scholarly journals Advantages and Disadvantages of Applying the NHT Type Cooperative Learning Model Physics Learning in School

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Hadma Yuliani ◽  
Normilawati Normilawati ◽  
Tiya Andani ◽  
Maryam Aulia

This study analyses the advantages and disadvantages of cooperative learning type Numbered Head Together (NHT). The method in this research is a literature study based on previous research. The analysis technique used in this research is descriptive qualitative obtained from books and journals. Based on literature from 26 articles in scientific journals, it was found that the advantages of this type of NHT cooperative learning model are to make students more active, make students more interested in learning, think critically and responsibly and can improve student learning outcomes. While the obstacle in this learning model is the lack of time management) so that not all students can present the results of the discussions obtained during the learning process

2018 ◽  
A. Muhajir Nasir

This research is a Classroom Action Research which consists of 2 cycles. This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes through cooperative learning model Think Pair Square type. Data analysis technique used is descriptive statistic. The subject of this research is the second semester students of Mathematics Education Program STKIP YAPIM Maros, amounting to 28 people.The results showed that the results of student learning on the first cycle obtained an average score of 71.32 with a complete 71.43% and on the second cycle obtained an average score of 79.86 with a complete 89.29%. Improved completeness from cycle I to cycle II amounted to 17.86%. Thus, the application of cooperative learning model type Think Pair Square can improve student learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
suci khoirun nisa

This study aims to: to determine the meaning of the CTL approach, the principles of the CTL approach, the characteristics of the CTL approach, the components in the CTL, the objectives of the CTL approach, how the steps of the CTL approach, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the CTL approach, and the effect of the Learning Model. CTL to Improve Student Learning Outcomes. The method used in this research is literacy (literature study) by reviewing several sources related to CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning). The result of this study is that there is an increase in student learning outcomes using the CTL learning model

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-60
Yustina Upik ◽  
Avelius Dominggus Sore

Abstract: The problem in this study is the lack of student activeness in learning causes low learning outcome percentage 52,94%. The form of research I use is classroom action research (PTK). Data were collected through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and test sheets, and the research phase was conducted in 2 cycles. The result of the research shows that the study of cooperative type listening team in the implementation of cycle 1 turns out that the students have not maximized their opinions so that the achievement of the value has not been maximized. It is seen from the students' learning result in cycle 1, the highest score is 80, the lowest score is 50, average 66 and the percentage of mastery of 58.82%. However, in cycle 2 students have been able to express the answers in groups well, and in cycle 2 ended the teacher's efforts to improve the learning outcomes with the highest score of students obtained by 90, with an average of 76, and the percentage of mastery of 94.11%. To improve student learning outcomes, teachers use the appropriate learning model and in accordance with the material that is taught, and critical thinking patterns and responsiveness of students can be honed by expressing opinions in front of the class.Keyword: Cooperative Learning Model Type Listening Team Improves Learning OutcomesAbstrak: Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah kurangnya keaktifan siswa dalam belajar menyebabkan hasil belajar yang rendah persentasenya 52,94%. Bentuk penelitian yang saya gunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Data dikumpulkan melalui  observasi, angket, wawancara, dan lembar tes, serta tahap penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 siklus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pengkajian terhadap hasil belajar menggunakan cooperative tipe listening team dalam pelaksanaan siklus 1 ternyata siswa belum maksimal  mengemukakan pendapat sehinga menyebabkan pencapaian nilai belum maksimal hal tersebut dilihat dari hasil belajar siswa pada siklus 1, nilai tertinggi 80, nilai terendah 50, nilai rata-rata 66 serta persentase ketuntasan sebesar 58,82%. Namun pada siklus 2 siswa telah mampu mengungkapkan jawaban dalam kelompok dengan baik, dan pada siklus 2 berakhirlah upaya guru untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dengan nilai tertinggi siswa di peroleh sebesar 90, dengan rata-rata 76, serta persentase ketuntasan sebesar 94,11%. Untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, guru menggunakan model pembelajaran yang tepat dan sesuai dengan materi yang di ajarkan, dan pola berpikir kritis dan tanggap dari siswa dapat diasah dengan mengemukakan pendapat didepan kelas.Kata kunci: Model Cooperative Learning Tipe Listening Team meningkatkan Hasil Belajar

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-92

This study aims to (1) improve mathematics learning outcomes by using jigsaw type cooperative learning model in grade 5 students of SD Negeri 050600 Kuala Langkat Learning Year 2017/2018. (2) Describe the constraints encountered by using jigsaw type cooperative learning model to improve mathematics learning outcomes. The results of this study indicate an increase in student learning outcomes on subjects mathematics material KPK and FPB class V Elementary School 050600 Kuala Langkat. This is evident from the results of research conducted on the pretest of students who got the complete value of 5 people or 21.73% while the students who did not complete as many as 18 people or 78.27%. Then continued research research on the first cycle of students who got the complete value of 14 people or 60.86% while the unfinished students as many as 9 people or 39.14%, then there is an increase in increase in cycle I compared to pretest. But this does not meet the specified category of mastery. Then proceeded on the second cycle of students who get a total score of 20 people or 86.95% while students who are not complete as many as 3 people or 13.05%, then an increase in cycle II compared to cycle I and has fulfilled the specified mastery . Furthermore, teacher activity on observation cycle I obtained an average of 60% and in cycle II increased to 78%. While the student activity on the learning process obtained an average of 58% and in the second cycle has increased to 84%. Thus obtained the conclusion that by using cooperative learning model type jigsaw on subjects mathematics material KPK and FPB in class V SD  050600 Kuala Langkat can improve student learning outcomes. Therefore it is suggested for subsequent learning to use cooperative learning model of jigsaw type so that student learning result can increase

2020 ◽  
ilham mubarok

This study aims to (1) determine whether the use of models (Prediction, Observation, Explanation, Elaboration, Write and Evaluation) based on POE2WE (Somatic, Auditory, Visual, Intellectual) SAVI can improve student learning outcomes (2) know the magnitude of physics learning outcomes students before applying the SAVI-based POE2WE learning model (3) knowing the magnitude of the physics learning outcomes of students after applying the SAVI-based POE2WE learning model. The SAVI approach provides student intellectual collaboration supported by auditory and visual aspects in learning and trains students to be able to solve the problems they encounter. This research is a literature study and a test item with closed variables. This research was conducted at Siliwangi University students, amounting to 32 students. The data collection technique used was a learning achievement test consisting of 10 questions in the form of multiple choice. Descriptive analysis shows the average value of physics learning outcomes before being taught using the SAVI-based POE2WE learning model at 75% and after being taught using the SAVI-based POE2WE learning model at 81%. From the results of the analysis it can be concluded that the SAVI-based POE2WE learning model can improve students' physics learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-76
Taruddin Taruddin

This study aims to improve student learning outcomes by applying the make a match cooperative learning model on the theme of Energy and Change in class III-A UPT. at SD Negeri 01 Limo Kaum. This type of research is a classroom action research (PTK) which is carried out in two cycles. The subjects of this study were students of class III-A UPT. in SD Negeri 01 Limo Kaum, amounting to 20 students. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, tests and documentation. The data obtained are in the form of observations as primary data, and learning outcomes tests as supporting data. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative and qualitative. The results of this study indicate that the application of the cooperative learning model type make a match in thematic learning in class III-A UPT. at SD Negeri 01 Limo Kaum. From the data, the average student learning evaluation results increased, namely from the pre-cycle of 67.5 in the very poor category, increasing to 76.5 in the sufficient category in the first cycle, and increasing again to 85 with the very good category in the second cycle. This cycle stage states that student learning outcomes can increase due to applying the cooperative learning model make a match type.

Faiqoh Faiqoh

<em>The purpose of this research was to improve student learning outcomes in science grade V elementary schools with cooperative learning model The research conducted was a Classroom Action Research (PTK) with three cycle, with each cycle consisting of one meeting. The stages of each  cycle are planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. In the first cycle the student who completed were 45%. In the second cycle students who completed were 70%. In the third cycle students who completed were 95%. There result indicate that the cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes, especially grade V science on human circulatory System highlights at SD Negeri Kreman 01.</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-93
Wikriyah Wikriyah

The low learning outcomes of thematic science content at SDN Pajomblangan are due to the inactivity of students in participating in learning. For this reason, this type of research was conducted using classroom action research (CAR). This study aims to describe the steps in implementing the Problem Based Learning learning model and to find out the improvement in learning outcomes for class 5 science content. Data collection techniques used test techniques and non-test (observation) techniques. The analysis technique uses a quantitative descriptive technique. The results showed that the application of the Problem Based Learning model was able to improve student learning outcomes and activeness. The increase in learning outcomes showed that in the pre-cycle the student's level of completeness was 48%, for the first cycle the completeness level was 71%, and the second cycle the completeness level was 90%. While the increase in student activity in the pre-cycle is 50%, for the first cycle the student activity level is 68%, and the second cycle the student activity level is 87%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Problem Based Learning learning model can improve learning outcomes and student activity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-156
Muh. Sabring L

This research is a classroom action research using a qualitative description analysis that aims to determine whether there is an influence of the application of the CIRC type cooperative learning model in an effort to improve student learning outcomes. The subjects in this study were students of class VII-3, SMPN 9 Sorong whose average learning achievement was lower than other class VII, with a total of 26 students. The procedure of the study was to choose a learning model that was assessed according to the material presented. The PTK procedure consists of 2 cycles with 3 meetings per cycle, according to the level of the problem to be solved and the conditions to be improved. Each cycle consists of four stages as follows: 1) planning; 2) implementing actions; 3) observation and evaluation of actions; and 4) reflection of actions. Data in this study were collected through observation and tests to find out the extent of students' mastery learning towards the material delivered using the CIRC type of cooperative learning model. The results of the study show that: (1) In using the CIRC type of cooperative learning model the teacher must also pay attention to the importance of classroom management. This is for the sake of the smooth learning process; (2) The average score of students' understanding in paying attention to problems about determining the main ideas and problems in arlikel through intense reading activities, in the first cycle of 54.8, in the second cycle increased by 69.2, while in the third cycle increased by 83, 5 is quite good. Likewise, the completion of learning in cycle I by 57.6% increased in cycle III to 65.3% and also increased in cycle III to 100%; (3) CIRC type of cooperative learning model can improve student learning outcomes and can improve students' ability to solve problems regarding basic competencies in understanding explanatory text through oral and written on Indonesian subjects in VII grade students of SMPN 9 Sorong.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
La Sudi ◽  
H. Jamiludin

ABSTRAK: Tujuan utama penelitian adalah meningkatkan efektivitas mengajar guru, meningkatkan aktivitas belajar siswa dan meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa kelas XII IPS di MAS Al-Munawarah Tomia. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan dengan prosedur pelaksanaannya pada beberapa tahap, yaitu: perencanaan, Pelaksanaan Tindakan, observasi dan evaluasi, Serta Refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan memberikan tes tertulis dalam bentuk uraian pada tiap akhir siklus pembelajaran. Sesudah itu juga dengan dilakukan pengamatan terhadap efektifitas guru dan aktivitas belajar siswa. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistik sederhana yaitu analisis deskripsi untuk mencari rata-rata presentase. Teknik analisis ini digunakan untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar siswa sesudah melakukan kegiatan pembelajaran dengan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa: 1) presentase pelaksanaan aktivitas mengajar guru berdasarka skenario penelitian dilaksanakan atau terlaksana mengalami peningkatan disetiap siklusnya. Dimana presentase yang diperoleh pada pada siklus I sebesar 66,67% dan pada siklus II meningkat mencapai presentase sebesar 93,33%. 2) Aktivitas belajar siswa dengan menggunakan penerapan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation sudah menunjukan peningkatan yang signifikan. Presentase yang diperoleh yaitu pada pembelajar siklus I sebesar 40,38% dan pada siklus II presentase sebesar 94,23%. 3) selain itu juga hasil belajar siswa meningkat dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Group Investigation dengan presesntase ketuntasan secara kalsikal telah tercapai85%. Dengan hasil tes pada siklus I presentasenya sebesar 60% dengan rata-rata 74,2. Dan pada siklus II tes mengalami peningkatan menjadi 93,33% dengan nilai rat-rata 80,66 dengan demikian penelitian tindakan kelas ini telah berhasil dilaksanakan karena pada tiap siklusnya mengalami peningkatan. Kata Kunci: Evektivitas, Aktivitas, Hasil Belajar ABSTRACT: The main objective of research is to improve the effectiveness of teaching teachers, increase student learning activities and improve student learning outcomes in class XII IPS at MAS Al-Munawarah Tomia. This research is a class action research (CAR) carried out with the procedure of its implementation at several stages, namely: planning, implementing actions, observing and evaluating, and reflecting. The data collection technique used in this study is to provide a written test in the form of a description at the end of each learning cycle. After that also by observing the effectiveness of teachers and student learning activities. The data analysis technique used is a simple statistical analysis of the description analysis to find the average percentage. This analysis technique is used to determine the increase in student learning outcomes after conducting learning activities with the application of the Group Investigation cooperative learning model. The results of this study indicate that: 1) the percentage of implementation of teacher teaching activities based on research scenarios carried out or implemented has increased in each cycle. Where the percentage obtained in the first cycle was 66.67% and in the second cycle increased it reached a percentage of 93.33%. 2) Student learning activities using the application of the Group Investigation cooperative learning model have shown significant improvements. The percentage obtained is 40.38% for cycle I learners and 94.23% for cycle II. 3) in addition, student learning outcomes have also improved by using the Group Investigation type cooperative learning model with a calcical percentage of completeness reached 85%. With the test results in the first cycle the percentage of 60% with an average of 74.2. And in the second cycle the test has increased to 93.33% with an average value of 80.66 thus this class action research has been successfully carried out because in each cycle has increased. Keywords: Evectivity, Activities, Learning Outcomes 

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