scholarly journals Membangun Kesalingpercayaan dalam Proses Transfer Informasi antara Petani dan Penyuluh Pertanian

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Kadhung Prayoga ◽  
Suryani Nurfadillah ◽  
Ichma Butar Butar ◽  
Manna Saragih

<p>Information transfer process in agricultural extension requires strong trust between extension workers and farmers. Agricultural extension workers who are outsiders will deal with challenges in order to entering a farmers’ community familiar with the values and norms they adhere to. If there is no trust between farmers and extension workers, there will be no information exchange, nor any innovation adoption. This paper reviews low mutual trust between farmers and extension workers. To increase trust between farmers and extension workers, it is necessary to improve competence of communicators, to create conducive communication climate, to involve informal actors, and to carry out interpersonal communication. Extension workers must be able act as farmers and so do farmers. Mutual respect process and opportunities provision may improve trust between them. In the future, it is necessary to involve business sector, academics, and the media to improve the competence of extension agents for o improving their credibility.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Proses transfer informasi dalam penyuluhan pertanian mensyaratkan adanya kepercayaan yang kuat antara penyuluh dan petani. Penyuluh pertanian yang notabene sebagai orang luar akan banyak mendapatkan tantangan ketika masuk ke dalam suatu masyarakat tani yang sudah terbiasa dengan nilai dan norma yang dianutnya. Tidak ada kepercayaan antara petani terhadap penyuluh menyebabkan   tidak  terjadi proses pertukaran informasi dan  tidak akan terjadi proses  adopsi inovasi. Tulisan ini merupakan review yang menggunakan data sekunder dari laporan maupun hasil studi untuk mengungkap rendahnya salingpercaya antara petani dan penyuluh. Untuk meningkatkan salingpercaya antara petani dan penyuluh adalah dengan cara meningkatkan kompetensi komunikator, menciptakan iklim komunikasi yang kondusif, melibatkan aktor-aktor informal, dan melakukan komunikasi interpersonal. Perlu adanya kondisi dimana penyuluh bisa memposisikan diri sebagai petani dan sebaliknya. Proses saling menghargai dan memberikan kesempatan inilah yang kemudian bisa memupuk lahirnya kepercayaan di antara keduanya. Ke depan perlu juga campur tangan sektor bisnis, akademisi, dan media untuk meningkatkan kompetensi penyuluh sehingga kredibilitas mereka juga bertambah.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-123
Abung Supama Wijaya ◽  
Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo ◽  
Diah Febrina

Current sustainable development of agriculture is one of which depends on the capacity of agricultural extension workers. The development of information technology contributes to the means for increasing this capacity. Cyber Extension, which is the embodiment of Law No. 16 of 2006 concerning agricultural extension systems, is expected to be fully utilized by extension agents throughout Indonesia. This is so that the instructors can provide information and develop innovations in agriculture. This study aims to explain the use of media and the stage of information seeking by instructors in Bogor district. The concept used in this research is Cyber Extension, media use and the smoothness of information retrieval. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through surveys. A total of 61 agricultural instructors in Bogor Regency were interviewed through a closed questionnaire. In the media use variable, the results of the study show that the extension agent's ability to access is good while the availability of facilities and operational costs are still in the less category. When the smoothness of the information search process is in the smooth category.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Hendro Prasetyo ◽  
Lilis Hariani

The area of Batu City generally performs high agricultural productivity. Batu is known as a producer of food and horticultural commodities that meet the needs of other regions. However, an excessive use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers in agricultural land has resulted in reducing land quality and productivity. Regarding such issues, the municipal government of Batu city encourages the implementation of organic farming. The role of extension workers is expected to be able to provide implementation up to the level of farmer cultivation management. The objectives of this study include (1) evaluating the performance of agricultural extension services, (2) identifying the internal and external environment of the organic agriculture extension program, (3) analyzing the strategy for developing an organic agriculture extension program. The study was conducted in the District of Junrejo Bumiaji Batu. Farmers and key persons were interviewed to obtain perceptual variables on the performance of extension workers, and strategies to increase the role of extension workers. The results of this study indicate that the performance of agricultural extension in seven indicators is sufficient. Only one indicator that has unsatisfactory performance is the media used in education counseling. Strategies for increasing the role of extension workers include: (1) improving information about organic agriculture by improving extension methods, (2) increasing the ability of farmer groups by working with stakeholders, (3) improving more effective and efficient extension methods, (4) improving the number of extension agents to optimize services for farmers, and (5) improving the quality of extension workers.JEL Classification: Q16, Q58, Q56

Anna Udelkina

This article is devoted to the study of the multimedia environment of the polemic discourse in German media with its diverse formats of impact on the audience and the actively developing internal dynamics of texts. If at the end of the XXth century the specifics of German media were the use of the Internet site as one of the possibilities to present copies of newspapers and magazines in electronic form, today we can speak of modified, hybrid Internet versions of printed publications that do not just create websites on the Internet that duplicate their main activity, but also combines the features of the traditional press and features of the functioning of texts on the Internet. The transition from linear, monomedia broadcasting platforms to discrete, multimedia ones has a significant impact on the process of creating, designing and placing modern polemics. Texts of articles and user comments are considered in the article as tmaterialization of the polemic discourse in the media. Polemic texts are formed on the basis of intertextual structures and have a hypertext nature. The use of multimedia tools (a variety of fonts, graphics, animation, photo, video and sound) in the text of the article allows the author not only to expand the amount of information provided, but also to qualitatively supplement its content through inline inclusions tn the text, to express the meaning of information by referring to verbal and non-verbal means; to provide a visual and figurative presentation of information (graphs, charts, tables), to attract attention and influence the audience, as well as to provide readers with the opportunity to participate in information exchange.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 708
Wenbo Liu ◽  
Fei Yan ◽  
Jiyong Zhang ◽  
Tao Deng

The quality of detected lane lines has a great influence on the driving decisions of unmanned vehicles. However, during the process of unmanned vehicle driving, the changes in the driving scene cause much trouble for lane detection algorithms. The unclear and occluded lane lines cannot be clearly detected by most existing lane detection models in many complex driving scenes, such as crowded scene, poor light condition, etc. In view of this, we propose a robust lane detection model using vertical spatial features and contextual driving information in complex driving scenes. The more effective use of contextual information and vertical spatial features enables the proposed model more robust detect unclear and occluded lane lines by two designed blocks: feature merging block and information exchange block. The feature merging block can provide increased contextual information to pass to the subsequent network, which enables the network to learn more feature details to help detect unclear lane lines. The information exchange block is a novel block that combines the advantages of spatial convolution and dilated convolution to enhance the process of information transfer between pixels. The addition of spatial information allows the network to better detect occluded lane lines. Experimental results show that our proposed model can detect lane lines more robustly and precisely than state-of-the-art models in a variety of complex driving scenarios.

Kosmik Hukum ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Cindy Bella Devina ◽  
Dissa Chandra Iswari ◽  
Go Christian Bryan Goni ◽  
Devi Kimberly Lirungan

The existence of hoaxes in Indonesia has been around for a long time. However, the term hoax was widespread and became part of daily conversations in the media and the public during the 2014 and 2019 Presidential Election. The rapid development of social media use and the ease of information exchange accelerated the spread of hoax. Even in the COVID-19 pandemic, hoax news about the corona virus and matters related to it are widespread in the community. This hoax news, both during the Election and the Covid-19 Outbreak, caused much unrest in the community. Some of the hoax news spreaders were jailed for violations of the ITE Law. Various legal practitioners and academics have also suggested that hoax news creators and spreaders be criminalized. This article reviews normatively whether the criminalization of hoax news is feasible for reasons of maintaining stability or needs to be eliminated to maintain freedom of opinion. The author reviews the normative aspects of criminalizing the creation and dissemination of hoax news by using Habermas' theory of deliberative democracy. Through this theory, the writer finds that hoax news makes aspects of democracy such as dialogue that is full of awareness and accurate information unattainable. This is also in line with what the Indonesian constitution wants. However, it is necessary to ensure that the criminalization of hoaxes is not used as an instrument of abuse of power considering that the circulation of hoaxes is a symptom of a problem rather than the root of the problem itself.Keywords: Fake News, Criminalization, Stability, Freedom of Speech, Deliberative Democracy, Legal Revuew

2019 ◽  
Vol 39 (2) ◽  
pp. 302
Elinde Yoman ◽  
M T Massie ◽  
R E.M.F Osak ◽  
J Pandey

ANALYSIS OF FARMERS' PERCEPTIONS TOWARD THE ROLE OF COUNSELING IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF PIG FARMING ON AGRIBUSINESS IN GIWAN VILLAGE, TIOM DISTRICT, LANNY JAYA REGENCY. The objective of this study was to determine farmer’s perceptons toward the role of agricultural extension agents in the development of pig livestock agribusiness for breeder’s in Giwan Village, Tiom District, Lanny Jaya Regency. This study used a survey method. Sample of group breeder wasdetermined by purposive sampling and sample of breeders was selected by simple random sampling method. The results of the study showed that: (1) Most pig farmers in Giwan village had good or high perceptions of extension workers in their roles as educators (80%), still have moderate as consultants (75%), as motivators (75%), and as organizers (80%) of farmers in providing counseling in Giwan village. The conclusion of this research was farmers in Giwan village have good perceptions of extension workers in their roles as educators, motivators, and as organizers of farmers in managing pigs' business.Keywords:  Agribusiness, Pig Farm, Extension, Giwan. 

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