2021 ◽  
pp. 114-122
Svitlana Fiialka ◽  
Olga Trishchuk ◽  
Nadija Figol ◽  
Tetiana Faichuk

The authors discuss the issues and benefits of collaborative writing in journalistic education, comparing the texts written by students in different conditions: in group collaboration, individually after prewriting group discussion, and individually without any collaboration. We used a survey for collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The participants were 21 second year and 15 third-year students, who wrote 18 fiction stories for preschool children (3 were written in the collaborative writing groups of 4, where the students were allowed to choose partners for small groups; 3 in the collaborative writing groups of 4, where the students were not allowed to choose partners; 6 after prewriting group discussion, and 6 without any collaboration). 12 six-year students evaluated delivered texts. We also interviewed 12 teachers of the Department of Publishing and Editing about the collaborative writing tasks at the meeting of the Department. Teachers’ interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The students and teachers expressed positive attitudes towards collaborative writing, that contributes to students’ learning outcomes and prepare them for teamwork. The highest score got the texts written individually after the prewriting discussion. The stories written by the students who were allowed to choose partners in a group work gained higher scores than texts prepared in randomly created groups. The participants in the self-selected conditions reported that they enjoyed а high level of participation, sharing the workload and supportive behaviour. We also observed the evidences of unequal participation of students in collaboration in small groups where the partners were not familiar. The lowest average score got the texts written with no collaboration. So, we proved that there is a need for implementing prewriting group discussions in the learning process. It is necessary to differentiate the role of each student in collaborative writing to evaluate individual results correctly.

2021 ◽  
pp. 096366252110206
Lyn M. van Swol ◽  
Emma Frances Bloomfield ◽  
Chen-Ting Chang ◽  
Stephanie Willes

This study examined if creating intimacy in a group discussion is more effective toward reaching consensus about climate change than a focus on information. Participants were randomly assigned to either a group that spent the first part of an online discussion engaging in self-disclosure and focusing on shared values (intimacy condition) or discussing information from an article about climate change (information condition). Afterward, all groups were given the same instructions to try to come to group consensus on their opinions about climate change. Participants in the intimacy condition had higher ratings of social cohesion, group attraction, task interdependence, and collective engagement and lower ratings of ostracism than the information condition. Intimacy groups were more likely to reach consensus, with ostracism and the emotional tone of discussion mediating this effect. Participants were more likely to change their opinion to reflect that climate change is real in the intimacy than information condition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 215-240
Haula Rosdiana ◽  
Maria R.U.D. Tambunan ◽  
Inayati Hifni

Dalam mengoptimalkan penerimaan pajak, pemerintah selayaknya mendesain sistem perpajakan yang berpegang prinsip efisiensi dengan tetap memperhatikan aspek keadil-an dan kesederhana. Dalam sistem perpajakan, hukum formal mempunyai peranan penting dalam mengejawantahkan hukum material, karena itu Undang-undang Ketentu-an Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan (KUP) menjadi salah satu kunci keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan pajak. Mengingat strategisnya peran UU KUP, perlu untuk mereview kembali UU KUP yang saat ini berlaku serta perlu dilakukan suatu penyempurnaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data kualitatif yang terdiri dari studi literatur dan focus group discussion. Penelitian bertujuan memberikan masukan atas KUP yang saat ini masih dalam proses pembahasan dengan menekankan pada aspek kemudahan (ease of administration), keadilan (equity) dan kepastian hukum (law enforcement). Hasil penelitian ini menekan-kan pada hal-hal terkait (i) perlunya meningkatkan basis data perpajakan, (ii) perlunya menjalankan kemudahan administrasi yang berdasarkan ketentuan yang tegas, jelas, dan sederhana, (iii) penegakan hukum yang tegas, (iv) adanya sanksi yang sebanding dengan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh wajib pajak, dan (v) peningkatan kualitas layanan dan profesionalisme petugas pajak. Kajian ini diharapkan mampu mendorong terwujudnya regulasi perpajakan pro terhadap optimalisasi penerimaan tanpa mencede-rai hak-hak wajib pajak. Proposal for Amendment of Formal Law on Taxation Procedure  In optimizing tax revenue, the government should design a taxation system that adheres to the principle of efficiency, justice and simplicity. In the taxation system, formal law has an important role in manifesting laws, therefore laws and taxation procedures (KUP) are one of the keys to the successful implementation of tax policies. Considering the strategic role of the KUP Law, it is necessary to review the KUP Law which is currently in force and needs to be improved. This study uses a qualitative approach with qualitative data collection techniques consisting of literature studies and focus group discussions. The research aims to provide input on KUP which is currently still in the process of discussion by emphasizing aspects of ease (ease of administration), justice (equity) and legal certainty (law enforcement). The results emphasize issues related to (i) the need to increase the taxation database, (ii) the need to carry out administrative facilities based on firm, clear and simple provisions, (iii) strict law enforcement, (iv) comparable sanctions with violations committed by taxpayers and (v) improving the quality of service and professionalism of tax officials. This study is expected to be able to encourage the realization of tax regulations that are pro to the optimization of revenue without harming the rights of taxpayers.

2017 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 217
Widya Fitriana

Agricultural sector as a main contributor to GDP formation in West Sumatera is required to be able to diversify its business in order to highest achieving economic and social development. One diversified agricultural business prospective to be developed is agro-tourism. The development of agro-tourism requires collaboration and synergy between academician, businessman and government as known as triple helix actors. This study is designed with aim to (i) map the agro-tourism potential in west Sumatera; (ii) analyze the role of each actors, so they may take action in accelerating Agro-tourism development. This research uses observation, depth interview method, literature study and focus group discussion. The result shows that agro-tourism in West Sumatra is more prominent of great natural and cultural value, small scale and lack of local facilities. It also requires relatively high level of investment relative to its return. Therefore government support is likely an essential element of agro-tourism development and the effort may be better directed toward consolidating with intellectual and business also.

1988 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 457-476 ◽  
J Burgess ◽  
M Limb ◽  
C M Harrison

In this paper we present the discussions of the Eltham group in the Greenwich Open-Space project, as a case study of the contributions that in-depth small groups can make in the study of environmental values. The major themes of the group discussions are presented, and extracts of dialogue illustrate several aspects of small-group dynamics: how the group establishes its identity, how members negotiate increasing levels of intimacy and trust, how they handle conflict among themselves, and how they deal with termination. These themes demonstrate the importance of the group matrix, the levels of manifest and latent meaning in discourse, and the role of the conductor in facilitating the group structure and processes. We conclude that in-depth small groups are a valuable research strategy for the exploration of the interpenetration of individual and collective values for environment.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-147
Pinn Siraprapasiri ◽  
Chanintira na Thalang

This article assesses the knowledge of, attitudes towards, and aspirations for ASEAN among Thai university students, who are set to enter the ASEAN Community labour market and are among those most in touch with ASEAN issues. It uses data obtained from a countrywide survey and focus group discussions to identify variables that affect knowledge, attitudes, and aspirations and to explore the relationships between knowledge, attitudes, and aspirations. The quantitative analysis conducted here uses students’ fields of study, academic performance, and exposure to both ASEAN-related courses and also information and discussions about ASEAN in the mass media and public forums as predictors of their level of knowledge about ASEAN. The paper's results confirm that positive attitudes towards ASEAN lead to positive aspirations for ASEAN. They also reveal that significant knowledge about ASEAN cannot, in isolation, adequately explain students’ attitudes towards ASEAN and does not always lead to positive attitudes. These findings and those obtained from the focus group discussions suggest that a high level of knowledge and understanding of fellow ASEAN member countries and their people – whether attained through formal or informal education or social interaction – is needed for students to develop positive attitudes and become aspiring members of the ASEAN Community.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Xuejiao Cheng ◽  
Han Xie ◽  
Jianzhong Hong ◽  
Guanghua Bao ◽  
Zhiqiang Liu

Teacher's emotions have been shown to be highly important in the quality and effectiveness of teaching and learning. There is a recognized need to examine the essential role of teacher's emotions in students' academic achievement. However, the influence of teacher's displays of emotions on students' outcomes in small-group interaction activities, especially in the online environment, has received little attention in prior research. The aim of the present study was to explore the relationship between teacher's different emotional displays and students' perceptions of the teacher's competence, as well as students' collaborative feelings and productivity in online small-group discussions. Using a three-level between-subjects design, 74 participants were randomly divided into four-member groups comprising a teacher and three other participants. All the groups were asked to discuss an open-ended realistic problem using online software, during which the teacher's display of emotions varied (positive vs. negative vs. neutral). The participants' self-reported questionnaire data (perception of the teacher's competence, students' feeling of pleasure, collaborative satisfaction, and willingness to continue collaborating) and productivity (number of effective ideas expressed within a given time) were measured to compare the participants who were exposed to different emotional displays. As expected, the results showed that the participants who received the teacher's positive emotional display reported that they experienced higher levels of pleasure during the task. However, in contrast to our expectations, those under the negative emotional display condition showed a significantly higher level of productivity in the group task. In addition, compared to emotional display, the participants' perceptions of the teacher's competence were rated significantly higher under the neutral condition, and they reported higher levels of collaborative satisfaction and greater willingness to continue collaborating with their group. The findings have the potential benefit of informing educational practice on whether teachers should display their emotions in a small-group discussion or how they should display emotions following adjustment for the relative aim of the teaching activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-106
Dumilah Ayuningtyas

Latar Belakang: Tata kelola klinis bertujuan untuk memastikan bahwa layanan kesehatan berjalan sesuai dengan standar keamanan yang tinggi dan kualitas berkelanjutan. Komite Medis bertanggung jawab untuk pelaksanaan tata kelola klinis yang baik di rumah sakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran Komite Medik dalam tata kelola klinis rumah sakit di era Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) pada RS Umum Daerah (RSUD) di Provinsi Jambi. Metode: Desain penelitian bersifat kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dari Agustus hingga Desember 2016 di tiga RSUD kelas C di Provinsi Jambi dan mencakup 23 informan yang diambil melalui wawancara mendalam dan Focus Group Discussion. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Komite Medik belum berperan optimal dalam proses kredensialing, pemeliharaan mutu profesi dan penjagaan disiplin/etika profesi. Tugas dan fungsi kredensialing di beberapa rumah sakit belum berjalan sebagaimana mestinya (karena digunakan untuk persyaratan penerimaan dokter baru, tetapi tidak untuk menyaring kompetensi dokter), terkesan formalitas, serta sulit dilakukan karena belum memiliki Mitra Bestari. Kebijakan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional memberi pengaruh baik terhadap peran komite medik dalam tata kelola klinis RS, karena terdapat beberapa regulasi atau peraturan pelaksana tentang JKN yang terintegrasi dengan peran komite medik, khususnya pada aspek kendali mutu kendali biaya. Kesimpulan: Dapat disimpulkan Komite Medik secara umum belum berperan optimal dalam tata kelola klinis pada RSUD Kelas C di Provinsi Jambi. Oleh karena itu, rumah sakit perlu meningkatkan kompetensi, etika dan disiplin profesi medik, serta penyempurnaan regulasi terpadu terkait  tata kelola klinis di rumah sakit. Kata kunci: komite medik, tata kelola klinis, RS, Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional. Abstract Background: Clinical governance aims to ensure that health services run according to high safety standards and ongoing quality. The medical committee is responsible for the implementation of good clinical governance of the hospital. This study aims to analyze the role of the medical committee in the clinical governance of hospitals in the era of National Health Insurance (JKN). Methods: The research design is qualitative. Data collection spans from August to December 2016 in three hospitals in Jambi Province and includes 23 informants who were observed throughout in-depth interviews and focus group discussions. Results: The results show that the medical committee has not played an optimal role in the process of credentialing, maintaining professional quality, and guarding the discipline/professional ethics of the hospital. The duties and functions of credentials in some hospitals are not working properly (because used to apply to new doctor admission requirements, but not as to screen the competence of doctors), seem excessively formal and difficult to implement because they do not have Mitra Bestari yet. JKN policy has a good influence on the role of the medical committee in the clinical governance of the hospital, as there are several regulations that are integrated with the role of the medical committee, especially in the areas of quality control and cost control. Conclusion: It can be concluded that the medical committee in general has not played an optimal role in the clinical governance of hospitals in Jambi Province. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the competence, ethics, and discipline of the medical profession in addition to integrating regulations related to clinical governance in hospitals.  Keywords : Medical committee, clinical governance

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 127-136
Mohammed Abdulselam Adem ◽  
Amanuel Desalegn Untiso

Action Research is a formative study of progress commonly practiced by teachers in schools. It enables a teacher to craft most appropriate strategy within its own teaching environment. Action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in an immediate problematic situation and to further the goals of social science simultaneously. This paper is aims to improve the academic performance of female students with special evidence from 2nd year management department of Bonga University. further, factors affecting the academic achievement of female students were examined. Finally, the role of teachers in improving female student academic performance were investigated. In doing so, the researcher adopted interview, focused group discussion and observations as data collection instruments. In addition, the researcher, prepared schedule composed of Proposed plan, action and evaluation for achieving the goals of this project. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and Paired sample T- test. The finding of this Action research project revealed that; Lack of proper Tutorial class has significant effects on female students’ achievement with average mean of 3.55, followed by lack of pear learning with mean score of 3.40. further, the overall Average Score of female students Before intervention was 3.98. but, After the researcher and course instructor made intervention which described in methodology parts the overall Average Score of female students has increased to 6.65. The researcher recommends the female students to give due consideration for their education and to read cooperatively with their colleagues. Further, Teachers should encourage female students through providing enough and timely tutorials. Finally, Bonga university shall establish female students club that actively serves all female students of the university through preparing training and conferences on which they exchange experiences with each other if possible with other universities female students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Rafee Hakky

<p>It is well established that Tuning’s development of the concept of competences for the improvement of what is referred to as student-centered approach has proven itself beneficial in developing higher education programs.<a title="" href="#_ftn1">[1]</a>  This paper examines the application of competences suggested by Tuning-MEDA to the benefit of teaching architecture. Two courses were selected from the Architectural Engineering Program at the International University for Science and Technology, Damascus, Syria; namely, Basic Design I and II. Five competences were selected as crucial to be achieved in these two courses: ability to think, perceive and conceive spaces three dimensionally and communicate verbally, in writing, graphically, and/or volumetrically; have critical thinking, analysis and synthesis; knowledge of aesthetics and arts, and understanding their role as key factors in the quality of architectural thinking and design; possess a high level of interpersonal skills; and appreciation of the social and cultural role of architecture. The two courses are evaluated at two levels before being examined in relation to their ability to achieve these competences. They were looked at in connection with Bloom’s Taxonomy and found to be able to deliver learning at its upper levels; namely, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. They were also examined against the typical Learning Retention Pyramid and were found to provide learning opportunities through learning techniques which provide a high level of retention: demonstration, group discussion, and practice by doing. Finally, it was found that the five competences assigned to the courses were very much achievable and indeed through applying them, the two courses were more focused and could achieve their objectives more successfully.</p><div><br clear="all" /><hr align="left" size="1" width="33%" /><div><p><a title="" href="#_ftnref1">[1]</a> Robert Wagenaar, “Competences and learning Outcomes: a Panacea for Understanding the (New) Role of Higher Education?” <em>Tuning Journal for Higher Education</em> 1, no. 2 (May 2014): 279-302.</p></div></div>

2004 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-68 ◽  
A. T. Baines ◽  
M. McVey ◽  
B. Rybarczyk ◽  
J. T. Thompson ◽  
H. R. Wilkins

We designed an interrupted case study to teach aerobic cellular respiration to major and nonmajor biology students. The case is based loosely on a real-life incident of rotenone poisoning. It places students in the role of a coroner who must determine the cause of death of the victim. The case is presented to the students in four parts. Each part is followed by discussion questions that the students answer in small groups prior to a classwide discussion. Successive parts of the case provide additional clues to the mystery and help the students focus on the physiological processes involved in aerobic respiration. Students learn the information required to solve the mystery by reading the course textbook prior to class, listening to short lectures interspersed throughout the case, and discussing the case in small groups. The case ends with small group discussions in which the students are given the names and specific molecular targets of other poisons of aerobic respiration and asked to determine which process (i.e., glycolysis, citric acid cycle, or the electron transport chain) the toxin disrupts.

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