Culture - backbone of European union's tourism policy

1995 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-335
Tomislav Hitrec

The author discusses the connection between tourism and culture considering it both causally and functionally. Attention is paid to so called cultural tourism, i.e. that part of global tourist movement which is continually and increasingly influenced by cultural motives, within which city destinations are specially considered. The basics of the European Union’s tourism policy is presented, and the main directions of its influence based on its relevant documentation and practice discussed. Within this given framework the paper mainly concentrates on the importance of culture within the given policy from which is derived its unavoidable role in integration processes on the territories of modern Europe. Relying on its rich past and traditional values Europe is on the threshold of its third millennium, aware more than ever of the important role of tourism in teaching national culture, and in creating Europe’s own personal image. Within this context an independent Croatia must belong which, with its culture and tourism, seeks to be included within an integrated Europe.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 96-101
E A Popov

The article considers the phenomenon of legal life of man and society. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of the investigation of this phenomenon in the jurisprudence and social Sciences. The role of legal life in the development of public relations and the overall legal system of the state. Axiological approach to the study of the legal life of man and society combines the efforts of law and social Sciences in the study of this phenomenon. This legal life is seen in a number of other independent phenomena and phenomena and legal reality, the legal mentality and law. These phenomena in scientific discourse as the phenomena relate to: 1) complement each other in meaning;2) showing the dynamics of the formation and consolidation of the society of legal values, based on the preservation of traditional values and norms; 3) constituents of the essential elements of any legal system in any historical time;4) inf luencing the formation of those or other legal norms and rules; 5) defining the nature of the relationship with different entities in law. Identify features of the legal life of man and society has an undeniable value for modern Sciences and knowledge. It is the legal life extends to all human individual and collective existence, affects the traditional values and norms. The article made the following conclusions: 1) the legal life connected with the daily life of a person; 2) legal life based on ancestral values, as well as cultural universals that are present in every national culture; 3) it becomes one of the factors of socio-cultural development of societies and States; 4) has an impact on the legal reality, since it ref lects the legal expectations of individuals; 5) appeals not only to the system of law and legal norms, but also to ethics, morals, principles of social justice and freedom.

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Розглядається гастрономічний бренд, який надає можливість оживити і диверсифікувати культурний туризм, оскільки він одночасно втілює в собі традиційні цінності і нові тенденції в сучасному суспільстві, а саме повага до місцевої культури, здорового способу життя, автентичності, стійкості. Охарактеризовано роль туристичної дестинації у виборі напряму поїздки, що приведе до зростання на туристському ринку гастрономічних пропозицій, які засновані на локальних продуктах високої якості. Ключові слова: туристична дестинація, гастрономічний туризм, бренд, національна кухня, гостинність, винний туризм. The gastronomic brand is considered, which gives an opportunity to revive and diversify cultural tourism, as it simultaneously embodies traditional values and new trends in modern society, namely respect for local culture, healthy lifestyle, authenticity, sustainability. The role of the tourist destination in the choice of the destination is characterized, which will lead to an increase in the gastronomic offer on the tourist market based on local high quality products. Key words: tourist destination, gastronomic tourism, brand, national cuisine, hospitality, wine tourism

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-189 ◽  
Elena A. Takho-Godi

<p>The article raised the question of the role of the Pushkinian principle in the philosophical and aesthetic system of Yu.&nbsp;I.&nbsp;Aykhenvald, one of the leading critics of the Silver Age. The given review of Aykhenvald&rsquo;s publications on Pushkin and Pushkin studies of the first quarter of the twentieth century and analysis of Aykhenvald&rsquo;s attitude to V.&nbsp;G.&nbsp;Belinsky&rsquo;s and D.&nbsp;S. Merezhkovsky&rsquo;s statements about Pushkin allowed defining more clearly the position of the literator, his approaches and methods. Aykhenvald&rsquo;s articles about Anna&nbsp;Akhmatova, V.&nbsp;Bryusov, I.&nbsp;Bunin demonstrate that the involvement in the Pushkin tradition was for Aykhenvald the most important aesthetic criterion in assessing the modern literary process. Besides, the article regards the question of perception of Pushkin&rsquo;s studies of Aykhenvald by his contemporaries&nbsp;&mdash; writers (B.&nbsp;Zaitsev, B.&nbsp;Sadovskoy, V.&nbsp;Khodasevich), literary scholars (S.&nbsp;A.&nbsp;Vengerov, B.&nbsp;M.&nbsp;Eichenbaum, A.&nbsp;P.&nbsp;Skaftymov), cultural historians (P.&nbsp;M.&nbsp;Bicilli) and representatives of Russian religious philosophy (S.&nbsp;L.&nbsp;Frank, A.&nbsp;F.&nbsp;Losev). It is concluded that, in contrast to literary historians, the phenomenon of Aykhenvald was for philosophically minded admirers of his critical talent a confirmation of the unity of national culture, the irreducibility of the nation to nationality and Pushkin as its main symbol.</p>

Oksana Galchuk

The theme of illegitimacy Guy de Maupassant evolved in his works this article perceives as one of the factors of the author’s concept of a person and the plane of intersection of the most typical motifs of his short stories. The study of the author’s concept of a person through the prism of polivariability of the motif of a bastard is relevant in today’s revision of traditional values, transformation of the usual social institutions and search for identities, etc. The purpose of the study is to give a definition to the existence specifics of the bastard motif in the Maupassant’s short stories by using historical and literary, comparative, structural methods of analysis as dominant. To do this, I analyze the content, variability and the role of this motive in the formation of the Maupassant’s concept of a person, the author’s innovations in its interpretation from the point of view of literary diachrony. Maupassant interprets the bastard motif in the social, psychological and metaphorical-symbolic sense. For the short stories with the presentation of this motif, I suggest the typology based on the role of it in the structure of the work and the ideological and thematic content: the short stories with a motif-fragment, the ones with the bastard’s leitmotif and the group where the bastard motif becomes a central theme. The Maupassant’s interpretation of the bastard motif combines the general tendencies of its existence in the world’s literary tradition and individual reading. The latter is the result of the author’s understanding of the relevant for the era issues: the transformation of the family model, the interest in the theory of heredity, the strengthening of atheistic sentiments, the growth of frustration in the system of traditional social and moral values etc. This study sets the ground for a prospective analysis of the evolution the bastard motif in the short-story collections of different years or a comparative study of the motif in short stories and novels by Maupassant.

Баяманова М.С.

Summary: The article deals with the analysis of the interpretational field of the basic lexical units which represent the meaning of the concept “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and cultures. Comparative – contrastive analytical data of the most frequently used in both languages variants of the interpretation of the concept “woman” have been given. The semantic fields of nuclear and nearnuclear meanings of the lexical units, transforming the notion of “woman” in English and Kyrgyz languages and also the place and role of these notions in cultures and philosophy of the nations on the basis of mentality and traditional values have been studied and described. The situations of the use of this or that variant of the meaning of lexical unit. A comparative study of the definitions of the word “woman’ in English and Kyrgyz languages have been given. Key words: concept, woman, interpretational field, notion, definition, semantic field, culture, language, linguoculture, transformation Аннотация: В статье рассматриваются интерпретационные поля основных лексических единиц, репрезентирующих значение концепта «женщина» в английской и кыргызской лингвокультурах. Приводятся сравнительно-сопоставительные аналитические данные наиболее употребительных в речи обоих языков вариантов интерпретации концепта «женщина». Изучены и описаны семантические поля ядерных и околоядерных значений лексических единиц, трансформирующих понятие «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языке, а также роль и место этих понятий в культурах и философии народов на основе менталитета и традиционных ценностей. Приводятся ситуации использования того или ино- го варианта значения лексической единицы, проведено сравнительное изучение определений слова «женщина» в английском и кыргызском языках. Ключевые слова: концепт, женщина, интерпретационное поле, понятие, определение, семантическое поле, культура, язык, лингвокультура, трансформация Аннотация: Макалада англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде жана маданияттарында «аял» концептинин маанисин репрезентациалаган негизги лексикалык бирдиктер каралат. «Аял» концептин эки тилдеги кѳп колдонулуучу интерпретациялоо варианттарынын аналитикалык салыштырма маалыматтары изил- делип берилген. Англис жана кыргыз тилдеринде «аял» түшүнүгүн трансформациялаган лексикалык бирдиктердин түп нуска жана ага жакындашкан маанилери иликтелип каралган. Берилген түшүнүктѳрдүн элдик философиясында жана маданиятында, менталитеттин жана салттын негизинде эл арасына кеӊири тараган, элдик тилде жана маданиятта ойногон ролу менен орду чагылдырылган. Ар түрдү ситацияларда колдонулуучу тиги же бул лексикалык бирдиктердин маанисинин варианттары каралган, «аял» деген сѳздун англис жана кыргыз тилдериндеги түшүндүрмѳлѳрү салыштырылып изилделген. Түйүндүү сѳздѳр: концепт, аял, интерпретациялоо мейкиндиги, түшүнүк, түшүндүрмѳ, семантикалык чѳйрѳ, маданият, тил, лингвомаданият, трансформациялоо

Ирина Викторовна Евстафьева

В статье исследуются вопросы попечительства в отношении несовершеннолетних, отбывающих наказание в виде лишения свободы. Проблема, поднимаемая автором настоящей статьи, многогранна, касается различных аспектов отбывания наказания несовершеннолетними в воспитательных колониях и требует комплексного исследования, способного ответить на определенно значимый вопрос: является ли колония законным представителем находящихся в ней несовершеннолетних со всеми вытекающими из статуса законных представителей последствиями. При этом необходимо обращать внимание на специфику правового статуса лиц, отбывающих наказание в воспитательных колониях, которые, во-первых, являются несовершеннолетними, то есть не обладают дееспособностью в полном объеме и нуждаются в особой заботе, защите и представительстве, а во-вторых, осуждены за совершение тяжкого или особо тяжкого преступления, влекущего изоляцию от общества и определенные ограничения и лишения. Отечественное законодательство достаточно детально регламентирует особенности режима отбывания наказания в виде лишения свободы несовершеннолетними, не определяя при этом статуса воспитательных колоний, кем они являются: воспитателями, попечителями или исключительно учреждениями исполнения наказаний. Между тем правильное понимание значения и роли воспитательной колонии в жизни находящихся в ней несовершеннолетних преступников, по мнению автора, поможет избежать ряда проблем, объективно складывающихся в учреждениях подобного рода. С этой точки зрения предлагаемая тема представляет интерес не только для ученых-теоретиков, но и для практиков - сотрудников соответствующих учреждений. Особо следует подчеркнуть, что исследований по данной тематике в специальной литературе нет. Отдельные исследования, встречающиеся в современной литературе, касаются исключительно общего гражданско-правового статуса несовершеннолетних осужденных. Однако это обстоятельство может свидетельствовать только о новизне данной темы, но никак не об отсутствии самой проблемы. The article analyzes the issues of the status of educational colonies as guardians of minors serving a sentence of imprisonment. In fact, the problem raised by the author of this article is multifaceted, concerns various aspects of the serving of punishment by minors in educational colonies and requires a comprehensive study that can answer, it seems, a definitely significant question: whether the colony is the legal representative of the minors in it with all the consequences arising from the status of legal representatives in the form of duties and responsibilities. At the same time, it seems, it is necessary to pay attention to the specifics of the legal status of citizens serving sentences in educational colonies, who, firstly, are minors, i.e. do not have full legal capacity and need special care, protection and representation, and, secondly, are convicted of committing a serious or particularly serious crime, entailing isolation from society and certain restrictions and deprivation. Domestic legislation regulates in sufficient detail the peculiarities of the regime of serving sentences in the form of deprivation of liberty by minors, without determining the status of educational colonies. Who are they: educators, Trustees or only institutions of execution of punishments. Meanwhile, the correct understanding of the importance and role of the educational colony in the life of juvenile offenders in it, according to the author, will help to avoid a number of problems that objectively develop in institutions of this kind. From this point of view, the proposed topic is of interest not only for theoretical scientists, but for practitioners-employees of relevant institutions. It should be emphasized that there are no studies on this subject in the special literature. However, this circumstance can testify only about novelty of the given subject, but in any way about absence of the problem. It seems that the relevance and importance of a problem is not always measured by the number of studies devoted to it. Sometimes these its traits are manifest only under particularly careful consideration.

2017 ◽  
Aleksa . Vuuetii ◽  
Jovo Ateljevic ◽  
Tatjana Pivac ◽  
Sanela Kovacevic

Reeti Gupta

Government of India launched a ‘Swadesh Darshan Scheme’ in January 2015 that pinpoints 13 designated circuits including Ramayana circuit, Krishna Circuit, Buddhist Circuit, and Spiritual Circuit to promote religious and cultural tourism in the country. Kurukshetra is a ‘Holy City’ of State of Haryana that is recently been added in ‘Krishna Religious Tourism Circuit’. ‘Krishna Circuit’ embraces inherent mythology and beliefs pertaining to Lord Krishna and includes different place of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujrat, and Odisha for tourism facilitation. This scheme is alleged to contribute significantly in increasing the attractiveness of certain religious tourist destinations. Tourism entrepreneurs like hoteliers, restaurant owners, tour operators, travel agencies as well as religious entrepreneurs (Shinde, 2010) such as religious gurus, priests and managers of temples and ashrams are expected to get benefited from the initiatives proposed in the scheme in varied ways. Given the significant role of this scheme for growth of entrepreneurs, the present study aims to highlight the challenges faced by entrepreneurs that deserve attention of policy makers.

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