scholarly journals Peran Iklan Layanan Masyarakat dalam Sosialisasi Program Busway oleh Pemprov Dki: Proses Sosialisasi Program Busway

Humaniora ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1446
Didier Neonisa

This research is based on the increasing numbers for traffic level in Jakarta and also less facilitated mass transportation; therefore the district government of DKI Jakarta built another mass transportation (busway) as one solution for the problems. The local government of DKI Jakarta uses mass media, especially television, to socialize the busway transportation for community. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative along with interview and related documentation as data gathering technique. The research uses theories like mass communication theory, including mass media, television, and advertising. The research result is known that public service advertising has a big role for the government of DKI Jakarta as socialization media for busway transportation; however that does not followed by the right socialization process.  

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-86
Dmitrii Nikolaevich Barinov

This article reviews the peculiarities of representation of COVID-19 pandemic by the Russian media. The theoretical-methodological framework is comprised of the philosophical and sociological concepts of fear, social emotions, social feeling, as well as information and mass communication theory. The empirical basis employs media content of the Internet resources, media discourse of news broadcast, and the nationwide sociological surveys. The article traces the dynamics of information materials related to coronavirus infection for the period from January to June 2020, which indicates the escalation of fearfulness of the media content. Such dynamics is compared to changes in in social emotions of the Russians, which reflect increase of anxiety and concerns, including the fear of getting infected with coronavirus. It is noted that the leading role in development of the fear of coronavirus is played by the traditional media, such as television. Characteristic is given to the information entropy in mass media, emerging as a result of the absence of accurate scientific records on the novel coronavirus infection. The author highlights the key contradictory theses of the Russian mass media related to coronavirus during the first wave of the pandemic. It is underlined that information entropy is a psychotraumatic factor that promotes mass fears and anxieties, and simultaneously, distrust in the official information provided by media. The peculiarity of representation of COVID-19 pandemic in the Russian media is also viewed in the context of interaction between the traditional media and Internet resources. It is demonstrated  that the materials on coronavirus posted on the social media are used by the traditional media as a factor of increasing the validity of media content dedicated to coronavirus infection, and as proof of actual threat of the outbreak of coronavirus disease.

Hans-Bernd Brosius ◽  
Veronika Karnowski

Mass communication can be best described by its counterparts. With regard to the number of people involved, mass communication has many participants, whereas interpersonal communication has few. With regard to visibility, mass communication is highly visible and public; private communication is hidden from others. Mass-communication messages are mostly provided by media professionals who collect, process, structure, and distribute information. It is a one-to-many communication with little feedback possibilities. In mass societies, mass communication is probably the most effective way of finding, discussing, and resolving issues that are relevant for the existence of a given society. Accordingly, research in mass communication is mainly concerned with its effects. Scholars have developed many theories—such as agenda setting—that are focusing on the beneficial and detrimental effects of the mass media. Many other topics are indirectly related to the effects of mass communication, such as freedom of the press, journalism, or media systems, but also entertainment. The internet and its diverse communication modes serve as a challenge to this role of mass communication. Mass communication is often framed within a normative point of view: Mass media, particularly radio, television, and other instances of audiovisual communication, enable a mass society to exchange views effectively on important problems and issues, thus helping democracies to come to the right decisions. In terms of usage, however, audiovisual mass media mostly carry entertainment content. Entertainment, however, might not be without political and societal consequences (e.g., cultivation theory). Although mass-communication content includes many genres and modalities and appears across all media, this entry focuses more on processes and intellectual arcs that transcend any single type of content.

Chandra Eka Yustisia ◽  
Annisya Dwi Soraya ◽  
Pujiyono .

Geographical indication is a part of intellectual property rights. Indonesia has the model of legal protection on it. But many unfair competitions that come from other country, espesially it is called passing of through international market. Actually there is several international convention provisions that regulate Geographical Indication covering international registration system. The methods of this research is normative, that based on doctrinal legal research. The research result shows that Indonesian law does not provide preventive protection for the citizens in terms of product registration even though product registration is the main requirement for a product to be given exclusive right when it is exported to another country so that passing off as a form of unfair competition can be avoided. Therefore, the government’s role in improving citizens’ awareness on the importance of exclusive right should be improved. Moreover, the government should ease the product registration access so that the product is able to compete in international market and should expand bilateral as well as multilateral cooperation.

Miriam J. Metzger

This chapter explores the question of the continuing relevance of “mass media” due to recent technological changes in the media landscape. The chapter traces the history of media content production, distribution, and consumption from broadcasting to narrowcasting, and considers recent trends toward “hyperpersonalization” afforded by digital networked media. The chapter examines what these changes mean for politics and for political communication theory, and concludes by posing some questions about the future of mass media that serve as a call for research into the changing nature, circumstances, and effects of mass communication in the contemporary media environment.

M. Ali Syamsuddin Amin

The research is intended to elaborate vastly concerning communication activity ceremony of Seba Baduy in Lebak Banten Region. Focusing on some issues which divided into few micro subs such as communicative situation, communicative event and communicative act in Seba Baduy ceremony, Lebak Banten Region. The Applied method for the project is qualitative method of communication Ethnographic. The subject of the research is  Baduy and Jaro Luar community which follows Seba Baduy ceremony, there are 3 informants obtained by purposive technique in the researched ceremony. The data gathering requirement held through in-depth interview, non-participant observation, field notes, literature study, documentations and daring searching.  The technique of testing the validity of data by increasing the persistence of observation, triangulation and discussion among friends. For the analytical data used are descriptive, analytical, and interpretation. Research result shows that communicative situation found in the Seba Baduy ceremony which held on two spots Pendopo of Lebak Region and Pendopo of Banten Province on Safar month. Communicative event in the Seba Baduy ceremony as the gratitude and do what the ancestors of Baduy community have passed through generations. While communicative acts in Seba Baduy is act which shows verbal and non-verbal acts as respect expression for the Government and appreciate the nature.

Lituanistica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 65 (4) ◽  
Andrius Gudauskas

The article deals with the terms of communication science used in the Lithuanian language that specify the means whereby mass communication is carried out. Several different concepts are used in theoretical discourse in Lithuania: the means of mass communication, the media, the mass media (žiniasklaida), media, audiovisual media, and the like. The terms “the mass media” (žiniasklaida) and “the media” (medijos) used in the Lithuanian language are both translated into English as “media”, although these are different words and do not always mean identical things. The Lithuanian compound word (term) žiniasklaida is made of two independent words, žinios (news) and sklaida/skleidimas (dissemination). The Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language defines the word žiniasklaida as measures of periodical information – the press, radio, and television. In fact, when we speak about the radio, television, and printed newspapers in general terms, we often use this particular word of Lithuanian origin – žiniasklaida. Conceptual terms defining the means of communication discussed in the article have peculiar aspects and notional etymological nuances. These rather different terms entered the common usage at the end of the twentieth century and have been used ever since, that is, they are still used in the theoretical literature of communication sciences and in the public discourse of Lithuania of the early twenty-first century. The internationally and globally established scientific concepts “the mass media” and “the media” used to be translated into the Lithuanian language differently and therefore they were treated ambiguously, at times not accurately enough, and deviated from the postulates of the general communication theory. Lithuanian researchers who use the terms discussed in the present article were noticed to have had the universal concept of the mass communication theory, “the mass media”, in mind. The author also addresses the differentiated usage of different terms mentioned in the article in the Lithuanian language and different notional fields that they create. This is discussed when these terms are used synonymically and when they do not refer to identical things. In recent years, attempts to dissociate from the term žiniasklaida became noticeable in the works of Lithuanian researchers (Laima Nevickaitė, Žygintas Pečiulis). The semantic field of this term does not encompass all the existing means of communication as, for example, the terms “media” (medijos) or “the means of mass communication” can do, and this points to the conclusion that the Lithuanian neologism žiniasklaida should be avoided in research texts when we have the concept “the mass media” in mind. It is particularly pertinent in those cases when we refer to the overall communication process encompassing all possible means of communication and all possible effects on the perception of the audience, as well as the audience’s responses to the world we live in. The question of whether the term žiniasklaida could be used to define the conformity of the term “the mainstream media” should be discussed in future studies into the terminology of communication and information science. The author of the article proposes recommendations for correcting both the headline of the article Žiniasklaida in the Lithuanian version of the free online encyclopaedia Wikipedia and its content, whose current references to other languages are as follows: English – mass media, Russian – Sredstva massovoi informatsii (Средства массовой информации), German – Massenmedien, and so on. This would remove the discrepancy between the headlines and the content of encyclopaedic texts. Finally, due to the pluralistic and liberal usage of the terms “the mass media” and “the media”, which is becoming more and more firmly established, this analysis of these terms is relevant and useful in further developing a purposeful discourse of communication and information science and its popularisation.

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
María-Magdalena da-Costa-Oliveira

To transform an individual pain into a collective feeling of suffering is a capacity of all mass media. However, television has, in this point, a tremendous power. The capacity to join millions of TV viewers in front of itself is its most admirable merit, but it’s also its most dreadful danger. Principally when the point are the human rights, as the right of privacy or the right of not suffer in the public space, the demand of quality appears not only as an obligation of the Government but also as a duty of citizenship of all TV viewers. Although it is not properly a novelty in some European countries, the existence of a TV Ombudsman2 will be a reality in Portugal only this year. The Government has approved a legal diploma to create this figure, which will evaluate the programming and information of the public channel RTP. As the ombudsmen of press that we already know, the TV Ombudsman will be the person who receives the critics and observations of TV viewers, evaluates them and writes about them an impression to the administration of the channel. Being a self-regulatory proceeding, the TV Ombudsman is fundamentally a mechanism that implicates citizens. It is not only an entity of vigilance on ethics of Television. It is essentially a platform of dialogue between journalists, programmers and TV viewers. As in the press, the Ombudsman is a mediator. Although it is probably not an absolute guarantee of quality, TV Ombudsman is surely an argument of citizens against the bad things diffused by the box that we believe is the one by which the most important of our lives goes trough. Transformar uma dor individual num sentimento colectivo de sofrimento é uma capacidade de todos os meios de massa. Todavia, a televisão tem a este título um poder tremendamente grande. A capacidade de reunir milhões de telespectadores à sua frente é o seu mais admirável mérito, mas também o seu mais temível perigo. Sobretudo quando estão em causa direitos humanos, como o direito à privacidade ou a não sofrer no espaço público, a procura de qualidade surge não somente como uma obrigação do governo como também como um dever de cidadania de todos os espectadores. Não sendo propriamente novidade em alguns países europeus, a existência do Provedor do Telespectador1 só será uma realidade em Portugal este ano. O governo aprovou um diploma para a criação desta figura que deverá avaliar a programação e a informação do canal público RTP. Como os provedores dos leitores que conhecemos, também o Provedor do Telespectador será a pessoa que receberá as críticas e as observações dos telespectadores, as avaliará e emitirá sobre elas um parecer para a administração do canal. Sendo um procedimento de auto-regulação, o Provedor do Telespectador é fundamentalmente uma entidade de vigilância da ética da televisão. Essencialmente é uma plataforma de diálogo entre jornalistas, programadores e telespectadores. Tal como na imprensa, o Provedor é um mediador. Ainda que não seja provavelmente uma garantia absoluta de qualidade, o Provedor do Telespectador é seguramente um argumento dos cidadãos contra os males difundidos pela caixa que se crê ser aquela por onde passa o mais importante das nossas vidas.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Nani Kurniasari ◽  
Heppy N.Y. Haloho ◽  
Alvina Eunice Christian

Tourism potential in Indonesia is a privilege that must be thankful for. However, that potential is not supported enough by the stability of the natural condition itself. Tourists destinations which is popular in Indonesia tend to be liable to the natural disasters. It happens recently in Bali and Lombok. A couple of natural disasters that afflict those two regions as the Indonesian tourism sector has an impact on reducing the number of foreign tourist to visit those tourists destinations. Based on the previous research studies, handling the natural disasters that occur in tourists destinations which are usually being visited by foreign tourist is a way more complex than the similar disasters which occur in the destinations that are only being visited by local tourists. The natural disasters which is involving foreign tousists will also have an impact on the bilateral relations between the two countries. In addition, the foreign media news wil have a wider impact on Indonesia’s image because of dealing with the natural disasters and the responsibilities to the victims. The government is still find some obstacles in dealing with a decreasing reputation after the natural disasters in Indonesia’s tourists destinations, even though the rapid response is correlated with the large amoun of costs that incurred to deal with the disasters. Then, formulating the right strategy for handling the post-natural disasters in Indonesia’s tourists destinations is important. This study aims to find the communication strategies which are needed to be the respons of the natural disasters that occur Indonesian tourism sector. Using the post-positivistic paradigm, this study was approached qualitatively and presented descriptively to reveal the right communication strategy on handling the Indonesia’s tourism sector which is affected by the natural disasters based on the situasional crisis communication theory. The interview was chosen as a data collection technique for the related sector. Open coding, axial coding, and selective coding was used as the data analysis technique. This research is expected to formulate the strategies for restoring the image of Indonesia’s tourism sector after the natural disasters. In fact, the research at this phase is still rarely done becuse the other similar research is still focus on the countermeasures during the disasters such as victim evacuation or the mitigation of the disasters.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 98-117
Fradhana Putra Disantara

The freedom of association is one of the fundamental rights of a country.  However, in Indonesia, the problems regarding of the legitimacy and recognition of the right to freedom of association have become stronger after the issuance of a The Joint Ministerial Decree (SKB) regarding the dissolution of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI). This research is a legal research. This research uses statutory and conceptual approaches by using primary and secondary legal materials. The two legal materials are inventoried in order to obtain a prescriptive legal analysis; as well as providing a holistic conceptual study of the legal issues discussed. The research result states that the dissolution of FPI by the government is an act that violates human rights, particularly the right to freedom of association. The government uses the doctrine of the militant democracy to dissolve FPI. Then, the dissolution of FPI by SKB contradicts by the principle of the rule of law. Therefore, the dissolution of FPI was not carried out through to the court. Therefore, it is necessary to follow up on the action against 'radical mass organizations' in the form of presidential regulations or government regulations as a derivative renewal of the regulations concerning mass organizations.

M. Yoserizal Saragih ◽  
Ali Imran Harahap

This paper deals with mass communication cannot be separated from ethical problems. One of our goals in studying the science of communication lies in the dimension of ethical communication. Ethics can be defined as a set of moral principles or values. Ethical standards can differ from one discipline to another. In the discipline of communication, a set of communication ethics has been adopted into various communication contexts and communication fields, some of which we have understood together are business communication ethics, interpersonal communication ethics, and public relations ethics. Mass communication ethics is a moral philosophy that deals with the obligations of the press and about the judgments of the good press and the bad press or the right press and the wrong press. Each mass media has its own code of ethics because indeed each type of mass media has its own character or characteristics, so we know that in this world there are print media journalistic ethics, journalistic code of ethics, radio, and television journalistic code of ethics.

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