scholarly journals Economic Unions and the Gravity Model: Evidence from Eurasian Economic Union

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 90-98
Robert Tumanyan

The purpose of this study is to analyze trade creation and trade diversion effects in the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU), which is an evolution of regional trade agreements. The research will analyze intra-block trade flows and test trade creation and diversion in EEU determined by customs union agreements. Gravity model has been applied to annual bilateral export flows for EEU countries paired with a sample of 58 partner countries in the period of 2005-2016, using augmented gravity model with panel year fixed effect, this paper analyzes trade creation and diversion effects of EEU in general. The results are similar to other identical studies and suggest that EEU is mostly trade-diverting with a minor effect of trade creation.

2016 ◽  
pp. 43-60 ◽  
E. Vinokurov

The paper appraises current progress in establishing the Customs Union and the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU). Although the progress has slowed down after the initial rapid advancement, the Union is better viewed not as an exception from the general rules of regional economic integration but rather as one of the functioning customs unions with its successes and stumbling blocs. The paper reviews the state of Eurasian institutions, the establishment of the single market of goods and services, the situation with mutual trade and investment flows among the member states, the ongoing work on the liquidation/unification of non-tariff barriers, the problems of the efficient coordination of macroeconomic policies, progress towards establishing an EAEU network of free trade areas with partners around the world, the state of the common labor market, and the dynamics of public opinion on Eurasian integration in the five member states.

2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Macleans Mzumara ◽  
Betty Mkwinda Nyasulu ◽  
Margaret Mzumara ◽  
Elias Kaunda

The authors sought to find out whether the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) possesses comparative advantage. They found that South Africa has comparative advantage in the production of 727 product lines, Botswana in 268 product lines, Swaziland 243 product lines, Namibia 213 product lines and Lesotho 85 product lines. They also found that the highest degree of specialization in a particular product was observed in Lesotho in the production of cartridges for rivet with an average RCA index of 19215. The authors concluded that SACU has comparative advantage although such comparative advantage has a narrow base for a customs union (CU). Further it was concluded that due to imposition of the common external tariff (CET) in SACU and a narrow base of the products in which it has comparative advantage, it may be experiencing trade diversion rather than trade creation by replacing low cost producers outside SACU in favour of intra-SACU high cost producers. That South Africa, although not the least producer, is unfairly benefiting due to the imposition of CET which prevents other countries from exporting their products to Botswana, Swaziland, Namibia and Lesotho under the same conditions.  These countries are, therefore, disadvantaged. For this reason, the authors advocate communication at policy level, to facilitate expansion of SACU as means of narrowing trade diversion.

2020 ◽  
pp. 41-45
A.A. Korennaya

The customs Union of the Eurasian economic Union is one of the priority areas of Russia’s regionaleconomic integration. The creation of a single customs space of the participating countries, the appearanceof common customs borders, and the territorial proximity of the participating countries leads to an increasein «Eurasian crime», primarily economic crime. Traditionally, researchers in their work pay attention to theproblems of combating or countering such crimes. Within the framework of this study, a different task isset — to form a General model for building a defense strategy in criminal cases of crimes related to illegalbusiness activities committed on the territory of several member States of the Eurasian economic Union. Theauthor suggests forming a defense position based on the specifics of the national legislation of each state, initially analyzing the norms of the criminal laws of the participating countries, then offering successivestages of establishing the actual circumstances and their legal assessment on the basis, including on thebasis of international law

2021 ◽  
Mihails Silovs ◽  
Olga Dmitrijeva ◽  

The mandatory requirements for the fishery and aquaculture products, their production and sale in force in the territory of the Customs Union of the Eurasian Economic Union (CU EAEU) arise from the regulatory and legal acts of the Eurasian Economic Union and its predecessor - the Customs Union - and apply in a package approach similar to the law of the European Union pertaining to the food safety area. The requirements of the EAEU technical regulations have been analysed taking into account that European exporting enterprises are first of all obliged to comply with the requirements of the listed EU regulatory and legal acts applicable to their production process and products. The aim of this paper was to run a comparative analysis on the mandatory requirements of the food legislation of the European and Customs Unions regarding fishery and aquaculture products, their production and sale. The issues of certification of certain product categories are analysed separately, the requirements for canned fish being highlighted. The analysis is relevant for all fish processing companies which may consider the possibility of starting export to the countries of the CU EAEU and are intended to reduce costs associated with products’ entry into these markets.

Subject Russia and the Eurasian Economic Union Significance The Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) came into effect in January 2015, replacing a customs union. The EEU is an attempt to integrate the economies of Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia -- with Kyrgyzstan set to join in May -- into a single market of 175 million people with a combined GDP of 2.4 trillion dollars. Supranational and intergovernmental institutions are intended to ensure the free movement of goods, capital, services and people within the union, which also foresees common transport, agriculture and energy policies, a single currency, and closer future integration. Impacts Following Crimea's annexation, the EEU is increasingly seen by skeptics as a Russian attempt to grow its political influence in Eurasia. Kazakhstan will continue to develop strong relations with China and the West despite being an EEU member. Russia's economic slowdown may have serious consequences for remittance payments back to other EEU member countries.

2020 ◽  
pp. 19-22
D.A. Frank ◽  

For five years now, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) has been operating in practice as an international organization whose main task is the fullfledged multilateral economic integration of the participating countries in order to improve the living standards of their population. Originating from previous agreements of the mid-crisis 90-s of the last century of the Customs Union, the Eurasian Economic Community, the EAEU is effective if equal partnership prevails over unfair competition. The article discusses the relationship of these components in the work of the EAEU and its organizations-predecessors and structures. The problem raised by the author of the article is relevant in the context of assessing the prospects and viability of the EAEU, the possibility of expansion due to new countries wishing to become partners of the Union, the effectiveness of interaction and healthy competition with other world economic communities.

Gülşen Şeker Aydın

This chapter examines the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) from the perspective of the main theories in the Discipline of International Relations (IR). The author sketches out the main stages of the development of the EAEU cooperation by highlighting the conceptualization of the scheme by President Nazarbayev of Kazakhstan in 1994, the establishment of the Customs Union (CU), and the Common Economic Space (CES) between Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan in 2010. Theories analyzed include Neo-Realism, Neo-Classic Realism, Hegemonic Stability Theory, Liberalism, Functionalism, Neo-Functionalism, Neo-Institutionalism, the English School, Constructivism, and Neo-Gramscian Theory. The author makes an overall evaluation and stresses the need for an eclectic approach for analyzing the EAEU experience.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 133-139 ◽  
Орлов ◽  
Igor Orlov

This article presents a comparative analysis of customs duties as a form of customs fees levied in the states - members of the Customs Union Eurasian economic union. Based on the analysis, the suppositions about the reasons for the differences in the bases and the number of customs duties in the states - members of the Customs Union EAEU are made. The author states his position on the need for an unambiguous interpretation of the definition of «customs duties», which will eventually allow to set common types of customs duties in the national legislation of each Member State of the Customs Union EAEU.

10.12737/5279 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (8) ◽  
pp. 73-83
Анна Каширкина ◽  
Anna Kashirkina ◽  
Андрей Морозов ◽  
Andrey Morozov

The article reveals the scientific approaches to the concept and cycles of Eurasian integration. Identified formations in the development of the Eurasian integration at post-soviet space. The authors use the dialectic, formal logical, comparative legal, historical and other research methods. Analyzes the international legal base of the Customs Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States and other international acts. The conclusions about the possible expansion of the membership of the Eurasian Economic Union. Proves the effectiveness and positive aspects of the transition from the Eurasian Economic Union to Union with broader competence. At the same time problems of a legal nature, which impairs the development of Eurasian integration. The effect of different international acts integration associations in the post-soviet space on the legal system of the Russian Federation. The authors conclusions and proposals on improving the international legal base of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as recommendations for improvement of the Russian legislation.

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