scholarly journals EDUCAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL NO BRASIL PÓS LDB 1996: contradições e sentidos

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 16
Francisca Das Chagas Silva Lima Silva Lima ◽  
Lucinete Marques Lima

 O artigo reflete sobre a Educação Profissional no Brasil pós LDB buscando apreender os princípios e concepções fundamentadoras dos instrumentos normativos e programáticos, suas relações, contradições ou sentidos. Utiliza-se de pesquisa bibliográfica e análise documental. Considera que, nos últimos vinte anos, as políticas educacionais brasileiras aprofundam os vínculos com a lógica da reestruturação capitalista de produção e com a concepção de formação polivalente para uma estrutura de mercado de trabalho flexível, seletiva e excludente. As bases normativas da educação nacional, a partir da LDB 1996, incorporam influências desse modelo de acumulação flexível e respectivo referencial de formação por competência, e da doutrina neoliberal, no entanto, permanece a disputa e a contradição no debate acadêmico e práticas programáticas e institucionais com outras concepções de formação.Palavras-chave: Políticas educacionais. Educação profissional. Formação do trabalhador. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION IN BRAZIL POST LDB 1996: contradictions and sensesAbstract: The article reflects on the Professional Education in Brazil post LDB seeking to grasp the principles and conceptions underlying normative and programmatic instruments, their relations, contradictions or senses. Bibliographical research and documentary analysis are used. It considers that, in the last twenty years, Brazilian educational policies have deepened the ties with the logic of capitalist restructuring of production and with the concept of multipurpose training for a flexible, selective and excluding labor market structure. The normative bases of national education, since LDB 1996, incorporate influences of this model of flexible accumulation and respective reference of training by competence, and of neoliberal doctrine, nevertheless, the dispute and the contradiction remain in the academic debate and programmatic and institutional practices With other conceptions of formation.Keywords: Educational policies. Professional education. Training of the worker LA EDUCACIÓN PROFESIONAL EN BRASIL TRAS LDB 1996: contradicciones y significadosResumen: En este artículo se reflexiona sobre la educación profesional en Brasil después de la LDB buscando entender los principios y conceptos fundamentadoras instrumentos normativos y programáticos, sus relaciones, contradicciones o sentidos. Utiliza la literatura y el documento de análisis. Se estima que, en los últimos veinte años, las políticas educativas de Brasil profundizan los lazos con la lógica de la reestructuración capitalista de la producción y el diseño de la formación polivalente para una estructura de mercado de trabajo flexible, selectiva y excluyente. Las bases normativas de la educación nacional, de LDB 1996 incorporan influencias de este modelo de acumulación flexible y su punto de referencia para la formación de competencia, y la doctrina neoliberal, sin embargo, sigue siendo la diferencia y contr adicción en el debate académico y prácticas programáticas e institucionales con otros conceptos de entrenamiento.Palabras clave: Políticas educativas. La educación profesional. Formación de los trabajadores.

Social Forces ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 98 (4) ◽  
pp. 1524-1547 ◽  
Max Besbris ◽  
Caitlin Petre

AbstractMany professional labor markets are currently experiencing signs of deprofessionalization, including automation of tasks and increasingly unstable employment conditions. Drawing on the case of journalism schools, this article examines how these shifts affect professional education, which has historically been positioned as a means to avoiding precarious employment. How do professional schools cope with inimical disruptions to the labor markets for which they are training students? Based on 113 in-depth interviews with faculty, staff, and administrators from 44 U.S. journalism programs, we argue that journalism schools have sought to reframe labor market instability as an inevitable and even desirable aspect of journalistic practice and professional identity. They do this by dismantling boundaries, valorizing entrepreneurialism, and seeking to alter institutional practices to emphasize skills over abstract knowledge. Taken together, we call this professionalizing contingency. As labor market precarity continues to spread within expert and professional fields, our findings have implications for broader sociological understandings of professional education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 69
Maria Edith Romano Siems-Marcondes

This paper aims to analyze the policies of professionalization and insertion in the labor market of the target population of Special Education in Brazil during the period of the Military Dictatorship (1964/1985). We investigated the professionalization policies established in the set of goals and projects of the National Center for Special Education (CENESP) and how these policies were materialized in orderly actions in the Federal Territory of Roraima, Brazil. The study is based on documentary analysis under a historical outlook, as well as interviews provided by the first teachers who dedicated themselves to the development of activities in the area. We highlight that the Territory was constituted in a field of application of the proposals and the projects according to what was recommended by national policies.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 93-106
Fabiana Sala ◽  
Paulo Roberto Brancatti

The article analyzes the educational policy in the context of the professional education in Brazil and discusses the organization, advances, the problems and prospects for this level of teaching. However, aims to present and describe the main propositions, materializations and implications of the Brazilian educational policy during the FHC and Lula and Dilma, comprising the period from 1995 to 2014, which deals with the issue of professional education, and the process of professionalization in the country. In relation to the methodological procedures aiming to data collection and analysis, this is a qualitative research, covering literature review and documentary analysis on the topic in study and, according to the temporal clipping proposed

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (516) ◽  
pp. 145-150
O. V. Didukh ◽  
O. M. Chubka ◽  
A. M. Chushak-Holoborodko ◽  

The article is aimed at researching, studying and substantiating the advantages and problems regarding the creativity of students in the process of obtaining professional education. In accordance with the aim of the research, the following tasks are set: to define the concept of «creativity», the prerequisites for the emergence of creative abilities; to characterize the conditions for stimulating the creative abilities of students; to identify obstacles and reasons for the lack of a creative component in the process of higher education; to build up an algorithm for the development of creative abilities in students; to outline the conditions for creating a favorable environment wherein the student’s creative inclinations will be manifested. The object of research is the processes of reforming higher education in the direction of compliance with modern European trends in education development; formation of an environment favorable for the development of creativity of student in the process of obtaining higher education through the algorithm of purposeful pedagogical activity. The subject of the study are theoretical and applied provisions on the formation of an environment favorable for the development of the student’s creativity in the process of obtaining higher education. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the formation of a single aggregate concept of creativity of students and in the formation of ways to overcome problems in the process of developing the creativity of students in obtaining professional education. The practical implementation of the research results will allow reforming higher education in the direction of forming a creatively active environment for teachers and students; will allow to bring the system of national education closer to the formation of such specialists in the labor market, which will be in high demand among domestic and foreign employers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 71
Josí Aparecida de Freitas

Este texto problematiza as relações culturais que se produziram historicamente entre o brasileiro e o trabalho, de tal forma que, no Brasil, produziu-se uma estrutura dual para a educação nacional em que o ensino profissionalizante é direcionado às camadas mais pobres da população, enquanto o ensino regular é reservado às classes mais abastadas. Busca-se inspiração na genealogia foucaultiana, enquanto recurso teórico-metodológico, entendendo-a, segundo Michel Foucault, como um acoplamento dos conhecimentos eruditos e das memórias locais, que permite a constituição de um saber histórico das lutas e a utilização desse saber nas táticas atuais. O exercício genealógico se dará pela análise da obra clássica Raízes do Brasil, de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, de 1936 - a partir da qual se pretende problematizar a tradição escravista que marcou profundamente o significado e a valorização do trabalho no país, sobretudo manual, constituindo-se como uma ética do desvalor do trabalho. Com base nessa relação discriminatória discute-se a produção de uma educação, no Brasil, que separou o ensino profissional – assistencialista e utilitarista - do ensino regular – propedêutico - e se interroga esta produtividade no presente. Palavras-chave: Educação profissional. Dualismo. Trabalho.The production of a dual structure in the national education and the cultural relationship of brazilians with workABSTRACTThist ext problematizes the cultural relations that have occurred historically between the Brazilian and the work, in such a waythat, in Brazil, a dual structure for the national education was produced, in which the vocational education is directed to the poorerstrata of the population, while regular education is reserved for the wealthier classes. We seek inspiration in Foucault's genealogy as a theoretical-methodologica lresource, according to Michel Foucault, as a coupling of scholarly knowledge and local memories, which allows the constitution of a historical knowledge of the struggles and the use of this knowledge in tactics current. The genealogical exercise will be based on the analysis of Sérgio Buarque de Holanda'sclassic Roots of Brazil, from 1936 – from which it is tried to problematize the slave tradition that deeply marked the meaning and appreciation of work in the country, especially manual, constituting as anethic of the devaluation of work. On the basis of this discriminatory relationship, we discuss the production of an education in Brazil that separated the professional education - assistencialista and utilitarian - from regular education - propaedeutic – and questions this productivity in the present.Keywords: Professional education. Dualism. Work.La producción de una estructura dual en el la educación nacional y la relación cultural de los brasileños con el trabajoRESUMENEste texto problematiza las relaciones culturales que se hanproducidohistóricamente entre elbrasileño y eltrabajo, de tal manera que, en Brasil, se produjo una estructura dual para laeducación nacional, enlacuallaeducación vocacional se dirige a los estratos más pobres de lapoblación, Mientras que laeducación regular está reservada para lasclases más ricas. Buscamos inspiraciónenlagenealogía de Foucault como un recurso teórico-metodológico, según Michel Foucault, como unacoplamientodelconocimiento académico y la memoria local, que permite laconstitución de unconocimiento histórico de las luchas y el uso de este conocimientoen tácticas. corriente El ejercicio genealógico se basaráenelanálisis de lasRaíces de Brasil clásicas de Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, a partir de 1936, desde elcual se intenta problematizar latradición de esclavos que marcó profundamente el significado y laapreciacióndeltrabajoenel país, especialmente el manual, que constituye Como ética de ladevaluacióndeltrabajo. Sobre la base de esta relacióndiscriminatoria, discutimos laproducción de una educaciónen Brasil que separó la educación profesional - asistencialista y utilitaria - de laeducación regular - propedéutica - y cuestiona esta productividadenel presente.Palabras clave: Educación professional. Dualismo. Trabajo.

Revista Labor ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (18) ◽  
pp. 78
Rose Márcia da Silva ◽  
Ivonei Andrioni ◽  
Ilma Ferreira Machado

Neste artigo propomo-nos a discutir sobre as disputas, concepções e práticas conformatórias ou de resistência que permeiam a relação trabalho e educação no Brasil, tendo como pano de fundo as “contrarreformas” atuais. O objetivo é problematizar como a escola tem se apresentado como terreno complexo e contraditório, ora sendo subestimada na sua importância em relação à experiência concreta do trabalho como princípio educativo, ora sendo superestimada como formadora de profissionais para o mercado de trabalho. A modalidade de Educação Profissional Integrada ao Ensino Médio (EPIEM), também denominada de Ensino Médio Integrado (EMI), é apresentada como materialidade e como resistência às contrarreformas.AbstractIn this article we propose to discuss the disputes, conceptions and conformist or resistance practices that permeate the relation work and education in Brazil, having as background the current "counter-reforms". The objective is to problematize how the school has presented itself as a complex and contradictory terrain, sometimes being underestimated in its importance in relation to the concrete experience of work as an educational principle, sometimes being overestimated as a professional trainer for the labor market. The modality of Integrated Professional Education to High School, also denominated Integrated Secondary Education, is presented as materiality and as resistance to the counter-reforms.

И.Б. Пржиленская

cовременный рынок труда заинтересован в специалистах, обладающих транспрофессиональными компетенциями. В статье обосновывается необходимость ориентации на транспрофессионализм при разработке содержания профессионального образования специалистов в области культуры и образования; подчеркивается роль социально-гуманитарных знаний для их подготовки к работе в условиях синтеза и конвергенции профессиональных компетенций, принадлежащих к разным профессиональным областям; отмечается потребность в реализации транспрофессиональных моделей подготовки специалистов в сфере культуры и образования за счет совместных усилий представителей социономических профессий, педагогов, менеджеров, психологов, специалистов-практиков. the modern labor market is interested in specialists with trans-professional competencies. The article substantiates the need for orientation towards professionalism in the development of the content of professional education of specialists in the field of culture and education; emphasizes the role of social and humanitarian knowledge in preparing these specialists for work in the context of the synthesis and convergence of professional competencies belonging to different professional fields; there is a need for the implementation of trans-professional models of training specialists in the field of culture and education due to the joint efforts of representatives of socionomic professions, teachers, managers, psychologists, and practitioners.

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