2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 125 ◽  

<p>ABSTRAK<br />Langkah antisipatif pemenuhan kebutuhan massal benih temulawak<br />dilakukan dengan perbanyakan secara in vitro menggunakan medium<br />tumbuh yang murah mengandung air kelapa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk<br />menganalisis kandungan kimia air kelapa dan peranannya dalam multi-<br />plikasi tunas temulawak in vitro, serta pengaruhnya terhadap produksi<br />rimpang dan kandungan xanthorrizol. Penelitian dilakukan mulai Mei<br />2009 sampai Agustus 2010 di Laboratorium dan Kebun Percobaan Balai<br />Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat; serta Balai Besar Penelitian dan<br />Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian. Air kelapa yang digunakan berasal<br />dari kelapa muda (7-8 bulan) dan kelapa tua berumur (10-12 bulan).<br />Penelitian dilakukan secara bertahap, terdiri atas 4 kegiatan. Pertama,<br />analisis zat pengatur tumbuh, vitamin dan mineral dalam air kelapa<br />menggunakan metode HPLC. Kedua, pengaruh konsentrasi air kelapa (0,<br />5, 10, 15, 20, dan 25%) terhadap multiplikasi tunas temulawak in vitro.<br />Kegiatan dirancang secara acak kelompok, 3 ulangan. Pengamatan<br />meliputi parameter pertumbuhan. Ketiga, aklimatisasi dan kandungan<br />klorofil tanaman hasil in vitro. Keempat, pertumbuhan dan produksi<br />rimpang benih temulawak in vitro dalam pot berisi media tanah + pasir dan<br />analisis kandungan xanthorrizolnya. Rancangan penelitian acak kelompok,<br />3 ulangan, dan parameter pengamatan karakter pertumbuhan, produksi<br />rimpang, dan kandungan xanthorrizol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan<br />bahwa air kelapa mengandung kinetin, zeatin, auksin, vitamin, mineral dan<br />sumber karbon yang berguna untuk multiplikasi tunas in vitro. Kandungan<br />kimia air kelapa muda lebih tinggi dibanding air kelapa tua. Medium<br />tumbuh mengandung air kelapa 15% terbaik dalam merangsang pertum-<br />buhan tunas in vitro (rata-rata 4,6 jumlah tunas per botol selama periode<br />awal pertumbuhan (8 minggu) sehingga dijadikan sebagai standar perba-<br />nyakan. Bibit temulawak hasil perbanyakan in vitro tumbuh baik (72%)<br />pada masa aklimatisasi, walaupun sebagian kecil ada yang menguning.<br />Kandungan klorofil a, b, dan total klorofil temulawak asal kultur in vitro<br />lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan yang konvensional, dan bentuk<br />rimpangnya normal. Poduksi rimpang generasi awal (Vo) mencapai rata-<br />rata 320,2g, lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan rimpang konvensional<br />(800,5g). Kandungan xanthorrhizol temulawak hasil kultur in vitro lebih<br />rendah dibandingkan rimpang konvensional. Hasil penelitian mengindi-<br />kasikan potensi air kelapa sebagai zat pengatur tumbuh alami pada<br />temulawak in vitro.<br />Kata kunci: air kelapa, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, in vitro, xanthorrhizol,<br />hasil</p><p>ABSTRACT<br />Anticipated step for Java turmeric seed massal fulfillment was<br />conducted by in vitro using cheap growth medium enriched with coconut<br />water. The aim of the research was to analyse the chemical content of<br />coconut water and its role on java turmeric micropropagation in vitro and<br />their effect on yield and xanthorrhizol content. The experiement was<br />conducted from May 2009 to August 2009 at Indonesian Spices and<br />Medicinal Research Institute and Indonsian Center for Agricultural Post<br />Harvest Research and Development. The coconut water used comes from<br />young coconut (7-8 months) and old coconut (10-12 months). The research<br />consisted of four steps. First, analysis of growth regulator, vitamin and<br />sucrose from coconut water using HPLC method. Second, the effect of<br />several concentration od water coconut: 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25% on in<br />vitro multiplication. The experiment was arranged in completely block<br />design with three replicates. The parameters observed were growth of<br />culture during in vitro. Third, acclimatization and chlorophyll content of<br />plant derived from in vitro and fourth, growth, and yield of java turmeric<br />seed on pot containing soil + sand as growth medium and xanthorrhizol<br />analysis. The experiment was arranged in completely block design with<br />three replicates. The parameters observed were growth characters, yield<br />and xnthorrhizol content. Result showed that coconut water contain<br />kinetin, zeatin, auksin, vitamin, mineral and carbon source which used for<br />in vitro shoots multiplication. The chemical of young coconut water was<br />higher than old coconut. The growth medium enriched with 15 % coconut<br />water gave the best result on inducing shoots in vitro (average 4.6<br />shoots/bottle during 8 weeks culture), so it’s used as multiplication<br />standard. Java turmeric seed from in vitro culture grew well (72%) on<br />acclimatization. Although, some of them were greenish.The content of a,<br />b, and total chlorophyll of java ginger from in vitro culture was higher than<br />conventional rhizome and have a normal rhizome. The production on Vo<br />(plantlet generation) around 320.2 g/plant, is lower than conventional<br />rhyzome (800.5 g). Xanthorhizol and essential oil content of Java turmeric<br />from in vitro seed were lower than conventional rhyzome. Result research<br />indicated potency of the coconut water as a nature growth regulator in<br />vitro.<br />Key words: coconut water, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, in vitro, growth,<br />xanthorrhizol, yield</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 135

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Tanaman temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) merupakansalah satu tanaman obat potensial unggulan yang memiliki khasiatmultifungsi. Rimpangnya yang berkhasiat obat mampu mengobati ber-bagai penyakit seperti kelainan pada hati/lever, kantong empedu, danpankreas. Adanya kecenderungan masyarakat ingin menggunakan pengo-batan dengan bahan alami, menjadikan permintaan benih temulawaksebagai bahan baku obat maupun industri jamu di Indonesia meningkatdengan pesat. Kondisi ini memberi peluang kepada petani sebagaipenyedia bahan tanaman. Upaya penyediaan bahan tanaman secara massaldalam waktu singkat serta bebas hama dan penyakit dapat dilakukanmelalui teknik kultur jaringan. Teknik ini dibatasi oleh tingginya biayaperbanyakan, di antaranya penggunaan bahan kimia. Oleh karena itu perludikaji penggunaan zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) yang berasal dari bahanalami (salah satunya adalah air kelapa) sebagai substitusi ZPT sintetik.Penelitian penggunaan air kelapa sebagai ZPT dilakukan di LaboratoriumKultur Jaringan Plasma Nutfah Pemuliaan dan Perbenihan, BalaiPenelitian Tanaman Obat dan Aromatik Bogor, dari bulan Mei sampaidengan bulan Desember 2009. Eksplan berasal dari tunas temulawak sterilhasil perbanyakan sebelumnya. Media yang digunakan adalah mediaMurashige and Skoog (MS) yang dikombinasikan dengan beberapa tarafkonsentrasi air kelapa (0, 5, 10, 15, dan 20%) sebagai substitusi ZPT danair kelapa dengan memakai millipore. Media dibuat padat, sebagaipembanding pada media MS + ZPT kimia yaitu BA1,5 mg/l. Percobaanmenggunakan rancangan acak lengkap dengan 10 ulangan. Parameteryang diuji adalah jumlah tunas, jumlah daun dan jumlah akar. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan, tanpa komponen kimia, dengan penambah airkelapa pada berbagai konsentrasi pada media dasar MS, berhasilmembentuk tunas, daun dan akar. Jumlah tunas terbanyak didapat padakombinasi media dengan penambahan air kelapa 15% sebanyak 3,4 tunas,jumlah daun 2,2 daun serta jumlah akar terbanyak yaitu sebanyak 13,2akar pada umur 2 minggu. Pada kombinasi media dengan memakaimillipore, tunas terbanyak hanya 2,6 tunas, tetapi tidak berbeda nyatadengan perlakuan kontrol MS + BA 1,5 mg/l, yaitu sama-sama memiliki2,6 tunas, 3,6 daun, dan 15,4 akar.</p><p>Kata kunci : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., in vitro, air kelapa, zatpengatur tumbuh, multiplikasi in vitro</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The use of Coconut Water as Growth Regulator onMultiplication of Java Turmeric Buds (Curcumaxanthorrhiza Roxb. ) in vitro</p><p>Java turmeric (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb.) is a potentialmedicinal plant which has many uses. Its rhizome has efficacy to curevarious diseases such as disorder on lever, gall bladder and pancreas.There is a tendency that people want to use therapy by natural materials,increases demand of turmeric seed as raw material of medicine industry inIndonesia. This condition provides a chance to farmers as supplier of plantmaterials. However, up to now, the high need of plant materials causes thelimitation of supply so that their alternatives are needed for providing plantmaterials in maximum number. The part of plant material provision in highnumber and in a short time and free from pests and diseases can beconducted through tissue culture technique. However, this technique islimited by the high cost of multiplication, among others the use ofchemical materials. Therefore, the use of growth regulator originated fromnatural material as substitution of synthetic growth regulator need to beassessed, one of them is coconut water. The experiment was carried out atthe laboratory of Tissue Culture, Germ Plasm, and Plant Breeding,Indonesia for Medicinal and Aromatic Crop Research Institute, Bogorfrom May to December 2009. Explants originated from sterile turmericshoots, product of previous multiplication. Media used was Murashige andSkoog (MS) combined with several concentration levels of coconut water( 0; 5; 10; 15, and 20%) as substitution of growth regulator and coconutwater by using millipore. Solid media was used, as comparison on mediaof chemical MS + was BA1.5 mg/l. The experiment was arranged incompletely randomized design with 10 replications. Parameters observedwere the numbers of shoots, leaves and roots. Results showed that withoutchemical component, by addition of coconut water on variousconcentrations on based media of MS, produced shoots, leaves and roots.The highest shoot number obtained on combination of media and additionof coconut water 15% as many as 3.4 shoots, with the number of leaves2.2 leaves at the age of 2 weeks and the highest roots formed on 15 %coconut water as many as 13.2 roots. Whereas on combination of mediawith millipore, the highest shoots were only 2.6 shoots, however it was notsignificantly different from treatment of control MS + BA 1.5 mg/l, itproduced 2.6 shoots,3.6 leaves and 15.4 roots.</p><p>Key words : Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb., in vitro, coconut water,growth regulator, multiplication in vitro</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Asmila Asmila ◽  
Zainuddin Basri ◽  
Ramal Yusuf ◽  
Hawalina Hawalina

Cacao is one of important plantation crops grouped in the Sterculiaceae family.  Sulawesi is the main area of cacao production and has a number of superior clones, such as Sulawesi 1 and Sulawesi 2.  Based on data in 2012/2014 cacao production to consumption reached 174,000 tons, while in 2013/2014 was projected a deficit of 115,000 tonnes. Nonetheless, cacao agribusiness in Indonesia is still facing complex problems, among others gardener productivity is still low due to borer attacks cacao, the quality of products and the number is still low and still not optimal development of cacao products and providing superior amount of cacao seedlings. The primary problem of cacao production recently is low productivity.  The main cause of low cacao productivity in Central Sulawesi is the use of inferior clones.  To enhance cacao productivity, it is crucial to use cacao clones having high genetic potential via tissue culture or micropropagation techniques.  The aim of this experiment was to assess the effect of different concentrations of 2,4-D and coconut water on the growth of cacao callus via in vitro culture.  This experiment used Completely Randomozed Block Design in factorial patteren with treatments tested namely 2,4-D and coconut water concentrations.  The concentrations of 2,4-D tested including 1 ppm, 2 ppm and 3 ppm, whilst coconut water concentrations tested consisting of 10%, 15% and 20%, and therefore there were 3 x 3 = 9 treatment combinations.  Each treatment utilized 4 replications; and each unit combination used 5 explants (staminodia).  Results of this experiment indicated that the addition of 3 ppm 2,4-D and 10% coconut water had a highly significant effect on the callus color 4 weeks after culture.  The addition of 3 ppm 2,4-D in culture media showed a significant effect on callus color 4 weeks after culture, but had an insignificant effect on the callus formation, callus color 8 weeks after culture an callus texture.  Supplementation of 20% coconut water had a significant effect on callus texture 8 weeks after culture, whilst the addition of 10% coconut water showed a significant effect on callus color 4 weeks after culture.

Lagiman ◽  
Ihvan Mei Nugraha ◽  
Ami Suryawati ◽  
Supono Budi Sutoto

The use of natural hormone of sprout extract, coconut water, and banana stem extract and application of cow biourine has been introduced as an innovation to reduce the use of chemical fertilizers to increase the productivity of shallot. This study aims to compare the growth and yield of shallot with chemical fertilizer treatment and that of shallot treated with combination of natural hormone and cow biourine. The study was conducted in Temon Wetan, Temon, Kulon Progo, Special Region of Yogyakarta using a Complete Randomized Block Design, which consists of two factors and one control (chemical fertilizer). The first factor is a natural hormone: sprout extract, banana stem extract and coconut water. The second factor is the concentration of cow biourine: 30%, 40%, and 50%. Data were analyzed using diversity at 5% level, Orthogonal Contras at 5% level and DMRT Test with 5% level. It was revealed that the control group with a combined treatments was not significantly different from the growth and yield of shallot of the group with chemical fertilizers. Types of treatments with natural hormone and cow biourine concentrations provided the same growth and yield as that of chemical fertilizer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Fendi Ramdhani

Demand for shallots continues to increase due to increasing population and consumption of mera onions. This research was carried out in jingglong village, Sutojayan sub-district, Blitar district in April - June 2018. This research was conducted using factorial randomized block design (RBD) with 2 factors, the first factor was immersion in coconut water (k) which consisted of 3 levels namely immersion for 1 hour (k1) soaking for 2 hours (k2) soaking for 3 hours (k3). The second factor is various media (m) consisting of 3 levels: soil 1: fertilizer 1: husk ash 1 (m1), soil 2: fertilizer 1: husk ash 1 (m2), soil 1: fertilizer 2: husk ash 1 ( m3) The variables observed included plant height, number of shoots, number of leaves, weight of tuber stover, wet weight of tubers, dry weight of tubers. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) level of 5% and further testing with Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). There is no real interaction between coconut water immersion and various planting media on the growth and yield of shallots. The treatment of coconut water immersion (k) significantly affected the height of shallot plants at the age of 14 days and 21 days, and affected the number of shoots and leaves at all ages of observation. The treatment of various planting media showed a significant difference at the age of 14 days to 21 days. The treatment of various planting media had a significant effect on the weight of stover and the wet weight of onion tubers with the highest yield (m1) of 122.03 gr, while in the wet weight the highest yield was on media (m1) with a yield of 80.51 gr.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Isna Tustiyani

Kopi merupakan salah satu komoditas perkebunan unggulan nasional. Pembibitan kopi umumnya melalui biji, padahal kopi dapat dibudidayakan melalui cara vegetative yaitu stek asal diberi perlakuan at pengatur tumbuh. Tujuan penelitian  ini adalah untuk  mempelajari pengaruh pemberian berbagai zat pengatur tumbuh alami pada stek kopi. Percobaan dilaksanakan di Kebun Percobaan  Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Garut pada Oktober – November 2016 menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan perlakuan tanpa pemberian ZPT, growtone, ekstrak bawang merah, dan air kelapa. Hasil percobaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak bawang merah dapat menumbuhkan sebesar 50% dan penggunaan growtone sebesar 55% stek kopi hidup.KATA KUNCI: auksin, air kelapa, ekstrak bawang merah,  stek kopi  THE EFFECT OF VARIOUS NATURAL PLANT GROWTH REGULATOR ON GROWTH CUTTINGS OF COFFEEABSTRACTThe Coffee is one of national excellent commodities. The Nurseries of coffee generally through the beans, but it can be grown through vegetative through by cuttings treated with growth regulators. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of various naturally plant growth regulators in coffee cuttings. The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Garut in October-November, 2016 using Randomized Complete Block Design with treatment  without giving plant growth regulator, growtone, onion extract, and coconut water. The result showed  that the extract of onion can grow at 50% and the growtone treatments  can grow 55% of the coffee cuttings. 

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