scholarly journals Peculiarities of odontometric parameters among young women with various types of face

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 35-38
V. G. Nikolaev ◽  
D. O. Shestak ◽  
S. L. Baksheeva ◽  
V. P. Efremova

The study of odontometric parameters seems to be relevant for the development and improvement of new methods for diagnosis and prediction of dental diseases. The study objective is to make a comparative analysis of the size of the crowns of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws, depending on the type of face. Material and methods. Odontometric and cephalometric parameters were studied, the research was conducted on 192 girls aged 17 to 20 years. Cephalometric program included the definition of the zygomatic diameter and the upper facial height with the subsequent calculation of the facial index. The face types were determined based on the value of this index. Odontometric parameters were recorded by impressions of the upper and lower jaws. Results. Reliable differences were found: a wide type of face is associated with smaller mesiodistal sizes of the crowns of the maxillary first molars, maxillary lateral incisors and maxillary canines, as well as with a lower height of the crowns of the mandibular canines. With a narrow type of face, the opposite pattern was revealed - all the above mentioned parameters in this case are higher than those of euryens. Dimensional characteristics of teeth with a medium broad face are characterized by intermediate values between the extreme types of face. Conclusion. On the basis of odontometric and cephalometric studies, the comparative analysis of the size of the crowns of the teeth of the upper and lower jaws is given depending on the type of face. It was revealed that odontometry indicators have specific features depending on the type of face. The new data obtained as a result of the research supplement and expand already known information about the parameters studied, both in theoretical and practical aspects.

Communicology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-33
N.V. Kirillina

The paper represents the analysis of the concept of communicative. The choice of topic is determined by the search for criteria and tools for assessing the results of strategic communication, taking into account the development of its interactive forms. The author leads the existing approaches to the definition of the concept of engagement and identifies the areas for further interdisciplinary research of the specified subject, and raises the issue of the appropriateness of using the engagement indicators in the assessment the social potential of communication. The work is based on the phenomenological tradition in the interpretation of communicative processes and the metamodel of communication of R. Craig. The author uses the methods of comparative analysis, analogy, generalization, and combined methodology of interdisciplinary analysis.

Nikita K. Siundiukov ◽  

The article presents a comparative analysis of the theory of Ferdinand Tönnies “Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft” and the philosophy of catholicity in the works of A.S. Khomyakov and I.V. Kireevsky. The theory of Tönnies is considered in the light of the concept of “sociological conservatism” manifested by A.F. Filippov. It is shown that the conceptual opposition “Gemeinschaft/Gesellschaft” can be seen continuation of the discussion about the “nature of the social”. In this light, the main reference points of Tönnies sociology are the political theories of Aris­totle and Hobbes, with an emphasis on the definition of the “natural state” of man. Based on the analysis of Tönnies theory, it is shown that its comparison with Slavophilism is possible in three parameters: appeal to the factor of sub­stantiality, the dichotomy of “historical” and “non – historical” and the use of the concept of “organic”. It is proved that in the context of a “conservative” reading of the philosophy of sobornost, its argumentation turns out to be mainly political and sociological

1995 ◽  
Vol 16 (8) ◽  
pp. 306-310
Robert E. Emery ◽  
Mary Jo Coiro

An extensive body of research exists on the consequences of divorce for children. The conclusions of this research are captured by the concept of resilience, children's ability to "bounce back" in the face of stress. Most children from divorced families cannot be distinguished from children from married families on objective measures of psychological functioning, including assessments of conduct, depression, anxiety, and school performance. Nevertheless, it is clear that divorce often creates many dramatic stressors for children, including involvement in their parents' conflicts, decreased contact with one parent, strained relationships with the other parent, and economic problems. Coping with these substantial changes can tax children's emotional resources and may leave them with lingering feelings of hurt, resentment, and longing for a parental reconciliation. The concept of resilience highlights both children's ability to cope with change and some of the painful consequences of coping with unwanted changes in family life. Definition Despite its familiarity, several considerations should be noted about the definition of divorce. First, divorce is a developmental process that unfolds over time. Changes in family life typically begin long before the physical separation and continue long after the legal divorce. Second, because divorce reaches into many areas of people's lives, theorists often talk about the "legal divorce," the "emotional divorce," the "emotional divorce," the "economic divorce," and the "social divorce."

1995 ◽  
Vol 95 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-258 ◽  
Amy A Ernst ◽  
Eduardo Marvez ◽  
Todd G. Nick ◽  
Eric Chin ◽  
Edmond Wood ◽  

Study objective. The purpose of the present study is to compare LAT gel (4% lidocaine, 1:2000 adrenaline, 0.5% tetracaine) to TAC gel (0.5% tetracaine, 1:2000 adrenaline, 11.8% cocaine) for efficacy, side effects, and costs in children aged 5 to 17 years with facial or scalp lacerations. Design. Randomized, prospective, double-blinded clinical trial. Setting. Inner-city Emergency Department with an Emergency Medicine residency program. Patients or other participants. Children aged 5 to 17 years with linear lacerations of the face or scalp. Intervention. After informed consent was obtained patients had lacerations anesthetized with topical TAC or LAT gel according to a random numbers table. Measurements and main results. A total of 95 patients were included in the statistical analysis with 47 receiving TAC and 48 receiving LAT. Physicians and patients/parents separately rated the overall pain of suturing using a modified multidimensional scale for pain assessment specifically for children. Patients/parents also stated the number of sutures causing pain. The power of the study to determine a ranked sum difference of 15 was 0.8. Multidimensional rating scale results and number and percentage of sutures causing pain were compared using Wilcoxon's rank sum test. According to patients no difference could be detected in percent of sutures causing pain in the LAT versus TAC group (P = .51). Using the multidimensional scale, physicians and patients/parents found LAT statistically the same as TAC in effectiveness (P = .80 for physicians and P = .71 for patients). Cost per application was $3.00 for LAT compared to $35.00 for TAC. Follow-up was accomplished in 85 of 95 participants in the study with no reported complications for either medication. Conclusion. LAT gel worked as well as TAC gel for topical anesthesia in facial and scalp lacerations. Considering the advantages of a noncontrolled substance and less expense, LAT gel appears to be better suited than TAC gel for topical anesthesia in laceration repair in children.

2015 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-84
David Koppitz ◽  
Milan Půček ◽  
František Ochrana ◽  
Michal Plaček

Abstract The paper aims to carry out a comparative analysis of heating of school facilities under the administration of municipalities in Macedonia, Moldova and Kosovo and to test the factors that affect the heating costs of school facilities. For a definition of the theoretical fundament parts of the theory of fiscal federalism are used. Subsequently five hypotheses are put forward that are verified using the method of benchmarking. The theoretical conclusions and recommendations may be used for a more effective implementation of public policies within the surveyed countries.

Yi. Zhou

Background. The category of style is one of the most used in modern musicology. This is due to objective reasons: the attention of the “consumer” of a cultural product is mostly not focused on its author recently. The coexistence of individual performance versions of composer’s works is one of the reasons that problems of stylistic attribution of musical art do not lose their relevance. In different areas of musical practice these problems are interpreted in different ways and get various degrees of theoretical understanding. The area of vocal art deserves special attention. An analysis of specialized literature suggests that the ever-increasing number of appropriate studies has not yet influenced the crystallization of the definition of “vocal style” in the scientific sense. This is due to the fact that the meaning of the term “vocal style” has many dimensions that reflect technological, aesthetic, historical, individual and national parameters of creativity. This resulted in the purpose of proposed article – to identify the singular and general in the interpretation of the category “vocal style” in Western European and Chinese art discourse. The research methodology is determined by its objectives; it is integrative and based on a combination of general scientific approaches and musicological methods. The leading research methods are historical, genre-stylistic and interpretative analyzes. Results. The word style first appeared in ancient Greece, where it was called a tool for writing on wooden tablets covered with wax. Later, the word style began to be used to describe not only human activity, but himself. At the same time, there is no case in Confucius’s “Analects” of using this definition. Central to the aesthetic block of Confucius’ teaching is not the question of the style of art, but the degree of influence that it has on the formation of the five moral qualities. As for questions directly about the style of artistic creation, Chinese scholars believe that they were first addressed by a contemporary and follower of Confucius, literary theorist Liu Xie, in whose works for the first time in the history of Chinese culture the word “style” was used. We note that in both Europe and China the studies of ancient thinkers have become the foundation for centuries and millennia that determined the essential parameters of the worldview of peoples and civilizations and stimulated the development of human thought. So nowadays style is similarly understood as a certain set of features that characterize either a particular person or the results of his activities. As for a narrower understanding of style (in our case – vocal style), it historically developed much later, which was preceded by a long evolution of vocal art and the accumulation of relevant scientific works. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the specific of vocal performance, the essence of which involves working with verbal texts, their artistic representation, and, consequently, the determinism of not only musical but also artistic embodiment of the work. Thus, in European treatises of Renaissance and Baroque periods it is not about the performer, but about the style of specific musical works, basic parameters of which are determined by the place of performance and the appropriate type of expression. At the same time, there are studies which examine the national aspect of the phenomenon of vocal performance, that is perceived as a consequence of the interaction of several factors: temperament, climate and landscape. It is interesting that even in the baroque treatises maxims about the advantages of the Italian school bel canto can be found; and nowadays it continues to determine the development of not only European but also world vocal art. We emphasize that we can not find Chinese treatises dating from the XVII–XVIII centuries, which are devoted to the comprehension of vocal art in the European sense of the word. After all, academic vocal culture in this country has begun to develop only in the early twentieth century and therefore imitated and appropriated the aesthetic and technology of the dominant European vocal style bel canto. It is known that the definition of bel canto is most often used in two cases: as a designation of a certain historical style, which is most vividly embodied in works of V. Bellini and G. Donizetti, and as a designation of singing technique. So we see that, as in other performing arts, the definition of style contains two interdependent parameters: technological and artistic and aesthetic. And the latter in the case of exactly vocal schools can be interpreted as a mobile factor. The similarity of interpretation of the definition of vocal style (namely one of its varieties – bel canto) in European and Chinese art literature is the result of the fact that eastern and western cultures are gradually approaching each other in the process of historical development. Conclusions. A comparative analysis of European and Chinese scientific sources suggests that the issues of musical stylistics occupied an important place in the minds of thinkers even before our era. And although both in the East and in the West the category of style was perceived as a mean of realization of the individual worldview of the man-creator, we can still talk about the difference in vectors of study of this problem. For example, if in the East it was perceived as a fundamental part of the ethical, in the West – the aesthetic. The formation of the phenomenon of “vocal style” was a natural consequence of the development of European vocal culture, where concepts of “technique” and “style” gradually crystallized. They became the basis of European vocal art, the assimilation of which has led to the phenomenal success of the modern Chinese school bel canto.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. e0245790
Deborah C. Holt ◽  
Tegan M. Harris ◽  
Jaquelyne T. Hughes ◽  
Rachael Lilliebridge ◽  
David Croker ◽  

Background The study objective was to reveal reservoirs potentially leading to Staphylococcus aureus infections in haemodialysis clinic clients in the tropical north of the Australian Northern Territory (NT). This client population are primarily Aboriginal Australians who have a greater burden of ill health than other Australians. Reservoir identification will enhance infection control in this client group, including informing potential S. aureus decolonisation strategies. Methods and findings The study participants were 83 clients of four haemodialysis clinics in the Darwin region of the NT, and 46 clinical staff and researchers who had contact with the clinic clients. The study design was longitudinal, encompassing swabbing of anatomical sites at two month intervals to yield carriage isolates, and also progressive collection of infection isolates. Swab sampling was performed for all participants, and infection isolates collected for dialysis clients only. Analysis was based on the comparison of 139 carriage isolates and 27 infection isolates using whole genome sequencing. Genome comparisons were based on of 20,651 genome-wide orthologous SNPs, presence/absence of the mecA and pvl genes, and inferred multilocus sequence type and clonal complex. Pairs of genomes meeting the definition of “not discriminated” were classed as defining potential transmission events. The primary outcome was instances of potential transmission between a carriage site other than a skin lesion and an infection site, in the same individual. Three such instances were identified. Two involved ST762 (CC1) PVL- MRSA, and one instance ST121 PVL+ MSSA. Three additional instances were identified where the carriage strains were derived from skin lesions. Also identified were six instances of potential transmission of a carriage strains between participants, including transmission of strains between dialysis clients and staff/researchers, and one potential transmission of a clinical strain between participants. There were frequent occurrences of longitudinal persistence of carriage strains in individual participants, and two examples of the same strain causing infection in the same participants at different times. Strains associated with infections and skin lesions were enriched for PVL and mecA in comparison to strains associated with long term carriage. Conclusions This study indicated that strains differ with respect to propensity to stably colonise sites such as the nose, and cause skin infections. PVL+ strains were associated with infection and skin lesions and were almost absent from the carriage sites. PVL- MRSA (mainly CC1) strains were associated with infection and also with potential transmission events involving carriage sites, while PVL- MSSA were frequently observed to stably colonise individuals without causing infection, and to be rarely transmitted. Current clinical guidelines for dialysis patients suggest MRSA decolonisation. Implementation in this client group may impact infections by PVL- MRSA, but may have little effect on infection by PVL+ strains. In this study, the PVL+ strains were predominant causes of infection but rarely colonised typical carriage sites such as the nose, and in the case of ST121, were MSSA. The important reservoirs for infection by PVL+ strains appeared to be prior infections.

Ewa Suknarowska-Drzewiecka

The digital revolution, also called the fourth industrial revolution, constitutes another era of change, caused by the development of computerisation and modern technologies. It is characterised by rapid technological progress, widespread digitisation and an impact on all areas of life, including the provision of work. The changes affecting this area are so significant that there are proposals to remodel the definition of the employment relationship in the Labour Code. New forms of employment, which do not fit the conventional definition of an employment relationship, are emerging and gaining importance. An example could be employment via digital platforms. At the same time, there are also employment forms that do fit that definition, but deviate from the conventional understanding of the terms and conditions for performing work, which have undergone modification due to the use of new technologies. Teleworking, or working outside the employer’s premises, are examples of that. Employers get further opportunities to organise and control work, which often raises concerns due to the employee’s right to privacy, the protection of personal rights and personal data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (7) ◽  
pp. 761-765 ◽  
N. I. Prokhorov ◽  
V. I. Dontsov ◽  
Vyacheslav N. Krutko ◽  
T. M. Khodykina

The widespread formation of unfavorable environmental, the swiftness of modern life with large information and psycho-emotional loads and extremely natural and climatic cataclysms, as well as harmful addictions and wrong way of life of modern human, lead to the development of stress and disruption of the mechanisms of adaptation of the human body and its accelerated wear. This stimulates the development of research on the creation of new methods of integrated assessment of health and quantitative assessment of the aging processes of the body systems and the whole body, as well as the possibilities of new methods of risk assessment of climatic and environmentally related pathological and age-related diseases. The aim of the work was to consider the methodology of quantitative assessment of individual health and the rate of aging of the human body on the basis of the system index of Biological age (BA); description of its essence and structure, requirements for tests - biomarkers of aging used as the index of BA, definition of possibilities and scope of application of the BA method in modern practice of Biomedicine. The use of modern methods of scientific analysis - a systematic approach to the analysis of the processes of human aging and determine its quantitative side - the value of BA, allows a reasonable approach to the choice of the number of BM, to take into account their information content and precision, and the cost of diagnostics and availability for different users, to take into account the specific objectives of the researcher. The use of the index-partial BA allows individual approaching the choice of biomarkers and create personalized panels for the definition of BA programs for the prevention of aging in personalized preventive medicine. The complexity of the content and calculation of indices of BA requires automation and the use of methods of modern computer science and computer calculations and programs. For this purpose, we have created special computer software for diagnosing aging by calculating the BA indices with the possibility of choosing BM and automatic calculation of indicators and conclusions.

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