2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
W. Setiawati ◽  
N. Gunaeni ◽  
T. S. Uhan ◽  
A. Hasyim

Bemisia tabaci (Gen.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is one of the most serious pests on tomato. It is mainly controlled by chemi-cal means, requiring some 25 sprays during the average growing season. The extensive and repeated use of insecticides has dis-rupted the natural balance between this pest and its natural enemies. In this study, Menochilus sexmaculatus F. was evalu-ated as a possible biological control agent of B. tabaci and its effect on Gemini virus infestation. The study was conducted at the experimental station of the Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute (IVeGRI) in Lembang, West Java (1,250 m above sea level) from August to December 2008. The experimental plots consisted of 0.35 ha of tomato (± 100 m2 per plot) and spatially separated with four rows of maize (a minimum of 1 m) inter-plot distance to prevent cross-contamination among plots. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized block design with eight treatments and four replications. M. sexmaculatus were released at 24 days after planting. The treatments were designed according dosages and schedules at three released populations (i.e. 10 predators per plot, 20 predators per plot, and 10 predators per plot at vegetative stage followed by 20 predators per plot at generative stage); two places of release (center and edge of the plot); and two schedules of release (weekly and biweekly). Efficacy of the predator was measured in terms of the density of B. tabaci, both before and after release of the predator and its effect on Gemini virus infestation. The result indicated the potential use of M. sexmaculatus to control B. tabaci and its effect on Gemini virus infestation on tomato. Reductions in B. tabaci populations and subsequent tomato yields were significant. B. tabaci population in plots receiving 10 predators showed 73.62% and 75.75% reductions by the end of experiment. The incidence and intensity of Gemini virus were consistently and significantly lowest and tomato yield gain was observed when 10 predators were released at weekly intervals. It is suggested that release of M. sexmaculatus against B. tabaci on tomato may be offered as an alternative solution to increase implementation of biologically-based B. tabaci management. <br /><br />

2013 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
W. Setiawati ◽  
N. Gunaeni ◽  
T. S. Uhan ◽  
A. Hasyim

Bemisia tabaci (Gen.) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) is one of the most serious pests on tomato. It is mainly controlled by chemi-cal means, requiring some 25 sprays during the average growing season. The extensive and repeated use of insecticides has dis-rupted the natural balance between this pest and its natural enemies. In this study, Menochilus sexmaculatus F. was evalu-ated as a possible biological control agent of B. tabaci and its effect on Gemini virus infestation. The study was conducted at the experimental station of the Indonesian Vegetables Research Institute (IVeGRI) in Lembang, West Java (1,250 m above sea level) from August to December 2008. The experimental plots consisted of 0.35 ha of tomato (± 100 m2 per plot) and spatially separated with four rows of maize (a minimum of 1 m) inter-plot distance to prevent cross-contamination among plots. The experiment was arranged in completely randomized block design with eight treatments and four replications. M. sexmaculatus were released at 24 days after planting. The treatments were designed according dosages and schedules at three released populations (i.e. 10 predators per plot, 20 predators per plot, and 10 predators per plot at vegetative stage followed by 20 predators per plot at generative stage); two places of release (center and edge of the plot); and two schedules of release (weekly and biweekly). Efficacy of the predator was measured in terms of the density of B. tabaci, both before and after release of the predator and its effect on Gemini virus infestation. The result indicated the potential use of M. sexmaculatus to control B. tabaci and its effect on Gemini virus infestation on tomato. Reductions in B. tabaci populations and subsequent tomato yields were significant. B. tabaci population in plots receiving 10 predators showed 73.62% and 75.75% reductions by the end of experiment. The incidence and intensity of Gemini virus were consistently and significantly lowest and tomato yield gain was observed when 10 predators were released at weekly intervals. It is suggested that release of M. sexmaculatus against B. tabaci on tomato may be offered as an alternative solution to increase implementation of biologically-based B. tabaci management. <br /><br />

2016 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Wiwin Setiawati ◽  
Neni Gunaeni ◽  
Subhan ◽  
Agus Muharam

Pola tanam sayuran secara tumpang sari telah dimanfaatkan secara meluas di sentra-sentra produksi  sayuran di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemupukan dan tumpangsari antara tomat dan kubis terhadap populasi Bemisia tabaci dan serangan penyakit virus kuning yang disebabkan oleh virus gemini pada tanaman tomat. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan Balai Penelitian Tanaman Sayuran, Lembang (1.250 dpl.) dari bulan Juni sampai dengan Oktober 2008. Rancangan yang digunakan ialah acak kelompok pola faktorial dengan empat ulangan. Dua faktor perlakuan yang diuji, yaitu (1) dosis pupuk (N 180 kg/ha + P2O5 150 kg/ha + K2O 100 kg/ha,  N 168 kg/ha + P2O5 146,5 kg/ha + K2O  145 kg /ha, serta  N 210 kg/ha + P2O5 183,125 kg/ha + K2O 181,25 kg/ha) dan (2) cara tanam (monokultur tomat dan tumpangsari tomat dengan kubis). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan dosis pupuk yang tinggi dan tanaman tomat yang ditanam secara monokultur dapat meningkatkan populasi kutukebul dan serangan penyakit virus kuning dibandingkan dengan dosis pupuk yang lebih rendah. Penggunaan dosis pupuk yang tinggi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap peningkatan produksi tomat. Penggunaan dosis pupuk N 168 kg/ha + P2O5  146,5 kg/ha + K2O 145 kg/ha dan tumpangsari tomat dengan kubis dapat direkomendasikan sebagai komponen teknologi PHT untuk pengelolaan hama B. tabaci dan penyakit virus kuning pada tanaman tomat.<br /><br />The intercropping planting technique is widely implemented in vegetable production centers in Indonesia. The research on the application of different doses of fertilizers (N, P, and K) and the planting technique of tomato and cabbage  on B. tabaci and the yellow disease caused by gemini virus was carried out at the Indonesian  Vegetables Research Institute from June to October 2008. The objective was to determine the effect of different doses of fertilizers (N, P, and K) and tomato-cabbage intercropping on the population densities of B. tabaci and incidence of gemini virus on tomato.  A factorial randomized block design with two factors and four replication was used in the experiment. Two treatments factor were tested i.e.  (1) different doses of fertilizers (N 180 kg/ha + P2O5 150 kg/ha + K2O 100 kg/ha,  N 168 kg/ha + P2O5 146,5 kg/ha +  K2O 145 kg/ha, and  N 210 kg /ha +  P2O5 183,125 kg/ha + K2O 181,25 kg/ha), and (2) planting techniques (monoculture and tomato-cabbage intercropping). The result indicated that heigher doses of fertilizers resulted in higher population of whitefly per leaf and yellow virus symptoms on tomato compared to lower doses. Higher amounts of fertilizers did not significantly affect tomato yield. It is suggested that the dose of  N 168 kg/ha + P2O5 146,5 kg/ha + K2O 145 kg/ha, and the tomato-cabbage intercropping technique can be incorporated into the IPM program, especially for the management of  whitefly and gemini virus on tomato.<br /><br /><br />

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Wiwin Setiawati ◽  
Ahsol Hasyim ◽  
Abdi Hudayya

<p><strong>(<em>The Use of Rain Shelter and Biopesticide in off Season Chilli Cultivation to Reduce Yield Losses and Infestation of Pest and Diseases</em>)</strong></p><p>Penggunaan rain shelter merupakan solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan budidaya cabai di luar musim, yaitu kondisi musim hujan berkepanjangan. Peranan sumber daya hayati lokal termasuk tumbuhan sebagai biopestisida (Atecu) perlu ditingkatkan untuk mengatasi masalah mahalnya biaya produksi, namun mampu menekan kehilangan hasil akibat OPT dan menjaga mutu produk. Tujuan penelitian mendapatkan teknologi budidaya cabai off season yang dapat mengurangi kehilangan hasil dan serangan OPT ≥30%. Penelitian dilaksanakan di KP Margahayu Lembang, dari bulan Agustus 2016 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2017. Plot penelitian disusun berdasarkan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) terdiri atas enam perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan yang digunakan adalah bentuk rain shelter (bentuk datar dan melengkung) yang dipasang pada waktu tanam dan musim penghujan dikombinasikan dengan penggunaan Atecu 10 ml/l dan tanpa rain shelter + Atecu 10 ml/l serta teknologi konvensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pertumbuhan tanaman cabai (tinggi dan lebar kanopi) yang ditanam di bawah rain shelter berbeda nyata masing - masing sebesar (14,23 cm dan 3,17 cm) serta mempunyai jumlah cabang yang lebih banyak (12,5) dibandingkan dengan tanaman cabai yang ditanam di lahan terbuka, (2) kombinasi penggunaan shelter dan Atecu 10 ml/l efektif mengendalikan OPT penting pada tanaman cabai merah dengan tingkat efikasi berkisar antara 33,56–75,0% serta dapat mengurangi penggunaan pestisida sebesar 50% bila dibandingkan dengan teknologi konvensional, dan (3) bentuk rain shelter yang paling baik adalah bentuk melengkung yang dipasang pada musim penghujan dan mampu meningkatkan hasil panen sebesar 26,32% atau sebesar 20,59 ton/ha. Dari hasil tersebut dapat direkomendasikan bahwa penggunaan rain shelter sebagai salah satu teknologi budidaya cabai off season.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p><em>Capsicum annuum</em> L; Rain shelter; Biopestisida Atecu; Budidaya di luar musim; Hama dan penyakit</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p>The use of rain shelter is solution to solve chilli cultivation problems during rainy season which has long period rainy season. Biological control agent (BCA) included biopesticide (Atecu) also plays important role for solving the problems on chilli cultivation. The aim of the research was to obtain chilli cultivation technology in the off season which is effective to reduce yield losses due to incidence of pests and diseases on chilli ≥30%. The research was conducted in Margahayu Station from August 2016 to March 2017. Randomized block design with six treatments and four replications were used in this. The applications of rain shelter at planting time and rainy season (four treatments) and chilli planting at open field (two treatments) were used. The result showed that: (1) plant height and canopy width grown inside rain shelter were significantly longer (14.23 cm and 3.17 cm), had more branches (12.5) than those grown under open field condition, (2) the combination of rain shelter and biopesticide (Atecu) could reduce the risk of pest and disease, mainly in the rainy season with % of efficacy 33,56 – 75,0% and reduced used of pesticide up to 50% compared with conventional technology, and (3) the highest yields was found at Rain Shelter with curved shape applied at rainy season 20.59 ton/ha (26.32%). According to the results, the use of rain shelter can be recommended as one of technology for chilli cultivation during rainy season.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Laksminiwati Prabaningrum ◽  
Tonny Koestoni Moekasan ◽  
Rini Murtiningsih

<p>Cendawan entomopatogen <em>Lecanicillium lecanii</em> merupakan musuh alami potensial bagi trips. Pemanfaatannya dalam budidaya kentang diharapkan mampu meningkatkan nilai ambang kendali Thrips palmi dalam rangka mendukung pelestarian lingkungan. Penelitian bertujuan mengevaluasi ambang kendali trips dengan menambahkan penggunaan L. lecanii sebagai agens pengendalian hayati. Penelitian dilakukan di Desa Marga Mekar (1.200 m dpl.), Kecamatan Pangalengan, Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat, dari bulan Mei hingga Agustus 2016. Penelitian disusun menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam perlakuan dan tiap perlakuan diulang empat kali. Macam perlakuan yang diuji adalah: (A) ambang kendali satu nimfa trips/daun + L. lecanii, (B) ambang kendali enam nimfa trips/daun + L. lecanii, (C) ambang kendali 11 nimfa trips/daun + L. lecanii, (D) ambang kendali 16 nimfa trips /daun + L. lecanii, (E) penyemprotan insektisida 2x/minggu, dan (F) kontrol, tanpa penyemprotan insektisida dan tanpa L. lecanii. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyemprotan L. lecanii (1x/minggu) mampu meningkatkan ambang kendali trips dari 10 nimfa /daun menjadi 16 nimfa/daun, mampu menekan penggunaan insektisida sebesar 56,25–100%, dan mampu menekan kehilangan hasil panen ubi kentang sebesar 34,98–45,74%. Lecanicillium lecanii sebagai pengendali trips lebih tepat digunakan pada musim kemarau, dan pada saat serangan penyakit rendah, untuk menghindari penggunaan fungisida sistemik yang dapat mematikan cendawan entomopatogen tersebut.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong></p><p>Ambang kendali; Cendawan entomopatogen; Penyemprotan insektisida; <em>Solanum tuberosum</em> L.; Thrips palmi Karny</p><p><strong>Abstract</strong></p><p><em>Lecanicillium lecanii</em>  is one of entomopathogenic fungus that effective against thrips. The use of the fungus in potato cultivation may increase control threshold of thrips in order to hold environment sustainability. The experiment was aimed to evaluate the control threshold of thrips with add L. lecanii as an biological control agent. The experiment had been conducted in Marga Mekar Village (1,200 m asl.), Pangalengan Sub District, Bandung District, West Java Province. The experiment was arranged in randomized block design with six treatments and each treatment was replicated four times. The treatments tested were (A) control threshold one nymph/leaf + L. lecanii, (B) control threshold six nymphs/leaf + L. lecanii, (C) control threshold 11 nymphs/leaf + L. lecanii, (D) control threshold 16 nymphs/leaf + L. lecanii, (E) insecticide spraying 2x/week, and (F) check, without insecticide and without L. lecanii. Result showed that L. lecanii spraying (1x / week) was able to increase the control threshold of thrips of 10 nymphs/leaf to 16 nymphs/leaf, was able to suppress the use of insecticides by 56.25% to 100%, and was able to suppress the yield loss of potato by 34.98% to 45.74%. Lecanicillum lecanii as a biological control agent of thrips more appropriately used in the dry season, when the disease intensity is low, in order to avoid sistemic fungicide application that able kill the entomopathogenic fungus.</p>

Endang Sulistyowati ◽  
Febrilia Nur AINI

Beauveria bassiana is one of the entomopathogen fungi which is known as biological control agent of cocoa pod borer and cocoa mirids (Helopeltis spp.). Because of its effectiveness in the fields is still not consistent, so we conduct a research with the objective to know the possibility of Beauveria bassiana to be established as a endophyte. Various fungal entomopathogens have already been reported as endophytes and the various methods used to inoculate the plants with B. bassiana were partially effective. The research has been conducted in laboratory of Plant Protection, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute by inoculating of cocoa seeds and cocoa nursery with B. bassiana suspension.  The trial was arranged  by randomized complete block design with a factorial arrangement. The factor were spore concentration of B. bassiana (0; 2; and 4 g/ 10 l) and cocoa varieties (family of ICS 60, TSH858, and hybrid). The trial were use  four replications. The results showed that the fungal entomopathogen B. bassiana was established as an endophyte in cocoa seedling, both from cocoa seeds and nursery application. Percentage of existence of B. bassiana colonies as endophytes one month after seeds application were ICS 60 amounted to 93.3 % both on concentration treatments, while the families of TSH 858 by 80 % and 86.67 % respectively in 2 g and 4 g per 10 l of B. bassiana spores concentration treament.. The lowest percentage was in hybrids, which amounted to 66.67% and 50%. B. bassiana colonies was exixtence as an endophyte in culture from root, stem and leaves of cocoa seedling up to 5 months post inoculation. While the application on nursery by soil drenshing, leaf spraying, and stem injection , it was known that B. bassiana colonies were found in the tissues of leaves, stems, and roots until two months after application. Colonies of B. bassiana as endophytes still exsist until six weeks after nursery was planted in the field. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-158
Hari Yani Fadillah

The research aims to know the effect of tomato juice on blood pressure in pre-elderly pre hypertension at Posbindu Puskesmas Nusa Indah Bengkulu City.The design of research was a quasi experiment include pre test post test. This population was all patients posbindu aged 45-59 years. Sampling of this research randomized block design of one factorial were 6 samples divided into treatment and control group. The data which have been analyzed using univariate and bivariate. From this research were obtained the results such as the mean of sistole blood pressure before and after intervention in treatment group p = 0,273 and diastole p = 0,27. Mean systole blood pressure control group p = 0.060 and diastole p = 2.14. Distribution of tomato juice (Lycopersicum grandifilum) did not given affect the decrease in blood pressure of systole diastole before and after intervention in pre-elderly pre hypertension. Whereas the difference in mean systole of blood pressure treatment and control group p = 0.935 and diastolic of blood pressure p = 0.678. There ware not difference in mean of blood pressure in the tomato juice treatment group and control of Vitamin C. The result concluded there were not effect of tomato juice (Lycopersicum grandifilum) on systolic of blood pressure in pre-elderly pre hypertension at Posbindu Puskesmas Nusa Indah Bengkulu City.

1993 ◽  
Vol 83 (3) ◽  
pp. 383-388 ◽  
K. P. Jayanth ◽  
Geetha Bali

AbstractZygogramma bicolorata Pallister was introduced for biological control trials against the weed Parthenium hysterophorus (Asteraceae) in India. The insect entered diapause over an extended period of time between July and December in Bangalore. Diapausing adults burrowed into the soil, and emerged in May–June with the commencement of monsoon rains. Percentage diapause increased over time, peaking at 72% during November. Non-diapausing adults were capable of breeding, under laboratory conditions, during the winter. Some adults bred both before and after diapause, during two consecutive years. Soil moisture played an important role in providing the conditions for burrowing or emerging from the diapause chambers. The studies also showed that diapausing adults had to be exposed to the high summer temperatures, for termination of the diapause. It was possible to break diapause by continuous exposure to 30°C, 35°C and 40°C for 22 days, nine days and 10 hours, respectively, during February–March, about three months after its inception. This method can be used to initiate mass multiplication for carrying out releases early in the season.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 76

Predation and Functional Response Test of Predator Chysoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera: Crysopidae) Against Phenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). This study aims to evaluate the predatory capacity of C. carnea by measuring the rate of searching capacity and handling-time of one prey and its functional response to the population density of P. manihoti. The research was conducted at the Integrated Pest Management Laboratory (IPMLab), Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University. The study was conducted from February to May 2019. Testing of functional responses used a randomized block design with 5 treatments (3, 6, 9, 12, 15 nymphs-3) each of which was repeated 10 times. The results showed that the prey searching-capacity when the population was low (3 nymphs-3) took longer (10.37 minutes), while when the population was high it took a short time (6.23 minutes). The length of time for handling one prey in the low population was 6.08 minutes, while in the high population it was 5.48 minutes. Predator C. carnea has a tpe-2 functional response to an increase in the population of P. manihoti nymphs with the equation Y = 4.32x / 1 + 1.973x (R2 = 0.980). The rate of predation increases sharply when the population of low increases, and decreases when the increase of prey population increases. C. carnea has the potential to be developed as a control agent for P. manihoti.

Dharma Oraon ◽  
A. K. Singh ◽  
Ajit Kumar Singh ◽  
S. Kumar ◽  
R. K. Singh ◽  

The FLD experiment was conducted in 20 replication (Farmers field) in National Innovation on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) village Mardanpur in Arra Panchat of Chatra block in Chatra district of Jharkhand on three consecutive year 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17. The FLD experiment was conducted in randomized block design with 2000 m2 plot size for each technological option. The two technology options are as follows TO-I: (Farmers Practice) Burning of plant leaf in forest area and use as cooking material and transplanting ginger in the month of May without mulching with N100P60K60. TO-II: Mulching of ginger field by plant leaf (5 q/ha) with N75P40K45. The rationale behind selection of technology option (TO-II) was disseminate scientific recommendations i.e. mulching of ginger field to demonstrated famers convincing the benefit of mulching in the place of burning leaf in forest area. The data on soil chemical analysis before and after mulching, yield and economic was recorded for better interpretation matrix ranking was done for each of intervened treatments on the basis of farmers criteria matrix ranking was accomplished through participatory rural appraisal. Farmer’s reaction was measure in five point rating scale. The overall score reflecting the degree of favorable, unfavorable and neutral to the related technology intervention (Negative = 2.5, Natural = 2.3 – 3.5 and positive above = 3.5). Result indicated that on an average ginger yield was 144.83 q/ha in farmers practice where as in technology option (TO-II), it was 187.7 q/ha respectively. Return per rupee spent was also found more in TO-II i.e. 4.99 as compare to farmer practice i.e. 3.88.

Insects ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 619 ◽  
Ibrahim Sani ◽  
Siti Izera Ismail ◽  
Sumaiyah Abdullah ◽  
Johari Jalinas ◽  
Syari Jamian ◽  

Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), consists of genetically diverse species known to cause significant destruction in several crops around the world. Nymphs and adults of B. tabaci cause damage to plants during feeding, and they can act as a virus vector, thus causing significant yield loss to crops in the tropical and subtropical regions. Chemical pesticides are widely used to control B. tabaci due to their immediate action, but this approach has several drawbacks including food safety issues, insecticide resistance, environmental pollution, and the effect on non-target organisms. A biological control agent using entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) has therefore been developed as an alternative against the conventional use of chemical pesticides in an integrated pest management (IPM) system to effectively control B. tabaci. It is apparent from this review that species of hyphomycetes fungi are the most common EPF used to effectively control B. tabaci, with the second instar being the most susceptible stage of infection. Therefore, this review article focuses specifically on the control of B. tabaci with special emphasis on the use of EPF as biological control agents and their integration in IPM.

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