2010 ◽  
Vol 29 (93) ◽  
pp. 69
Agemir Bavaresco

O fenômeno da globalização põe em crise a teoria da soberania moderna, porque o Estado-Nação, forjado a partir da autonomia soberana, não consegue mais controlar e proteger o seu território, bem como garantir junto ao povo a legitimação de suas decisões para incrementar um projeto político. A soberania moderna foi elaborada a partir do Estado-Nação fechado sobre si mesmo em seu território e travando guerras de expansão contra outros Estados. Há uma predominância da soberania interna, ocorrendo um eclipse da dimensão inter-estatal, enquanto que a soberania pós-moderna constrói-se a partir do Império Mundial, que desconhece os Estados nacionais. Há um deslocamento do poder para a soberania externa em detrimento da afirmação nacional. Ora, tanto o primeiro como o segundo modelo de soberania caem nos extremos do silogismo, ou seja, não articulam a soberania interna e externa na relação da mediação. Hegel, a nosso ver, propõe uma justa tensão mediadora entre os dois momentos da sua teoria sobre a soberania.Abstract: The phenomenon of the globalization puts in crisis the theory of the modern sovereignty because of the State-nation forged starting from the sovereign autonomy doesn’t get more to control and to protect its territory, as well as to guarantee to the people the legitimization of its decisions to increase a political project. The modern sovereignty was elaborated starting from State-nation shut on himself in its territory and making expansion wars against other States. There is a predominance of the sovereignty interns, happening an eclipse of the inter-state dimension while the sovereignty postmodern is built starting from the World Empire that ignores national States. There is a displacement of the power for the external sovereignty in detriment of the national affirmation. Now, so much the first as the second models of sovereignty they drop in the extreme of the syllogism, that is to say, they don’t articulate the sovereignty interns and external in the relationship of the mediation. Hegel, in our opinion, proposes a just tension among the two moments of its theory on the sovereignty.

2020 ◽  
pp. 46-76
Michael Barnes, SJ

The background of Vatican II’s pastoral and missionary concerns cannot be separated from what is arguably the Council’s most unexpected and far-reaching document, Nostra Aetate, the Declaration on the relationship of the Church to non-Christian religions. While very often interpreted as changing, not to say reversing, traditional Church-centred soteriology, this chapter argues that Nostra Aetate needs to be understood primarily as an event, a moment of self-understanding on the part of the Church which provokes a radical conversio morum. By calling the Declaration the ‘moral heart of the Council’, the chapter focusses specifically on its original purpose. That the Declaration has opened up a broader interreligious perspective to which all the major religions of the world can relate is testament less to the power of particular theological ideas than to its central conviction that the Church finds its own origins not apart from but through the faith which it shares with the people of the Sinai Covenant.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Bahiroh Adilah

This research focuses on analyzing the discourse of the power relation between the state and the people in Indonesia in the lyrics of the songs "Kami Belum Tentu" and "Padi Milik Rakyat" by Feast (group band). Intolerance became Indonesia main concern in 2018 especially Surabaya’s church bombing, which then elaborated on other issues related to the socio- economic and political phenomena in Indonesia. The two songs were chosen because they adequately describe the socio-economic and political conditions in Indonesia and related to various sectors of government.This study uses Normal Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method to read the discourse on power relations between the state and the people which is articulated in the lyrics of the two songs. The results of this study conclude that the discourse on power relations with the form of Governmentality is spread in various areas of government, including in the leadership of a democratic country, the education system in Indonesia, the law constitution of UU ITE, towards farm workers through Reforma Agraria, and also in the management of tax money in Indonesia. The people will always be in a repressive state power system and the state uses its political power to carry out hegemonic submissions that are detrimental to the people structurally and economically through the ISA (Ideological State Apparatus) and RSA (Repressive State Apparatus) which critized in Indonesian indie song lyric.

2021 ◽  
pp. 148-160
E. A. Poleva ◽  

The novel “Pobeg Kumaniki” (“Bramble Sprout”) by Lena Eltang fits in with traditions of modernism, where the images of the androgyny are related to the problem of finding and obtaining “intelligible integrity.” The paper analyzes the methods of embodying androgynous motives (auto-associative intertextuality, temporal and gender variability of perception of re-ality, Moras’ representation of himself as a woman, the homosexual intention of the hero, the relationship of duality with different-sex characters, etc.). The novel reveals the androgyny semantics in the context of the split Self and the search for the fundamental basis that would unite the parts into a whole. Androgynous motives correlate with the themes of creativity and love. It is due to the desire to compensate for the brother’s dislike and parting with him that Moras creates the text. The absence of love is one of the novel’s central manifestations of the splinter motif (disintegration, separation) that is antonymous to androgyny. The storylines of the two characters (Forge and Moras) test different ways of achieving integrity. Two vectors of movement towards wholeness are revealed: one towards complexity, multidimensionality (combining the diversity of the world and the Self in consciousness and text) and one towards simplification (the disappearance of fragmentation in the state of the embryo, representing pure potency). However, all the methods only manifest the limitations of human capabilities. Androgyny is still an ideal not to be realized during earthly existence. Therefore, the Central character disappears in the finale.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
Bahiroh Adilah

This research focuses on analyzing the discourse of the power relation between the state and the people in Indonesia in the lyrics of the songs "Kami Belum Tentu" and "Padi Milik Rakyat" by Feast (group band). Intolerance became Indonesia main concern in 2018 especially Surabaya’s church bombing, which then elaborated on other issues related to the socio- economic and political phenomena in Indonesia. The two songs were chosen because they adequately describe the socio-economic and political conditions in Indonesia and related to various sectors of government.This study uses Normal Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method to read the discourse on power relations between the state and the people which is articulated in the lyrics of the two songs. The results of this study conclude that the discourse on power relations with the form of Governmentality is spread in various areas of government, including in the leadership of a democratic country, the education system in Indonesia, the law constitution of UU ITE, towards farm workers through Reforma Agraria, and also in the management of tax money in Indonesia. The people will always be in a repressive state power system and the state uses its political power to carry out hegemonic submissions that are detrimental to the people structurally and economically through the ISA (Ideological State Apparatus) and RSA (Repressive State Apparatus) which critized in Indonesian indie song lyric.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-106
Nadezhda Kasavina

The article considers the work of Leo N. Tolstoy The Death of Ivan Ilyich in the context of the concept of boundary situations by K. Jaspers; the phenomena of “intercession in death”; one’s own and non-own Being-toward-death by M. Heidegger; the stages of personal acceptance of death which were identified by E. Kubler-Ross on the basis of psychotherapeutic work with incurable patients. The situation of Ivan Ilyich shows the position of a person in the face of existential anxiety and threats of loneliness, a sense of meaninglessness, despair, actualized by the boundary situation of death. The dynamics of the state of the novel’s protagonist is interpreted as the formation of “one’s own Being-towards-death”, which has the character of being in relation to “one’s own ability of being” (M. Heidegger). Presence is completely surrendered to itself, essentially open to itself. Loneliness acts as a way to open existence. In the openness of presence for the individual the world opens itself, the other and others in their unique way of being. Ivan Ilyich experiences this before his death as an epiphanic phenomenon, which unfolds the destiny of the personality, leading it beyond the limits of only his or her life and suffering. The interaction of the protagonist with others is considered from the perspective of the problems identified by E. Kuebler-Ross in the relationship of doctors, relatives and patients in the terminal stage of their illness and the transition to the acception of their own finiteness, which acquires the character of historicity.

Neophilology ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 503-511
Aleksey A. Burykin

The subject of the work is the Kalmyk fairy tale about the eagle and the raven, which is present in the story of A.S. Pushkin “The Captain’s Daughter” (1836). One group of scientists believes that this fairy tale-parable was composed by A.S. Pushkin himself. We represent those researchers who recognize this fairy tale as an independent work of A.S. Pushkin during a trip to the Orenburg region. Despite the fact that this tale is absent in the manuscripts of A.S. Pushkin and is not identified in the folklore of Russian Kalmyks, there are serious reasons to recognize it as an original work of Kalmyk folklore. This is convinced by the structure of the tale’s plot, which is becoming a series of tales about the relationship of animals, the recording of a similar tale among the Evens – the people of the Tungusic group, the existence of the same tale among the Xinjiang Kalmyks, the availability of information about the Kalmyk woman who told this tale to A.S. Pushkin, the widespread opposition of the eagle and the raven in the folklore of the peoples of the world, the presence of such semantic structures in the indexes of fairy tales and motives of S. Thompson. By the nature of the semantic elements composition and the plot structure, we can judge that neither A.S. Pushkin, nor anyone else could have composed such a fairy tale.

Ernst-Wolfgang Böckenförde ◽  
Mirjam Künkler ◽  
Tine Stein

Is and can religion be seen as a foundation of the modern state? In this article Böckenförde discusses the relationship between state and religion while reviewing Hegel’s main writings on this question. Reconstructing Hegel’s concept of the state, Böckenförde points out that for Hegel, the state is simultaneously universal and historical. It is more than the political system or government—it is the polity in general and the structured form in which the people exist. Moreover, the state is the materialization of the ethical idea as such and the manifestation of how ‘truth’ in history became reality. In Hegel’s view, ‘truth’ is ultimately God’s will in the world. Further, for Hegel, state and religion are two forms of the same substance: reason. Morality and reason are closely intertwined in Hegel. Religion is a source of morality for the people, and the state and the Church are the institutional manifestations of reason. Böckenförde shows that Hegel identifies individual conscience as the core of each person’s freedom; however, Hegel denies a right to an aberrant conscience, indicating a very limited notion of freedom. Finally, Böckenförde discusses Hegel’s philosophy in light of the state today with its separation of state and religion. Since today’s state does not consider religion as part of its foundation, in Hegel’s view it would ‘stand freely in the air’. Böckenförde concludes, contrary to Hegel, that only the democratic process and the people’s agreement on the things that cannot be voted upon can form the basis of the state.

Norazimah Zakaria ◽  
Mazarul Hasan Mohamad Hanapi ◽  
Makmur Harun ◽  
Farra Humairah Mohd

Myth is a very dominant element in traditional Malay literature. The myths are not set forth in an unorganized manner or randomly, but instead are based on the belief patterns that are already in existence, and this reflects the connection of the society’s thinking with elements of animism that serve as the background of their lives before the arrival of other beliefs. Examples of the development of myth stories can be observed in hikayat (literary works) in traditional Malay literature like Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa and Sejarah Melayu. Meanwhile, examples of oral stories are those found in Cerita Rakyat Malaysia (2008). The aim of this article is to identify the functions of myths found in traditional Malay literature. This article will use the Sociology of Literature approach by Plummer, Ken (1997). The approach of this paper draws on to the questions of how myths became the belief of the society and what is the function of myths in traditional Malay literature texts. The functions of myths can be seen based on these questions. Elements of myths in historical works are narrations that are believed by the locals as actual occurrences that have happened in their locality in the past. Hence, the myth stories became the basis and answers to the inquisitiveness of the people of the past time. The other purpose is to uphold the royal dignity. In traditional literature, literature is viewed as the mirror of society and their documents. The role of myth stories is not only to explain their functions in the society but also to reveal the creativity of the writer or orator and the storyteller. But here, the presence of mythical elements explains to us the relationship of the work from the aspect of thoughts and the world view of that society in the past.

Яньминь Гоу ◽  
Светлана Геннадьевна Коровина

Исследование русских и китайских культур полезно для выявления интернационального и национального. В статье дан сопоставительный анализ китайских и русских примет, содержащих номинацию собака, с позиций лингвокультурологии. Реконструкция паремиологической картины мира помогает понять соотнесенность зоонимической лексики с менталитетом народов двух стран и оценить особенности их мировосприятия. В качестве материала исследования послужила авторская картотека, состоящая из 44 русских и 23 китайских примет, извлеченных из лексикографических источников методом сплошной выборки. Анималистический образ, легший в основу паремий, дал возможность классифицировать приметы с точки зрения доминантной составляющей действия номинации собака как в антропоцентрической, так и в фенологической направленности, выявлено численное превосходство паремий представленных групп. Рассмотрены возможности образования семантического поля «собака» в русской и китайской языковой системе. Дается описание паремий с точки зрения религиозных убеждений, климатических особенностей; приведена оценка единиц, схожих в плане содержания, но различных в плане выражения. Показано, как русские и китайские обычаи находят отражение в приметах как культурно заряженных текстах. Практическая значимость данного исследования заключается в том, что наблюдения и выводы могут быть полезны для расширения знаний о взаимосвязи зоонимической лексики, используемой в составе паремий, с духовным миром и культурой людей разных национальностей. It is important to study the Russian and Chinese cultures in order to identify the international and national about them. The article provides a comparative analysis of Chinese and Russian signs containing the dog nomination from the standpoint of linguoculturology. Reconstruction of the paremiological picture of the world helps to understand the correlation of zoonymic vocabulary with the mentality of the people of the two countries and assess the features of their perception of the world. The author’s card index, consisting of 44 Russian and 23 Chinese signs, extracted from lexicographic sources using a continuous sample, was used as the research material. The animalistic image that formed the basis for proverbs, gave the opportunity to classify the signs in term of the dominant orientation of the action of the dog nomination in both anthropocentric and phenological patterns, the numerical superiority of the paroemias of the groups represented was revealed. The article considers the possibilities of forming the semantic field «dog» in the Russian and Chinese language systems. The description of paroemias is given from the point of view of religious beliefs, climatic features, and the assessment of units that are similar in terms of content, but different in terms of expression. It is shown how Russian and Chinese customs reflect in signs as culturally charged texts. The practical significance of this study is that its observations and conclusions can be useful for expanding knowledge about the relationship of zoonymic vocabulary used in the composition of paroemias with the spiritual world and culture of people of different nationalities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
Pham Hong Thai

Court accountability formed in the relationship of power between power owner and delegators, in which the delegators are obliged to be accountable to the owners of power. The nature of the accountability of the court is due diligence to clarify and explain information about the court's decisions, judgments, acts, and other activities up to the request of other state agencies, the authorized persons or the people. The accountable duty of the state, including the court, is regulated under the Constitution and other legal documents which show the content of the court's accountability mainly is explanation their adjudication is compiled to the following principles: publicity, independence, objectivity, only obeying the law, protecting justice. In fact, the court may ensure their accountability by publicizing their decisions, judgments, reports as well as their answers to any questions or requests. Keywords: Accountability, court, legal basis.

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