The Role of Information in IPO Underpricing: Implications from Refiling Behavior in the IPO Pricing Process

2004 ◽  
Chuanli Sun ◽  
Lewis D. Johnson
2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 3-8
R. P. BAIN ◽  
D. P. RAI ◽  

If we want to convert our rural population into knowledge driven, progressive, self sufficient, self reliant, sustainable society, the role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT’s) cannot be ignored. Timely availability information is considered as most important factor in Indian agriculture. At present ICT is the technology of this millennium. Transferring the developed technology to all end users is time-consuming and tiresome task and is often not completed due to paucity of resources and lack of manpower. In India, agriculture and rural development has gained significantly from ICT due to its widespread extension and adoption. In this era of internet, ICT is committed to provide real, timely accurate authentic information to the farmers and rural peoples.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Shatha Abbas Hassan ◽  
Noor Ali Aljorani

The increasing importance of the information revolution and terms such as ‘speed’, ‘disorientation’, and ‘changing the concept of distance’, has provided us with tools that had not been previously available. Technological developments are moving toward Fluidity, which was previously unknown and cannot be understood through modern tools. With acceleration of the rhythm in the age we live in and the clarity of the role of information technology in our lives, as also the ease of access to information, has helped us to overcome many difficulties. Technology in all its forms has had a clear impact on all areas of daily life, and it has a clear impact on human thought in general, and the architectural space in particular, where the architecture moves from narrow spaces and is limited to new spaces known as the ‘breadth’, and forms of unlimited and stability to spaces characterized with fluidity. The research problem (the lack of clarity of knowledge about the impact of vast information flow associated with the technology of the age in the occurrence of liquidity in contemporary architectural space) is presented here. The research aims at defining fluidity and clarifying the effect of information technology on the changing characteristics of architectural space from solidity to fluidity. The research follows the analytical approach in tracking the concept of fluidity in physics and sociology to define this concept and then to explain the effect of Information Technology (IT) to achieve the fluidity of contemporary architectural space, leading to an analysis of the Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) architectural model. The research concludes that information technology achieves fluidity through various tools (communication systems, computers, automation, and artificial intelligence). It has changed the characteristics of contemporary architectural space and made it behave like an organism, through using smart material.

2020 ◽  
Hua Jin ◽  
Lina Jia ◽  
Xiaojuan Yin ◽  
Shilin Wei ◽  
Guiping Xu

Misinformation often continues to influence people’s cognition even after corrected (the ‘continued influence effect of misinformation’, the CIEM). This study investigated the role of information relevance in the CIEM by questionnaire survey and experimental study. The results showed that information with higher relevance to the individuals had a larger CIEM, indicating a role of information relevance in the CIEM. Personal involvement might explain the effects of information relevance on the CIEM. This study provides insightful clues for reducing the CIEM in different types of misinformation and misinformation with varying relevance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Priyo Katon Prasetyo ◽  
Rosye Villanova Christine ◽  
Sudibyanung Sudibyanung

Abstract: Based on Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest, the Openness Principle is one of the ten principles as the basis of the implementation of development. This principle is significant because its complex role can lead to conflicts and disputes. In this paper, discussions are divided into two parts: 1) how the implementation is expected to be applied according to the acquisition procedure in theory; and 2) the reality that occurs in the field. The first discussion was conducted by reviewing the applicable regulations and the methods or concepts of development of the openness principle. Meanwhile, the second discussion about the reality on the field was conducted by elaborating case studies regarding problems in land acquisition. The results of this study indicate that there are gaps in the implementation of the openness principle between theory and reality in regards of land scarcity, economic inequality, and information asymmetry among the involved parties. In conclusion, the implementation of the openness principle is significant with the role of information in land acquisition.Intisari: Berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum, Asas Keterbukaan adalah salah satu dari sepuluh asas yang menjadi dasar pelaksanaannya. Asas ini menjadi signifikan karena perannya yang kompleks dapat menimbulkan konflik dan sengketa. Artikel ini akan membagi pembahasan menjadi dua bagian: pertama, bagaimana implementasi yang seharusnya diterapkan pada prosedur pengadaan secara harapan, dan kedua, membahas mengenai realita yang terjadi di lapangan. Secara harapan pembahasan dilakukan dengan melakukan library research atau studi terhadap peraturan yang berlaku dan metode-metode atau prinsip perkembangan dari asas keterbukaan. Realitas di lapangan akan dielaborasi dari studi kasus mengenai permasalahan dalam pengadaan tanah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada gap dalam implementasi asas keterbukaan antara harapan dan realitas di lapangan yang bersumber dari kelangkaan sumber daya/tanah, ketimpangan ekonomi dan asimetri informasi di antara para pihak yang terlibat. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi asas keterbukaan signifikan dengan peran informasi dalam pengadaan tanah. 

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Обґрунтована необхідність розширення культурологічних досліджень арт-ринку з урахуванням останніх культурно-мистецьких тенденцій, а також його наукової концептуалізації у вітчизняній культурології. Враховуючи зростання ролі інформації, арт-ринок набуває нових ціннісно-смислових аспектів, а інтерес до цієї теми потребує культурологічного осмислення. Інформаційна функція арт-ринку актуалізується завдяки формуванню і розвитку інформаційно-технологічної революції, тому має вплив на соціокультурну діяльність митців та презентацію їхнього мистецтва. Функцію інформування на арт-ринку виконують організаційні структури, серед яких виділено виставки та бієнале. Проаналізовано проєкти українських митців на першій Київській міжнародній бієнале сучасного мистецтва ARSENALE 2012 та проєкт Ж/ Кадирової під час 58 Венеційської бієнале у 2019 р. Ключові слова: арт-ринок, інформаційна функція, інформаційне суспільство, бієнале, Мистецький Арсенал, Арсенале 2012, Венеційське бієнале 2019. The necessity of expanding the cultural researches of the art market, taking into account the latest cultural and art tendencies, is considered, as well as its scientific conceptualization in national cultural studies. The art market is gaining new valuable and semantic meanings, because of the growing role of information. So the interest in this topic requires cultural reflection. The information function of this market is actualized due to the formation and the development of the digital revolution, so it has an impact on the socio-cultural activity of the artists and the presentation of their art. Information structures in the art market are performed by organizational structures, among which exhibitions and biennials are highlighted. The projects of Ukrainian artists from the first Kyiv International Biennale of Contemporary Art ARSENALE 2012 and the project of Zhanna Kadyrova from the 58th Venice Biennale in 2019 are analyzed. Key words: art market, informational function, information society, biennale, Mystetskyi Arsenal, ARSENALE 2012, Venice Biennale 2019.  

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