2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (33) ◽  
pp. 112
Samsul Rani

The phenomenon of 2018 regional elections can be seen in the selection of candidate pairs, party coalitions, and the delivery of political messages conveyed by political parties and candidate pairs, which have given birth to a variety of maneuvers, rivalries in the formulation of political strategies to support or subdue each other. This communication constellation has shaped the dynamics of Pilkada political communication in Indonesia. Of the 171 regions that held elections, 16 of them had a single candidate whose average candidate pair was supported by 6 to 12 political parties. The phenomenon of mutually changing pairs of candidates or revoking support has become a public concern in the elections. This can be caused by unfulfilled supporting requirements, lobbying from other parties, low electability, legal cases, and political dowry. The role of the mass media in Pilkada is very good, because the mass media has become an independent and transparent party, the news related to the Pilkada is published based on facts and data, it does not appear that mass media "fry" the issues so that the condition of the community is more conducive and the elections run safely.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Mohammad Zamroni

 AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat partisipasi selebritis perempuan khususnya OA pengurus Partai Persatuan Pembangunan dan DR pengurus Partai Amanat Nasional dalam komunikasi politik di partai politik maupun di legislatif yang akan dikaji pada persoalan selebritis perempuan sebagai seorang komunikator politik, pesan politik yang akan disampaikan, media komunikasi politik yang dipakai, khalayak politik yang menjadi sasarannya, dan analisa efek komunikasi politik yang muncul. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di kantoir DPP PPP dan DPP PAN Jakarta dan di DPR RI. Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus tunggal dengan pendekatan fenomenologis dan termasuk penelitian desktiptif analitik. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam, observasi langsung, serta mengkaji dokumen dan arsip. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan model analisis interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: Pertama, Tingkat kesejahteraan para selebritis perempuan khususnya OA dan DR sesungguhnya tidak perlu dikhawatirkan, bahkan mereka diatas rata-rata tingkat kesejahteraan perempuan lainnya. Kedua, tidak semua akses sumberdaya ekonomi, sosial dan politik bagi perempuan didapatkan baik di lembaga formal maupun informal termasuk bagi OA dan DR. Ketiga, saat ini selebritis perempuan termasuk OA dan DR lebih sadar dan kritis terhadap berbagai bentuk kehidupan terutama bagi masyarakat perkotaan dengan tingkat pendidikan yang lebih maju. Keempat, peran perempuan dalam lembaga legislatif maupun partai politik belumlah setara dengan peran serta laki-laki. Kelima, selebritis perempuan khususnya OA dan DR belum mempunyai kesetaraan dalam hal kontrol/kuasa yang sama sebagaimana halnya dengan laki-laki, untuk mengubah kondisi posisi, masa depan diri dan komunitasnya. Hubungannya dengan komunikasi politik hasil temuan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa beberapa adanya peran penting yang dilakukan selebritis perempuan meliputi; peran selebritis perempuan sebagai komunikator politik, pesan politik selebritis perempuan, media komunikasi politik selebritis perempuan, khalayak komunikasi politik selebritis perempuan, dan efek komunikasi politik selebritis perempuan termasuk OA dan DR. Kata kunci: Perempuan, Politik, Partisipasi, Komunikasi Politik, Partai Islam, Pemilu   AbstractThis study was conducted to see the participation of celebrity women, especially OA board of Partai Persatuan Pembangun and the DR board of Partai Amanat Nasional in political communication in political parties and in the legislature that will be studied on the issue of celebrity women as a political communicator, a political message to be delivered, media political communication is used, political audiences it addresses, and analyzes the effects of political communication appears. The location of this research is done in the office of the DPP and the DPP PAN Jakarta and in the House of Representatives. This study was a single case study with a phenomenological approach and includes descriptive analytical research. Data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, direct observation, as well as reviewing documents and archives. Data analysis techniques performed by an interactive model. The results showed: First, the level of welfare of women, especially celebrities and DR OA actually nothing to worry about, even those above the average rate of other women's welfare. Second, not all access to economic resources, social and political for women available in both formal and informal institutions, including for OA and DR. Third, the current female celebrities including OA and DR more conscious and critical of the various forms of life, especially for urban communities with more advanced levels of education. Fourth, the role of women in the legislature and political parties has not been equivalent to the participation of men. Fifth, in particular female celebrities OA and DR does not have any equality in terms of control or the same power as with men, to change the conditions of the position, the future of themselves and the community. His relationship with political communication research findings indicate that some of their important roles performed include female celebrities; the role of women as a political communicator celebrities, political messages female celebrities, female celebrities media of political communication, political communication celebrities female audience, and the effects of political communication female celebrities including OA and DR. Keywords: Women, Political Participation, Political Communication, the Islamic Party, the Election

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Aminah Aminah

Media in Political Communication ahead of the election widely used by the partner Regent and deputy Regent candidates to influence and seek sympathizers from the community, as happened in Aceh Barat District. Of the three candidates, namely pair H. T. Alaidin Syah and H. Kamaruddin, the couple H. Ramli MS and H. Banta Puteh Syam and the couple Fuad Hadi, SH., MH and drh. Muhammad Arif. This study describes the role of the media are executed by each pair of candidates Regent and deputy Regent of Aceh Barat ahead of the election simultaneously throughout Indonesia. This paper is based on a review of literature as well as by looking at the phenomenon of campaign located along Aceh Barat district. Based on the writer's observation, that each pair has the creativity respectively in the campaign (conveying political messages). Couple H. T. Alaidin Syah and H. Kamaruddin choose a political message by using the phrase "KAMO HANA JANJI ALHAMDULILLAH LE BUKTI YANG NYATA" and "Lanjutkan!". While the pair H. Ramli MS and H. Banta Puteh Syam chose the phrase "KATROEH WATEE Tabalah JASA RAKYAT. Different from other couples Fuad Hadi, SH., MH and drh. Muhammad Arif also choose the appropriate sentence to attract public attention Aceh Barat district by using the phrase "BONGKAR KEBIASAAN LAMA, YANG “TUA” SUDAH PERNAH SAATNYA YANG “MUDA” MEMBENAH. And "SOLUSI NYATA UNTUK ACEH BARAT ". Each pair of candidates make the process of media planning and advertising strategies by paying attention to advertising, advertising budgets, strategies and the role of media messages which take into account the selection of the target audience, purpose specification, selection of media and facilities and purchase of media. Keywords: Role of Media, Political Communication and Election

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 282
Prilani Prilani ◽  
Setio Budi H Hutomo

The phenomenon of a single candidate in simultaneous regional elections in Indonesia has occurred since 2015. In 2018 there were 18 regional elections with a single candidate and 25 regions in 2020. The implementation of simultaneous regional elections in Kediri district in 2020 was marked by the presence of a single candidate is interesting to study more, because it is new. The main question in this research is why there is phenomenon a single candidate in the Kediri district election and how is the configuration of political communication for the emergence of a single candidate. The purpose of this study was to determine the process of the phenomenon emergence of a single candidate in the Kediri district election and to determine the configuration of political communication for the emergence of a single candidate. This research uses a case study approach by describing political facts in the field. Research informants are consisted of election administrators, members of political parties, academicians and community leaders. The results showed that the occurrence of a single candidate in the Kediri district was because all political parties provided support for 1 pair of candidates. This political fact is marked by the configuration of political communication through the recommendation of political parties from the central leadership council (DPP). Even though there has been a selection of prospective pairs of candidates at the regional level (DPC DPD), the transactional communication by candidatos uses an approach with a number of political party officials both at the regional and central levels. The recommendation of this research is to change the regulations to avoid the single candidate appear in the next regional election., especially the minimum requirement for support from candidates and the proposal to be returned to the election by DPRD members therefore would generate truly regional representatives. Fenomena calon tunggal pada pilkada serentak di Indonesia telah terjadi sejak tahun 2015 dengan 3 pasangan calon tunggal. Pada tahun 2018 terdapat 18 pilkada dengan calon tunggal hingga tahun 2020 ada sejumlah 25 daerah yang memiliki calon tunggal. Pelaksanaan pilkada serentak di kabupaten Kediri tahun 2020 diwarnai dengan hadirnya calon tunggal sehingga menarik untuk dikaji lebih mendalam karena merupakan fenomena baru bagi proses demokrasi di kabupaten Kediri. Masalah dalam penelitian ini, mengapa terjadi fenomena calon tunggal pada pilkada kabupaten Kediri dan bagaimana konfigurasi komunikasi politik atas munculnya calon tunggal pada pilkada kabupaten Kediri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses munculnya fenomena calon tunggal pada pilkada kabupaten Kediri dan untuk mengetahui konfigurasi komunikasi politik atas munculnya calon tunggal pada pilkada kabupaten Kediri. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus dengan mendeskripsikan fakta politik dilapangan. Informan penelitian terdiri dari penyelenggara pilkada, anggota partai politik, akademisi dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa terjadinya calon tunggal pada pilkada kabupaten Kediri tahun 2020 karena semua partai politik memberikan dukungan kepada 1 pasangan calon. Calon perseorangan tidak mampu memenuhi jumlah minimal dukungan yang dipersyaratkan. Fakta politik ini ditandai dengan adanya konfigurasi komunikasi politik melalui rekomendasi partai politik dari dewan pimpinan pusat (DPP). Meski sudah dilakukan penjaringan bakal pasangan calon di tingkat daerah/cabang (DPC/DPD). Komunikasi trasaksional oleh calon menggunakan pendekatan dengan sejumlah pengurus partai politik baik ditingkat daerah maupun pusat. Rekomendasi dari penelitian ini adalah perubahan peraturan agar tidak muncul calon tunggal pada pilkada selanjutnya terutama syarat minimal dukungan calon perseorangan serta usulan pemilihan kepala daerah dikembalikan kepada pemilihan oleh anggota DPRD. Rekomendasi ini diharapkan dapat memunculkan beberapa calon kepala daerah yang benar-benar merupakan representasi daerah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Burhan Bungin ◽  
Nurlaela Syarif ◽  
Monika Teguh ◽  
Tasya Devi Rossafine

North Maluku is the youngest province in Indonesia which has begun to carry out democracy through the Election of Regional Heads (Pilkada). One of the largest regional elections in North Maluku is the Governor's Election. Unfortunately the Governor's Election that has been running so far has been colored by various problems. Symbolic violence such as black campaigns by bringing down political opponents using ethnic and primordial issues sprang up. In addition, the ability of figures to build the image of political actors who have power and influence also makes people accept the results of regional elections that are full of disputes. Coupled with the condition of the mass media that have a tendency to take sides because of certain interests, the existence of social construction on the image of political actors is getting stronger. This study wants to see how the image of political actors is constructed. Through the Focused Group Discussion method with the parties involved it was found that social construction of reality had happened through the role of mass media. Although there are social constructions conveyed by the mass media, the community has its own ability to build that image in itself through the power of interaction and communication as well as through the power of other media such as social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-100
Ivan Shirokov

The article analyzes the role of the mass media in the political communication process development. The author investigates the transformation of the role of political information in print, radio and Internet media using comparative analysis. The article examines the relationship between the population literacy rate and the mass media in the process of political communication in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. It is concluded that mass media are turning not only into a fundamental factor of political communication, but also into the main factor influencing the irreversible process of changing the political system itself, which highlights the role of the mass media as a political communication medium in modern conditions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Abida Parveen

The mass media have important role in modern society as the main channel of communication. The population relies on the media as the main source of information and the basis on which they form their opinions. Any selection of messages in the mass media will therefore have a profound effect on the entire society. A society cannot progress unless if women are given due recognition and respect. Mass media can play a significant role in reflecting social realities and in profiting the positive role of women, as envisaged in Islam. This article has examined the prevalence of violent assault against women in Pakistani society. Some works related to media and women have been stressed.

Wenjia-Jasmine Ruan ◽  
Junjae Lee ◽  
Hakjun Song

This study examines the behavioural intentions of international tourists travelling to Beijing when faced with smog pollution. An extended MGB (model of goal-directed behaviour) was employed as the theoretical framework by integrating mass-media effect and perception of smog. The role of mass-media effect and perception of smog were considered as new variables in the international tourist’s decision-making process for travel to Beijing. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was employed to identify the structural relationships among research variables. Our research results showed a strong correlation between positive anticipated emotion and desire. The mass-media effect is a significant (direct) predictor of both the perception of smog and behavioural intention. The Chinese government could attach great importance to the mass-media effect to reduce the negative impact caused by smog pollution on inbound tourism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 26 (53) ◽  
pp. 25-40
Fabio Perocco

Abstract During the last two decades of rising anti-migrant racism in Europe, Islamophobia has proven to be the highest, most acute, and widely spread form of racism. The article shows how anti-migrant Islamophobia is a structural phenomenon in European societies and how its internal structure has specific social roots and mechanisms of functioning. Such an articulate and interdependent set of key themes, policies, practices, discourses, and social actors it is intended to inferiorise and marginalise Muslim immigrants while legitimising and reproducing social inequalities affecting the majority of them. The article examines the social origins of anti-migrant Islamophobia and the modes and mechanisms through which it naturalises inequalities; it focuses on the main social actors involved in its production, specifically on the role of some collective subjects as anti-Muslim organizations and movements, far-right parties, best-selling authors, and the mass-media.

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