2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 140

ABSTRAK<br />Tujuan pemuliaan kencur diarahkan untuk meningkatkan produksi<br />rimpang dan kandungan mutu utama yang sesuai dengan standar yang<br />ditetapkan oleh Materia Medika Indonesia, dalam upaya meningkatkan<br />pendapatan usahatani. Hasil seleksi berdasarkan produksi dan mutu<br />rimpang terhadap aksesi plasma nutfah yang terkumpul, terpilih 5 nomor<br />dengan rata-rata produksi rimpang &gt; 40 g/rumpun dan kadar minyak atsiri<br />&gt; 1,5%, yaitu V1, V2, V3, V4 dan V5. Kelima nomor diuji multilokasi di 5<br />lokasi pada 2 musim tanam (tahun 2002/2003 dan 2003/2004). Kelima<br />lokasi tersebut adalah: Cileungsi (80 m dpl.) dan Cijeruk (650 m dpl.)<br />(Bogor), Subang (80 m dpl), Sumedang (550 m dpl) dan Sukamulya (350<br />m dpl.) (Sukabumi). Pengujian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok<br />dengan 6 ulangan, jarak tanam 20 x 20 cm, ukuran petak 4 x 1 m 2 ,<br />populasi tanaman per petak 100. Dari hasil pengujian diperoleh nomor<br />yang menghasilkan rata-rata bobot rimpang tertinggi yaitu V4 (53,58<br />g/rumpun atau setara dengan 10,7 ton/ha), rata-rata kadar minyak atsiri<br />tertinggi (6,64%) dan beradaptasi secara spesifik pada lingkungan tumbuh<br />yang sama dengan lokasi penanaman di Cijeruk, Sumedang dan Suka-<br />mulya. Sedangkan V2 dengan nilai diameter rimpang terbesar (2,089 cm),<br />stabil di 4 lokasi pengujian, responsif terhadap pemupukan, serta V3<br />dengan rata-rata produksi rimpang 51,98 g/rumpun atau setara dengan 10,4<br />ton/ha, beradaptasi secara spesifik pada lingkungan tumbuh yang sama<br />dengan lokasi penanaman kencur di Cileungsi, Cijeruk dan lokasi asalnya<br />di Sumedang.<br />Kata kunci : Kencur, Kaempferia galanga L., varietas unggul, stabilitas<br />hasil, spesifik lokasi, Jawa Barat<br />ABSTRACT<br />Stability of five promissing Galanga lines production<br />Breeding of Galanga was focused on the improvement of rhizome<br />yield and quality based on the Indonesian Materia Medica Standard, to<br />increase farmers’ income. Based on the selection on rhizome yield and<br />quality, 5 accession numbers were selected as promising lines for their<br />high rhizome yield (&gt;40 g/tiller) and essential oil contents (&gt; 1.5%), e.g.<br />V1, V2, V3, V4 and V5. All numbers were subjected to multilocation tests<br />at 5 locations, e.g. Cileungsi (80 m asl) and Cijeruk (650 m asl) (Bogor),<br />Subang (80 m asl), Sumedang (550 m asl) and Sukamulya (350 m asl)<br />(Sukabumi), for 2 planting-seasons (2002/2003 and 2003/2004). Experi-<br />ments were arranged in a randomized-block design, with 6 replications,<br />plant spacing 20 cm x 20 cm, plot size of 4 x 1 m2, and population 100<br />plants/plot. The research results showed that the highest average of<br />rhizome yield was performed by V4 (53.58 g/tiller, equal to 10.7 t/ha),<br />with essential oil content 6.64% and specifically adaptable to the same<br />agro-climate as the environment conditions at Cijeruk (Bogor), Sumedang<br />and Sukamulya (Sukabumi). Meanwhile, V2 with the highest diameter of<br />rhizome (2,089 cm), stable at 4 out of 5 locations and responsive to<br />fertilizer application. On the other hand, V3 with the average of rhizome<br />yield 51.98 g/tiller, equal to 10.4 t/ha, specifically adaptable to the agro-<br />climate similar to the environment conditions at Cileungsi, Cijeruk<br />(Bogor) and its native, Sumedang.<br />Key words: Kaempferia galanga L., superior variety, yield stability,<br />specific location, West Java

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 105
Octivia Trisilawati ◽  
Deliah Seswita ◽  
M. Syakir

<p>The constrain of lemongrass cultivation is crop nutrient requirement does not estimate yet as a reference for determining the dosage of fertilizer needed to produce good yield and quality. The study aims to determine the NPK uptake of seven lemongrass promising numbers grown in latosol soil in Cibinong research garden, Bogor, namely: Cyci 0003, 0004, 0006, 0009, 0012, 0018 and local. Seven lemongrass promising numbers were from Boyolali, Yogyakarta, Cipatat, Cisaroni, East Nusa Tenggara, Bogor, and Cibinong which had been characterized. The design used was randomized block design with four replications and 25 plants per plots. The parameters observed were number of tillers, plant height, leaf length and width, stem diameter weight per clump, oil yield and quality, and chlorophyll content. The results showed that there were differences of nutrient uptake pattern, as well as the amount of fertilizer requirement N, P and K on all seven promising numbers of lemongrass. Local and Cyci 0003 had highest oil and sitral production compared to other lemongrass promising numbers. To generate the essential oil yield 81,39 kg ha-1 and production of citral 14,25 tonnes ha-1, Cyci 0003 absorbed 284,65 kg Urea, 49,15 kg SP-36, and 308,95 kg KCl ha-1, while local Cyci absorbed 230,29 kg Urea, 49,97 kg SP-36, and 161,8 kg KCl ha-1 to produce 97,94 kg essential oils yield ha-1 and 16,01 tonnes citral ha-1. Essential oil content of Lemongrass increased with increasing uptake of N and P, and citral oil content increased with increasing nutrient P uptake. Local Cyci promising number was relatively efficient in N, P, and K nutrient absorption.</p><p>Keywords: Cymbopogon citratus Stapf., promising number, yield, quality, the uptake of N, P, and K.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Salah satu kendala dalam pengembangan budidaya serai dapur adalah belum ada perhitungan kebutuhan hara tanaman secara riil sebagai acuan dalam menentukan dosis pupuk yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan produksi dan mutu terna yang baik. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui serapan hara N, P, dan K dari tujuh nomor harapan serai dapur yang ditanam di tanah latosol. Tujuh nomor harapan serai dapur yang telah dikarakterisasi yaitu Cyci 0003, Cyci 0004, Cyci 0006, Cyci 0009, Cyci 0012, Cyci 0018 dan Cyci lokal berasal dari Boyolali, Yogyakarta, Cipatat, Cisaroni, NTT, Bogor, dan Cibinong ditanam di kebun percobaan Cibinong, Bogor. Penelitian menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok, dengan 4 ulangan dan jumlah tanaman sebanyak 25 per petak. Parameter yang diamati meliputi jumlah anakan, tinggi tanaman, panjang dan lebar daun, diameter batang, bobot kering terna per rumpun, kadar minyak, mutu minyak, serta kandungan klorofil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan pola serapan hara, jumlah serta kebutuhan pupuk N, P, dan K dari ke tujuh nomor harapan serai dapur. Cyci lokal dan Cyci 0003 menghasilkan minyak atsiri dan sitral tertinggi. Untuk menghasilkan minyak atsiri 81,39 kg ha-1 dan sitral 14,25 t ha-1, Cyci 0003 menyerap 284,65 kg Urea, 49,15 kg SP-36, dan 308,95 kg KCl ha-1, sedangkan untuk menghasilkan minyak atsiri 97,94 kg ha-1 dan sitral 16,01 ton ha-1, Cyci lokal menyerap 230,29 kg Urea, 49,97 kg SP-36 dan 161,8 kg KCl ha-1. Kadar minyak atsiri serai dapur meningkat sejalan dengan peningkatan serapan hara N dan P, dan kadar minyak sitral meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan serapan hara P. Cyci lokal merupakan nomor harapan serai dapur yang relatif efisien dalam penyerapan hara N, P, dan K.</p><p>Kata kunci: Cymbopogon citratus Stapf, nomor harapan, produksi, mutu, serapan hara N, P dan K.</p><p> </p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 104
Tiur S. Silitonga ◽  
Andari Risliawati

<p>The Development of Core Collection for Rice Genetic Resources Tolerant to Drought. The experiment was conducted in dry season, July-September 2009 at the research farm in Jakenan, Central Java and planted in randomized block design (RBD) arrangement by using 150 accessions with the plot size of 5 m x 1 m, with plant spacing 25 cm x 20 cm and three replications. Another experiment used as control and grown as upland rice without drought stresses by watering twice in a week was planted in RBD arrangement with two replications, plot size 5 m x 1 m and spacing 25 cm x 20 cm. The results showed that 26 varieties were selected for sub core collection for drought tolerance. Jatiluhur and B.9645-E-Mr-89 had the highest yield potential respectively 3,88 dan 3,77 t/h. All of the varieties with tolerant to drought were selected for core collection. This would be very important as they could be directly grown by farmers as tolerant varieties or used as sources of gene in the breeding program to improve varieties for drought tolerant with high yielding potential.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Pembentukan core collection untuk sumber daya genetik padi toleran kekeringan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada musim kemarau, Juli-September 2009 di Kebun Penelitian Balai Penelitian Lingkungan Pertanian Jakenan, Jawa Tengah, dengan rancangan acak kelompok, tiga ulangan, menggunakan 150 aksesi yang ditanam pada petak berukuran 5 m x 1 m. Tanaman disiram setiap tiga hari sekali sampai tumbuh baik dan setelah berumur 25 hari tanaman mulai dikeringkan. Sebagai petak pembanding adalah tanaman padi gogo biasa yang disiram setiap dua seminggu sekali sampai panen. Pertanaman pembanding ditanam dengan jarak 25 cm x 20 cm. Dari penelitian ini terpilih 26 varietas toleran kekeringan dengan skor 1-5. Di antara aksesi ini terdapat varietas yang berumur genjah dan sedang (115-135 hari), sehingga waktu panennya agak berbeda. Varietas Jatiluhur dan galur B.9645- E-Mr-89 mempunyai potensi hasil paling tinggi, masingmasing 3,88 dan 3,77 t/ha dan toleran terhadap kekeringan. Aksesi yang toleran terhadap kekeringan terutama yang mempunyai potensi hasil tinggi, dapat langsung digunakan oleh petani atau sebagai sumber gen dalam perakitan varietas unggul toleran kekeringan dan berpotensi hasil tinggi.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian hara<br />pada berbagai tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air terhadap pertumbuhan<br />dan produksi lada perdu. Penelitian dilakukan di rumah atap Instalasi<br />Penelitian Cimanggu, Balai Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat, tahun<br />1996-1998. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pot drum 40 liter.<br />Penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok berukuran 6<br />tanaman/petak yang diulang 3 kali. Terdapat 2 faktor yang diuji yaitu<br />kombinasi dari tingkat dan frekuensi pemberian air dan faktor kedua<br />adalah takaran hara NPK Mg 12-12-17-2. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa pemberian air 21 mm/2 hari, setara dengan curah hujan 3.780 mm<br />per tahun dengan pemberian pupuk 400 g NPKMg 12-12-17-2 per<br />tanaman per tahun menghasilkan pertumbuhan terbaik dan produksi<br />tertinggi yaitu 42,7 g/tanaman pada produksi tahun pertama dan 171,2<br />g/tanaman pada tahun produksi kedua. Ini berarti dengan jarak tanam<br />1,25 x 1,25 m telah mampu dicapai hasil lebih dari 1,09 ton/ha. Tingkat<br />pencucian hara makro tertinggi terjadi pada perlakuan pemberian air 21<br />mm/2hari dengan agihan pemupukan 600g/tanaman/tahun.<br />Kata kunci : Lada perdu, Piper nigrum L., pemupukan, pemberian air,<br />produksi</p><p><br />ABSTRACT<br />Nutrient leaching and intake in bushy pepper (Piper<br />nigrum L.) at different rates and frequency of watering<br />The objective of the research was to find out the effect of<br />fertilizing at different rates and frequency of watering on the growth and<br />yield of bushy pepper. The research was done at a shading house of<br />Cimanggu Experimental Farm, Indonesian Spices and Medicinal Crops<br />Research Institute in 1996 – 1998. Bushy pepper was planted in a<br />container of 40 litre in Cimanggu Instalation. The research used a<br />randomized block design with 3 replication, 6 plants/ plot. There were<br />two factors studied in the research i.e. the combination of the rate and<br />frequency of watering, and the rate of NPK Mg 12-12-7-2. The results<br />showed that watering at 21 ml in 2 days, equals to 3780 mm rainfall, with<br />the application of 400 g NPK Mg 12-12-17-2 per plant gave the best<br />growth performance and the highest yield of pepper 42.7 g/vine at the 1 st<br />year and 171.2 g/vine at the 2 nd year. It means that at the plant spacing of<br />1.25 x 1.25 m the plants can produce 1.09 tones/ha. The highest nutrient<br />leached happened at the treatment of watering of 21 mm/2days with<br />fertilizer application 600 g/vine.<br />Key words: Bushy pepper, Piper nigrum L., fertilizing, watering,<br />growth, production</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 140

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian untuk mendapatkan klon-klon unggul rami untuk lahan di<br />antara pohon kelapa, telah dilaksanakan pada bulan April 1999 - Maret<br />2000, di lahan kebun plasma PIR-Kelapa 5 (NES 5) Desa Mekarsari,<br />Kecamatan Cimerak, Kabupaten Ciamis, Jawa Barat. Tanaman kelapa<br />hibrida ditanam pada tahun 1993/1994 dengan jarak tanam 9 m x 9 m, dan<br />sudah berproduksi. Perlakuan terdiri dari 12 klon rami yang disusun dalam<br />rancangan acak kelompok dan diulang 3 kali. Klon-klon tersebut adalah<br />Pujon 10, Pujon 13, Bandung A, Pujon 9, Pujon 902, Indochina, Kotaraja,<br />Japan I, Hakuki, Padang 3, Jawa Timur 3-0 dan Pujon 601. Bibit/rhizoma<br />ditanam dengan jarak tanam 50 cm x 80 cm satu stek per lubang, pada plot<br />berukuran 4 m x 9 m. Kapur dan pupuk kandang diberikan bersamaan<br />dengan pengolahan tanah dengan dosis masing-masing 2 ton dan 20 ton<br />per hektar. Sedangkan pupuk buatan diberikan pada 10 hari setelah tanam<br />dengan dosis 200 kg urea + 150 kg SP-36 + 100 kg KC1 per hektar.<br />Pemupukan selanjutnya dilakukan 7-10 hari setiap sehabis panen/pangkas<br />dengan dosis yang sama. Panen pertama dilakukan pada 70 HST,<br />sedangkan panen berikutnya setiap dua bulan sekali. Pengamatan pada<br />sebelum dan sesudah panen dilakukan terhadap tinggi tanaman, diameter<br />batang, jumlah anakan per rumpun, bobot brangkasan segar, bobot batang<br />segar dan bobot kering china grass. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa<br />klon Pujon 10, Pujon 13, Padang 3, Bandung A dan Indochina merupakan<br />klon-klon yang memiliki daya adaptasi tinggi di lahan antara pohon kelapa<br />di Ciamis sampai dengan panen ke empat.<br />Kata kunci: Rami, Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud, adaptasi, kebun kelapa,<br />tanaman sela, Jawa Barat</p><p><br />ABSTRACT<br />Adaptation of ramie clones in coconut plantation<br />An experiment to find out the promising clones of ramie in coconut<br />plantation in Mekarsari, Cimerak,West Java from April 1999 to March<br />2000. Coconut trees in the experiment location were planted in 1993/1994<br />with plant spacing 9 x 9 m and have already producted. Twelve rami<br />clones viz. Pujon 10, Pujon 13, Bandung A, Pujon 9, Pujon 902,<br />Indochina, Kotaraja, Japan I, Hakuki, Padang 3, Jawa Timur 3-0 and Pujon<br />601, was evaluated using Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three<br />replications. Rami rhizome was planted in 4 m x 9 m plot size with 50 cm<br />x 80 cm plant spacing and one rhizome per hole. Lime (2 ton/ha) and<br />organic manure (20 ton/ha) were applied during land preparation. Organic<br />fertilizers were applied 10 days after planting 200 kg urea •+• 150 kg SP-36<br />+ 100 kg KC1 per hectare. The next fertilizing was conducted 7 - 10 days<br />every after harvest with the same doses. The first harvesting time was 70<br />days after planting and the folowing harvests were conducted every two<br />months. Parameters observed were plant height, stem diameter, plant<br />number per scrub, fresh wight biomass, stem fresh wight and chinagrass<br />dry weight. Research result indicated that ramie clones viz. Pujon 10,<br />Pujon 13, Padang 3, Bandung A, and Indochina, were more adaptable in<br />coconut plantation in Ciamis, West Java, up to the fourth harvest.<br />Ramie, Boehmeria nivea L. Gaud, adaptation, cocon<br />plantation, intercrop, West Java</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
NFN Setiawan ◽  
NFN Gusmaini ◽  
Hera Nurhayati

<table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="456"><p><em>Citronella grass (</em>Cymbopogon nardus var genuinus<em> L) is an essential oil-producing plant known as "Citronella Oil of Java". Oil is </em><em>resulted</em><em> from leaf distillation. The fertilization of N, P, K and Mg was expected to enhance herb productivity and oil yield of citronella grass. The research was conducted at Cicurug Experimental Garden, Sukabumi from August 2016 - February 2017. The objective of this research was to determine the proper dosage of NPKMg fertilizer on citronella grass in Latosol</em><em> soil type</em><em>. The study was arranged in a Randomized Block Design with 6 fertilization treatments and 4 replications. Fertilizer treatments were (1) without fertilizer (control), (2) NPKMg (12:12:17:2): (2) at the dosage of 141 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup>,(3) 281 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup>, (4) 421 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup>, (5) 526 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup>, and (6) Urea 150 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup>, SP-36         50 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup> and KCl 125 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup> (as comparison). The NPKMg fertilization on citronella grass enhanced plant growth and increased the productivity of biomass and oil yield.  The application of NPKMg fertilization (12:12:17:2) 141 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup> produced 23 tons of herbs, increased by 30.8 % compared to NPK fertilization without Mg. The dosage of NPKMg fertilizer (12-12-17-2) at 281 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup> indicated the best growth and the highest herb production (24 ton.ha<sup>-1</sup></em><em>),</em><em> increased by 39 %, while the highest oil content (1.4 %) was shown by 421 kg.ha<sup>-1 </sup>NPKMg (12-12-17-2) <em>treatment, although the oil yield was insignificant compared to 281 kg.ha<sup>-1</sup>. Thus, the dosage of 281 kg.ha<sup>-1 </sup>NPKMg (12:12:17:2) can be recommended for citronella <ins cite="mailto:ASUS" datetime="2019-06-17T09:10"> grass</ins> cultivated at Latosol<ins cite="mailto:ASUS" datetime="2019-06-17T09:10"> soil type</ins></em></em></p></td></tr></tbody></table>

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 45
Yang Nuryani

<p>Characterization of four accessions of patchouli was conducted to obtain the information of characteristics to be utilized for future breeding program. The experiment was conducted in three locations namely Ciamis, Cimanggu, and Sukamulya. Four accessions of patchouli namely 0003, 0007, 0012, and 0013 were tested in a randomized block design with five replications, plant spacing of 100 x 50 cm, and 100 plants/plot. The plant were first harvested six month after planting and the 2nd harvested four months after the 1st harvested. The observation were made before the first harvested on morphological characters, production, oil content, and oil quality. The result showed that some of morphological characters such as plant height, accessions of primary and secondary branches, length of primary and secondary branches, length and widh of leaf as weel as numbers of leaves on primary branches on accession of 0012 were higher than that of another three accessions. The highest production of dry terna (13,278 t/ha) and patchouli alcohol content (33,3%) was observed on accession 0012, while the highest oil content (3,2%) on accession 0007. The main morphological characters that can be used to identify those accessions of patchouli was the colour of stem, accessions 0012 was green with slight purple, 0003 and 0007 more purple, and 0012 dark purple.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Karakteriasi empat aksesi nilam bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai karakter nilam dan pemanfaatannya dalam pemuliaan tanaman di masa yang akan datang. Penelitian dilakukan di tiga lokasi, yaitu Ciamis, Cimanggu, dan Sukamulya. Aksesi 0003, 0007, 0012, dan 0013 dikarakterisasi dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan lima ulangan, jarak tanam 100 x 50 cm, 100 tanaman per petak. Panen pertama dilakukan pada umur 6 bulan dan panen kedua 4 bulan setelah panen pertama. Pengamatan dilakukan sebelum panen pertama. Parameter yang diamati adalah karakter morfologi, hasil, kadar, dan mutu minyak, serta ketahanan terhadap penyakit. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tinggi tanaman, jumlah cabang primer/ sekunder, panjang cabang primer/sekunder, panjang dan lebar daun, dan jumlah daun per cabang primer aksesi 0012 lebih tinggi daripada ketiga aksesi lainnya. Produktivitas terna kering (13,278 t/ha) dan kadar patchouli alkohol (33,3%) tertinggi diberikan oleh aksesi 0012, sedangkan kadar minyak tertinggi (3,2%) ditunjukkan oleh aksesi 0007. Karakter morfologi yang membedakan aksesi-aksesi tersebut terutama adalah warna batang tua. Aksesi 0012 memiliki batang tua berwarna hijau dengan sedikit ungu, sementara aksesi 0003 dan aksesi 0007 lebih ungu dan aksesi 0012 paling ungu.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 67

<p>Percobaan lapang telah dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Pekuwon, Bojonegoro, 1992, untuk mcmpelajai sifat-sifat agronomis dan kimiawi tembakau pada berbagai waktu tanam sorgum pada sistem tumpangsai tembakau + sorgum. Percobaan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan enam ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dai 5 taraf waktu tanam sorgum yaitu 4 dan 2 minggu sebelum tanam tembakau, bersamaan dengan waktu tanam tembakau, 2 dan 4 minggu setelah tanam tembakau. Ukuran petak 10.8 m x 12.0 m. dengan 240 tanaman tembakau per petak dan 720 tanaman sorgum per petak. Analisis N, P, K, nikotin, dan gula beturut- turut dengan Kyeldhal, Spektrofotometi, Flamefotometi, Titrasi dengan NaOH dan Luff-Schroll. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa dengan mempcrcepat waktu tanam sorgum dari 4 minggu setelah tanam tembakau menjadi 4 minggu sebelum tanam tembakau sangat menurunkan pertumbuhan, hasil dan mutu. Scbaliknya perlakuan tersebut meningkat¬ kan kadar N-total, P, dan K, dan hasil sorgum tumpangsai, serta tidak berpengaruh pada kadar nikotin, gula, nisbah/nikotin, dan N/nikotin tembakau. Pada keadaan kering yang dialami oleh percobaan ini walaupun hasil tembakau rendah namun mutu hasil masih dalam kisaran yang baik dan persaingan dikuasai oleh tanaman sorgum.</p><p>Kata kunci: Nicotiana tabacum, sorgum bicolor, tumpangsai, waktu tanam</p><p> </p><p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong></p><p><strong>Agronomics and chemicals properties of tobacco under different planting dates ofsorghum in tobacco -Horghum intercropping system</strong></p><p>The ield expeiment was conducted at Pekuwon Expeimental Station, Bojonegoro, in 1992, to study the agronomic and chemical propeties of tobacco grown under diferent planting dates of sorghum in tobacco+sorghum intercropping system. The expeiment was arranged in randomized block design, with 6 replications. The treatment consisted of 5 levels of sorghum planting, 2 and 4 weeks ater tobacco planting. Plot size was 10.8 m x 12.0 m, with 240 and 720 plants of tobacco and sorghum respectively. The methods for analyses N, P, K, nicotine and sugar analyses were Kyeldhal, Spectrophotometry, Flame photometry, Titration with NaOH, and Luf-Schroll, respectively. The growth, yield, and quality of tobacco were decreased sharply, but the N, P, K contents of the leaves were increased by accelerating planting date of sorghum from 4 weeks ater to 4 weeks before tobacco planting. The content of nicotine, sugar, sugar/nicotine. N/nicotine of the leaves were not afected by this treatment. In dry condition, although the yield of tobacco was low, but the quality was in good category, and the competition in tobacco ♦ sorghum intercropping system was dominated by sorghum.</p><p>Key words : Nicotiana tabacum, sorghum bicolor, intercropping, planting date</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 20

ABSTRAK<br />Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dosis dan<br />komposisi pupuk NPK terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete<br />yang ditanam pada tanah regosol cokelat-kelabu di Desa Loloan,<br />Kecamatan Bayan, Lombok Barat, dari tahun 1997 sampai 2000. Faktor<br />yang diuji adalah: (1) komposisi NPK, 2 macam (1:1:1, dan 1:1:2); dan (2)<br />dosis pupuk, 4 taraf (500, 750, 1000 dan 1500 g/pohon/tahun). Perlakuan<br />disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan 4 ulangan dan ukuran<br />petak 4 pohon. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tanaman jambu mete<br />cukup responsif terhadap pemupukan. Pemberian pupuk menaikkan<br />kandungan hara N, P dan K daun. Dosis pupuk yang cukup memadai untuk<br />menunjang pertumbuhan dan produksi jambu mete adalah 500, 750, dan<br />1000 g NPK/pohon/tahun dengan komposisi pupuk NPK 1:1:2, masing-<br />masing untuk umur tanaman 5, 6, dan 7 tahun. Pupuk tersebut diberikan<br />dalam 2 kali agihan, yaitu 50% pada awal musim hujan, dan 50% lagi<br />menjelang akhir musim hujan.<br />Kata kunci : Jambu  mete,  Anacardium  occidentale,  pemupukan,<br />pertumbuhan, produksi, Nusa Tenggara Barat<br />ABSTRACT<br />Effect of fertilizer application on the growth and yield of<br />cashew in Lombok<br />A field study was conducted on cashew trees grown at grayish-<br />brown regosol soil located at Loloan, Bayan, West Lombok, from 1997 to<br />2000. The objectives of the study were to examine the effect of NPK<br />fertilizer and its composition on growth and yield of cashew. Treatments<br />examined were: (1) composition of NPK (1:1:1, and 1:1:2); and (2)<br />fertilizer dosage (500, 750, 1000 and 1500 g NPK/tree/year). The<br />treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with 4 replications<br />and plot size of 4 plants. Research results showed that the application of<br />fertilizers significantly affected the growth and yield of cashew. The<br />content of N, P and K in cashew leaves improved as the fertilizer dosage<br />increased. Appropriate amounts of NPK were 500, 750 and 1000 g<br />NPK/tree/year with composition of 1:1:2 for cashew trees of 5, 6 and 7<br />years old, respectively. The fertilizers were applied twice a year (50% in<br />the beginning of rainy season, and 50% in the end of rainy season).<br />Key words : Cashew, Anacardium occidentale, fertilizer application,<br />growth, yield, West Nusa Tenggara

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Gribaldi Gribaldi ◽  
Nurlaili Nurlaili

Gribaldi et al, 2018. Effort in Increasing the Growth and Production of Gambas through Adjusting the Planting Distance and Weeding Time on Dry Land. JLSO 7(2): Luffa acutangula (angled loofah) provide great benefits so that it is popular and consumed by the public. The increasing of L. acutangula production continues to be carried out in line with increasing market demand, one of them is through the improvement of cultivation techniques, such as fertilizer application, spacing and time for weeding. This study aimed to determine the increase in growth and production of L. acutangula plants at various planting distances and weeding time. This study used a randomized block design which was arranged through factorial with three replications. The factors studied consisted of: plant spacing (J), spacing of 40 cm x 50 cm (J1), spacing of 60 cm x 50 cm (J2), and spacing of 80 cm x 50 cm (J3). Weed weeding treatment (P) consists of: No weeding (P0), weeding at 15 DAS (days after sowing) (P1), weeding at 25 DAS (P2), weeding at 35 DAS (P3), and weed-free (P4). The results showed that the treatment of plant spacing and weeding time affected the plant growth and production. Spacing at 40 cm x 50 cm resulted in the best of plant growth and yield, and weeding at 35 DAS and weed-free plant produced the best growth and yield.

2011 ◽  
Vol 46 (7) ◽  
pp. 706-711 ◽  
Ivan Caldeira Almeida Alvarenga ◽  
Rafael Vasconcelos Valadares ◽  
Ernane Ronie Martins ◽  
Flávio Gonçalves Oliveira ◽  
Lourdes Silva de Figueiredo ◽  

The objective of this work was to assess the effect of different periods of water stress before harvest of pepper-rosmarin (Lippia sidoides) on the contents of essential oil and flavonoids. The experiment was carried out during 270 days of cultivation, with drainage lysimeters, in a completely randomized block design with five treatments: 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 days of water suppression before harvest, with four replicates. Fresh and dry matter yield, essential oil content, total flavonoids content, and water potential and temperature of leaves were determined. There was a decrease of approximately 50% in oil content and of 60% in total flavonoid content with the reduction of leaf water potential in 0.3 MPa. Essential oil is more sensitive to water stress than total flavonoids.

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