scholarly journals Effect of Surfactant Addition on The Physico-Chemical Properties and Stability of Virgin Coconut Oil Nanoemulsions

Buletin Palma ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Linda Trivana ◽  
Nugraha E. Suyatma ◽  
Dase Hunaefi ◽  
S. Joni Munarso

<p>Virgin coconut oil (VCO) is high quality coconut oil and categorized as the healthiest oil and functional foods. Based on these benefits, the development of a VCO in emulsion product might increase the human consumption of coconut oil because consumers dislike the only taste of pure VCO. The aim of this study was to develop the water compatible form of VCO through nano-emulsification. The effect of different types and amounts of surfactants (Tween 80 and Span 80) on the physio-chemical characteristic of emulsion containing VCO was investigated. VCO based emulsions were prepared with the aid of Ultra-Turrax homogenizer. Emulsions were developed by adding and mixing VCO with surfactants. The ratio of Tween 80 and Span 80 used were 0:10, 2.5:7.5, 5:5, 7.5:2.5, and 10:0. The droplet size of nanoemulsions consisting of Tween 80:Span 80 (0:10, 2.5:7.5, 5:5, 7.5:2.5, and 10:0) were 1.343, 0.606, 0.829, 1.439, and 2.506µm, respectively. Based on the TEM analysis and polydispersity index (PDI) &gt;0.5 showed the oil droplets are in not uniform shape, indicating a unstable emulsion. VCO emulsion with ratio Tween 80:Span 80 (0:10) obtained a homogeneous emulsion (stable) compare than that of others and w/o type emulsion. The stability of emulsion is evaluated by turbidity measurement using UV-VIS spectrophotometer with wavelength 502 nm. A combination of  treatments (ambient condition, thermal treatmeant (40°C)), and centrifuge) of VCO emulsion has resulted on thermal treat, the turbidity measured from the emulsion was higher than the other emulsion, reflecting the presence of the smaller droplets in this emulsion.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-77
Muhammad Yusuf ◽  
Poppy Dwi Citra Jaluri ◽  
Yogie Irawan

Hiperurisemia adalah keadaan dimana terjadi peningkatan kadar asam urat dalam darah diatas normal. Tanaman kenikir (Cosmos caudatus) merupakan tanaman yang banyak dijumpai di lingkungan sekitar, serta tanaman yang sudah tidak asing lagi dan telah banyak dikonsumsi sebagai sayuran. Salah satu kandungan dalam kenikir adalah senyawa golongan flavonoid. Pada penelitian ini mikroemulsi ekstrak kenikir digunakan untuk menurunkan kadar asam urat pada tikus yang diinduksi hati ayam. Mikroemulsi dibuat dengan menggunakan virgin coconut oil (VCO) sebagai fase minyak, Tween 80 dan Span 80 sebagai surfaktan dan gliserin sebagai kosurfaktan. Penelitian menggunakan 15 ekor tikus putih jantan galur wistar yang diinduksi jus hati ayam. Tikus dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol negatif mikroemulsi placebo, kontrol positif mikroemulsi Allopurinol 3,6 mg/200 g BB tikus, serta kelompok perlakuan mikroemulsi daun kenikir  10 mg/200 g BB tikus yang diberikan secara peroral. Pengukuran kadar asam urat dilakukan pada hari ke-0 (kadar awal), hari ke-7 (kadar setelah induksi) dan hari ke-13(kadar setelah perlakuan). Persen penurunan kadar asam urat dalam darah dianalisis secara statistika dengan taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil uji statistika menyatakan ada perbedaan antara kelompok kontrol negatif dan positif dengan kelompok perlakuan mikroemulsi daun kenikir memiliki nilai signifikansi 0,000. Sehingga mikroemulsi daun kenikir dapat menurunkan kadar urisemia tikus yang diinduksi ekstrak hati ayam namun memiliki kemampuan yang tidak sebaik mikroemulsi allopurinol. Kata Kunci : Mikroemulsi, Kenikir (Cosmos Caudatus), Hiperurisemia, Ekstrak Hati Ayam, Allopurinol.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 513
I Made Mas Oka Hendrawan ◽  
Lutfi Suhendra ◽  
G.P. Ganda Putra

This study aims to determine the effect of oil and surfactant comparisons and the temperature to the resultant dosage characteristics and determine the oil and surfactant ratio and the appropriate temperature for the preparation of cream. This study uses the group random two-factor design. The first factor is the comparison of oil that is mixture of cocoa fat and virgin coconut oil with surfactants that is mixture of tween 80 and span 80 consisting of 3 levels, which are 85% ; 15%, 80% ; 20% and 85% ; 25%. The second factor is temperature consisting of 3 levels, which are 60 º C, 70 º C and 80 º C. Results of this study showed the treatment of oil comparison and surfactants were had an strongly effect to the homogeneity, adhesive time, spread ability, separation ratio and viscosity, but had no effect on the pH of cream preparations. Temperature treatment had an strongly effect on homogeneity, adhesive time, spread ability, separation ratio and viscosity, while only had an effect on the pH of a basic cream. Interaction between the treatment had an effect on the ratio of separation, pH as well as the spread of cream preparations, but no had effect on adhesive time and the viscosity of the preparation of cream. Oil comparison and surfactant treatment of 80%: 20% and temperature 70ºC is the best treatment resulting in a cream preparations with homogenity characteristics, adhesive time 7.14 Second, ratio of separator 0.48, spread ability of 6.83 cm, viscosity of 37000 cps and pH 6.05. Keywords: oil, surfactans, temperature, cocoa fats, virgin coconut oil, tween 80 and span 80

2018 ◽  
Vol 38 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Setyaningrum Ariviani ◽  
Windi Atmaka ◽  
Sri Raharjo

β-Carotene exhibits a wide range of health benefits, but its application in food formulation is very limited because of its instability and susceptibility to degradation. The stability of β-carotene can be improved by incorporation into an oil-in-water (o/w) emulsions. The objective of this research was to characterize β-carotene loaded nanoemulsions prepared with spontaneous emulsification method using ternary food-grade surfactants (Tween 80, Span 40, Span 80) and palm oil or VCO (virgin coconut oil) as oil phase with the surfactant-oil ratio of 4. The physicochemical stability of β-carotene loaded nanoemulsions during simulated digestions, which consist of the mouth, stomach, and intestine phases, was also evaluated using in-vitro digestion model. The results showed that β-carotene loaded nanoemulsions, prepared either using VCO or palm oil as the oil phase, had neutral pH (6.8±0.1), mean particle diameter of 129 -159 nm, showed monomodal particle size distribution with low polydispersity index (PdI) values  (0.214 - 0.266), and were not significantly different in zeta potential values ([-6,59]–[-8,9]). The β-carotene loaded nanoemulsions with VCO as the oil phase had a smaller mean particle diameter than that of palm oil. The physical stability of the β-carotene loaded nanoemulsions against digestive simulation in the mouth, stomach or intestine phases was not influenced by the oil phase type.  Both nanoemulsions were stable against simulated digestion in the mouth and stomach phases. After passing through the intestinal phase, the mean particle diameter increased and the particle size distribution changed from monomodal to bimodal. The β-carotene retention after passing through the mouth, stomach and intestinal phases of the β-carotene loaded nanoemulsion prepared using VCO were not significantly different from the palm oil. ABSTRAKβ-Karoten mempunyai berbagai manfaat kesehatan, namun aplikasinya dalam formulasi pangan sangat terbatas karena tidak stabil dan mudah mengalami degradasi. Stabilitas β-karoten dapat ditingkatkan dengan menggabungkannya dalam sistem penghantaran berbasis emulsi minyak dalam air (o/w). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan karakterisasi nanoemulsi β-karoten yang dibuat dengan metode emulsifikasi spontan menggunakan kombinasi tiga surfaktan food grade (Tween 80, Span 40, Span 80), minyak sawit maupun VCO (virgin coconut oil) sebagai fase minyak dengan rasio surfaktan-fase minyak 4.. Penelitian ini juga mengkaji stabilitas fisikokimiawi nanoemulsi β-karoten selama pencernaan di mulut, lambung dan usus dengan menggunakan model digesti in vitro. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa nanoemulsi β-karoten yang dibuat dengan fase minyak VCO maupun minyak sawit memiliki pH netral (6,8±0,1), rerata diameter partikel 129–159 nm, distribusi ukuran partikel monomodal dengan nilai indeks polidispersitas (polydispersity index, PdI) rendah (0,214–0,266) dan zeta potensial yang tidak berbeda nyata ([-6,59]–[-8,9]). Nanoemulsi β-karoten dengan fase minyak VCO memiliki rerata diameter partikel yang lebih kecil dibanding minyak sawit sebagai fase minyak. Jenis fase minyak tidak berpengaruh terhadap stabilitas fisik nanoemulsi β-karoten selama simulasi pencernaan di mulut, lambung maupun usus. Nanoemulsi β-karoten dengan fase minyak VCO maupun minyak sawit stabil terhadap pencernaan di mulut maupun lambung. Setelah melewati fase usus, terjadi peningkatan diameter partikel rerata dan perubahan distribusi ukuran partikel dari monomodal menjadi bimodal. Retensi β-karoten dalam nanoemulsi VCO setelah melewati simulasi pencernaan mulut, lambung dilanjutkan fase usus tidak berbeda nyata dengan retensi β-karoten dalam nanoemulsi minyak sawit.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11
Nur Saadah Daud ◽  
Musdalipah Musdalipah ◽  
Asriyanti Lamadari

ABSTRAK Aspirin termasuk dalam golongan Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) yang banyak digunakan pada pengobatan nyeri ringan sampai sedang, antipiretik, anti inflamasi, serta anti koagulan. Pada penggunaan secara oral dapat menurunkan efektifitas obat akibat metabolisme lintas pertama. Alternatif untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu membuat sediaan topikal nanoemulsi aspirin. Nanoemulsi yaitu sistem emulsi yang transparan, tembus cahaya dan merupakan d ispersi minyak air yang distabilkan oleh lapisan film dari surfaktan dan ko-surfaktan, yang memiliki ukuran droplet 20 nm-500 nm. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat nanoemulsi aspirin dengan variasi konsentrasi etanol 96 % sebagai ko-surfaktan. Nanoemulsi aspirin dibuat dengan Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) sebagai fase minyak, tween 80 sebagai surfaktan,dan etanol 96 % sebagai ko-surfaktan. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan 5 formula nanoemulsi jernih beraroma khas dengan nilai pH berkisar pada range 4,0-4,5 yang telah memenuhi pH normal kulit. dengan konsentrasi etanol 96 % yaitu 10 %, 15 %, 20 %, 25 % dan 30 %, dan dibuat 3 replikasi. Hasil uji stabilitas fisik menunjukkan bahwa kelima formula menghasilkan nanoemulsi yang stabil dan tidak terjadi pemisahan fase sesudah uji sentrifugasi dan cycling test dilakukan. Kata Kunci     : Nanoemulsi, Aspirin, Etanol 96%, Ko-surfaktan   ABSTRACT Acetosal known to be a part of the group medications called Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) that was used for mild to moderate pain therapy, antipyretic, anti inflamation and anti coagulan. Oral administration of acetosal may decrease its effectiveness because of the first past metabolism problem. The purpose of this study was to formulate acetosal into nanoemulsion form for topical preparation as an alternative to avoid those problem with ethanol 96% as co-surfactant.  Nanoemulsion was an emultion system which transparent, glasslike, and comes from dispertion of water and oil stabilized by film-coated that made from surfactant and co-surfactant combination, which has droplet size around 20 nm-500 nm. Acetosal nanoemulsions were prepared with Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) as oil phase, tween 80 as surfactant and ethanol 96 % as co-surfactant. There were 5 formulas of transparent acetosal nanoemultion. Their yield of pH were about 4,0-4,5 were met the normal skin’s pH. They were acetosal nanoemulsions with ethanol 96 % of 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%. These five were stable and did not show the separation of phase after both centrifugation and cycling test. Keyword          : Nanoemulsion, Acetosal, Ethanol 96%, Co-Surfactan

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (Supplement_1) ◽  
E Mestres ◽  
Q Matia-Algué ◽  
A Villamar ◽  
M García-Jiménez ◽  
A Casals ◽  

Abstract Study question Do commercial mineral oil brands differ in their capacity to stabilize the human embryo culture system, and is this related to the oil’s viscosity? Summary answer While the oils’ viscosity only had minor effects on temperature maintenance, it showed a direct correlation with the stability of pH and osmolality during culture. What is known already Mineral oil is a key component of the in vitro embryo culture system, which stabilizes temperature, pH and osmolality of the media during culture. Its use has been implemented worldwide for several decades and many manufacturers currently produce and commercialize oil intended for human embryo culture. Unfortunately, oil remains as one of the less characterized products in the IVF laboratory due to a lack of standardized nomenclature, production and testing. With differing physico-chemical properties, such as viscosity, oils produced by various manufacturers could behave differently to the same culture conditions and, thus, its use may need to be adjusted accordingly. Study design, size, duration Viscosity was quantified in three high-viscosity (H-V) and three low-viscosity (L-V) oils with a viscosity-meter. The required time for media’s pH to equilibrate using each oil was studied, as well as its subsequent stability outside the incubator for 30min. In-drop temperature was assessed during 15min when taking a dish outside the incubator, and again when putting it back. Additionally, each oil’s capacity to avoid media evaporation was studied with daily osmolality measurements during 7 days. Participants/materials, setting, methods pH equilibration was measured with a continuous pHmeter (Log&Guard, Vitrolife) in 4-well dishes prepared with 600µl of medium and 500µl of oil. For the other experiments, 35mm dishes with 4ml of oil and 20µl media droplets were used. pH stability was assessed after 0, 15 and 30min outside the incubator with a blood-gas-analyzer (epoc,SiemensHelthineers). A fine-gauge thermocouple was used to measure in-drop temperature loss/recovery. Daily osmolality readings were taken with a vapor pressure osmometer (Vapro5600,Wescor). Main results and the role of chance The selected oil samples had a viscosity of 115, 111, 52, 22, 18, and 12cP. The medium’s pH took approximately 12h to completely equilibrate under H-V oils, while it took less than 4h in L-V. Similarly, the rise in pH after 30min on a heated stage outside of the incubator with room atmosphere was 0.03, 0.04, 0.06, 0.13, 0.17, and 0.26, respectively. Dishes were taken out of the incubator and placed on a heated surface. In the first five minutes, the in-drop temperature loss ranged between –0.22 and –0.13oC/min, with no significant differences observed between oil types. However, temperature plateaued at a significantly higher value in L-V oils (36.5oC), compared to H-V brands (36.25–36.1oC; p = 0.0005). By contrast, all samples followed a similar pattern when the dishes were returned to the benchtop incubator, with temperature taking around 7 minutes to completely recover. Some media evaporated in all oil groups during the 7-day culture in a dry benchtop incubator. The linear regression performed to compare the evaporation rate between groups showed a statistically significant correlation between oil viscosity and the rate of evaporation (p &lt; 0.0001), with an osmolality rise ranging between +2.55mmol/kg/day in the most viscous oil and +6.29mmol/kg/day in the least viscous. Limitations, reasons for caution While the selected oils for this study represent a wide range of options in the market, future projects could widen this selection and include additional tests, such as optimized bioassays. Results may vary between centers, and thus each laboratory should test and optimize their culture system with their own settings. Wider implications of the findings: Different oil brands have shown differing physico-chemical properties that have a direct effect on the culture system and the stability of several culture conditions. These results may be of major importance to adapt the settings and methodologies followed in each IVF laboratory according to the type of oil being used. Trial registration number Not applicable

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3.32) ◽  
pp. 147
Enjarlis . ◽  
Sri Handayani ◽  
Yenny Anwar

Cocozone Oil (CCO) is one of the ozonated oils, obtained by the ozonation process of Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO), that can be used as a material for skin care products. The purpose of this study was to determine: (1) the optimum time and ozone dose for CCO synthesis from VCO using ozonation; (2) the changes in physico-chemical properties of the oil; (3) the change in saturated-unsaturated fatty acids content and the existence any new substances in the CCO. The ozonation of VCO was carried out for 25 hours, with monitoring at the intervals of 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 25 hours, at a constant temperature (25 °C) with an ozone flow of 0.25 g/hr. From this study it can be concluded that: (1) The optimal time or dose of ozone required for the synthesis of CCO from VCO through the ozonation process was 25 hours or equivalent to 0.0208 gr O3/ml VCO, (2) Physico-chemical characteristics of the CCO produced: resulting acid value (AV) was 2.71 mg/gram i.e. an increase of 630%; the peroxide value (PV) obtained was 238,77 mgrek/kg i.e. increase  of 3,453 %; the Iodine value (IV) was 0 (zero) i.e. a decrease of 100%; and, the viscosity was 13.30 centipoice i.e. it rose 116%; (3) the total content of saturated fatty acid increased by 3.34%  whereas the unsaturated fatty acid decreased by 98.83; and based on the analysis results of 13C and 1H NMR spectra, the resultant CCO contains a new substance, that is aldehydes.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 1364 ◽  
pp. 012009
Nurul Asiah ◽  
Rizki Maryam Astuti ◽  
Laras Cempaka ◽  
Rahmahdona Setiani

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 2872-2878
Rita Gelli ◽  
Serena Salvestrini ◽  
Francesca Ridi

The recently-discovered endogenous formation of amorphous magnesium–calcium phosphate nanoparticles (AMCPs) in human distal small intestine occurs in a complex environment, which is rich in biologically-relevant molecules and macromolecules that can shape the properties and the stability of these inorganic particles. In this work, we selected as case studies four diverse molecules, which have different properties and are representative of intestinal luminal components, namely butyric acid, lactose, gluten and peptidoglycan. We prepared AMCPs in the presence of these four additives and we investigated their effect on the features of the particles in terms of morphology, porosity, chemical nature and incorporation/adsorption. The combined use of electron microscopy, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis showed that while the morphology and microstructure of the particles do not depend on the type of additive present during the synthesis, AMCPs are able to incorporate a significant amount of peptidoglycan, similarly to the process in which they are involved in vivo.

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