cultural heritage resources, the paper also discusses the importance of communicating cultural heritage resources to the general public and the need to engage local communities in the conservation and preservation of cultural heritage resources.

Mohd. Habib

<p>Globalization has been defined in many different ways as the subject has been dealt by many philosophers, social scientists and policymakers with various approaches. Here for the convenience to elaborate the subject, we use the definition of Roland Robertson a known scholar of the subject who applies  the term to ‘<em>a consciousness of the growing connectivity and integration not only between countries and region of the world but also between all manner of economic, political and cultural spheres and processes</em>’.</p><p> </p><p>The earliest origin of the process of globalization is traced with the beginning of modernity after the Renaissance in the West. During eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the modernity emerged in European civilization with secular humanism and gradual decline of religion and morality. It was the time when Christianity removed from the public sphere but Christian morality particularly protestant remain still alive. That morality was intertwined and collaborated with the system of capitalism in economical and industrial terms, as the modernity and globalization is the direct out come of the industrial capitalism. The values of this system spread worldwide by the imperialism of Europe and later on of America.</p><p> </p><p>Here, it is not possible to discuss the whole process of globalization and its ramifications, as the goal of this paper is just to analyze in brief the concerns of the Muslims in India and the world as a reflection of the process of modernity and globalization. It will explain why the Muslims are not ready to emulate the West as such. In this paper I am largely benefited by the ideas of Ejaz Akram, which he had expressed on the subject ‘The Muslim World and Globalization’.</p><div><div><p> </p></div><div><p> </p></div></div>

2009 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-148
Rita P. Wright

Shannon Dawdy has presented us with a provocative dialogue on the question ‘is archaeology useful?’ In it, she forecasts a rather bleak future for our field, raising doubts about whether archaeology should be useful and whether it is ‘threatened with its own end-time’. Woven throughout her paper are major concerns about the use of archaeology for nationalistic ends and heritage projects which she deems fulfil the needs of archaeologists rather than those of the public they serve. In the final section of her paper, when she asks, ‘can archaeology save the world?’, Dawdy recommends that we reorient our research ‘away from reconstructions of the past and towards problems of the present’ (p. 140). In my contribution to this dialogue, I introduce an issue that reflects on cultural heritage, antiquities and artefact preservation, which, though they may seem antithetical, are closely aligned with Dawdy's concerns. As a prehistorian with a focus on the third millennium B.C. in the Near East and South Asia, I consider these issues to be the ‘big stories’ that have emerged in the early years of this third millennium, and those that speak directly to the usefulness of archaeology. Of course, it is not the only thing we do, but it is ‘useful’.

1998 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 149-165 ◽  
B Burnham

The treatment of movable and immovable heritage is markedly different. While movable objects are highly valued and carefully protected, their immovable equivalents are often under a serious cloud of threat. This peril is the result of global mismanagement, failure of governments to provide adequate funds for their maintenance, and lack of recognition by the public that these disappearing resources are assets of major value. Conservators of immovables face special ethical and practical concerns in their efforts to preserve cultural heritage within its context - depicted in this article as case histories from the World Monuments Watch list of endangered sites. The legal and procedural mechanisms that support this task are ineffectual in the face of rapid change. The field needs new methodologies that harness public appreciation of a site's 'sense of place' to guarantee its future.

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