scholarly journals Yield and quality of strawberries when applying fertilizers

2021 ◽  
pp. 94-99
T. E. Ivanova ◽  
E. V. Lekomtseva ◽  
T. N. Tutova ◽  
E. V. Sokolova ◽  
L. A. Nesmelova

Relevance. One of the most important elements of the technology of cultivation of strawberries for increasing productivity and improving the quality of berries is the use of fertilizers that can regulate the growth, development, yield and quality of products.Methods. During 2016-2018, the impact of pre-planting application of complex mineral fertilizers on the yield and quality of strawberries in the Udmurt Republic was studied. The analysis of meteorological conditions during the growing season of the crop according to the research results is carried out.Results. The results of the use of complex fertilizers Azofoska, Perm-yagodnoye and Fusco-yagodnoye on garden strawberries when grown in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic are presented. It was found that the use of these fertilizers in comparison with the control (Azofoska) contributes to an increase in yield and has a positive effect on the quality of berries. The aftereffect of the studied fertilizers on the second and third year of fruiting of wild strawberries is noted. According to the results of research, the highest yield of berries of the garden strawberry was obtained in 2016 in the first year of fruiting when applying Chamfer-berry (1.33 kg/m2 ). The pre-planting application of the FaskoYagodnoye fertilizer provided a reliable increase in yield at all times of berry harvesting, and on average for three years by 0.13 kg/m2 with an NSR of 0.04 kg/m2 . The content of dry matter, water-soluble sugars and vitamin C in the berries corresponded to the characteristics of the Darenka variety and to a greater extent depended on the meteorological conditions of the growing season of strawberries.

2020 ◽  
pp. 12-14
В.С. Соснов ◽  
А.А. Рубцов ◽  
В.А. Борисов ◽  
А.М. Меньших

При внедрении новых технологий можно добиться высокой рентабельности томата за счет повышения продуктивности культуры. Федеральным научным центром овощеводства и рядом других селекционных организаций создано множество новых сортов и гибридов томата. Цель исследований, проведенных авторами в 2019-2020 годах: оценка отзывчивости нового среднераннего салатного сорта томата Красный банкир отечественной селекции на капельное орошение и применение минеральных удобрений, анализ продуктивности и качества продукции, выращенной на обыкновенных черноземах в условиях Ростовской области на Бирючекутской овощной селекционной опытной станции – филиале ФГБНУ «Федеральный научный центр овощеводства». В 2019 году сорт включен в Госреестр по Российской Федерации для выращивания в открытом грунте и под пленочными укрытиями в ЛПХ. Была поставлена задача: за счет дифференцированного применения удобрений и орошения добиться стабильной урожайности томата до 100-120 т/га, без снижения качества продукции. В качестве корневых подкормок использовали раствор микрокристаллического водорастворимого удобрения «Мастер» с капельным поливом, листовые подкормки проводили вручную раствором органоминерального наноудобрения с ростостимулирующей активностью «Арксойл ККР» (концентрат коллоидного раствора). Авторами выявлена очень высокая эффективность применения основного удобрения и подкормок водорастворимыми удобрениями при возделывании культуры томата на обыкновенных черноземах в условиях капельного орошения, которые повышают урожайность плодов фактически в три раза (до 98-103 т/га, доля стандартных плодов 98%). Количество плодов на растении увеличилось более чем в два раза. Использование для корневой подкормки растений водорастворимого удобрения «Мастер» с различным соотношением питательных элементов по основным фазам вегетации увеличило урожайность томата на 15-21%. Применение изучаемых агротехнических приемов не ухудшало качество плодов томата, продукция экологически безопасна для потребителей. With the introduction of new technologies, self-sufficiency in tomato can be achieved by increasing the profitability of the crop. At present, the Federal Scientific Center for Vegetable Growing and a number of other breeding organizations have created many new varieties and hybrids of tomato. The purpose of the research conducted by the authors in 2019-2020 was to assess the responsiveness of a new medium-early salad tomato variety Krasnyi bankir of domestic breeding for drip irrigation and the impact of mineral fertilizers, to analyze the productivity and quality of products grown on ordinary chernozems in the Rostov region at the Biryuchekutskaya vegetable selection experimental station – a branch of FSBSI Federal Scientific Vegetable Center. In 2019, the variety was included in the State Register for the Russian Federation for growing in open ground and under plastic covers in private household plots. The task was to achieve a stable tomato yield up to 100-120 t/ha due to the differentiated application of fertilizers and irrigation, without reducing the quality of products. A solution of microcrystalline water-soluble fertilizer Master with drip irrigation was used as root dressings, foliar dressings were carried out manually with a solution of organo-mineral nano-fertilizer with growth-stimulating activity Arksoil KKR (colloidal solution concentrate). The authors revealed a very high efficiency of the use of the main fertilizer and topdressing with water-soluble fertilizers when cultivating a tomato crop on ordinary chernozems under drip irrigation, which increase the yield of fruits actually 3 times (up to 98-103 t/ha, the share of standard fruits is 98%). The number of fruits per plant has more than doubled. The use of water-soluble fertilizer Master for root feeding of plants with different ratios of nutrients in the main phases of the growing season increased the tomato yield by 15-21%. The use of the studied agrotechnical methods did not worsen the quality of tomato fruits, the products are environmentally safe for consumers.

2018 ◽  
C. Coy ◽  
A.V. Shuravilin ◽  
O.A. Zakharova

Приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния промышленной технологии возделывания картофеля на развитие, урожайность и качество продукции. Выявлена положительная реакция растений на подкормку K2SO4 в период посадки. Корреляционно-регрессионный анализ урожайности и качества клубней выявил высокую степень достоверности результатов опыта. Содержание нитратов и тяжелых металлов в клубнях было ниже допустимых величин.The results of studies on the impact of industrial technology of potato cultivation on growth, yield and quality of products. There was a positive response of plants to fertilizer K2SO4 in the period of planting. Correlation and regression analysis of yield and quality of tubers revealed a high degree of reliability of the results of experience. The contents of nitrates and heavy metals in tubers was below the permissible values.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-23
В.А. Борисов ◽  
А.М. Меньших ◽  
В.С. Соснов

Для обеспечения населения РФ качественной, полезной и экологически безопасной овощной продукцией в требуемом количестве необходимо изучение потенциальной продуктивности новых сортов и гибридов овощных культур, применение современных элементов технологии и продуктов в области агротехнологий выращивания. Хороший вкус, высокое содержание ценных для человека витаминов, микроэлементов и органических кислот вывело сладкий перец в ранг наиболее популярных овощных культур. В мире выведено и культивируется огромное количество сортов сладкого перца. В нашей стране наиболее распространенным сортотипом является перец сладкий (Capsicum annuum), или болгарский. На обыкновенных черноземах Бирючекутской селекционной опытной станции (Новочеркасский район Ростовской области), имеющих слабощелочную реакцию среды, мощный гумусовый горизонт, среднюю обеспеченность подвижным фосфором и высокую обменным калием, в 2017–2018 годах была исследована потенциальная продуктивность перца сладкого гибрида Темп при высоком уровне обеспеченности растений влагой и питательными элементами. Оценено комплексное действие основного внесения расчетных доз минеральных удобрений, капельного орошения, трехкратной подкормки водорастворимыми удобрениями «Мастер» и органоминеральным наноудобрением «Арксойл» на урожайность и качество перца сладкого. Выяснено, что основное удобрение и подкормки влияют, в первую очередь, на число плодов на одном растении, увеличивая их в 2–3,3 раза при незначительном повышении массы плода. Установлено, что без применения минеральных удобрений при капельном поливе было получено 25–27 т/га плодов. Использование рекомендованной дозы удобрений N120P120K120 увеличило урожайность перца до 50,5 т/га, а комплексное применение основного удобрения с 3-кратной корневой подкормкой водорастворимым удобрением «Мастер» позволило получить урожайность перца до 64,8 т/га. Наиболее высокая продуктивность растений была получена при комплексном использовании расчетной дозы на урожайность 90 т/га в сочетании с корневой подкормкой – 86,8 т/га при хорошем качестве плодов перца. To provide the population of the Russian Federation with high-quality, healthy and environmentally friendly vegetable products in the required amount, it is necessary to study the potential productivity of new varieties and hybrids of vegetable crops, use modern elements of technology and products in the field of agricultural technologies. Good taste, high content of vitamins, microelements and organic acids valuable for humans have made sweet peppers one of the most popular vegetable crops. A huge number of varieties of sweet peppers have been bred and cultivated in the world. In our country, the most common cultivar type is bell pepper (Capsicum annuum) or Bulgarian. On ordinary chernozems of the Biryuchekutskaya selection experimental station (Novocherkassk district of the Rostov region), which have a weakly alkaline reaction of the environment, a powerful humus horizon, an average supply of mobile phosphorus and high exchangeable potassium, in 2017-2018, the potential productivity of sweet pepper the level of supply of plants with moisture and nutrients. The complex effect of the main application of the calculated doses of mineral fertilizers, drip irrigation, 3-fold top dressing with water-soluble fertilizers Master and organomineral nanofertilizers Arxoil on the yield and quality of bell peppers was evaluated. It was found that the main fertilization and feeding affect, first of all, the number of fruits per 1 plant, increasing them by 2-3.3 times with a slight increase in the weight of the fruit. It was found that without the use of mineral fertilizers with drip irrigation, 25-27 t/ha of fruits were obtained. The use of the recommended dose of fertilizers N120P120K120increased the yield of pepper to 50.5 t/ha, and the complex application of the main fertilizer with 3-fold root feeding with the water-soluble fertilizer Master allowed to obtain the yield of pepper up to 64.8 t/ha. The highest plant productivity was obtained with the integrated use of a calculated dose for a yield of 90 t / ha in combination with root feeding - 86.8 t/ha with good quality pepper fruits.

2019 ◽  
Vol 65 (No. 7) ◽  
pp. 369-376
Marta Kupryś-Caruk ◽  
Sławomir Podlaski

The aim of the research was to determine the impact of double-cut harvest system on yield, as well as on suitability of Miscanthus × giganteus biomass for ensiling and biogas production. Biomass was harvested at the end of June (harvest I) and at the beginning of October (harvest II, regrowth). A single-cut regime at the end of October was also conducted. Biomass from harvests I and II was ensiled and subjected to anaerobic fermentation. The total dry matter (DM) yield from double-cut harvest system was similar to the DM yield from one-cut harvest, but two harvests per year had a positive effect on chemical composition of the biomass. C/N ratio and lignin content in the biomass from harvest I was lower compared to the single-cut biomass. Double harvest biomass was susceptible to ensiling, however, the biomass from harvest I characterized by low dry matter and water soluble sugars content resulted in poorer quality of the obtained silage (butyric acid was present). There were no significant differences between the methane yields obtained from ensiled biomass from harvests I and II.

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-167 ◽  
Izabela Zawiska ◽  
Piotr Siwek

ABSTRACT The results of two years (2010-2011) of field studies using two types of nonwoven mulches (one biodegradable, polylactic acid PLA 54 g m-2, and traditional polypropylene PP 50 g m-2) on the yield and quality of tomato are presented. Seeds of tomato (‘Mundi’ F1) were sown in a greenhouse, in containers filled with perlite and sand, and then the plants at the cotyledon stage were replanted in multipot trays filled with substrate for vegetable plants. In the last week of May, seedlings were planted on mulches in the field at a spacing of 50 × 100 cm. The mulch was maintained throughout the growing season. A plot that remained unmulched served as the control. Tomatoes were harvested once a week. The fruits were evaluated for L-ascorbic acid, dry matter, soluble sugars and nitrate content. In 2011, the analysis of the plant material showed that the concentration of L-ascorbic acid was about 23% higher in the tomato fruits harvested from plants grown on biodegradable PLA 61 g m-2 mulch in comparison to the control. A similar effect was demonstrated for the soluble sugar concentration in 2011 for both types of nonwovens.

A. V. Pastukhova ◽  
I. Е. Lavrishchev ◽  
A. F. Petrov ◽  
V. Р. Tsvetkova ◽  
V. S. Maslenikova

The results of studying the influence of various biological and mineral fertilizers: Phytop 8.67, Agrofit-humate-B (BKG «AFG-B”) – on the growth and development of plants, as well as the yield and quality of kiwano fruits of the Green Dragon variety are presented. During the study, phenological and morphological observations, accounting and evaluation of the quality of the obtained fruits, analysis of the chemical composition of the fruits were carried out. The obtained data confirmed the positive effect of the use of biological preparations on the structure and quality of the resulting crop of kiwano, which will allow us to recommend this crop for cultivation in the territory of the Novosibirsk region, using experimentally proven methods and norms of fertilizer application during the growing season of plants.

2019 ◽  
Anastasia Kazak ◽  
Lyudmila Yakubyshina ◽  
Yuri Loginov

In the last decade, Ural and Siberian breeders have created a series of valuable and strong varieties of spring soft wheat, which have mainly successfully passed the State Variety Testing and are included in the Register of breeding achievements in 10 regions. These include the Irene variety, which is sown not only in Western Siberia, but also in Eastern Siberia and other regions of the country. It is well adapted to the conditions of the Tyumen region. The variety has been grown here for 13 years, but the variety technology has not yet been fully developed. It is cultivated according to generally accepted technology. Taking into account the current situation with the variety, we are conducting research on the development of elements of varietal technology. The article analyzes the results of the impact of mineral nutrition levels on the yield and quality of grain of spring soft wheat variety Irene in KRiMM Uporvo district of Tyumen region. Over the years of research (2016–2018), it was established that the leached black soil in the control version without mineral fertilizers yielded 2.57 t/ha of early maturing Irene variety. The variety reacts positively to the application of mineral fertilizers up to the yield level of 5 t/ha. At the same time, the yield is combined with the quality of grain. Profitability of application of mineral fertilizers for the yield of 4 and 5 tons per hectare was 130.7 and 139.5 %, respectively. In the control version it was 61.3 %. Irene variety is well adapted to the conditions of the Tyumen region, it is necessary to continue the study of other elements of the variety.

2020 ◽  
A.S. Kataev ◽  
E.A. Renyov ◽  
S.L. Eliseev

В статье представлены результаты трехлетних исследований по влиянию традиционных способов хранения на сохранность и качество клубней топинамбура. Полезные свойства топинамбура известны человеку на протяжении многих лет. В силу биологических особенностей использование клубней на протяжении всего календарного года довольно проблематичная задача они подвергаются грибковым заболеваниям, быстро усыхают. Поэтому целью данного исследования является определение оптимального, из традиционных способов, хранения в условиях овощехранилища. В большинстве лет исследований лёжкость топинамбура не зависит от способа хранения и изменяется от 31 до 95. Внешние наблюдения показали, что во второй год исследований наилучшую лёжкость обеспечил способ хранения клубней в мешке. В первый и третий год исследований во всех способах наблюдались загнившие клубни. Независимо от применяемого способа, клубни в процессе хранения подвергаются усушке. В большинстве лет исследований она выше при хранении насыпью на 1,7-8,2. При хранении клубней топинамбура в ящиках наблюдается наименьшее снижение содержания клетчатки 0,2-2,5, в то время как при хранении в мешке 1,1-4,3, при хранении насыпью 0,9-2,4. Хранение в ящике обеспечивало наименьшее снижение содержания водорастворимых сахаров 1,4-4,8. Наиболее оптимальным из традиционных способов является хранение в ящиках.The article presents the results of three years of research on the impact of traditional storage methods on the safety and quality of Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The beneficial properties of Jerusalem artichoke have been known for many years. Due to biological characteristics, the use of tubers throughout the calendar year is a rather problematic task - they undergo fungal diseases and quickly dry out. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the optimal method of storage in a vegetable store. In most years of the research, the storability of Jerusalem artichoke did not depend on the storage method and varied from 31 to 95. External observations showed that in the second year of the research the best keeping quality was ensured by the method of storing tubers in bags. In the first and third years of the research, rotted tubers were observed under all methods of storage. Regardless of the method used, tubers were dried during storage. In most years of the research, moisture loss was higher when stored in bulk - by 1.7-8.2. When storing Jerusalem artichoke tubers in boxes, the lowest reduction in fiber content was observed - 0.2-2.5, while when stored in bags - 1.1-4.3, when stored in bulk - 0.9-2.4. Storage in boxes provided the smallest reduction in the content of water-soluble sugars - 1.4-4.8. The most optimal of the traditional methods of storage is the storage in boxes.

A. V. Pastukhova ◽  
A. F. Petrov ◽  
V. P. Tsvetkova ◽  
V. S. Maslenikova

The results of studying the influence of various biological and mineral fertilizers (Phytop 8.1, Phytop 8.67, AFG) on the yield and quality of fruits of the indeterminate Spock tomato variety are presented. During the study, phenological and morphological observations, accounting and evaluation of the quality of the obtained fruits, and analysis of the chemical composition of the fruits were carried out. The obtained data confirmed the positive impact of the use of biological preparations and nitrogen-containing fertilizers on the structure and quality of the resulting tomato crop, which will allow us to recommend methods and norms for applying fertilizer during the growing season.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 00135
Alyona Krasovskaya ◽  
Tatyana Veremey ◽  
Natalia Kudryavtseva ◽  
Sergey Zakharchenko

The study of the impact of huminatrin on the yield and quality of barley grain in the subtaiga zone of the Omsk region on gray forest soils in 2019-2020 showed that the treatment of seeds and feeding of barley during the growing season with the fertilizer “Guminatrin” significantly increased the yield and protein content in the grain. The combination of increased productive tillering, the number of grains in a spikelet and the mass of 1,000 seeds contributed to the formation of the highest yield in the variants with seed treatment and fertilizing during the growing season with fertilizers “Universal huminatrin” with a high content of zinc and “Universal huminatrin” with an amino acid. The highest yield on average for 2 years of research equal to 5.08 t/ha was achieved by the use of the universal huminatrin fertilizer with high zinc content. Treatment of seeds and plants of barley during the growing season with huminatrin increased not only the yield but also the quality of the grain, specifically, the increased protein content.

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