scholarly journals Foliar Application of Calcium Chloride Delays Postharvest Ripening of Strawberry

1990 ◽  
Vol 115 (5) ◽  
pp. 789-792 ◽  
F. Chéour ◽  
C. Willemot ◽  
J. Arul ◽  
Y. Desjardins ◽  
J. Makhlouf ◽  

Effects of CaCl2 preharvest treatment on postharvest strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) ripening and gray mold development were assessed. Two experiments were carried out in 1987 on two sites. In the first experiment, the effects of rate of application of CaCl2 and degree of fruit maturity at treatment were studied with the conventional cultivar Kent. In the second experiment, the influence of concentration and frequency of application of CaCl2 was investigated with day-neutral `Tribute'. Calcium treatment caused a significant increase in fruit and leaf Ca contents, which were closely correlated. The degree of fruit maturity at application and the frequency of treatment did not affect Ca concentration in the tissues. Several maturity criteria were measured during fruit storage in air at 4C. Anthocyanin and free-sugar contents and tissue electrical conductivity increased, while titratable acidity and firmness decreased. In both experiments, Ca treatment delayed ripening and gray mold development. The delay increased with increasing Ca concentration.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 355-364
Rogelio Enrique Palacios-Torres ◽  
Aldo Guadalupe Bustamante-Ortiz ◽  
Luis Alberto Prieto-Baeza ◽  
Hipólito Hernández-Hernández ◽  
Ana Rosa Ramírez-Seañez ◽  

AbstractThe quality of tomato fruits is influenced by preharvest factors. Trichoderma are considered biostimulants with potential to improve growth and development in plants, as well as the quality of the fruits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of foliar application of Trichoderma on the quality of tomato fruits at different cluster levels on the same plant in two commercial hybrids using three different substrates in a greenhouse. Six foliar applications of a liquid biological preparation of Trichoderma were performed at a dose of 4 mL L−1 every 15 days after transplanting. The results show that the foliar application of Trichoderma increased the ratio of soluble solids to titratable acidity of the fruits at different cluster levels, which was mainly due to the decrease in acidity rather than the increase in soluble solids. The decrease in titratable acidity is in accordance with the increase in the pH of the fruits. Trichoderma have a positive effect on titratable acidity, pH and electrical conductivity of fruits. In the Cid hybrid grown in the tezontle substrate, the application of Trichoderma increased the ratio of total soluble solids to titratable acidity. At the same time, sand increased the percentage of juice in the fruits. Foliar application of Trichoderma increases the quality of tomato fruits, and as such, should be considered as a crop management option.

HortScience ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 1065B-1065
Xiaogang Li ◽  
Ling Jin ◽  
Jing Ling ◽  
Zhongchun Jiang

Foliar application of hormones and nutrients can improve fruit quality, but specific conditions for applying hormones and nutrients may vary among fruit species. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of 6-BA, potassium phosphate (monobasic), and calcium chloride on fruit weight, palatability, and storage quality of 8-year-old pear trees, cv. Hosui. Foliar applications of 1 mg·L-1 6-BA, 0.3% potassium phosphate, 0.3% calcium chloride, or 0.3% potassium phosphate + 0.3% calcium chloride were made at 20-day intervals from June until maturity. All foliar applications increased average fruit weight over the control (distilled water). 6-BA or the combination of potassium phosphate and calcium chloride increased fruit weight more than did potassium phosphate or calcium chloride alone. Fruit palatability, measured as the ratio of sugar content to acid content, was significantly lower in 6-BA, potassium phosphate, and calcium chloride treatments than in the control. All treatments increased vitamin C content over the control. Fruit storage quality in calcium chloride or calcium chloride + potassium phosphate treatments was superior to that in the control. Potassium phosphate alone and 6-BA treatments had no effects on fruit storage quality. We conclude that foliar applications of 0.3% potassium phosphate + 0.3% calcium chloride or 1 mg·L-1 6-BA can increase average fruit weight and improve fruit palatability.

HortScience ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 55 (8) ◽  
pp. 1265-1271
Uttara Samarakoon ◽  
Jack Palmer ◽  
Peter Ling ◽  
James Altland

Yield reduction resulting from high temperatures and tipburn are common issues during the summer for hydroponically grown lettuce using the nutrient–film technique (NFT). We investigated the yield and degree of tipburn of lettuce ‘Red Butter’, ‘Green Butter’, and ‘Red Oakleaf’ of the Salanova® series under different-solution electrical conductivity (EC) and pH levels. We also quantified the effect of foliar spray application of calcium chloride (CaCl2) on the yield and degree of tipburn using the lettuce cultivar Green Butter. For the EC experiment, the plants were grown at four EC levels (1.4, 1.6, 1.8, or 2.0 mS·cm–1) and a constant pH of 5.8. For the pH experiment, the plants were grown at and four pH levels (5.8, 6.0, 6.2, or 6.4) and a constant EC of 1.8 mS·cm–1. For the foliar spray experiment, CaCl2 was applied 1 week after transplanting into NFT channels at three different concentrations: 0, 200, 400, or 800 mg·L calcium (Ca). During the EC trial, the maximum yields were observed at or more than 1.8 mS·cm–1 for ‘Green Butter’ (263 ± 14 g/head) and ‘Red Butter’ (202 ± 8 g), and more than 1.6 mS·cm–1 for ‘Red Oakleaf’ (183 ± 6 g). The yield of ‘Green Butter’ was 75 g less at 1.4 mS·cm–1 compared with 1.8 mS·cm–1. Tipburn symptoms were less at 1.4 mS·cm–1 for ‘Green Butter’ whereas other cultivars were not highly susceptible. In pH trials, the maximum yield for all cultivars was found at pH 6.0 and 6.2. There were no differences in tipburn symptoms among all pH levels. The foliar spray treatment, twice a week at 400 or 800 mg·L–1 Ca, provided improved tipburn control, as the tipburn symptoms were minimal and the impact on yield was minor compared with reducing EC. This series of experiments found evidence in proper EC and pH management for optimum yield and tipburn control in NFT lettuce grown in summer conditions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 76 ◽  
pp. 98-110
Wael M. Semida ◽  
Ahmed E. Emara ◽  
Mohammed A. Barakat

The aim of this trial was to investigate the pre-harvest foliar application of calcium chloride and potassium thiosulfate each at 0.0, 0.2 and 0.4 % on some quality of tomato fruit (hybrid 65010) during cold storage. The experimental layout of cold storage experiments was a split-split-plot based on Randomized Complete Blocks design with three replications. Time of cold storage, calcium chloride and potassium thiosulfate levels were randomly distributed in the main, sub-and sub-sub plots, orderly. At the termination of cold storage, effect on tomato fruit titratable acidity, vitamin C and lycopene contents while, negative impact on firmness and total soluble sugars contents was obtained. At termination of cold storage, pre-harvest foliar calcium chloride at 0.2 and/or 0.4 % caused increments in fruit titratable acidity, vitamin C, total soluble sugars, lycopene and firmness contents. In addition, pre-harvest foliar potassium thiosulfate at 0.4 % enhanced fruit vitamin C, total soluble sugars, lycopene and firmness contents and also increased titratable acidity content. Generally, the interaction between cold storage × pre-harvest foliar calcium chloride or potassium thiosulfate at 0.2 and/or 0.4% increased fruit total titratable acidity, vitamin C, total soluble sugars, lycopene and firmness contents. Also, the interaction between pre-harvest calcium chloride × potassium thiosulfate at 0.4 % was distinguished and increased all studied fruit quality at the end of cold storage. The interaction treatment of cold storage × calcium chloride at 0.4 % × potassium thiosulfate at 0.4 % was the best that improved fruit quality more than others.

2019 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 444-459
John A. Cline

‘Honeycrisp’ apple trees are highly prone to biennial bearing and predisposed to bitter pit. The hypothesis that tank mix sprays of ethephon (ETH), naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), and 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid (ACC) combined with calcium chloride (CaCl2) can mitigate these production problems was tested in a 3-yr study. Mature ‘Honeycrisp’ trees were treated with either three or six summer applications of 150 mg L−1 ETH or 5 mg L−1 NAA, all tank-mixed with and without CaCl2, or two or five applications of 150 mg L−1 ACC (without CaCl2). Treatments were applied at 10-d intervals and initiated between 21 and 26 June. All treatments had little effect on enhancing return bloom of ‘Honeycrisp’. NAA, ETH, and CaCl2 all influenced fruit maturity and quality at harvest to varying degrees and across years. Fruit treated with NAA were firmer compared with untreated fruit in 2 out of 3 yr, whereas overall, fruit treated with six sprays of ETH had lower fruit firmness and were more mature. NAA had less influence on fruit quality attributes at harvest than did ETH, and decreased pre-harvest fruit drop (PFD). PFD increased with ETH in 1 out of 2 yr, whereas ACC and NAA both decreased PFD in 1 out of 2 yr. Overall, ETH and NAA, with or without CaCl2, had significant but inconsistent effects on fruit quality and maturity, all dependent on the year and number of applications. Adding CaCl2 decreased fruit firmness in 2 out of 3 yr.

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 86
So-Ra Yoon ◽  
Yun-Mi Dang ◽  
Su-Yeon Kim ◽  
Su-Yeon You ◽  
Mina K. Kim ◽  

Capsaicinoid content, among other factors, affects the perception of spiciness of commercial kimchi. Here, we investigated whether the physicochemical properties of kimchi affect the spicy taste of capsaicinoids perceived by the tasting. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to evaluate the capsaicinoid content (mg/kg) of thirteen types of commercial kimchi. The physicochemical properties such as pH, titratable acidity, salinity, free sugar content, and free amino acid content were evaluated, and the spicy strength grade was determined by selected panel to analyze the correlation between these properties. Panels were trained for 48 h prior to actual evaluation by panel leaders trained for over 1000 h according to the SpectrumTM method. Partial correlation analysis was performed to examine other candidate parameters that interfere with the sensory evaluation of spiciness and capsaicinoid content. To express the specific variance after eliminating the effects of other variables, partial correlations were used to estimate the relationships between two variables. We observed a strong correlation between spiciness intensity ratings and capsaicinoid content, with a Pearson’s correlation coefficient of 0.78 at p ≤ 0.001. However, other specific variables may have influenced the relationship between spiciness intensity and total capsaicinoid content. Partial correlation analysis indicated that the free sugar content most strongly affected the relationship between spiciness intensity and capsaicinoid content, showing the largest first-order partial correlation coefficient (rxy/z: 0.091, p ≤ 0.01).

2014 ◽  
Vol 13 (47) ◽  
pp. 4382-4389 ◽  
Desire Taffouo Victor ◽  
Ekwel Sondi Serge ◽  
Tekam Meguekam Liliane ◽  
Erve Nouck, Oscar Fotsop Wamba Alphonse ◽  
Youmbi Emmanuel

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 339-344
Sabah R. Mohammed ◽  
Ivan D. Eskov ◽  
Elsayed M. Zeitar

Background: Fusarium dry rot disease caused by Fusarium sambucinum Fuckel (F. sambucinum) can infect the potato tubers in the field and during storage. Yield losses by F. sambucinum reach 60%. Traditional methods to control Fusarium dry rot are fungicides application, which led to developing many isolates resistant to these fungicides. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of calcium chloride (CaCl2) and chitosan, alone or in combination, on plant development, tuber yield, and Fusarium dry rot disease incidence under field conditions. Methods: Soil inoculated with F. sambucinum before planting. We treated the seed tubers with CaCl2 (0.5 or 1%), chitosan 0.5%, or both. The foliage was sprayed twice with CaCl2 (0.5 or 1%), 0.1% chitosan, or both. During the vegetation period, growth parameters, such as germination (%), plant height (cm), and branches number per plant, were measured. At harvest, we calculated the total and the marketable number of tubers and tuber yield. In addition, during storage, we assessed the incidence of Fusarium dry rot disease on tubers. Results: Results revealed that combined pre-planting application with 1% CaCl2 and 0.5% chitosan with 2 hours intervals, then spraying foliar with 1% CaCl2 and 0.1% chitosan twice with ten days intervals starting at 40 days after planting resulted in: a) increasing the germination, enhancing the growth parameters such as plant height and branches number per plant; b) enhancing the marketable tuber yield by 75.2 and 97.6% in Sante and Kolobok varieties, respectively; c) reducing Fusarium dry rot disease incidence by 61.9-72.7%. Conclusion: The work highlighted that the combined pre-planting and foliar application of CaCl2 and chitosan might be recommended for potato producers to reduce the incidence of Fusarium dry rot disease and augment yields.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (5) ◽  
pp. 551-557
Gurjot Singh Pelia ◽  
A K Baswal ◽  

Prevalence of heavy soil is a major problem for fruit cultivation under Punjab conditions consequently leading to deficiency of several micro-nutrients including zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) which adversely affects the growth and productivity. In this view, a study was planned to investigate the effect of foliar applications of zinc sulphate (ZnSO4), iron sulphate (FeSO4), and manganese sulphate (MnSO4) on vegetative growth, reproductive growth and fruit quality of papaya cv. Red lady. Plants sprayed with ZnSO4 (0.4 %) exhibited significantly highest plant height, plant girth, number of leaves, petiole length; initiated an earliest flowering and fruiting; and improved fruit quality viz., fruit weight, fruit length, titratable acidity, soluble solids concentrations, ascorbic acid content, total phenols content, and total carotenoids content as compared with the control and all other treatments. In conclusion, foliar application ZnSO4 (0.4 %) significantly improved plant growth and fruit quality in papaya cv. Red lady.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 416-424
Marília Caixeta Sousa ◽  
Luan Fernando Ormond Sobreira Rodrigues ◽  
Mônica Bartira da Silva ◽  
Janaina Oliveira Cruz ◽  
Marla Silvia Diamante ◽  

The tomato fruit is rich in antioxidant compounds and has great nutritional and economic importance, annually promoting research on the nutritional and productive characteristics. The present study aimed to evaluate whether foliar application of commercial products based on growth regulators [auxin, cytokinin and gibberellin (Ax+CK+GA)], micronutrients [cobalt and molybdenum (Mi)] and mixtures of macro and micronutrients [nitrogen, boron, copper, molybdenum and zinc (Ma+Mi)], isolated and in combination, increase productivity and improve the post-harvest quality of tomato fruits (Predador F1). The experiment design used randomized blocks, with seven treatments and four repetitions, which were (T1) control; (T2) Ax+CK+GA; (T3) Ma+Mi; (T4) Mi; (T5) Ax+CK+GA + (Ma+Mi); (T6) Ax+CK+GA + Mi; and (T7) Ax+CK+GA + Mi + (Ma+Mi). The variables production, precocity, soluble solids content (SS), titratable acidity (TA), ratio (SS/TA), pH, total soluble sugars, ascorbic acid and weight loss were evaluated. The Ax+CK+GA application, isolated or in combination with Ma+Mi, promoted the precocity, and the use of isolated Ax+CK+GA and Mi improved the tomato plant productivity. The growth regulators, macro and micronutrients, isolated or in combination, increased the ascorbic acid content in the fruits.

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