Religious Court Decision Number 222/Pdt.P/2017/PA.Sda: a Judge Considerations on Early Marriage Dispensation in Sidoarjo, Indonesia

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Hadius Akbar ◽  
Farikh Marzuqi

Getting married is part of the worship which is sanctified by the Prophet Muhammad, but in Indonesia it has rules if there is someone who is underage married as stated in the law that if someone wants to do a marriage for the prospective bridegroom must be 19 years old and calom the bride must be 16, and can continue the marriage by requesting marriage dispensation permission to the Religious Court. This study aims to determine the judge's consideration of the early marriage dispensation based on the analysis of the Sidoarjo Religious Court Decision Number: 222 / Pdt.P / 2017 / Pa. . The research method used is a juridical-normative research method where data sources are obtained from secondary data and primary data. The results showed that the judgment of judges regarding the dispensation of early marriage was seen from a situation if it was not hastened to marry, something would happen that violated the law because the prospective bride had been pregnant for 1 month, even though the candidate had not reached 16 years but was seen from the evidence and witnesses that they were able to get married.

Hadius Akbar ◽  
Farikh Marzuqi

Getting married is part of the worship which is sanctified by the Prophet Muhammad, but in Indonesia it has rules if there is someone who is underage married as stated in the law that if someone wants to do a marriage for the prospective bridegroom must be 19 years old and calom the bride must be 16, and can continue the marriage by requesting marriage dispensation permission to the Religious Court. This study aims to determine the judge's consideration of the early marriage dispensation based on the analysis of the Sidoarjo Religious Court Decision Number: 222 / Pdt.P / 2017 / Pa. . The research method used is a juridical-normative research method where data sources are obtained from secondary data and primary data. The results showed that the judgment of judges regarding the dispensation of early marriage was seen from a situation if it was not hastened to marry, something would happen that violated the law because the prospective bride had been pregnant for 1 month, even though the candidate had not reached 16 years but was seen from the evidence and witnesses that they were able to get married.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Istiqomah Istiqomah ◽  
Ragil Tri Novitasari

The purpose of this study is for learning. This study entitled Social Change Towards Development of Rasau Jaya Village 3 After the Development of the Rajati Flower Garden. With the problem of how social change in the village of Rasau Jaya 3, economic improvement after the construction of a flower garden, development planning or the addition of facilities. This research method is a descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources of this research are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that: after the construction of the flower garden in Rasau Jaya 3 village the development of social change there was increasing, the people there accepted the development of the flower garden, because with the development of the community's economy there could be increased, because the people there could sell at around the flower garden so that it can increase their economy again there, and there will be plans to add facilities in the flower garden so that it can attract visitors to keep coming to the flower garden of the flower garden rajati.

Acta Comitas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 127
Anak Agung Sagung Karina Prabasari ◽  
Sirtha I Nyoman

The purpose of this paper is to find out and analyze whether or not it is permissible to transfer HT objects and about the type of agreement used to transfer some HT objects. The writing method used in this research is empirical legal research method with qualitative analysis, with a sociological juridical approach. The data sources used consisted of primary data through interviews with several Notaries / PPAT and secondary data including laws and regulations, books and journals. The results showed, first, that the transfer of HT objects is allowed even though it was not previously agreed in the APHT. Second, the types of agreements used consist of the agreement to carry out the sale and purchase of some HT objects in the form of PPJB and subsequently AJB, agreements related to the purchase and sale of HT objects, agreements related to the process of breaking and separating HT objects, making SKMHT and APHT . Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis apakah diperbolehkan atau tidaknya pengalihan objek HT dan mengenai jenis perjanjian yang dipakai untuk mengalihkan sebagian objek HT. Metode penulisan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum empiris dengan analisis kualitatif, dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan terdiri dari data primer melalui wawancara ke beberapa Notaris/PPAT dan data sekunder meliputi peraturan perundang-undangan, buku-buku dan jurnal-jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pertama, bahwa pengalihan obyek HT diperbolehkan meskipun sebelumnya tidak diperjanjikan dalam APHT. Kedua, Jenis-jenis perjanjian yang dipergunakan terdiri dari perjanjian kesepakatan untuk melakukan jual beli atas objek sebagian objek HT berupa PPJB dan selanjutnya AJB, perjanjian terkait pembayaran hasil jual beli objek HT, perjanjian terkait proses pemecahan dan pemisahan objek HT, perjanjian pembuatan SKMHT dan APHT

2021 ◽  
B Bahrudin ◽  
H Hidayatullah

This research was conducted to analyse the prohibition of former corruptors’ ability to become legislative candidates based on PKPU Policy Number 20 of 2018, in terms of synchronizing the policy with higher laws and examining it from the perspective of political ethics and legal politics in eradicating corruption in Indonesia. The research method adopted was normative juridical, and the types and sources of data used were secondary data, applying data sources from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The results of data processing are presented in the descriptive analysis. The outcomes of this research indicate that the synchronization of PKPU policy law No. 20 of 2018 regarding the disallowance of ex-corruptors from becoming legislative candidates clash with higher laws and regulations, namely Law Number 7 of 2017 regarding elections in conjunction with Law Number 12 of 2011 about the formation of laws and regulations. Therefore, the conclusion of the KPU regulations has no binding legal force. The actualization of a fair and sovereign election requires all policymakers’ support, especially in the enforcement and application of political ethics and the law to eliminate corruption in Indonesia. Keywords: policy, ex-corruptors, legislative candidate, election

Acta Comitas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (01) ◽  
pp. 162
Raymond Bagus Nurchandra ◽  
Retno Murni

The purpose of this research is to determine the validity of a fiduciary security deed using a motorized vehicle that is still in the indent process as a guarantee. This type of research is empirical legal research which is based on primary data sources and secondary data sources. Then the conclusions are drawn through descriptive analysis techniques. The results show that a motorized vehicle that is still in the pivoting process can be charged with a fiduciary guarantee, but the debtor must attach proof of the order given by the dealer The part that will pay the vehicle in full to the dealer is the bank and after the proof of payment is given in full, the proof must be presented in front of a notary. The debtor must also make his own statement if the BPKB has been issued, it must be immediately submitted to the bank. The validity of a fiduciary guarantee deed that uses a motorized vehicle that is still in the pivot process as evidence is legally recognized because in the provisions of the explanation of article 6 letter c of the Law on Fiduciary Security does not clearly emphasize the existence of BPKB ownership so that proof of purchase orders can already be obtained. used as proof of ownership of a motorized vehicle that is still in the process of being indented.   Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keabsahan suatu akta jaminan fidusia yang menggunakan kendaraan bermotor yang masih dalam proses inden sebagai jaminannya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum empiris yang didasarkan pada sumber data primer serta sumber data sekunder kemudian ditarik kesimpulannya melalui teknik analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa kendaraan bermotor yang masih didalam proses inden dapat dibebankan dengan jaminan fidusia namun pihak debitor harus melampirkan bukti pemesanan kendaraan bermotor tersebut yang diberikan oleh pihak dealer. Pihak yang akan membayarkan kendaraan tersebut secara lunas kepada dealer adalah pihak bank dan setelah diberikannya tanda bukti pembayaran secara lunas tersebut maka bukti tersebut harus dipaparkan dihadapan pihak Notaris. Pihak debitor juga harus membuat surat pernyataan sendiri jika BPKB sudah terbit maka harus segara diserahkan kepada pihak bank. Keabsahan suatu akta jaminan fidusia yang menggunakan kendaran bermotor yang masih dalam proses inden sebagai alat bukti diakui sah secara hukum karena didalam ketentuan penjelasan Pasal 6 huruf c Undang-Undang tentang Jaminan Fidusia tidak menekankan secara jelas harus adanya kepemilikan BPKB sehingga bukti purchase order saja sudah dapat digunakan sebagai suatu bukti kepemilikan kendaraan bermotor yang masih dalam proses inden.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 139-147
Dahlan Lama Bawa

ABSTRAKTulisan mengenai Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan; ikhtiar mencegah konflik dan membina toleransi ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya konflik atas nama agama yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia pada kurun waktu tahun 1990-2000-an. Tujuan penulisan ini dimaksudkan untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai demokrasi dan toleransi kepada masyarakat Indonesia pada umumnya dan mahasiswa khususnya yang memprogramkan mata kuliah Civic Education. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk menggali informasi pada tulisan ini adalah deskriptif-kualitatif, dengan pendekatan fenomenologis. Adapun sumber data terdiri dua sumber data yaitu sumber data primer dan sekunder. Sumber data primer, yakni penulis menggali informasi dari data-data  mengenai konflik atas nama agama di Indoensia baik dalam bentuk buku-buku ilmiah maupun jurnal laporan hasil penelitian. Sedangkan sumber data sekunder, yakni penulis menghimpun data dan informasi di media cetak dan elektronik. Adapun intrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah penulis sendiri sebagai instumen kunci. Adapun temuan hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pemicu konflik atas anama agama di Indonesia terdiri dari tiga faktor, yakni faktor adanya  pelecehan/penodaan agama, adanya sikap yang mau menang sendiri serta mengabaikan kehadiran umat beragama lain,  adanya diskomunikasi dan miskomunikasi antar umat beragama.    Kata kunci: Penanaman Nilai-nilai Demokrasi dan Toleransi  ABSTRACTWritten of civic education; the effort to prevent and maintain tolerance is based by there were conflicts was the name of religion that occurred in Indonesia in the period 1990-2000's. The purpose of this research is intended to build the values of democracy and tolerance to the society generally and students particulary who program Civic Education subject. Research method used to find information in this paper is descriptive-qualitative, with phenomenological approach. The data sources consist of two data sources are primary and secondary. Primary data sources, are the researcher find information from data about the conflict in the name of religion in Indonesia both scientific books and report research journals. While secondary data sources, are the researcher collect data and information in print and electronic media. Instrument of this research is the researcher himself as a key. The findings of this research indicate that the trigger of conflict religion in Indonesia consists of three factors, namely the factors religious desecration, the attitude of self-defeating and the disregard presence of other religious communities, the existence of discommunication and miscommunication among religious people. Keywords: Build Democratic Values and Tolerance

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-110
Abdul Jamil ◽  

This study aimed to examine two objectives: first, legal considerations of court decision Number 05/G/2011/PTUN.Yk regarding state administrative decision on intermittent termination and replacement (PAW) a member of the Bantul Regional Representative Council (DPRD), and second, panel of judges rationale concluded that the decision on PAW was not absolute competence of PTUN. This research is classified as normative legal research using  both  primary  data by conducting interviews with PTUN judges and the expert, and secondary data in the form of legal material. The results showed: first, there are three main legal considerations used by judges: 1. the decision on PAW is a decision in the field of politics and constitutionality; 2. the decision on PAW does not fullfil the unilateral will element; 3. the existence of jurisprudence. Second, the judge's judgments rested on the conclusion that the decision did not fulfill the 'state administration' element and was emphasized in the 'initial process' of the PAW stage series, not to the 'final process' in the form of issuing decisions. The judgments put forward the interpretation based on doctrine, while if compared with the provisions of the Law on Administrative Court, the decision on PAW had actually been fulfilled as the KTUN which was the absolute competence of PTUN.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Asep Suryanto ◽  
Adah Sa’adah

The objective of this research was to find out what factors underlie Daarut Tauhiid BMTcustomers in applying of murabaha financing. The research method used is descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The data sources in this study involve primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources, namely the unit head, account officer, and members of Daarut Tauhiid BMT as murabaha financing customers at the BMT. Secondary data sources involve modules, documents at Daarut Tauhiid BMT relating to the topic of research. The data analysis techniques are through the stages of data reduction, data display and data verification. The results of the research show that the factors that could underlie customer decisions in applying The results showed that the factors underlying the customer's decision in applying of murabaha financing at Daarut Tauhiid Baitul mal wa Tamwil (BMT) were images of the Daarut Tauhiid environment, reference groups, customer needs in certain situations, supporting personal work, customer perceptions of syariah compliance

2020 ◽  
pp. 52
Moh Slamet Untung

This study tries to describe the policy implemented by the Japanese fascist military authority toward pesantren education during their occupation in Indonesia. The research problem is how the policies used by the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren during their occupation in Indonesia before the independence of Indonesia. Primary data sources of this study include some works examining the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. Various scientific papers on Japanese colonization in Indonesia are used as secondary data sources of this study. This study uses historical approach and library research method focusing on the policies of the Japanese fascist military authority towards pesantren education. The collected data then were analyzed by using content analysis. This study exposes that the Japanese government provide more freedom for pesantren education than the Dutch colonial to develop themselves without any affection from the Japanese government. It could be seen from a fact that when pesantren were about to develop their basic potential as an educational institution teaching anti-colonial attitudes, Japanese government immediately acted repressively. They always monitored the kiai as well as all pesantren’s activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-96
Fitriani Fitriani ◽  
Mita Sari ◽  
Putri Irianti Sintaman

The village chief as the leader who is directly elected by the villagers and it is believed and also claimed to have good leadership for the development of rural infrastructure as well as to invite the community to participate in the advancement of the village. An organization will succeed or fail is determined by the leadership. This study raises the issue: (1) How is the leadership of the village chief in the construction of infrastructure in the coastal village? (2) What are the factors that affect the leadership of the village chief in the construction of infrastructure in the coastal village? The method used is a qualitative research method with a descriptive approach. The data used is primary data (observations and interviews) and secondary data (literature). The primary data sources are direct observation, interviews and recording the data in the seaside village office. Then, it is analyzed with related theories. The conclusion of this research was the leadership of the village chief in developing of infrastructure field in Pantai village, west Kapuas subdistrict, Kapuas district. It is known by the head chief�s way to.

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