scholarly journals Evaluation of Virtual Objects: Contributions for the Learning Process

Eleonora Milano Falcão Vieira ◽  
Marialice Moraes ◽  
Jaqueline Rossato

<p class="3">The constant technological development in education, and the potentiality of the resources offered by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), are challenges faced by teaching institutions in Brazil, especially by those institutions, which by the very nature of their services intend to provide distance education courses. In such a scene, one sees the use of technology as a tool to give support and to take part in the process of teaching activities, such as the Virtual Learning Objects (VLOs), which offer an opportunity to contribute to the teaching and learning process. Considering this, the present work aims at analyzing the VLOs used in the distance education courses of Economic Sciences and of Accounting at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (Federal University of Santa Catarina), under the quality criteria indicated by the Learning Object Review Instrument (LORI) methodology proposed by Nesbit, Belfer, and Vargo (2002), Nesbit, Belfer, and Leacock (2004), and Leacock &amp; Nesbit (2007), in order to learn how to better take profit of efforts and resources.</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 74 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-70
Gláucia Nolasco de Almeida Mello

The last fifteen years, in Brazil, the number of engineering freshmen had a huge increased and, although the number of graduated also had increased over the same period, the percentage of engineering freshmen are by far higher than engineers graduated. In this context, there is a clear evidence of the high dropout rate in higher education courses of engineering in Brazil. Once most of developed researches about engineering courses dropout in Brazil are focused in the students and institutions point of view about factors that affect dropout rate, in this research it was investigated the professors perspective to answer the three questions: (1) What are the main factors which prevent success in teaching and learning process identified by professors of engineering during the classes? (2) How can professors to improve the teaching and learning process in higher education courses of engineering in Brazil? (3) How can Higher Education Institutions (HEI) support the professors? The research data were collected through team activities developed with 134 professors of higher education courses of engineering. This research reveals that the most important factors that affect negatively the teaching and learning process are related to inadequate high school preparation and behaviour of students. Main suggestions of professors for improving the teaching and learning process and also students' motivation are related to pedagogical aspects such as: use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) as support of classes and implementation of professor and student support programs with significant participation of HEI. Key words: qualitative research, problems in engineering education, professor's perspective, higher education of engineering in Brazil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e16017
Priscila Santana Vieira ◽  
Bernadete Lema Mazzafera

The general objective of the study was to describe and analyze students' perspectives on the teaching and learning process in a technology course in legal services in distance education. The study also aimed to identify the profile of the student in the Legal Services course; describe the mastery of digital information and communication technologies by the students of the course; describe the teaching and learning process in the analyzed course; and to analyze the learning difficulties described by the students. Descriptive research with a quantitative and qualitative approach to data analysis was carried out with students from the second, third and fourth semesters of the technology course in Legal Services at a distance from a private university center in northern Paraná. The results obtained indicate that the greatest difficulties that students encounter in this context are of a personal nature. Within this category, academic difficulties predominate, followed by socioeconomic and structural difficulties that obtained the same percentage and difficulties in motivation. Despite indicating that the greatest learning difficulty is of a personal nature, when asked what could make them learn better, the majority indicated changes in instructional design.

Mira Mira ◽  
Syihabudin Syihabudin ◽  
Yayan Nurbayan

This study aims to measure the extent of the benefits of technological development as a means of academic evaluation. On this occasion, the researcher chose the Kahoot program as a model, a game-based smartphone learning program used as a school and educational stream designed by two scientists from the University of Norway. Researchers use the program of using the Kahoot program in the implementation process for students participating in Arabic language training courses at the Language Center of the State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung, the results of the study show that this program is of great use to teachers when they show tables that are more effective and efficient, because of the program. It is easy to use question setting by teachersand teachers. It is reliable and can predict the results of decisions after students have answered questions. Apart from that, this program also provides students with fun games such as game programs and can also be accessed easily via smartphones. Researchers hope that this study's results can provide additional information and input for teachers to increase the use of technology in the online teaching and learning process, especially during the Covid-19 epidemic, so that the teaching and learning process is more exciting effective.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-15
Devi Silvia Panjaitan

In this era of rapid technological development, the use of technology in various aspects is greatly enhanced. It is also inseparable in the world of education which must adapt itself to technology and bridge the technology and education world by implementing technology-based systems. Among them can be applied using multimedia-based learning media. The role of instructional media in the teaching and learning process is very important to be carried out by educators today, because the role of instructional media can be used to channel the sender's message to the recipient and through learning media and can also help students to explain something conveyed by the educator. Therefore, educators must be able to present good learning media for students in the current era.

Lisa Marie Blaschke ◽  
Svenja Bedenlier

With the ubiquity of the Internet and the pedagogical opportunities that digital media afford for education on all levels, online learning constitutes a form of education that accommodates learners’ individual needs beyond traditional face-to-face instruction, allowing it to occur with the student physically separated from the instructor. Online learning and distance education have entered into the mainstream of educational provision at of most of the 21st century’s higher education institutions. With its consequent focus on the learner and elements of course accessibility and flexibility and learner collaboration, online learning renegotiates the meaning of teaching and learning, positioning students at the heart of the process and requiring new competencies for successful online learners as well as instructors. New teaching and learning strategies, support structures, and services are being developed and implemented and often require system-wide changes within higher education institutions. Drawing on central elements from the field of distance education, both in practice and in its theoretical foundations, online learning makes use of new affordances of a variety of information and communication technologies—ranging from multimedia learning objects to social and collaborative media and entire virtual learning environments. Fundamental learning theories are being revisited and discussed in the context of online learning, leaving room for their further development and application in the digital age.

Gregory L. Waddoups ◽  
Scott L. Howell

The primary purpose of Brigham Young University (BYU) is to provide students with a combination of sacred and secular education often described as the “BYU experience.” Achieving this purpose is challenged by the rapid growth in Church membership and an enrollment cap of 30,000 students. To address these challenges, BYU sponsors the use of technology to bridge the gap between the increased Church membership and the number of students allowed under the enrollment caps. This institutional case study shows how these challenges have influenced the hybridization of teaching and learning for on campus (resident) and off campus (distance) students. It also describes how BYU has brought distance education to campus, and is beginning to bring campus-based educational practices to distance education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
NKAP Dewi ◽  
LDS Adnyani ◽  
LGE Wahyuni

The use of technology-based learning media, including video in English class can trigger students’ motivation to learn English and improve the learning process. This interesting and innovative media is believed to promote students’ engagement along the process. This descriptive study aims to describe the response of students related to their engagement to the use of English Learning video developed by using Camtasia Studio in second-grade students of elementary school. The data were collected through observations, interview and teacher’s questionnaire rubric. The result reveals that using technology-based media in classroom is really appropriate to increase students’ motivation and learning activeness to get a better teaching and learning process. Students and teacher gave positive responses toward the media and it was categorized into ‘Excellent’ media in which it was interesting and fulfilled the needs of second-grade students. Further, it was suggested for the next research to conduct the study in different grade. 

Andréa Villela Mafra da Silva

Trata-se de um artigo de revisão, que busca estudar o contexto neotecnicista mais recente, apresentado agora sob a forma de um processo de ensino e aprendizagem centrado nos resultados, em que se propõe a mesma racionalidade técnica dos anos setenta, para assim garantir a efciência e a produtividade na educação. Fazendo um resgate da história da educação brasileira, já na década de setenta, a confguração do discurso pedagógico estava atrelada aos princípios de racionalidade, efciência e produtividade. A pedagogia tecnicista estruturava o processo educativo em uma perspectiva operacional. Reportando-se ao momento atual, ao se examinar as políticas educacionais se encontra a ideia do neotecnicismo atrelada às avaliações de larga escala, com base nos conceitos de efciência, de produtividade e de qualidade total. Nesse contexto, a estratégia parece ser a incorporação das tecnologias na educação no primado da dimensão técnica. Em outras palavras, o neotecnicismo pedagógico se faz presente nas atuais políticas educacionais, que enfatizam o critério da qualidade com base na utilização das tecnologias como estratégia de adequação da educação escolar à sociedade da informação. A pesquisa é bibliográfca com aportes em artigos científcos e documentos ofciais. O estudo conclui que o paradigma neotecnicista poderá trazer novas formas de racionalização do sistema educativo, especialmente, através de concepções educacionais ancoradas no discurso da qualidade total na educação.Palavras-chave: Políticas Educacionais. Neotecnicismo. Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação.AbstractThis is a review article that seeks to study the latest neotechnical context, now presented in the form of a teaching and centered learning results, which proposes the same technical rationality of the seventies in order to ensure the efciency and productivity in education. Making a rescue of the history of Brazilian education, already in the seventies, the confguration of the pedagogical discourse was associated with the principles of rationality, efciency and productivity. The technicist pedagogy structured the educational process in an operational perspective. Referring to the present moment, as the educational policies are examined is the idea of linked neotechnicism to the large-scale assessments based on the concepts of efciency, productivity and overall quality. In this context, the strategy seems to be the incorporation of technology in education in the primacy of the technical dimension. In other words, the pedagogical neotechnicism is present in the current educational policies that emphasize the quality criteria based on the use of technology as a strategy of adaptation of education to the information society. The research is literature with contributions in scientifc papers and ofcial documents . The study concludes that the neotechnical paradigm can bring new ways of streamlining the education system, especially through educational conceptions anchored in total quality discourse in education.Keywords: Educational Policies. Neotechnicism . Information and Communication Technologies.

2021 ◽  
pp. 113-114
Melise Maia Ribeiro

The objective of this research is to know new decisions about the teaching and learning process in the context of the pandemic in the state of Amazonas, Brazil. The pandemic suspended classroom classes at more than 200 schools, causing the reorganization of pedagogical practices in distance education. The result was the applicability of the Special Regime of Non-Attendance Classes adopted by the Government of Amazonas (Aula em Casa Project). It is concluded that new directions can be taken from formal education in view of this new reality.

EAD em FOCO ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Angélica Monteiro ◽  
Rita Manuela Barros

O nosso trabalho pretende descrever o processo de desenho e implementação de objetos de aprendizagem orientados para o desenvolvimento de estratégias de resolução de problemas, numa escola superior do ensino politécnico português. Com a apresentação de um caso prático, demonstramos a utilização de um objeto de aprendizagem elaborado no âmbito de uma unidade curricular de Informática e Sistemas de Informação de um curso de licenciatura na área da Saúde, cuja metodologia de implementação se baseou na Problem Based Learning. Enquadrados num modelo de ensino-aprendizagem sustentado na participação ativa dos estudantes e orientado para a resolução de problemas por meio das TIC, o recurso ao método dos 3E permitiu o desenvolvimento de objetos de aprendizagem diversificados e consonantes com o processamento diferencial de informação dos estudantes, garantindo os resultados de aprendizagem definidos.Palavras-chave: Tecnologias da informação e da comunicação, Metodologias de ensino, Objetos de aprendizagem, Ensino superior.? The Information and Communication Technologies and the Development of Problem Based Learning Strategies on Higher Education in the Health AreaAbstractOur work aims to describe the process of design and implementation of Learning Objects to develop strategies for solving problems in a higher education Portuguese institution. We demonstrate a case study prepared under a "Computer and Information Systems" curricular unit of a health course, whose implementation methodology relied in Problem Based Learning. Framed in a model of teaching and learning supported the active participation of students and oriented towards problem solving through ICT, the use of the method of 3E allowed the development of Learning Objects and in line with the students' different information processes, ensuring the settled outcomes. Keywords: Information and communication technology, Teaching methodology, Learning objects, Higher education.

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